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��charities. Presbyterian. Mem. Twentieth Cen- tury and Garrett Clubs.

WARREN, Constance M. (Mrs. Joseph Warren),

28 Qulncy St., Cambridg-e, Mass.

Born Brookline, Mass., June 17, 1877; dau. Moses and Martiia (Finniley) Wiliiams; grad. Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '01; m. June 19, 19C6, Joseph Warren; children: Joseph, Richard, How- land Shaw. Mem. Board of Managers Vincent Memorial Hospital, Perkins Inst, for the Blind, Friendly Visiting Com. for State Board of Chari- ties. Against woman suffrage. Author of several stories in magazines, Munsey's and others. Uni- tarian. Mem. Bryn Mawr Alumnae Ass'n, Par- liamentary Law Club, LfOngwood Cricket Club.

WARREN, Cornelia, Cedar Hill, Waltham, Mass. Born Waltham, Mass., Mar. 21, 1857; dau. Samuel Dennis and Susan Cornelia (Clarke) Warren; ed. private schools. Has a milk farm at Waltham, 148 acres, with 200 head of stock; farm certified by Cambridge Medical Improve- ment Soc, supplies milk to Boston, Cambridge, Brookline and Waltham. Author: Miss Wilton (a novel). Orthodox Congregationalist. Inter- ested in college settlements.

WARREN, Ina RusseUe, Evening News, Buf-

alo, N.Y.

Author, editor; b. Inverness, Scotland; dau. William F. and Margaret (RusseUe) Warren; ed. public and private schools, Auburn and BulTalo, N.y. Engaged in newspaper work; editorial writer Buffalo Evening News. Author: The Doc- tor's Window, 1898; Lawyer's Alcove, 1890; In Cupid's Court, 1900; In Friendship's Name, 1909; Mother's Love, 1911. Episcopalian. Recreations; Music, out-door sports. Identified with various charities.

WARREN, Lizzie Maude, The Hospital Cottages

for Children, Baldwlnville, Mass.

Physician; b. New Boston, N.H., Jan. 8, 1882; dau. James and Sarah (Farley) Warren; ed. New Boston High School, Tufts Coll. Med. School, M.D. '05 (mem. Alpha Delta Soc). Served in Mass. Homoeopathic Hospital, Boston Floating Hospital; now ass't physician at the Hospital Cottages for Children. Interested in work for Improvement among defective, delinquent and epileptic children. Against woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Baldwlnville Woman's Club. WARREN, Louise Bird (Mrs. W. A. Warren),

730 Madison St., Evanston, III.

Bom Jefferson, Wis., Apr. 5, 1876; dau. George W. and Maria (Sawin) Bird; ed. public schools, Madison, Wis.; Univ. of Wis.; Drexel Art lust.; Univ. of Wis., A.B. honors in mathematics (mem. Pi Beta); m. Madison, Wis., Sept. 5, 1901, W. A. Warren; children: William, Marjorie, Louise Brayton. Mem. Church Guild, Drama Club. E)piscopalian. Mem. Parents' and Teachers' Ass'n. WARREN. Mary Whitson (Mrs. George Fred- erick Warren), Forest House, Ithaca, N.Y.

Born Chester Co., Pa.; dau. Theodore and Eliza (Rakestraw) Whitson; ed. Cornell Univ., A.B. '05; mem. Sigma Xi, honorary scientific soc. (mem. PI Phi, which joined at Swarthmore Coll., where first college year was spent); m. Itbaca, N.Y., George Frederick Warren; children: Stan- ley, Jean, Richard. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Friends Church. Mem. Cornell Univ. Alumnae Club, Cornell Woman's Suffrage League, W.C.T.U. WARREN, Maude Radford (Mrs. Joseph

Parker Warren), The Elma Hotel, Chicago,


Author; b. Wolfe Island, Can.; dau. Captain J. H. and Anna (Healy) Radford; ed. Univ. of Chi- cago, Ph.B. '98; Ph.M. Instructor In Univ. of Chicago and in correspondence dep't; m. Chicago, 1907, Prof. Joseph Parker Warren. Mem. Univ. of Chicago Settlement League, Woman's Trade Union League. Author: King Arthur and His Knights; Composition and Rhetoric; The Land of the Living; Peter — Peter; also numerous articles and short stories in the best magazines. Epis- copalian. Recreations: Theatre, cards, rowing, swimming, walking. Mem. The Little Room, Drama League of America, Chicago Woman's Club. City Club. Every Day Club, Younji Fort-

��nightly Club, Friday Club, Lyceum Club. Favors woman suffrage.

