��WATSON, Frederlca King Davis (Mrs. Thomas
Russell Watson). Plymouth, Mass.
Born Staten Island, N.Y., Mar. 15, 1869; dau. Andrew McFarland and Henrietta P. (Whitney) Davis; ed. San Francisco and Cam.bridge (Mass.) Echools; Radcliffe Coll. (special courses); ni. Cambridge, Mass., July 25, 1901, Thomas Russell Watson; children: Eleanor Whitney, b. 1902; Margery Willard, b. 1903; Frederlca Gore, b. 1905 Against woman suffrage; chairman of com. to represent Plymouth in Anti-Suffrage Soc. of Mass. Author of one pamphlet published by Nat. Historical Soc. of Boston, research work in Radcliffe. Unitarian. Mem. Mayflower Club of Boston. WATSON, Helen, Johns Hopkins Hospital,
Baltimore, Md.
Physician; b. East Braintree, Mass., Aug. 23, 1884 •' dau. Thomas A. and Elizabeth S. (Kim- ball) Watson; ed. Braintree public and high schools; Wellesley Coll., A.B. '05; Johns Hop- kins Univ., med. dep't., M.D. '10. Interne m medicine Johns Hopkins Hospital, 1910-11; ass t resident physician, 1911-12. Favors woman suf- frage. Presbyterian. Mem. Zeta Phi fraternity (women's medical, national). WATSON, ILucy Carlile, 270 Genesee St., Utlca,
Born Utica, N.Y., Feb. 10, 1855; dau. William Henry Watson, M.D., and Sarah Thompson (Carlile) Watson; ed. Utlca Free Acad. Favors woman suffrage; pres. Utica Political Equality Club Protestant Episcopal. Mem. Girls Friendly Soc. (pres. for several years of society in Central N.Y.),-Soc. Mayflower Descendants D A.R., Colonial Dames, State Chanties Aid Ass'n New Century Club of Utica (pres. 1899- 1903). WATSON, Mrs Mary Devereaux, Englewood,
Writer; b. Marblehead, Mass.; dau. Gen. J. H. and Antoinette C. (Kelsey) Devereaux; ed. at home and in private school; widow. Magazine contributor, poems and short stories. Author (under maiden name): From Kingdom to Colony; Up and Down Sands of Gold, 1901; Lafltte of Louisiana, 1902. WATSON, Mary Eunice (Mrs. Albert Watson),
Mt. Vernon, 111.
Born Richview, 111., Jan. 7, 1861; dau. Newton Edward and Elizabeth (EJrwin) Way; ed. Mt. Vernon High School and St. Mary's Convent, near South Bend, Ind.; m. Mt. Vernon, 111., Aug. 12 1880, Albert Watson; children: Marina (now Mrs Alvin Hobbs Frazler of Rockford, 111.), Joel', Alice, Stanley. Has been active m mis- sionary work (both home and foreign). In anti- tuberculosis work and many forms of local char- itable work. Plays organ in Episcopal church. Many years interested and actively engaged in all work of the Federation of Women's Clubs, also sup't for the 23d Dist of State Good Roads Ass'n- has been vice-pres. of Public Library Board'. Episcopalian. Democrat. Recreations: Bridge, motoring, music, travel. Mem. Mt. Ver- non Woman's Club, Thimble Club, Round Table, Music Study Club, Women's Chorus and Bridge Club. Favors woman suffrage. WATSON, Mary J., 2829 Eleventh Av., E.,
Oakland, Cal. „ ^ ,„^„ ,
Physician; b. Steubenville, O., Sept., 1840; dau. John A. and Isabella (Robertson) Watson; ed. Private sem. and Hahnemann Medical Coll. of the Pacific, San Francisco, Cal., M.U. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Republican. Mem. Book Club of Oakland, Cal. WATSON, Mary Maud Carr (Mrs. Alfred E.
Watson), Hartford, Vt.
Born N.Y. City, April 6, 1865; dau. Walter S. and Mary Louise (Anderson) Carr; ed. public and private schools; m. Montpelier, Vt., July 3, 1883 Alfred B. Watson; children: Margery An- derson b. Dec. 18, 1887; Cedric Montgomery Watson, b. Aug. 25, 1889 (died April 3, 1890). Against woman suffrage. Congregationallst. Republican. Charter mem. of Wenona Chapter, No 43 Order of Eastern Star, White River Junction Vt; charter mem. of Thomas Chitten- flea Chanter of Daughters of American Revolu-
��tion, White River Junction, Vt; past regenl mem. of Vt. Soc. of Colonial Dames. Mem, Hartford Ladies' Reading Club, Loyal Club, White River Junction, Vt. Against woman suf- frage.
