��WARING, Etta Bichardson (Mrs. John C. War- ing), College Terrace, Mayfleld, Cal. Born in Mass., Aug. 18. 1856; dau. Warren and Catherine A. (Barnard) Richardson; ed. Massa- chusetts, self-educated after leaving grammar school; m. Ouray, Colo., Oct. 13, 1880, John C. Waring; children: Gerald Ashley, b. Sept. 6, 1883; Clarence Almon, b. July 24, 1888. Interested in temperance and civics. Formerly active in the W.C.T.U. work in San Diego Co., 14 years. Favors woman suffrage. Universalist. Progres- sive Republican. Mem. Mayfield Woman's Im- provement Club (former pres. two years, now treas.). Worked for woman suffrage in Cali- fornia campaign in whici it was won; took active part in the enforcMnent of the 1%-mile limit law of California, in Mayfield, prohibiting saloons within 1% miles of any university having 500 registered students, thus closing several places where liquor was sold illegally.
WARING, Jane Leary (Mrs. William Emory
Waring), 1311 Eutaw Place, Baltimore, and
"Woodleigh," Catonsville, Md.
Born Baltimore, Md., June 1, 1853; dau. Cornelius L. L. and Jane (Phillips) Leary; ed. Clark's School, Baltimore; m. Baltimore, Jan. 23, 1878, William Emory Waring (died Dec. 11, 1905); children: William Emory, Mary Clare. Pres. Hospital for the Women of Maryland; hon. pres. Maryland Branch of Needlework Guild; former pres. Country Home for Children of Baltimore City. Interested in various re- ligious and philanthropic activities. Episcopalian. Clubs: Arundell, Baltimore Country, Catonsville Country. WARING, Malvina Sarah (Mrs. Clark Waring),
1428 Laurel St., Columbia, S.C.
Born Nerwberry, S.C, Nov. 12, 1842; dau. John Blair and Elizabeth Ann (Sheppard) Black ; ed. Limestone College, Gaffney, S.C, first honor, with graduating degree, 1869; m. (1st) 1862, Wil- liam M. Gist (killed in battle); (2d) 1867, Clark Waring; children: Robert E., Elizabeth S., Amy Malvina, FYances M., Clark Jr. Pres. Church Missionary Soc. ; ex-pres. of the Assembly (social) and Music Ass'n. Author: That Sand- hiller; The Lion's Share; also many short stories and poems. Mem. Colonial Damee; ex-State Regent and ex-vice pres. general D.A.R; pres. Wade Hampton Chapter United Daughters of the Confederacy; hon. mem. Fed. of Women's Clubs. Recreations: Walking, driving, music. Episco- palian. Favors woman suffrage.
WARING, Martha Gallaudet (Mrs. Thomas Plnckney Waring), 10 W. Taylor St., Savannah, Ga.
Kindergartner; b. Savannah, (Ja., Nov. 2S, 1873; dau. Henry Edward and Alice Neufville (Hardee) Backus; ed. by private teachers and tutors at home, and St. Timothy's School, the Misses Carter, principals, Catonsville, Md. (hon. certificates In French and music), and Columbus (Ga.) Free Kindergarten Training School (diplo- ma) ; m. Savannah, Dec., 24, 1902, Thomas Pinckney Waring, M.D.; ohildren: Ali«e, b. Apr. 29, 1904; Mary Alston, b. July 24, 1908. Super- visor of kindergartens and principal of training school for two years at Columbus, Ga.; same position for four years at Savannah, Ga. Pres. Savannah Kindergarten Clab; vice-pres. Kate Baldwin Free Kindergarten Ass'n of Savannah; pres. of Parent-Teachers' Ass'n of Savannah; pres. Bishop Elliott Soc. of Christ Church, Sa- vannah, Ga. ; mem. of the Huntingdon Church, Savannah. Mem. Married Woman's Card Cluti, Froebel Club of Columbus, Ga. Favors woman suffrage. Author of reports in various papers on kindergarten subjects. EJpiscopalian. Mem. United Daughters of the Confederacy, Soc. for Edu- cation of the Georgia Mountaineers, Alumni Soc. of St. Timothy's School. Recreations: Dinners, motoring, walking, swimming, reading. Mem. Savannah Kindergarten Club, Huntington Club (woman's club).
WARING, Mary Klmberley, S3 Plymouth St.,
Montclalr, N.J.
Private school principal; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '93. Teacher in Montclalr High School, 1894- W; Miss Wheeler's School, Providence, H.I.,
��1901-06; since 1906 principal of her own private school for girls in Montclalr, N.J. Mem. Smith College AJumnse Ass'n.
