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��founder Cleveland Kindergarten Training School; on boards of Associated Charities, Day Nursery and Free Kindergarten Ass'n, Cleveland Fed. for Philanthropy and Charity; Charities Clearing House, etc. Also interested in musical matters and on Board of Fortnightly Musical Club. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Cleveland Suffrage Soc. and on Exec. Board of Tarrytown Suffrage Soc. Presbyterian. Recreations: Motoring, travel, study.

WAKNEK, Keren Osborne (Mrs. Lucien C.

Warneri, 2 K. Forty-fifth St., N.T. City.

Born Scott, N.Y., Oct. 15, 1849; dau. Noah Humphrey Osborne and Eliza (Thompson) Os- borne; ed. N.Y. Central Acad.; Friendship Mu- sical Coll.; honorary A.M., Oberlin Coll. '02; m. McGrawville, N.Y., Apr. 12, 1868, Lucien Calvin Warner; children: Agnes (Mrs. S. C. Mastlck), Franklin Humphrey, Lucien Thompson, EliMbeth (Mrs. W. G. Gallowhue). Mem. Woman's Auxil- iary to Internat. Com. Y.M.C.A., Harlem Y.W.C.A., Broadway Tabernacle Soc. for Wom- an's Work; vice-pres. Woman's Home Missionary Union of State of N.Y., Actors' Alliance, N.Y. State Ass'n Opposed to Woman Suffrage. Con- gregationalist. Mem. N.Y. Peace Soc, Travelers' Aid Soc, Audubon Soc, Army Relief Soc, Har- lem Relief Soc, Silver Cross Day Nursery, So- rosis Club, Sorosis Carol Club, Congregational Club.

WARNER, Lena A. (Mrs. E. C. Warner), 520

Scimitar Building, Memphis, Tenn.

Registered nurse; b. Grenada, Miss., 1868; dau. Capt. S. S. and Jane M. (Mayhew) Angevin; grad. St. Mary's School, Memphis; m. E. C. Warner (deceased). Chief nurse U.S. Army Nurse (3orps, Havana, Cuba, 1900-02; director Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. Nursing Dep't, Mem- phis; pres. Tenn. State Board of Examiners for Nurses; sec. Red Cross Nursing Service for Tenn.; pres. Memphis Visiting Nurse League; chairman Registration Com. for Va., W.Va., N.C., S.C, Ky. and Tenn. Mem. Woman Suf- frage Club of Memphis. Author: Nursing in the Fever Camps of Cuba. Episcopalian. Mem. West Tenn. Graduate Nurse Ass'n, Am. Nurses' Ass'n, Nat. Organization for Public Health, Memphis Social Workers, Associated Charities. Recreation: Fishing. Had charge of the yellow fever camps during the Mosquito investiga- tion, Quamatos and Mariano, Cuba; Columbia Barracks. WARNER, Lilian Honghton (Mrs. James Ward

Warner), 622 W. 113th St., N.Y. City.

Born Rahway, N.J. ; descendant of Sir Thomas Houghton of Lancashire, Eng., through John Houghton, Puritan, 1635, one of the founders of Lancaster, Mass. ; m. James Ward Warner. Mem. Nat. Soc. of New England Women and was com- piler of the New England Calendar, published by that society, 1911, and chairman of the old- fashioned county fair given by the society on the Hotel Astor Roof Garden, 1910. Mem, N.Y. Shakespeare Soc. and has written many Shake- speare papers, among them: Katharine of Aragon and Anne Bullen; Fairies of Shakespeare; Daugh- ters as Shakespeare Saw Thera. Presbyterian; has been pres. Young Women's Missionary Soc. of Rutgers Presbyterian Church and chairman of the Young People's work in connection with the Women's Presbyterial Home Missionary Soc. of N.Y. City. Mem. Federation of Women's Clubs. Favors woman suffrage.

WARNER, Lillian Dale Baker (Mrs. Ernest Noble Warner), Merrill Springs Farm, Mad- ison, Wis.

Born in Town of Linden, Iowa Co., Wis.; dau. John U'glow and Elizabeth (Dale) Baker, td. Madison (Wis.) public schools and Univ. of Wis., A.B. '89; m. Madison, Wis., July 5, 1894, Ernest Noble Warner; children: John Clement, Elizabeth Dale, Ernest Noble Warner Jr. Active in pro- moting social and religious advancement in the commuuity; cooperating with others In develop- ment of social center activities with the country school house as the center. Conducts success- fully a small poultry plant and a two-acre orchard incidental to her home making; has farm home of 130 acres, half mile from Madison,

��operated as stock and dairy farm under a farm manager. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. First Congregational Church. Mem. Wis. Poultry Ass'n, Wis. Horticultural Soc, Woman's Club ol Madison.

