��tVEBSTER, Enphania M. C. (Mrs. Nathan Burnham Webster), Vlneland, N.J. Journalist; b. Norfolk, Va., Mar. 16, 1859; dau. Jolrn D. and Euphania Monroe (Cowling) Couper; ed. private schools, Norfolk, and grad. 1877 in full from Leache-Wood Sem. (highest honors); musical education (piano), Prof. Newton Fitz of Boston, 1865-73; organ, Prof. Anton Koerner; m. 18&3, N.'ithan Burnham Webster, of Vineland, N.J. Taught mathematics, Latin and dramatic art at Leache-Wood, 1877-83, and conducted the sacred music there, 1873-83. Tutored nervous and back- ward girls; held chair of Latin and mathematics. La Fayette Coll., Mo., 1883-84. Resumed work at Leache-Wood, 1884. Principal Miss Couper's srliijol for Young Ladies from founding until 1893. Prominent in social, musical and literary circles. Organist and conductor of choir First Baptist Church for three years, and at the McKendree Methodist Church until 1893; since then has been resident at Vineland, N.J. For thirty years specialist in developing retarded mentality; work continuing up to the present time in excluslye and limited home circle at residence, suburl>an to Vineland. Contributor to newspapers of essays, short stories, character sketches, etc. Organizer and life mem. of Wo- man's Club of Vineland; mem. Suffrage League of Vineland. Lecturer on educational topics, par- ticularly practical work with the mentally and morally deficient. Episcopalian. Outside of school hours was employed on encyclopaedic work for six years. Special training in care of the aged.
WEBSTER, Helen Livermore, Farmington, Conn. Educator, philologist, author; b. Boston, Mass., Aug. 1, 1S53; grad. Salem (Mass.) High School, Salem Normal School, Univ. of Zurich, Switzer- land, Ph.D. '89. Taught in high schools until 1886; Vassar Coll., 1889-90; prof, comparative philology, Wellesley Coll., 1890-99; principal of Wilkes-Barre (Pa.) Inst., 1899-1904. Author- Treatise on the Gutteral Question in Gothic (thesis for Ph.D.). Editor of The Legends of the Mic-Mac3, 1893.
SVEBSTEK, Jean, 55 W. Tenth St., N.T. City. Writer; b. Fredonia, N.Y., July 24, 1876; dau. Charles Luther and Annie (Moftett) Webster; ed. Lady Jane Grey School, Binghamton. '93; Vas- sar. A.B. '01. Author: When Patty Went to Col- lege, 1903; The Wheat Princess, 1906; Jerry Junior 1907; The Four Pools Mystery, 1902; Much Ado About Peter, 1909; Just Patty, 1911; Daddy Long Legs, 1912; contributor to magazmes. Mom. Women's UuiV'^rsity Club, Vassar Stu- flents' Aid Soc, Pen and Brush Club. Recrea- tions: Mountain climbing, horseback, golf. Since leaving college has spent much time abroad, liv- ing principally in Italy; in India, Japan and China, 1905-06.
IVEBSTEB, Jennie Josephine (Mrs. Lorin Web- ster), Holderness School, Plymouth, N.H. Born Springfield, N.H.; dau. Daniel Noyes and Calista A. (Richardson) Adams; ed. in high Bchool and by tutors; m. July 10, 1884, Rev. Lorin Webster, L.H.D. (rector and head master of Holderness School, Plymouth, N.H., since 1892); children: Harold Adams, Bertha Loraine, Jerome Pierce. Pres. Pemigewasset Woman's Club,' Plymouth, 1900-02, 1903-04; pres. N.H. Fed- eration of Women's Clubs, 1907-09; mem. Soc. for Protection of N.H. Forests; mem. N. H. Board of Am. Red Cross since 1909, Am. Home Eco- nomics Ass'u, N.H. Historical Soc; and other organizations, religious, philanthropic and char- itable. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Organized Asquamchumauke Chapter D.A.R., Plymouth, 1911 (regent from 1911). WEBSTER, Martha Farnliam (Mrs. Charles Ashley Webster), 2S4 N. Academy St., Gales- burg, III.