WARREN, Nellie (Mrs. J. W. Warren), Leeds.


Born Church's Ferry, N.Dak., Feb. 1, 1889; dau. Thomas and Abigail (Scott) Wardrope; ed. high school, took part in high school debates and won first prize in oratorical contest; m. June 3, 1908, J. W. Warren, M.D.; one son: Ralph Kenneth, b. Feb. 5, 1911. Active worker in Presbyterian Church; pres. Missionary Soc.; mem. N. Dak. Auti-Tul>erculosis Soc. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Progressive Republican. Recrea- tions: Reading, athletics, tennis, automobiling. Mem. and pres. Alfredian Club.

WARREN. Ruth Annette, 234 Longmeadow St.,

Springfield, Mass.

Teacher; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '95; student of Latin, Greek and archaeology, Columbia Univ., 1898-1900, M.A. 1900. Teacher at West Bridge- water, Mass., 1896-97 and 1898-99; Finch School, N.Y. City, 1901-03; Nat. Cathedral School, Wash- ington, D.C., 1903-06; St. Margaret School, Buffalo, N.Y., since 1906. Mem. Smith College Alumnae Ass'n.

WARREN, Salome Machado (Mrs. Mlnton War- ren), 105 Irving St., Boston, Mass. Born Puerto Principe, Island of Cuba; dau. Juan Francisco and Elizabeth Frances (Jones) Machado; grad. Smith Coll., A.B. 'S3; m. Salem, Mass., Dec. 29, 1885, Prof. Minton Warren, then Latin prof, of Johns Hopkins Univ., later ot Harvard Univ. (died 1907); children: Minton Machado, Francisco Machado. Interested in higher education of women, music, and Romance languages. Mem. Clrcolo Italiano of Boston. Favors woman suffrage.

WARRICK, Lntle Burton (Mrs. S. K. War- rick), Scotts Bluffs, Neb.

Trained nurse; b. Grayson Co., Va. ; dau. Elijah Craig and Emma (Hill) Burton; ed. high school and Presbyterian Coll., Wythevllle, Va. ; m. Wytheville, Va., July 19, 1900, Stephen K. War- rick; children: Burton, b. 1901; Virginia, b. 1903; George, b. 1906; Lucile, b. 1909. Interested in church and charity work in the community in which located. Mem. Woman's Club. Methodist. Favors woman suffrage.

WASHBURN, Frances WUcox (Mrs. Frederick Leonard Washburn), 1112 Sixth St., S.E., Min- neapolis, Minn.

Born Plainvlew, Minn.; dau. Ozius and Martha (Stearns) Wilcox; ed. Mrs. Hayn's private school in Boston, Univ. of Minn., '86 (Kappa Kappa Gamma); m. Minneapolis, 1887, Frederick Leon- ard Washburn; children: Martha Wilcox, Alice Julia. Mem. Woman's Club and Peripatetics (Minneapolis), Faculty Women's Club of Univ. of Minn. Recreations: Walking, skating, dancing, gardening. Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage; served on board of State Suffrage Ass'n as direc- tor of dep't of education; delegate from Woman's Club to State Fed. of Women's Clubs.

WASHBURN, Margaret Floy, Vassar College,

Poughkeepsle, N.Y.

Educator; b. N.Y. City, July 25, 1871; dau. Francis and Elizabeth (Davis) Washburn; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '91, A.M. '93; grad. scholar, 1892-93; fellow, 1893-94; Cornell Univ., Ph.D. '94. Prof, philosophy, Wells Coll.', 1894-1900; Warden Sage Coll., Cornell Univ., 1900-02; lecturer in psychology, Cornell, 1901-02; prof, philosophy, Univ. of Cincinnati. 1902-03; ass't prof philoso- phy, Vassar Coll., 1903-08; prof, psychology, Vas- sar, since 1908. Author; The Animal Mind; also articles in the Philosophical Review, Psychologi- cal Review, Am. Journal of Psychology, Mind, Philosophisehe Studien, etc. Translator of Wundfs Ethik, volumes II and III. Mem. Am. Philosophical Ass'n, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi.

W.»iSHBURN, Mary Nightingale, Greenfield.


Artist; b. Greenfield, Mass., July, 1861; dau. William Barrett and Hannah (Sweetser) Wash- burn; ed. Greenfield High School; Smith Coll. Art School. Pres. Girls' Club. Congregationalist Against woman suffraee.


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