��WAUGH, Lura tee (Mrs. Edwin L. Waugh),
1234 Chase Av., Chicago, III.
Born N.Y. City, July 27, 1867; dau. Uri and Jane (Wiswell) Lee; ed. Rockford Coll., 111.; m. Delaware Lake, Wis., Sept. 30, 1890, Edwin L. Waugti; children: Dorothy Lee Waugh, Susan Lee Waugh. Mem. Rogers Park Congregational Church (chairman of Legislative Com.), Rogers Park Woman's Club. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationallst. Republican. WAY, Marie Wagener (Mrs. William Way), 138
Rutledge Av., Charleston, S.C.
Born Charleston, S.C, 1876; dau. George A. and Eleanor (Keys) Wagener; ed. Mary Baldwin Sem., Staunton, Va., with special honors add three medals in music and German; m. Charles- ton, S.C, Jan. 12, 1904, Rev. William Way; one son: William Jr. Active in religious and philan- thropic work. Episcopalian. WAYL.AND, Frances Mary Green (Mrs. Heman
Lincoln Wayland), 511 S. Forty-second St.,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Born Providence, R.I., May 20, 1840; dau. Timothy Ruggles and Cornelia Elizabeth (Arnold) Green; ed. private schools, Providence, R.I. ; m. Providence, R.I., Sept. 10, 1891, Rev. Dr. He- man Lincoln Wayland. Interested in McAll Mis- sions In France. Against woman suffrage. Bap- tist. Mem. Am. Acad, of Political and Social Science, Nat. Geographic See; mem. New Cen- tury Civic, Browning Club, Drama League, Pa. Soc. of New England Women. WEATHERLY, Josephine (Mrs. Albert Weath-
erly), 816 Merchant St., Emporia, Kan.
Writer; b. Prague, Bohemia; dau. Ignac and Frances (Welgert) Havernek; ed. Connersville (Ind.) High School, State Normal School, special training in music and English; m. Connersville, Ind., May 22, 1890, Albert Weatherly; children: Marie (violin teacher), Albert (cello virtuoso). Grand chief of degree of honor of the State of Kansas four years; pres. Woman's Relief Corps of Emporia; grand junior of Pythian Sisters of Kansas. Favors woman suffrage; local speaker In county affairs. Author: Parliamentary Law; After Strange Gods, and about 60 short stories published in current magazines and Sunday- school papers. Socialist. Recreation: Music. Has been pres. Seventh Dist. Club Federation; pres. Fourth Dist. Federation; pres. of City of Emporia Federation; pres. Parliament Club. WEAVER, Anna M. Sewell (Mrs. Charles Par- sons Weaver), 2010 Third Av., Louisville, Ky.
Organizer; b. Louisville, Ky., Nov. 4, 1866; dau. C W. and Sara S. (Miller) Sewell; ed. pub- lic schools of Louisville; m. Nov. 17, 1886, Charles Parsons Weaver; children: William Gaulbert, Jesse Sewell, Bennet Young, Effle Meddis, Emily Sara. Ex-pres. State Federation of Women's Clubs, during which time the educational activity of federation developed. Favors woman suf- frage and has talked for It In all the Kentucky counties. Has done occasional newspaper work. Mem. Woman's Auxiliary of St. Paul's (Episco- pal) Church. Mem. Woman's Club, Out-door Art League, Sorosis, Alumnae, Suffrage Ass'n, Humane Soc, Emergency Ass'n, Consumers' League.
WEAVER, Emily Poynton, 26 Bernard Av., To- ronto, Can.
Author; b. Manchester, England, 1865; dau. Richard Thomas and Elizabeth (Smith) Weaver; ed. at private schools in England. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Canadian History for Boys and Girls; Old Quebec— The City of Cham- plain; The Story of the Counties (Ontario); also Action: My Lady Nell; Price Rupert's Namesake; "The Trouble Man., etc., and contributions to Graphic (London), Toronto Globe, Canadian Magazine, etc. Mem. Equal Franchise League, Ontario Historical Soc, Women's Press Club, Women's Canadian Club. WEAVER, Jerrie .'Vrjyra, 808 E. Winchester
Av., Ashland, Ky.
Instructor In English, High School; b. Hunne- well, Ky.; dau. Daniel L. and Arjyra (Davis) Weaver; ed. Ashland public schools; Goucher Coll., A.B. '06. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Aahland Woman's Club. Twentieth Century Club.
