��graduation from Birmingham High School; m. New Castle, Ala., Sept. 21, 1887, John H. Wal- lace; children: Alethea, John H., Hunter, Wil- liam, Lucile. Pres. Paul Hayne School Improve- ment Ass'n, when settlement work was started there. Pres. Edge wood Club two years; has been associated with several philanthropic interests. Favors woman suffrage; charter mem. of Equal Suffrage Ass'n of Birmingham. Occasional con- tributor to magazines. Mem. Central School Improvement Ass'n, Creche Soc. Recreations: Reading and travel.
WAXLACE, Nina Egrgrleston (Mrs. William S.
Wallace), Brookfield, Cook Co., III.
Born Pecatonica, 111., June 11, 1874; dau. Wil- liam Marvin and Mary Ellen (Caswell) Eggles- ton; ed. In high school and private instruction in music and art; m. Chicago, 111., July 3, 1897, Wil- liam S. Wallace; one daughter: Florence Eggles- ton, b. Feb. 2, 1308. Has assisted in giving Chi- cago destitute children outings in the country; has contributed to the Welfare League of Chi- cago; also interested in destitute families in con- nection with church work. Baptist. Mem. Muni- cipal Art League of Chicago, Ladies' Aid Soc. Recreations: Out-door life, painting, music. Charter mem. Woman's Club of Brookfield, 111. (federated) ; served three years as art delegate to the Municipal Art League of Chicago; mem. Magazin-e Club of Congress Park, IlL, a literary organization.
WALLIN, Mathilda K., 78 Park Av., N.T. City. Physician; b. Upland, Sweden, July 4, 1858; dau. P. Erik and Maria K. (Hanson) Wallin; ed. public school and by private instruction. Royal Gymnastic Central Inst., Stockholm; Woman's Med. Coll. of N.Y. Infirmary, M.D. Pres. Woman's Med. Ass'n, N.Y. City, 1912-13; attend- ing surgeon N.Y. Orthopedic Hospital and Dis- pensary; attending orthopedist N.Y. Infirmary for Women and Children. Has written papers on medical subjects. Mem. N.Y. Acad, of Medicine, Am. Med. Ass'n, N.Y. State and County Med. Soc., Woman's Med. A^'n of N.Y. City, Woman's Med. Ass'n of N.Y. State, Am. Soc. for Sanitary and Moral Prophylaxis, Am. Physical Education Ass'n, Swedish Ass'n of Gymnastic Teachers, Scandinavian Am, Ass'n, Woman's University Club (N.Y. City), N.Y. City Fed. of Women's Cluibs. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Collegiate Equal Suffrage League, Nat. Woman Suffrage Ass'n, Women's Political Union. Democrat.
WALONGTON, Nellie Umer (Mrs. Charles May Wallington), 34 Hancock Av., Tonkers, N.Y. Jourralist, lecturer; b. Cincinnati, O., Feb. 13, 1847; dau. David and Anna Jane (McCrackin) Urner; ed. Cincinnati public schools; Woodward Coll. (mem. Woodward Alumni of N.Y. City); m. Aug. 22, 1893, Charles May Wallington. By first husband, Webster K. Setzler, whom she married May 1, 1877, had three children: Maude Eloise, Frederick EVavld (deceased), Earle Urner Setzler (civil engineer, N.Y. City). Interested in varied educational, social and philanthropic work of the Episcopal Church. Author: Historic Churches of America; American History by American Poets; A Year Book of American His- tory; most widely known lecture. Forgotten Footsteps of Notable American Women. Mem. Woodward Club of N.Y., Chevaliers of St. John. Protestant Episcopal. Antl-suffragist
WALLI8, Ella May (Mrs. S. R. Wallis), Miller,
S. Dak.
Born Baltimore Co., Md., Dec. 23, 1869; dau. Frank B. and Louise Christine (Smith) Stritch- off; ed. public schools of Md. ; received diploma from Baltimore State Normal School; m. Jar- rettsvllle, Md., July 22, 1902, Dr. S. R. Waliis, prominent physician; children: Dorothy Evelyn, Samuel Reasin, Kenneth Dallam. Prior to mar- riage was active educator in Maryland, and was especially active in W.C.T.U, work, also the E<p- worth League Work of Maryland. Methodist. Mem. Missionary Soc, Eastern Star Lodge, Helen Hunt Jackson Club; mem. State Fed., hav- ing served in various offlrc^; served as chairman dep't of civics and in the lecture course work several years. Favors woman suffrage.
