Patriotic Instructors; past national press correspondent of Woman's Relief Corps; past regent Lucia Knox Chapter D.R., Boston; historian of Dorchester Heights Chapter D.R., Boston; past pres. Boston Proofreaders' Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage. Has written short stories, poems, special articles. Universalist. Mem. Nat. First Aid Ass'n of America, Nat. Geographic Soc, League of Am. Pen Women, New England Women's Press Ass'n, Mass. Peace Soc, Daughters of Veterans. Recreations: Travel, motoring, music, theatre.
BERRY, Grace Ella, Pomona Coll., Claremont, Cal.
Dean of women; b. Worcester, Mass., Dec. 23, 1870; dau. Elias Burbank and Rebecca (Page) Berry; ed. high school, West Boylston, Mass.; Cornell Univ.; Mt. Holyoke Coll., B.S. '93, A.M. '99. Taught mathematics and physics, Western Coll. for Women, Oxford, O., 1893-97, 1899; Mt. Holyoke Coll., 1897-99, 1900-02; dean of women, Colby Coll., 1902-09; dean of women, Pomona Coll., 1909- . Interested in mission work in all countries, Y.W.C.A. Baptist. Progressive in politics. Mem. Science and Mathematics Ass'n of Southern Cal.; former mem. of Me. State Ass'n of Charities and Corrections; chairman of Advisory Board Y.W.C.A. of Pomona Coll.; director of Mathematical Soc. of Pomona Coll.; mem. Astronomical Soc. of Pomona Coll.; mem. of Hath-a-Way Club of Claremont Church. Recreations: Tramping, tennis. Mem. Southern Cal. School Women's Time to Time Club; vice-pres. Cactus Club of Claremont.
BERRY, Jennie Iowa Peet (Mrs. John Alexander Berry), 612 Third Av., Cedar Rapids, Ia.
Born Fairview, Ia., 1866; dau. Wilbur Riley and Ellen S. (Gillilan) Peet; ed. Epworth (Ia.) Sem.; m. Troy Mills, Ia., 1887, John Alexander Berry. Past Nat. pres. Woman's Relief Corps; past sec. Iowa Fed. Women's Clubs; past pres. Cedar Rapids Woman's Club; mem. local Library Art Ass'n, local Y.W.C.A.; chairman Child Labor Com. Iowa Fed. Women's Clubs; mem. Standing Com. on Rules, Nat. Woman's Relief Corps. Mem. D.A.R. Recreation: Travel. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage. Republican. Contributor to club and patriotic publications.
BERRY, Josephine Thorndike, St. Paul, Minn.
Teacher; b. Waterville, Kan.; dau. Edward A. and Flora A. (Lewis) Berry; ed. Univ. of Kansas, A.B.; Columbia Univ. (Teachers Coll.), B.S. '04, A.M. '10; Yale Univ., 1909-10; research fellow, Teachers Coll., 1909-10 (mem. Pi Beta Phi). Sup't of schools, Waterville, Kan., 1900-02; ass't in dep't of household administration, Univ. of Chicago; head of dep't of home economics Northern Ill. State Normal School; head dep't of home economics, State Coll. of Wash.; now head of home economics dep't, Univ. of Minn. Favors woman suffrage. Progressive in politics. Mem. of Council in Am. Home Economics Ass'n; mem. Am. Chemical Soc. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae. Recreation: Driving an automobile.
BERRY, Lucy Haldane (Mrs. R. L. Berry), 46 Rodgers Row, Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md.
Born May 16, 1887; dau. R. V. and Lillie (Van Saun) Lindabury; ed. Miss Whitmore's, Newark, N.J.; Mrs. Hazen's School, Pelham Manor, N.Y.; m. Bernardsville, N.J., Sept. 26, 1908, R. L. Berry, lieutenant U.S.N. Episcopalian.
BERRY, Martha McChesney, Mount Berry, Ga.
Philanthropist; b. near Rome, Ga., Oct. 7, 1866; dau. Capt. Thomas and Frances (Rhea) Berry; ed. Edgeworth School (Madame Le Febvre), Baltimore, and in European travel. Identified with educational philanthropies; founded 1902 and is director and trustee of Boys' Industrial School (now Berry School), Rome, Ga., for poor white boys to earn education through their own efforts; founder Settlement School for Girls, 1908. Lecturer and contributor to magazines on Southern mountaineers. Episcopalian. Mem. Colonial Dames, D.A.R., Woman's Club of N.Y. City and Atlanta Woman's Club, Atlanta, Ga.
