��WASHBUBNE, Marion (Guyon) Foster (Mrs.
George Foote "Washburne), 107 Belfontalne
St., Pasadena, Cal.
Author, lecturer, educator; b. Northampton, Mass., Aug. 31, 1863; dau. Richard Norman and Anne (Halsted) Foster; grad. Central High School, Chicago, 18S1; Chicago Froebel Ass'n Trainias School, 1893: m. Chicago, June 22, 1886, George Foote Washburne, M.D. ; children: Nor- man Foster fdeceased), Carietcn Wolsey, Doro- thea, John Noble. As school editor of Chicago Evening Post conducted campa'^ v^hich resulted in giving Chicago its present :-7oniial School; as delegate from Little Deaf Child's League was instrumental in securing passage by 111. State Legislature of bill providing for public day school oral education of deaf. 111. State organizer and delegate of Nat. Congress of Mothers; for- merly on editorial staff of Harper's Bazar; associate editor of Mothers' Magazine; editor- in-chief Little Farms Magazine; formerly education editor Chicago Times-Herald and Chi- cago Tribune. Formerly editor course of study in the late Colonel Parker's Chicago Inst. ; writer, chiefly on educational subjects in magaaines and newspapers. Author: Success Library (Vol. II.), 1901; Everyday Essays, 1904; A Little Fountain of Life, 1304; Study of Child Life, 1907; Family Secrets; Mother's Year Book, 1908; The House on the North Shore, lSr09; Old Fashioned Fairy Tales, 1910. Formerly director of esoteric work in the Elgin (111.) branch of Oriental Esoteric Soc. ; student and non-professional lecturer on the philosophies and religions of East and West. Favors woman suffrage; former mem. Republican State Central Com. (woman's branch), Illinois, and Chicago Civic Elquality League; lecturer on suffrage in Illinois and Cal. Pres. Nat. Back-to- to-Land Ass'n; director Cooperative Common- wealth Co.; former mem. CJhicago Woman's and other Chicago clubs; now mem. F'riday Morning Club of Los Angeles. Recreations: Reading, music. WASSELL, BetUe McConaughey (Mrs. S. S.
Wassell), 719 Scott St., Little Rock, Ark.
Writer; b. Searcy, Ark., Oct. IS, 1859; dau. J. W. and Albina (McRae) McConaughey; ed. in Houston, Tex., at private school and by gov- erness, but chiefly taught by her father; m. Lit- tle Rock, Ark., Apr. 8, 1878, Samuel S. Was- sell: children: Frank John, Sam McConaughey, Hprbert Lynn. Promoter of first Reform School bill ever introduced into the Ark. Legislature; active in work for State Confederate monument; secured appropriation frjm Gen. Fed. United Daughters of Confederacy for a tablet to boy martyr, David 0. iSodd; organized and named the Keller Chapter, U.D.C. Made public speech, June, 1912, before the Democratic Convention, for a plank in the platform favoring prescr'nng the old State House. Active In all measures for welfare of women and children. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Sketch of David O. Dodd; Historical Sketches of Confederate Times; also of Southern Negro Folk Lore in Bulletin of Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs (Apr., 1912); also nu- merous character Indian and negro sketches. Mem. Christ Church (Episcopal). Democrat Mem. United Daughters of the Confederacy, U.S. Daughters of 1812; State vice-regent D.A.R. Mem. D.A.R. Com. on Preserving Historic Places and also preventing the Desecration of the Flag.
WASSON, Pearl Randall (Mrs. Watson Lovell
Wasson), Waterbury, Vt.
Born Waterbury, Vt., Mar. 5, 1878; dau. George W. and Phoebe Bell (Gleason) Randall; ed. Waterbury High School and Abbot Acad., An- dover, Mtiss.; Wellesley Coll., B.A. '01, senior Tree Day orator (Tau Zeta Epsilon) ; m. Water- bury, Vt., Oct. 11, 1905, Dr. Watson L. Wasson. Formerly teacher of English and history of art in Commonwealth Av. School for Girls, Boston, 1903-05. Interested in social service, church work, teacher In Sunday-school; formerly sup't of schools in Waterbury; former chairman educa- tion dep't State Fed. of Women's Clubs. Mem. Eastern Star, Vt. Peace Soc. (director); mem. Vt, Woman's Teachers' Club, Hypatia Club of Waterbury, Teachers Retirement Fund Ass'n; prcs. Vt. State Fed. Women's Clubs, 1911-13.
