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��WARDWELL, Linda B. (Mrs. P. S. Wardwell), Highland Terrace, Stamford, Conn. Teacher of singing and history ot music; b. Richmond, Ind., July 19, 1865; dau. John W. and Hannah Ann (Walt) Free; ed. Chicago public schools; grad. Chicago Musical Coll., Teacher's certificate, Petersllea Acad., Boston; pupil in singing of Annie M. Barnette, Boston; Francis Fischer Powers and Oscar Sanger, N.Y. ; har- mony, Mrs. Goodrich, N.Y. ; m. Frederick Schuy- ler Wardwell (Bucksport, Me.), contractor and civil engineer at St. Paul, 1888; one son: Virgil E. Teacher of pUno to 18SS; teacher of singing and kindred subjscts since; taught at Danbary (Conn.) School of Musio; soprano soloist since 1886; director of choirs in Duluth, Minn.; Dan- bury and Stamford, Conn., each for five years. Organizer plan of study and ediicational dep't Nat. Fed. of Musical Clubs at org-anization. Fa- vors womaa suffrage. Author of 13 books on History of Music, recommended by Nat. Fed. of Musical Clubs an-d the Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs, for musical clubs, teachers and music lovers: General View of Music, Piano, Voice, Orchestra, Opera and Oratorio, Topics on His- tory wiih Programs, German Music Books, A Book of Programs of American Music, etc. Rec- reations- Automohiling, cards. Mem. Woman's Club and Musical Club of Duluth, Minn.; Conn. State Fed. of Women's Clubs, the Travelers' and Musical Club of Danbury; officer in Music Teach- ers' Ass'n; mem. Musical Club of Bridgeport. Organizer of Woman's Club and Schubert Study Club of Stamford, Coiin. ; Woman's Club and Musical Club of Duluth, Minn.; Conn. State Fed. of Women's Clubs.

WAKOWEI.L, Mary Margaretta, 505 Ashland

Av., Eu.falo, N.Y.

Teac-her; b. Buffalo, N.Y., May 5, 1866; dau. George Smith and Mary Eliza Ramsdeil (Town- send) Vv'ardv/ell; ed. private and public elemen- tary schools t;nd Central High School (BurTalo); grad. 1883; Cornell Univ., B.D., in architecture, '88; holder of State and Univ. scholarships, Cor- nell, 1884-1S8S; pres. White fcllov/stip, lo37-88 (mem. Sigma Xi). Mathematics teacher, Coates Coll., Terre Haute, Ind., ISSl-SS; ass't teacher Buffalo Central High School, 1S93-93; head of dep't of mathematics, Buffalo Central High Scbool, 18S8; participates in teachers' visit to European schools, 18&&. Sunday-sahool teacher, on Students' Com. Y.W.C.A.; vice-pres. Women Teachers Ass'n, BuSalo, N.Y. ; vrorked on Com. of the luternat. Comm'Mion on Mathematical Teaching, Epworth League. Methodist. Mem. Y.W.C.A., V/omen's Educational and Industrial Union, Women Teachers Ass'n, Mathematical Ass'n of London, England; Ass'n of Teachers of Mathematics cf Midcile States and Md., Central Ass'n of Science and Mathematics 'Teachers, A.A.A.S., Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnte. Recrea- tions: Tennis, boating, tramping.

WARE, Alice Holdship (Krs, Edward T. Ware),

Atlanta thiiversity, Atlanta, Ga.

Bom Pittsburgh, Pa., 1872; dau. Henry and Maria (Irwin) Holdship; ed. private tutors, Capen School, Northampton, Mass.; Smith Coll., non-graduate because of travel in Europe for several years; m. Pittsburgh, Pa., 1905, Edward Twichell Ware, pres. of Atlanta Univ.; children: Alexander, Henry Holdship. While in Pittsburgh was charter mem. and director of Twentieth Cen- tury Club and of the Civic Club of Allegheny Co. ; was sec. for many years of Kingsley House Ass'n; organizer and officer of Tenement Im- provement Co. Mem. Civic League, Gate City Free Kindergarten Ass'n, Drama League of America ; chairman of the Negro Race Com. of the Anti-Tuberculosis Ass'n, Woman's Alliance of Unitarian Church. Clubs: Atlanta Woman's, hon. mem. Southern Ass'n of College Women, the Little Club (literary and dramatic). Uni- tarian. Favors woman suffrage; marched in N.Y. parade; belongs to only local suffrage organization, the Civic League.