WATT, Gertrude B. (Mrs. Arthur Balmer Watt), Edmonton, Alberta, Can.
Journalist, author; b. Guelph, Ont. ; dau. John Hogg; ed. Loretto Acad., Hamilton, Ont,, and Brantford Coll.; m. Brantford, Ont, Arthui Balmer Watt, journalist. Formerly woman editor Woodstock (Ont.) Saturday Review; editoi woman's pages Edmonton (Alberta) Saturday News since 1905. Contributor to several Canadian and American newspapers, frequently under pen- name "Peggy." Author: A Woman in the West; Town and Trail. Mem. Canadian Women's Press Club (one of founders), Edmonton. WATT, Madge Robertson (Mrs. Alfred Tenny- son Watt), William Head, Victoria, B.C., Canada.
Born Collingwood, Ont.; dau. Henry Robertson (K.C.) and Bethia (Rose) Robertson; ed. Univ. of Toronto, B.A., M.A. (first honor art student); first place in English final year (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta); m. Collingwood, Ont., Alfred Tennyson Watt; children: Henry Robertson, Hugh Sholto. Sec. Advisory Board (women) Dep't of Agriculture of B.C. Mem. Senate Univ., B.C. Lecturer Women's Institutes (Dep't ol Agriculture). Mem. Provincial Executive of the King's Daughters. Mem. Com. Alexandre Club; pres. University Woman's Club; pres. Women'a Press Club; literary sec. Canadian Women'a Club, Victoria, B.C., and mem. Local Council oJ Women (all of Victoria, B.C.); sec. University ol Toronto Alumni Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Political Equality League, Victoria. Au- thor of Government bulletins; Southmost Van- couver Island, B.C.; Women's Institute of British Columbia. Contributor in N.Y. Press, World, Life, Recorder, Truth, Recreations, Toronto book reviews, Victoria B.C.) Times, and news- papers. Presbyterian. Mem. Daughters of the Empire, Soc. Prevention Cruelty to Animals. Recreations: Tennis, swimming, walking, garden- ing; Has made a special study of conditions of women in the country; has appeared before tech- nical commissions by request to speak on the need of technical education in the country. Represented City of Victoria woman's stand- point before the university commissions; first woman to take M.A. degree in Canada. WATTS, Mary Jennings Orton (Mrs. Oliver Pat- terson Watts), 114 Spooner St., Madison, Wis. Born Yellow Springs, O., June 15, 1868; dau. Edward and Mary (Jennings) Orton; ed. Welles- ley Coll., B.S. '90 (mem. Shakespeare Soc); m. Boston, Mass., June 28, 1900, Oliver Patterson Watts, Ph.D., assistant prof, applied electro- chemistry, Univ. of Wis. Trustee Unitarian Church, Madison, Wis.; mem. Exec. Board Madi- son Woman's Club; vice-pres. Madison Wellesley Club. Unitarian. Mem. Woman's Alliance, Uni- tarian Church; formerly sec. Free Kindergarten Ass'n of Waltham, Mass.; mem. of Educational Soc, Waltham, Mass., and Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnse. Recreations: Camping, yachting. Mem. Madison Woman's Club, Madison Wellesley Club. WATTS, Mary Stanbery (Mrs. Miles Taylor Watts), 24 32 Ingleside Place, Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, O.
Writer; b. Delaware Co., O., 1868; dau. John Rathbone and Anne (Martin) Stanbery; ed. three years at Convent of the Sacred Heart, Clifton, Cincinnati, O. ; m. Nov. 11, 1891, Miles Taylor Watts. Against woman suffrage. Author (novels): The Tenants; Nathan Burke; The Legacy; also short stories. Episcopalian. WAUGH, Ida, Redding Ridgre, Conn.; summer address, Bailey Island, Me.
Artist; b. Philadelphia; dau. Samuel B. and Mary (Mendenhall) Waugh; ed. Philadelphia and Academie Julien and Acad6mie Delficluse, Paris. Mem. Historical Soc. of Pa., fellow of the Pa. Acad, of Fine Arts, Philadelphia. Has exhib- ited in Nat Acad, of Design, N.Y. City (Dodge prize), 1S96; World's Columbian Exposition, 1893; Paris Salon several times, Art Museum, Cin- cinnati, and Acad, of Fine Arts, PhiladelDhla.