WARMCASTLE, Grace Watson (Mrs. Samuel UouglaM Warmcastle), 6717 Howe St., Pitts- burg, Pa.
Bom Republic, O. ; dau. Sylvester and Carolyn Dodge (Kellogg) Watson; ed. Pelham, N.Y., Hellmuth Coll., Canada; Pa. Coll. for Women, B.A. ; m. Upper Sandusky, 1879, Samuel Douglas Warmcastle; children: Watson Douglas (de- ceased), Karl Watson Warmcastle (attorney). Mem. Woman's Alliance; chairman Soho Public Baths; mem. Civic Club of Pittsburgh (mem. of board) ; mem. College Club. Favors woman suf- frage; mem. Equal Franchise Ass'n. WARNECKE, Anna, New York State Custodial Asylum, Newark, N.Y.
Physician; b. in Germany; dau. Ferdinand G. and (BrakenfeW) Warnecke; ed. Germany; Med. Dep't, Univ. of Buffalo, N.Y., M.D. 1900. Resi- dent physician to N.Y. State Custodial Asylum, Newark, N.Y., since Jan. 1902. Presbyterian. Mem. Ana. Med. Ass'n, N.Y. State Med. Ass'n, County Med. Soc., Woman's Relief Corps, Nat. Red Cross Ass'n, Women's Med. Soc. of N.Y. State, Physicians' Club of Newark, N.Y. WARNER, Alice Perry man (Mrs. Arthur Bur- dett Warner), 402 E. Jefferson St., Klrks- vllle. Mo.
Born Mt Ayr, la., Nov. 7, 1860; dau. Stephen Henry and Rachael (Fickle) Ferryman; ed. State Normal School, Kirksville, Mo., also by Chau- tauqua and several other reading courses at home; m. May 27, 1878, Arthur Burdett Warner; chil- dren: Ray, Blanche, Carl. Taught school In Princeton, Mo., and Harlan, la.; took course in library work recently. Active in temperance work; served as district pres. of W.C.T.U. in Iowa and always an ofhcer in Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc. of M.E. Church. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Equal Suffrage Ass'n of Iowa for many years. Organized Woman's Literary Club of Harlan, la.; ex-pres. Art Club of Mis- souri Valley (la.). Served as pres. Tahoma Club in Tacoma, Wash. Active in State and City Fed. of Clubs in Tacoma, Wash.; has been pres. of Sojourners' Club, Kirksville, Mo., for four years. W.VRNER, Anna Bartlett, West Point. N.Y.
Author; b. N.Y. State; dau. Henry and A. M. (Bartlett) Warner; ed. at home. Author: Say and Seal; Gold of Chrickaree; Dollars and Cents; My Brother's Keeper; Sunday All the Week; The Shoes of Peace; Stories of Vinegar Hill- Elizabeth Wetherell; The Fourth Watrh; The Other Shore; Little Nurse of Cape Cod; Three Little Spades; Tired Church Members; Up and Down the House; Yours and Mine; The Light of Morning; Miss Muff; Fresh Air Jack's Four Les- sons; Patience, etc. Presbyterian. Mem. D.A.R. Recreations: Reading, writing, gardening, row- ing, study. Against woman s\iffrage. WARNER, Bessie Sarah, 127 East Manning St., Providence, R.I.
Teacher; b. Bristol, Conn., May 26, 1874; dau. Augustus H. and Mary E. (Slddell) Warner; grad. Smith Coll., A.B., '95; student of educa- tion, psychology, English and Latin, Brown Univ., 1896-97, 1900-01, 1902-03, A.M. '03. Teacher in Providence Classical High School, 1896-98; teacher of Latin In Hope St. High School, Provi- dence, since 1898. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnce Smith College Alumnae Ass'n.
WARNER, Cornelia Blakemore (Mrs. Worcester R. Warner), 7720 Euclid Av., Cleveland, C, and "HlUholm," Tarrytown, N.Y. Born Philadelphia, July 27, 1859; dau. Thomas Fayette and Susan Payne (Bayly) Blakemore; ed Chestnut St. Sem., Philadelphia (now Ogontz School), gxad. 1877; prepared for Harvard exam- inations under private tutors; m. Cleveland, O 1890, Worcester R. Warner; children: Worcester R. Jr. (deceased), Helen, Marion Halbrook (de- ceased). Teacher and associate principal in large school for girls in Cleveland. Active in work of Episcopal Church before marriage, later in Presbyterian Church; deeply interested In educa- tional and philanthropic causes; mem. Board of Woman's College, Western Reserve Univ.;