Born Galesburg, 111., April 27, 1846; dau. Eli and Jerusha Brewster (Loomis) Farnham; grad. Knox Coll., Galesburg, 111., '69; m. Burlington, Vt., June 15, 1881, Charles Ashley Webster. Ac- tive in woman's work in Central Congregational Church, Galesburg, III., in its various forms of activity; one of founders, sec. and treas. Soc. of Mayflower Descendants of Galesburg; one of
��organizers and sec. Knox Co. Historical Soc.; charter m&m. Rebecca Parke Chapter D.A.R. (has been regent, corr. sec, vice-pres., historian and registrar); mem. of State Com. D.A.R. Au- thor: Woman's Work In Knox County (In His- tory of Knox County) ; Seventy-five Significant Years (the story of Knox College, 1837-1912). Writer of historical papters and personal and character sketches of local celebrities — e.g., The Pioneer Women of Galesburg; Clark E. Carr, late Minister to Denmark; Mary Allen West, edi- tor, philanthropist, etc. Congregationalist. Re- publican. Mem. Knox Co. Historical Soc. One of founders of the Galesburg Fortnightly Club (organized February, 1893) and has held every office in gift of the club.
WEED, Helena Charlotte Hill (Mrs. Walter Harvey Weed), 38 Maple St., Norwalk, Conn. Geologist; b. Norwalk, Conn., Aug. 16, 1875; dau. Congressman Ebenezer J. and Mary EUen (Mossman) Hill; ed. Elizabeth Mead School, Nor- walk, Conn.; private tutors; Paris, France; Vas- sar Coll., A.B. '96, A.M. '02; Montana School of Mines, Butte, Mont.; m. Norwalk, Conn., Dec. 16, 1896, Walter Harvey Weed, geologist; children: Eleanor Hill, b. Aug. 24, 1898; Walter Harvey Jr., b. July 28, 1900; Mary Hill, b. Sept. 7, 1903. Has done editorial work as assistant to her hus- band in his professional work; field assistant in commercial examination work and scientific ex- ploration. Interested in civic and municipal work; chairman Publicity Com. in work which secured fire escapes in public schools of Conn. Resided in France, Germany and Italy, studying languages and the feminist movement. Mem. Civic League, Norwalk, Conn. ; Vassar Alumnae Ass'n, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Daughters, Founders and Patriots of America; was vice- pres. -general D.A.R., also State vice-regent of Montana and regent Norwalk (Conn.) Chapter. Mem. Chevy Chase (Md.) Club, Norwalk (Conn.) Country Club. Recreations: All forms of ath- letics. Presbyterian. "Ultimate Socialist." Favors woman suffrage; mem. Equal Franchise League of N.Y., Conn. Equal Franchise Soc; chairman Legislative Com. of Norwalk (Conn.) Equal Franchise League; campaign speaker for suffrage.
WEED, Ida Belle Rosbrook (Mrs. Alfred Cleve- land Weed), 15 Seaton PI., N.E., Washington, D.C.
Born Pamclia, N.Y., Feb. 28, 1885; dau. Charles Wilton and Isabel M. (Gifford) Rosbrook; ed. Cornell Univ. of Law, LL.B., '06; m. Ithaca, N.Y., June 21, 1906, Alfred Cleveland Weed; one daughter; Isabelle Gifford Weed. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Cornell Women's Club of Wash- ington.
WEED, Nellie S. Jones (Mrs. Samuel Richards Weed), Hotel Chelsea, 222 W. Twenty-third St., N.Y. City.
Born Baltimore, Md. ; dau. David Walter and Mary Cabot (Newell) Jones; ed. public schools in N.H.; grad. Normal School, N.Y. City; m. Brooklyn, N.Y., Oct. 11, 1859, Samuel Richards Weed; children: Walter Harvey, Nathan Her- bert, Edward Franklin. Founder Norwalk (Conn.) Historical Soc, Ladies' Union Aid (dur- ing Civil War) and Hospital Corps and Sanitary Fair; vice-pres. Congregational Club of Brook- lyn, Mayflower Soc, Sorosis; hon. and ex-regent Norwalk Chapter D.A.R.; mem. Colonial Dames, Nat. Soc. New England Women, Indian Ass'n of N.Y., Consumers' League, Soc. for Preservation of Historical Sites. Favors woman suffrage. Con- tributor to and publisher of Colonial Homes o( Connecticut, also various articles on patriotic subjects in current press. Congregationalist. Re- publican (progressive). Mem. Artists' Benevolent League. Recreations: Country tramps and trav- eling. Mem. Sorosis Club, Congregational Club, Woman's Club (Brooklyn). Chiefly interested in patriotic work and social uplift, especially bet- terment of immigrants.
WEED, Ruth Sarlssa, North Rose. Wayne Co..
Teacher; b. North Rose, N.Y., Apr. 21, 1885; dau. Addison and Ida (Cleveland) Weed; ed. Cornell Univ.; New Hartford High School; Cor-