��WAXLIS, Katherlne Ellzabetli, 61 Boulevard St.,
Jacques, Paris, France.
Sculptor; b. Peterboro, Ont, July, 1861; dau. James and Elizabeth (Forbes) Wallis; ed. in schools of Peterboro; art education began at Edin- burgh, Scotland, 1881, but was interrupted for 14 years and resumed at Dresden, Saxony, 1894-95; began sculpture In 1895 in the South Kensington National Art Training School, where took four years' course, receiving four bronze medals and a modeler's free studentship for two years; went to Paris, 1899, and was student under Waldmaun. E^xhibited at Royal Acad. Exhibition, London, 1897, 1899, 1903, 1904; Paris Exposition, 1900 (hon. mention); Dresden International Exposition, 1911 (one of her works bought by exposition); Liver- pool, England (Walker Art Gallery), 1902, 1903, 1904; Leeds (England) Art Gallery, 1903; Royal Canadian Acad., 1904; Peterborough, Ont., 1304; since then in many others in Canada and Europe.
W.4XSER, Eleauor E. (Mrs. William C. Wal- ser), 2 Livingston Place, New Brighton, Staten Island.
Born New Brighton, S.I., N.Y., May 6, 1853; dau. Frederick and Eleanor (Bailey) Hollick; ed. Miss WhiLtemore's School and private tutors in Wiesbaden, Germany; m. Tompkinsville, S.I., Oct. 20, 1875, William C. Walser, M.D.; children: Frederick Theodore, Havelock, Carl William, Arthur Cyrus, Guy Oliver. Favors woman suf- frage; mem. Political Equality Club of Staten Island. Episcopalian. ATem. Am. Soc. for Pre- vention of Cruelty to Animals, Am. Soc. Pre- vention of Cruelty to Children, Woman's Club of Staten Island, Post Parliament (N.Y. City), Soc. of N.Y. State V/omen, Patriotic Women of America, Fortnightly Club of Staten Island, Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs, N.Y. State Fed. Women's Clubs, N.Y. City Fed. of Women's Clubs.
WATSH, Alice M. Uurkin (Mrs. John F.
Walsh), 103 Park Av., N.Y. City.
Building contractor; b. Stapleton, S.I., N.Y., Nov. 25, 1880; dau. Thomas and Annie (Quigley) Durkin; ed. public school, Stapleton, S.I.; Nor- mal Coll., N.Y. City, two years; m. Bronx, N.Y., Nov. 26, 1307, John F. Walsh; one son b. Oct. 17, 1910). Has built some of the most important buildings In N.Y., public schools (15), public libraries, public baths, fire houses, loft and office buildings (said to be only woman builder in the world). Active in business every day; prepares all her own estimates and reads plans. Catholic. Mem. Catholic clubs and Heepiy inter- ested in charitable organizations. Does a great deal of charity and vis.ts the institutions to find their wants. Mem. Automobile Club of America, Golf Club, S.I. Recreations: Automobiling, ten- nis, golf. Drives own car, automobiling is her chief pleasure.
WAI.SH, Blanche (Mrs. W. M. Travers), "The
Lilacs," Great Neck, L.I.
Actress; b. N.Y. City, Jan. 4, 1873; dau, Thomas Power Walsh (at one time warden of'the Tombs prison) and Armenia Savory Hickman: ed, in I>ublic School No. 50, N.Y. City; m. 1906, W. M. Travers. Made first appearance on stage as ama- teur in a benefit performance at the Windsor Theater, N.Y. City, 18S7, as Desdemona, and before she was 16 made debut on the profes- sional stage in the melodrama Siberia; afterward for three seasons with Marie Wainwright in leading supporting r61es, and in 1892, under man- agement of Charles Frohman, created the rdle of Diana Stockton in Bronson Howard's Aristoc- racy, and later as Kate Kennion in The Girl I Left Behind Me; next leading woman with Nat. Goodwin in A CJilded Fool, In Mizzoura, David Garrick and Lend Me Five Shillings; later in leading rdies with a stock company at Washing- ton; in Nov., 1835, when Virginia Harned became suddenly 111, took her place in the title r6:e of Trilby; again became Nat. Goodwin's leading woman on Australian tour; later created part of Margaret Neville in Heartease and of Edith Var- ney in William Gillette's Secret Service in N.Y. City and London; afterward starring with Mel- bourne MacDowell in leading female roles of his Sardsu plays; starred in 1003-04 in Tolstoy's Resurrection. In 19€4-05 in The Woman in the