��Recreations: Driving, dancing, tramping. Con- gregationalist.
WATERMAN, Annie Louise (Mrs. John Bar- nett Waterman), Ashland Place, Mobile, Ala- Bom Mobile, Ala., Aug. 5, 1878; dau. Thaddeua and Gertrude (Williams) Harrison; ed. Agnes Scott Inst., Atlanta, Ga., and Miss Huger's School, N.Y. City; m. MobUe, Ala,, Nov. 15, 1905, John Bamett Waterman; one son: Carroll Bar- nett Waterman. Founder of the Boys' Club of Mobile; organizer of Juvenile Court and active in probation school work. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Outside of domestic duties has centered efforts upon dependent and delinquent children.
WATERMAN, Sara Cliflford Brown (Mrs. James Sears Waterman), 676 St. Mark's Av., Brook- lyn, N.Y.
Born Elmira, N.Y., Nov. 14, 1852; dau. E. G. and Sarah M. (Van Wickle) Brown; ed. Moravian Sem., Bethlehem, Pa.; m. Riverside, Cal., Dec. 15, 1902, Dr. James Sears Waterman. Organizer of the Children's Christmas for Children or Red Stocking Com. in 1909, which provided in 1912 5,000 large stockings for children of the poor (they carry warm clothing, as well as candy and toys, and are filled by the children of the fortunate for those who would otherwise be overlooked). Mem. Juvenile Probation Ass'n, Woman's Municipal League, N.Y. City Visiting Com., also hospital connections, Brooklyn; Arm- strong Ass'n. Mem. Kosmos and Twentieth Cen- tury Clubs, Colonial Daughters of the Seventeenth Century.
WATERMIRE, Emily G., Honey Grove, Tex.
Musician and composer; b. Sherman, Tex., Nov. 21, 1879; dau. Col. William Watermire of N.Y. and Georgia Cornelia (Forbes) Waterman of Georgia; ed. public and high schools and finished at Southwestern Univ., Georgetown, Tex., '98. Composer; has won honors. State and interna- tional, two gold medals from the Texas Fed. of Women's Clubs for her musical compositions (piano and voice) and a violin scholarship at the Kidd-Key Conservatory, Sherman, Tex. Has written many sacred hymns. Mem. Methodist Church. Recreation:" Painting, especially out- door sketching.
WATERS, Harriet Bishop (Mrs. William C.
Waters), 717 Grand St., Troy, N.Y.
Lecturer, editor; b. Jackson, Washington Co., N.Y. ; dau. B. Merritt Bishop (M.D.) and Annie W. (Stevens) Bishop; high school education, fol- lowed by extensive travel in this country and abroad; m. William C. Waters; one son: William C. Waters Jr. Made editor of the General Fed- eration Bulletin, oflScial organ of Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1910; redesignated, June, 1912. Life mem. D.A.R.; mem. Nat. Soc. Daughters of the Empire State; mem. Nat. Soc. New England Women, N.Y. Press Club, Troy Civic League; organizer of Troy Girls' Club. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Has been platform speaker for 10 years, and club leader. Has lec- tured in many States of the Union on prison re- form and historical subjects.
WATERS, Yssabella, 265 Henry St., N.Y. City.
Nurse, social worker; b. Groton, Mass., Feb. 22, 1862; dau. Charles H. and Mary (Famsworth) Waters; ed. by private tutors at home. Regis- tered nurse; was in Spanish-American War, 1898- 99; went as sup't of the first 50 nurses to enter Havana, Cuba, before the American flag was raised in the island. Resident of the Henry St. Nurses' Settlement for 14 years. Author: Visit- ing Nursing in the United States. Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage.
WATKINS, Blanche Bowman (Mrs. Edward G.
Watklns), 141 Chestnut St., Gardner, Mass.
Bom Littleton, N.H., July 30, 1869: dau. Curtis C. and Louise (Wetherell) Bowman; ed. Littleton High School; Smith Coll., A.B.; m. Littleton, N.H., Sept. 12, 1899, Edward G. Watkins; chil- dren: Helen Bowman, Jessica Goodrich, Curtis Gardner. Ckingregationalist. Mem. Smith Col- lege Club of Western Mass., College Club, Boat Club (Gardner).