��WATKINS, Elsie Gardner (Mrs. Thomas Rich- ard Watkins), Memphis, Tenn. Born Union City, Tenn., July 29, 1887; dau. Russell Eugene and Ann (Cathey) Gardner; ed. in private school, Mary Inst., St. Louis, and Miss Bennett's and Mrs. Scoville's, N.Y. City; m. Chicago, June 6, 1911, Thomas Richard Wat- kins; one son: Thomas Richard Jr., ti. Oct. 8, 1912. Interested in applied psychology, and in Visiting Nurse Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Recreations: Horseback riding, tennis, walking.
WATKLN'S, Henrietta Stokes (Mrs. Clarence A.
Watkins), 330 Owen Av., Lansdowne, Pa.
Born Philadelphia, July 7, 1875; dau. Charles Stokes, M.D., and Stella (Watson) Stokes; ed. Convent of Notre Dame, Philadelphia, and Na- mur, Belgium, Pensionnat Heger, Brussels; Agnes Irwin's School, Philadelphia; studied at Pennsylvania Acad, of Fine Arts; mem. Delta Kappa Psi of Philadelphia; m. June 21, 1910, Clarence A. Watkins; no living children. Mem. Limited Suffrage Soc. of State of Pennsylvania. Mem. Fellowship of Pennsylvania Acad, of Fine Arts.
WATKINS, Irene Wlckersham (Mrs. Charles Wesley Watkins), 4S Etna Av., Huntington, Ind.
Born Zanesfield, Logan County, Ohio, May 15, 1856; ed. Geneva Coll., class of '75; m. Zanesfield, Ohio, Nov. 8, 1S77, Charles Wesley Watkina (judge of 56th Judicial Circuit of Indiana, 1S94- 1900). Active in church and philanthropic inter- ests. Presbyterian.
WATIilNS, Susan, 58 W. Twelfth St., N.Y. City. Painter; b. in Cal. ; dau. James T. and Susan E. (Owens) Watkins; ed. in schools of California; Gibbon's School In N.Y. and studied in Paris. Has painted the portraits of many prominent people; her work has been exhibited in academy exhibitions in U.S. and abroad; has received many medals. Mem. Lyceum Club of London.
WATKINS, Virginia Steplienson (Mrs. M. Lee
Watkins), Keysvllle, Va.
Club woman; b. Lithonia, Ga., Feb. 4, 1875; dau. James M. and Eudora (Weaver) Stephenson; grad. Oxford College, Oxford, Ala., A.B. '92; m. Bowden, Ga., Aug. 12, 1896, M. Lee Watkins; children: Mildred, b. 1899; Dorothy, b. 1.904. Before marriage was teacher in Bowden Coll., Ga. Loader of religious organizations in Keys- ville Baptist Church, also teacher of Philathea class in the same church; interested In civic Work. Pres. Woman's Club, Keysvllle; auditor Virginia Fed. of Women's Clubs.
WATROUS, Elizabeth Snowden Nichols (Mrs. Harry Willson Watrous) ; studio, 222 W. Fifty- ninth St., N.Y. City.
Artist; b. N.Y. City; dau. William Snowden and Elizabeth (Erickson) Nichols; ed. N.Y. City private schools; m. N.Y. City, 1887, Harry Will- Bon Watrous. Studied art under Henner and Carolus Duran; exhibited In Academy in 1879. Manager N.Y. Diet Kitchen at Centre St. ; or- ganized Soc. for Advancement of Practical Endeavor of School Children. Author (novels): Ti (sketch of Adirondack life); It (society as seen from the baseinent). Episcopalian. Pres. Wo- man's Art Club of N.Y.
IVATKOUS, Grace Greenwood (Mrs. Cleve- land Watrous), 53 Beach St., East Orange, N.J.
Born Manchester, N.H., Mar. 15, 1876; dau. John A. and Jeannette (Thayer) Greenwood; ed. public schools of Lynn, Mass.; grad. Smith Coll., A.B. '97; m. Lynn, Mass., Jan. 1, 1901. Cleveland Watrous; children: Cicely, b. Nov. 13, 1904; Jean- nette, b. Jan. 12, 1908. Has been identified with religious, social and philanthropic activities lu Lynn, Mass.; Schenectady, N.Y., and East Orange, N.J. Unlversalist. Pres. Starr Club of Lynn, Mass., 1899-1901 (now hon. mem.); Schenectady Woman's Club, 1901-02; Lynn Wo- men's Club House Corporation, 1904; mom. Women's University Club and Smith College Club (N.Y. City), Alumnre Ass'n of Smith Col- lege. Against woman suffrage.