WARE, Charlotte Barrell (Mrs. Robert Allison Ware), The Warelands, Highland Lake Sta- tion, Norfolk, Mass. Dairy farmer; b. New Bedford, Mass., May 11,

��1862; dau. James Swan and Caroline (Bums) Barrell; ed. Cambridge public schools, classical dep't high school, Boston Univ., B.A. '85 (Phi Beta Kappa); mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma (nat. pres. four years); m. Tamworth, N.H., Sept. 14, 1895, Robert A. Ware of Boston, at farm of Prof. Charles E. Fay of Tufts Coll. Teacher Cambridge Latin School, 1886-95; sec. (executive officer) Education Com. of Twentieth Century Club, 1896-1904; entered on dairy farming as profes- sion, 1896-1906, and in 1903 began development of educational side of same. Director of the Ware- lands Dairy School at farm. Highland Lake Sta- tion, Norfolk, Mass. Mem. Milk and Baby Hygiene Ass'n (Boston), Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Boston branch; chairffian Com. on Rural Education, Women's Educational and In- dustrial Union (formerly director and on various committees, now on Advisory Com. on Agricul- ture for their Appointment Bureau for Voca- tional Advising and Placing. Mem. Noriolk Middlesex Dairy Improvement Ass'n; sec. local organization connected with extension service of Mass. Agricultural Coll. Occasional contributor on agricultural and educational matters. Con- gregationalist (Trinitarian). Mem. Am. Ass'n for Study and Prevention of Infant Mortality, Mass. Dairyman's Ass'n., Nat. Soc. for Promo- tion of Industrial Education, Am. Home Eco- nomics Ass'n, Soc. for Preservation of New Eng- land Antiquities. Recreations: Camping, horse- back riding. Mem. College Club of Boston (one of organizers and vice-pres. several years). Social Education Club, Twecf eth Century Club (Boston).

WARE, Harriet (Mrs. Harriet Ware Krumb- haar), Garden City Estates, Long Island, N.Y.

Composer; b. Waupun, Wis.; dau. Silas Ed- ward and Emily (Sperry) Ware; ed. in public schools; musical education at the Pillsbury Con- servatory of Music, Owatonna, Minn. (grad. '95) ; student of piano under William Mason, N.Y. City, two years and later in Paris. France, and Berlin, and of ■ oice and composition in Berlin; m. Dec. 8, 1913, Hugh Montgomery Krumbhaar of New Orleans, La. Composer of many songs which gained favor with the musical public and the critics, notably the Hindu Slum- ber Song, Boat Song, Sunlight Waltz Song, The Princess of the Morning, The Cross (words by Edwin Markham); A Day in Arcady (song cycle for two voices); The Oblation; Persian Serenade, and others, and the cantata. Sir Oluf. Mem. MacDowell Club of N.Y. City. Has given con- certs of her own works, one of which (Carnegie Hall, N.Y. City), given Apr. 18, 1913, was said to be one of the greatest ever undertaken by any composer. Episcopalian.

WARE, Jeannette Phileaa Huntington (Mrs. Eu- gene F. Ware), 650 Oakland Av., Kansas City, Kan.

Born Shaftsbury, Vt. ; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '70; m. Rochester, N.Y., Oct. 22, 1874, Eugene F. Ware, lawyer, author, poet and U.S. Comm'er of Pensions, 1902-05 (died 1911); one son, four daughters. Teacher in Fort Scott High School, 1871-73. Has contributed occasional articles to papers and various magazines.

WARFIELD, Nellie Frances Tilton (Mrs. Ethel- bert Dudley Warfield), Lafayette College, Easton, Pa.

Born Ashland, Mass., Apr. 25, 1864; dau. James Edward and Edith L. (Walker) Tilton; ed. Wel- lesley Coll., B.A. '86; m. Natick, Mass., Aug. 28, 1890, Ethelbert Dudley Warfield, pres. of Lafay- ette Coll., Easton, Pa.; children: William, b. Dec. 4, 1891; Mary Cabell, b. Nov. 26, 1894; Eleanor Frances, b. Apr. 30, 1896; Ethelbert Dudley Jr., b. Feb. 28, 1898; Ruth Breckinridge, b. Sept. 8, 1899; Benjamin Breckinridge, b. Jan. 1, 1905; Robert Breckinridge, b. Apr. 2, 1907. Pres. Board of Trustees of the Easton Library Ass'n until a free public library was obtained. Active in church and local charities. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnse, D.A.R. (George Taylor Chapter, Easton. Pa.), Fortnightly Club, Easton. Presbyterian.


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