WARNER, Lucy Hunt, 14 Green St., Northamp- ton, Mass.

Teacher; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '99; student of physical geography. Harvard Summer School, 1901, and of projective astronomy, Smith Coll., 1906-07. Demonstrator of astronomy and ofRc'ai tutor in mathematics and astronomy, Smith Coll., 1899-1900; teacher of mathematics and science, Northampton High School, 1900-03; taught mathematics, Howard Sem., West Bridge- water, Mass., 1903-06; principal Howard High School, 1904-06; demonstrator of astronomy. Smith Coll., 1906-07; teacher of mathematics, Springfield Technical High School, since 1907. Mem. Smith College Alumnae Ass'n. WARNER, Mary BeUe (Mrs. John F. Warner),

Sultan, Wash.

Born Gallatin, Mo., Oct. 6, 1864; dau. William A. and Mary E. (Yates) Johnson; ed. public schools, Gallatin, Mo. ; m. June 14, 1888, John Warner, Daleville, Ind. ; one son: Ellis Edwin, b. Mar. 18, 1890. Has done much Sunday-school and church work, socials, etc. Congregation- alist. Democrat. Past matron Order Elastern Star (Floral Chapter) ; past noble grand in Re- bekah Lodge (Sultan, Wash.). Recreation: Basket ball. Pres. Woman's Improvement Club of Sultan; mem. State Civic Com. WARNOCK, Amelia Beers, 216 Beverley St.,

Toronto, Can.

Journalist; b. Gait, Ont., Canada; dau. James and Katherine (Byard) Warnock; ed. Gait and Toronto, Can. Literary critic, Toronto Mail and Empire; editor Woman's Dep't Canadian Century Magazine; articles and sihort stories, Mem. Canadian Women's Press Clubs, Woman's Morning Music Club, Heliconian Club, Woman's Art Ass'n, Toronto. Famous for unique recitals on Canadian songs and Canadian literature, also professional singer. WARREN, Arietta L., Wooster, Ohio.

Teacher; b. Cleveland, O., Nov. 6, 1867; dau. Rolan N. and Lydia (Gleason) Warren; ed. high school, Wooster, O., 1881-85; Univ. of Wooster, 1885-89; Ph.B. '89; Bryn Mawr Coll., graduate student, 1891-92; Univ. of Mich., graduate stu- dent, 1895-98, Ph.D. '98; Am. School of Classical Studies, Rome, 1900-01 (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta). Ass't in high school, Beaver Dam, Wis., 1889-91; ass't high school, Aurora, 111., 1892-95; preceptress and teacher of Latin Acad., Iowa Coll., Grinnell, la., 1898-1900; preceptress and teacher of Latin, State Normal School, Madison, S.Dak., 1902-08; instructor in Latin, Stanley Hall School, Minneapolis, Minn., 1910-11. Author of article (Wooster Quarterly, Vol. 21) : Progress and Prospects of Archaeological Discovery; also thesis for doctor's degree. The Ethics of Seneca. Methodist. Favors woman suffrage. WARREN, Catherine Carter (Mrs. Howard C.

Warren), 133 Library Place, Princeton, N.J.

Born Feb. 27, 1874; dau. Henry C. and Mary (Foster) Carter; ed. by private tutoring, also in public high schools and special work at Chicago Univ. and Teachers Coll. (Columbia); m. N.Y. City, Apr., 1900, Howard C. Warren. Pres. N.J. State Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1911-13; Gen. Fed. Civil Service Com., 1910-14; director Women's River and Harbor Congress; director N.J. Child Labor Com. Contributor to General Federation Bulletin, and occasional magazine and newspaper articles on club work and civic problems. Pres. Present Day Club (Princeton); mem. the Con- temporary Club (Trenton), Century Club (N.Y. City). Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage. Progreissive in politics. WARKEN, Clara Sizer Davock (Mrs. William C.

Warren), 173 North St., Buffalo, N.Y.

Bom Buffalo; dau. John and Charlotte (Lock- wood) Davock; ed. Buffalo Sem. and Ogontz School; m. Buffalo, April 2, 1891, William C. Warren; children: William C, Charlotte L., John D. Mem. Nat. Playground Ass'n, Con- sumers' League, Nat. Child Labor Ass'n, local


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