��WATSON, Amelia Montagrue, "Wild Acres," East
Windsor Hill, Conn.
Water color painter; b. Ea-Tt Windsor Hill, Hartford Co., Conn., Mar. 2, 1856; dau. Reed and Sarah (Bolles) Watson; ed. private schools. Teacher of painting In Martha's Vineyard Sum- mer School for 20 years. Illustrated an edition of Henry D. Thoreau's Cape Cod in colors in 1896. Recreation: Travel. Painter of New Eng- land and Southern scenery. Pictures have been hung in the exhibitions of the Boston Art Club, the N.Y. Water Color Soc. and the Am. Water Color Soc.
WATSON, Annah Walker Robinson (Mrs. James
Henry Watson), Memphis, Tenn.
Born Springfield (near LouisTllle), Ky. ; dau. Archibald Magill and Mary Louise (Taylor) Rob- in.=;on, ed. in Louisville and Chicago; m. Louis- ville, Oct. 5, 1870, James Henry Watson; children: Archibald Robinson, James Henry, Katharine Davis, Elizabeth Lee. Author: A Royal Lineage; Passion Flowers; On the Field of Honor; Some Notable Families of America; The Victory (po«4n); The Champion Maid (serial); The Court of Queen Ismerelda (serial); Of Sceptred Race. Protestant Episcopal. Mem. Nineteenth Century Club of Memphis, Tenn.; Order of the Crown of Aimeriea, Colonial Dames, United Daughters of the Confederacy.
WATSON, Elizabeth I-owe (Mrs. Jonathan Watson), Saratoga, Santa Clara Co., Cal. Ordained minister, lecturer; b. Solon, 0., 1842; dau. Abraham and Lucretia (Daniel.) Lowe; ed. in public school of Leon, N.Y. Developed as an inspirational speaker at the age of 14; m. Titus- ville, Pa., Jonathan Watson; children: Will L., Victor Hugo, Evangeline, Lucretia E. Ordained minister of Progressive Spiritualists of Rochester, N.Y. Pastor of Religio-Philosophical Soc. of San Francisco for six years. Lectured in Aus- tralia, 1882-83. Active In work with King's Daughters. W.C.T.U. and Civic Center for ni"\- Ing of civic righteousness in city and couni.iy. Mem. Am. Peace Soc. and California Peace Ass'n, working for the establishment of Internal. Court of Arbitration. Pres. Cal. Equal Suffrage Ass'n, 1910-11, and led in the work that won woman suffrage in Cal.; was chairman of that campaign com. and interested in the work in other States. Republican. Contributor to newspapers. Au- tor: Song and Sermon. Mem. Civic Improvement Club, Friendly Inn Ass'n. Recreations: ^Vorking among flowers, garden work, open air games, driving good horses. Owns and manages a 25- acre fruit farm in Santa Clara Valley.
WATSON, Elizabeth Vila Taylor (Mrs. Albert Mortimer Watson), 400 Mt. Auburn St., Cam- bridge, Mass.; studio, 404 Fenway Studios, Boston, Mass.
Artist; b. Ne<w Jersey; dau. John Watson and Mary Elizabeth (Macdonald) Taylor; ed. by gov- erness and at Boston private school; grad. School of Drawing and Painting, Museum of Fine Arts; pupil of Messrs. Tarbell, Benson and De Camp; m. Plymouth, Mass., 1903, Albert Mortimer Wat- son. Received Sears prize at Museum School, bronze medal at Nashville Exposition; has ex- hibited at all the exhibitions of the country. Mem. Copley Soc, Boston. Catholic. Mem. Mu- sical Art Club.
WATSON, Esther Josephine, 11 Union St..
Greenfield, Mass.
Teacher; b. Amherst, Mass., Sept. 20. 1S.')9; dau. Oliver and Sarah (White) Watson: ed. Amherst public schools; Smith Coll., A.B. '82; Cornell Univ., A.M. '83; student of north European lan- guages, Gottingen, Germany, 1SS7-S9; student of French, Tours, summer of 1895; student of Ger- manics, Columbia Univ., 1910-11; has also at- tended various summer schools. Mem. of Eng- lish dep't. Smith Coll., 1883-87; head of dep't vl languages, Rhode Island State Coll.. 1892-1910. Congregationalist. Mem. Kappa Alpha Theta, Cornell Univ. Chrpter. Mom. .\ew England His- toric Genealogical Soc, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumna:. Alumna; Ass'n, Students' Aid Soc, Smith Coll.; honorary mem. of Every Tuesday Club, Kingston, R.I. Recreation: Geuealozy.