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��Holyoke, 1872-83. Writer of foreign correspond- ence for various newspapers. Congregationallst. Mem. Woman's Ass'n of Kirk St. Church, Lowell, Mass. Recreation: Literature. Mem. Woman's Middlesex Club of Ix)well, Mass. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae, Mt. Holyoke Alumnae Ass'n of Boston.

WARD, Jnstlna Bayard (Mrs. Cabot Ward), 37 Madison Av., N.Y. City.

Author and lecturer; b. Aug. 7, 1879; dau. Wil- liam Bayard and Olivia (Murray) Cutting; ed. Brearley School, N.Y. City; m. Brompton Ora- tory, London, 1901, Cabot Ward. Vice-pres. of Catholic Fed. of Women. Against woman suf- frage. Has contributed to various magazines on the subject of Gregorian music, among others the Atlantic Monthly. Catholic. WARD, Kate Morgan, Packer Collegiate Insti- tute, Brooklyn, N.Y.

Teacher; b. Aurora, N.Y., Sept. 28, 1869; dau. Isaac Foster and Frances Brownell (Avery) Ward; ed. Montclair (N.J.) High School, Welles- ley Coll., B.A. '92, M.A. '93; traveling fellowship from Woman's Educational Ass'n of Boston, 1894-%; Berlin, Paris, Oxford (mem. Zeta Alpha, Wellesley). Teacher of English at Packer Col- legiate Inst., Brooklyn, N.Y., since 1895; director of dep't of English since 1905. Teaches classes for women in modern literature. Interested in suffrage for women, labor legislation, education for the people, household art and domestic science. Mem. Coll. Branch of Woman Suffrage Party (Brooklyn, N.Y.), Woman's Political Union, N.Y. City. Presbyterian. Mem. of Socialist Party, Intercollegiate Socialist Soc, College Settlements Ass'n, Am. Ass'n for Labor Legislation, Nat. Child Labor Com., Drama League of N.Y., Consumers' League of N.Y. Recreations: Music, drama, walking; nature study, reading, cooking. Mem. Wellesley Club of N.Y. and N.Y. Branch of Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae.

WARD, Lydia Avery Coonly (Mrs. Henry Augustus Ward), 1150 Lake Shore Drive, Chi- cago, 111.

Writer; b. Lynchburg, Va., Jan. 31, 1845; dau. Benjamin F. Avery (prominent plo^w manufac- turer of Louisville, Ky.) and Susan (Look) Avery; ed. In private schools in Louisville, Ky. ; Utlca, N.Y., and Philadelphia; lived In Louis- ville until marriage; m. (1st) Louisville, 1867, John C. Coonley, banker (died 18S2); m. (2nd) Chicago, 1897, Professor Henry Augustus Ward, distinguished naturalist (died July 4, 1906). Home has been in Chicago since 1873; has been active in social life, the club movement and various philanthropies and good causes. Author: Under the Pines and Other Verses; Singing Verses for Children; Love Songs; Christmas in Other Lands; Washington and Lincoln; also two can- tatas—Our Flag (music by Dr. George F. Root), and The Magic Hour. Has contributed fre- quently to newspapers and magazines. Mem. Chicago Woman's Club (ex-pres.), Fortnightly Club, The Little Room.

WARD, May Alden (Mrs. William G. Ward), The Charlesgate, 5 35 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Author and lecturer; b. Ohio, 1853; dau. P. W. and Rebecca (Neal) Alden; ed. Ohio Wesleyan Univ., M.L.A. '72, A.M. '12 (Phi Beta Kappa); m. Mechanicsburg, 0., May 3, 1872, William G. Ward; one daughter: Helen Alden. Pres. Mass. State Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1901-04, 1907-08; vice- pres. Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs, 1904-08; pres. New EJngland Women's Club; commissioner of Massachusetts to St. Louis and Portland Exposi- tions. Mem. Board of Directors Boston Music School Settlement; mem. the Friendly Workers; trustee Boston Women's Educational and In- dustrial Union. Author: Life of Dante, 1887; Petrarch, a sketch of his life and works, 1891; Old Colony Days, 1896; Prophets of the Nineteenth Century, 1900. Editor Federation Bulletin (nat. official publication of Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs), 1903-10. Mem. Am. Academy Political and Social Science, Civil Service Reform Auxili- ary, Am. Ass'n for Labor Legislation, Nat. Municipal League, Consumers' League, Nat. Child Labor Ass'n, Boston Authors' Club, New

��England Women's Club, Boston Twentieth Cen- tury Club, New England Woman's Press Ass'n, Women's Municipal LeagUf^ of Boston, Profes- sional Woman's Club of Boston. Mem. Mass. Woman Suffrage Ass'n.