��WEAVER, Lucile Anne Porter (Mrs. Ben Per-
ley Weaver), 215 W. Wayne St., Fort Wayne,
Born Fort Wayne, Ind.; grad. high school. Fort Wayne, Ind., '98; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '02; m. Fort Wayne, Ind., 1903, Dr. Ben Perley Weaver. Pres. Fortnightly Club of Fort Wayne, Ind. WEAVER, Mima J., 4 37 Forest Av., Dayton, O.
High school teacher; b. Nat. Soldiers' Home, near Dayton, O., July 6, 1877; dau. Dr. James M. and Sarah Jemina (Jacobs) Weaver; grad. Steele High School, Dayton, '98 (honors); Ohio State Univ., Ph.B. '03, M.A. '10 (Phi Beta Kappa); fellow in English, Ohio State Univ., 1904-05 (mem. Delta Delta Delta). Interested In educational work, especially in English work In high schools. Has also been much Interested In and taken an active part in solving the problem of lunch rooms, self-sustaining, for pupils at- tending a single session high school in Dayton, O. This locally initial lunch room, where food excellent in quality and quantity is sold at a minimum price to the pupil, has proved so suc- cessful that the plan has been adopted by the other local high schools. Favors woman suf- frage. Episcopalian. Mem. Young Women's League of Dayton; Dayton Fruit and Flower Mission (philanthropic work). Recreations: Out- of-door sports, music Mem. Dayton Ass'n of College Women (pres. 1911; mem. of Advisory Council); pres. Helen Hunt Literary Club (Day- ton), 1911-13. WEBER, Lila Long-, Box 445, Osawatomle,
Born Osawatomle, Kan. Sept. 29, 1880; dau. Albin and Ida M. (Roberts) Weber; ed. Osawa- tomle public schools; Kansas Univ., 1S96-97 and 189S-99. Eight years pres. of Osawatomle High School Alumni Ass'n; mem. local philanthropic organizations; officer in W.C.T.U., local, county and district. Pres. Miami Co. Suffrage Ass'n. Recreation: Walking. Mem. Monday Club (local), V/omen's Kansas Day Club. Taught five years in public schools of Osawatomie and Pittsburgh, Kan. Does local newspaper work. WEBER, Pearl Louise Hunter (Mrs. William
James Weber), Box 271, Hillsboro. Ore.
Born Toledo, O., Jan. 29, 1878; dau. Edgar Judson and Myra L. (Littlefield) Hunter; ed. public schools of Chicago; Armour Inst, of Technology; Univ. of Chicago, 1895-1901, Ph.B. '99; in 1897 won senior scholarship in Romance languages. In 1899 honorable mention honors In Romarce, special honors in philosophy; graduate scholarship in pedagogy; fellowship in phil- osophy, 1900; Cornell Univ. (Sage Coll.), 1901-02; Sage scholarship in philosophy at Cornell Univ., 1901-02; scholarship in public speaking, Univ. of <"hif:ago. Phi Beta Kappa, '99; m. Peckham, Okla.. Feb. 6, 1902, Rev. William James Weber; children: Clarence Adam, Ruth Irene, Rose Myra. Was principal of normal dep't and instructor in philosophy and elocution at Southwestern Coll Wlnfield, Kan., 1900-01; tutor in philosophy and elocution in same, 1903-05. Active in kindergar- ten work In M.E. Sunday-school and Loyal Tem- perance Legion work. State sec. of Loyal Tem- perance Legion In Oregon, 1909-10. Favors woman suffrage. Methodist. Mem. W.C.T.U. Recrea- tion: Bicycling. Mem., sec and treas. Oregon Alumni Club of Univ. of Chicago. WEBSTER^ Anna Jenliinu (Mrs. I. Daniel
Webster), 3790 Fifth St., San Diego. Cal.
Bom Wilmington, Del., Jan. 7, 1867; dau. How- ard M. and Mary Anna (Atkinson) Jenkins; ed. Swarthmore Coll., Pa., A.B., '87; m. Gwynedd Pa., May 10, 1893, I. Daniel Webster; children: Dorothea, Agnes Elizabeth, Alan King, Philip Jenkins, Mariana. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Soc. of Friends. Republican. Mem. Civic Ass'n, Anti-Tuberculosis League, San Dleea Club. WEBSTER, Elizabetii Rogrers Fox (Mrs. Daniel
Frederick Webster), 292 W. Main St., Water- bury, Conn.
Born Thomastown, Conn.; grad. Vassar Coll. A.B. '76 (Phi Beta Kappa); m. June 26, 1879, Daniel Frederick Webster (now deceased). Has published several short stories translated from the German.