BERRYHILL, Virginia Joynes (Mrs. James Q. Berryhill), 305 Equitable Bld'g, Des Moines, Ia.
Born Fairfield, Ia.; dau. Christian Wolff and Nancy M. (Seward) Slagle; ed. public school; State Univ. of Iowa, A.B. '77, M.A. '79; lecture courses Victoria Lyceum, Berlin, '78 (Phi Beta Kappa, State Univ. of Iowa); m. Fairfield, Jan. 19, 1881, James Quest Berryhill; children: James Quest, Katharine. Taught one year in Pa. Female Sem. Ex-pres. Unity Circle of Unitarian Church, Des Moines; ex-vice-pres. Associated Charities, Des Moines; social clubs; mem. West End and Five Hundred clubs, also Golf and Country Club. Chairman of Legislative Com. of Iowa Fed. of Women's Clubs, which declared for suffrage at last biennial. Author of Biological Sketch of Prof. A. N. Currier in the Annals of Iowa. Republican. Mem. State Historical Soc. of Iowa; cor. sec Colonial Dames in State of Iowa. First pres. Iowa Fed. Women's Clubs; ex-pres. Des Moines Woman's Club; ex-pres. City Fed. of Women's Clubs; ex-pres. Press and Authors' Club, Des Moines.
BERTHELOT DE LA BOILEVERIE, Lily Kendall Beers (Mrs. Leon J. Berthelot de la Boileverie), 34 rue Ribera, Paris, France.
Born N.Y. City; ed. in schools of N.Y. City and Vassar Coll., A.B. '69; m. Nov. 8, 1882, Leon J. Berthelot de la Boileverie; two sons. Founder and pres. of the Institut Berthelot, Paris, France.
BERTOLA, Mariana, 1050 Jackson St., San Francisco, Cal.
Physician and surgeon; b. Cal., May 7, 1868; dau Antonio and Catarina (de Voto) Bertola; ed. Martinez Grammar School, San Jose Normal School, Cooper Med. Coll. (mem. Alpha Epsilon Iota). Principal Martinez grammar schools, 1896; interne and assistant resident at Children's Hospital; assistant physician, Cooper Med. Clinic, 1902; examining physician of Native Daughters of Golden West; attending physician Mills Coll.; director of the Woman's Board of the Panama Pacific Exposition, 1915; director Soc. for Prevention of Tuberculosis. Mem. and past grand pres. Native Daughters of Golden West; pres. of Vittoria Colonna Club, Mills Club and Forum Club. Favors woman suffrage; instrumental in bringing the suffrage question before several clubs. Protestant. Republican. Mem. several medical societies. Recreations: Theatre, club, sorority. Prominent speaker at many patriotic holidays, and in other interests for the betterment of the race and inculcation of patriotism.
BERTRAM, Helen (Mrs. E. J. Morgan).
Operatic prima donna; b. (Lulu May Burt) Tuscola, Ill., 1869; ed. in Indianapolis, and began musical education there, finishing at Cincinnati Coll. of Music; m. (1st) Signor Tommasi, musical director Duff Opera Co. (divorced); (2d) E. J. Henley, actor (died); (3d) E. J. Morgan, actor (died 1904): one daughter: Rosina Henley, b. 1894. Began stage career in Indianapolis as Yum Yum in The Mikado, and soon after, taking stage name of "Helen Bertram," appearing at the old Madison Square Garden Theatre as Josephine in Pinafore for one week, and then joining the Emma Abbott Opera Company, playing Filena in Mignon, 1888, following which engagement became prima donna in the J. C. Duff Opera Company, and later of the McCaull Opera Company; then with the Henry E. Abbey English Opera Company, and following this was prima donna of the Bostonians for several seasons, then going to London and playing with the Carl Rosa Opera Company at Covent Garden as Santazzi in Cavalleria Rusticanna, Arline in the Bohemian Girl and Nedda in I Pagliacci; returning to U.S. was in the original casts of Tar and the Tartar, Foxy Quiller, Peggy from Paris, A War Time Wedding, and the first Am. production of La Basocke, and played prima donna roles in The Black Hussar, Amorita, Miss Helyett, The Prince of Pilsen, and Jack Horner in the original cast of The Gingerbread Man; more recently has appeared in stock companies and in vaudeville.
BESESSEN (Mrs. Henry J. Besessen), Harvey, N.Dak.
Born Sycamore, Ill., July 23, 1881; dau. Ben-