WARD, Minnie Marks (Mrs. Carlos J. Ward),

110 S. Grove Av., Oak Park, 111.

Born Oswego Co., N.Y., Juno lb, ISfiO; dau. Wel- ton and Mary A. (Smith) Marks; ed. Gak P.nrk (111.) High School; Rockford (111.) Coll.; m. Oak Park, 111., Sept. 24, 1884, Carlos J. Ward; children: Mrs. Phoebe Ward Moore, Frank W. Ward, Horace Butler Ward. Has been active in club work since 1891, and has held office in Nine- teenth Century Club; served two terms on the Board of Elducatlon in Oak Park; has devoted much time to school work. Favors woman suf- frage. Has been mem. Civics Club and mem. Political Equality League of Chicago se^ eral years. For IS years reported University Exten- sion lectures for a local publication, which gave very full reports. Progressive in politics. Mem. The Round Table (literary and social). Recrea- tions: Reading, writing, gardening, horseback riding. Mem. Chicago Woman's Club, Nineteenth Century Club, Oak Park, 111.

WARD, Susan Hayes, The Stone House, ,\blng-

ton Av., Newark, N.J.

Teacher, lecturer, writer; b. Abington, Mass., 1838; dau. Rov. James Wilson ard Hetta Lord (Hayes) Ward; ed. Abington public schools; Wheaton Sem., Norton, Mass.; South Berwick (Me.) Acad., and largely at home by father. Formerly associate principal Berwick Acad., Guilford (Conn.) Inst., and head of Knox Sem.; six years office editor of N.Y. Independent. In- terested In home and foreign missionary work; vice-pres. Woman's Board of Missions; mem. Woman's Home Mission Union (Congregational), Y.W.C.A., Newark, N.J. Favors woman suf- frage. Writer: Sabrina Hackett; Caristus ad Portam; History of the Broadway Tabernacle Church; Lucy Larcom; The Green Guess Book; The World's Christmas Hymn; series of arti- cles in the Independent, Chautauquan, and Good Housekeeping on Art and Household Decora- tion, etc. Congregationallst. Mem. Am. Scenic and Historic Preservation Soc, Oriental Soc, Newark Ed. Ass'n.

"WARDE, Margaret" — see Dunton, Edith Kel- logg.

WARDLE, Harriet Newell, Casa-de-los-dos-

Piedras, Sharon Hill, Pa.

Anthropologist; b. Philadelphia, Pa.; dau. Thomas Wardle, M.D., DD.S., and E. Louise (von Kettler) Wardle; ed. Friends Central School, Philadelphia; Mount Vernon Sem., Jes- sup studentship; Acad, of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 1899. Made fellow A.A.A.S., 191U; ass't dep't of archeology, Acad, of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Favors woman suf- frage. Author: The Sedna Cycle; Certain Clay Figures of Teotihuacon; Native Spindlewhorls from North America; Certain Rare West Coast Baskets; Miniature Clay Temples of Ancient Mexico, etc., published in various special jour- nals, and various popular scientific articles, e.g.: The Treasures of Prehistoric Moundville, and The People of the Flints, both in Harper's Maga- zine. Mem. Soc. for Ethical Culture, Am. Folk- Lore Soc, Am. Anthropological Ass'n, Acad, of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Geographical Soc. of Philadelphia, Congress Intemat. des Amerlcanistes.

WARDNER, Mary RankJn (Mrs. G. Philip Wardner), 25 Carruth St., Ashmont, Dor- chester, Mass.

Born St. Johnsbury, Vt., July 27, 1870; dau. Andrew Fvarts and Isabel E. (Poland) Rankin; ed. St. Johnsbury Arad.; Miss Johnson's School, Boston; Smith Coll., B.L. '92; m. Boston, Oct. U, 1894, G. Philip Wardner; children: Isabel, b. Aug. 20, 189d; Elizabeth, b. July 16, 1897; Philip, b. Apr. 23, 1902; Lois, b. Oct. 26, 1907. Mem. Smith Alumnae Ass'n, Alumnae Council Smith Coll., Woman's Municipal League, Boston. Episco- palian. Mem. Dorchester Woman's Club, College Club of Boston (pres. 1910-12).


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