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��lecturer. Author: Beauty Through Hygiene; Pretty Girl Papers, also numerous contributions to medical and secular magazines. Mem. N.Y. Acad, of Med., Am. Med. Ass'n, Med. Soc. of N.Y. Co. and State, Women's Med. Soc. of N.Y. State and City, Am. Soc. of Sanitary and Moral Prophylaxis, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnje, Alum- nae Ass'n of Smith Coll., Alumni Ass'n of Johns Hopkins Univ., Pen and Brush Club, Smith Coll. Club of N.Y. Recreation: Poultry farming. Epis- copalian.

VVAXKER, Ethel Hornlck (Mrs. William Wal- lace Walker), 68 W. Fiftieth St., N.Y. City. Actress; b. Virginia City, Nev. ; dau. Peter August and Honoria (Grier) Hornlck; graduated from Emerson Coll., Boston, Mass., May, 1897; m. Sioux City, Iowa, June 28, 1904, Dr. William Wallace Walker. Made debut with Augustin Daly Company, Aug. UL 1897, at StraUord-on- Avon, England, as Celia In As You Like It, with Ada Rehan; with Lyceum Stock Company, Nov. 22, 1S98, in Trelawney of the Hills, John Ingle- field and Maneuvers of Jane, under Daniel FYoh- man; Dec. 31, 1900, In Eknpire Stock Company Under Charles Frohman in Mrs. Dane's Defence, The Wilderness, etc.; in 1903 with John Drew In Captain Dieppe.

WALKER, Evelyn, 119 Park St., Brookllne,


College registrar; ed. In Mrs. Qulncy A. Shaw's School and Miss Brown and Miss Owen's School, Boston, and Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '01. Rec. sec. Bryn Mawr Coll., 1897-98 and 1903-(>4; mistress of Denbigh Hall, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1898-01; sec. Bryn Mawr Coll., 1904-06; ass't sec. Miss Mary P. Winsor's School, Boston, 1906-10; registrar Simmons Coll., Boston, since 1910.

WAT.KETt, Harriet Grangrer (Mrs. Thomas B.

Walker), 803 Hennepin Av., Minneapolis, Minn.

Born Brunsiwick, Ohio, Sept. 10, 1841; dau. Fletcher and Fanny (Granger) Hulet; ed. Bald- win Univ., Berea, Ohio; m. Berea, Dec. 19, 1863, Thomas B. Walker; children: Gilbert, Julia, Leon, Harriet, Fletcher, Willis, Clinton, Archie (fifteen grandchildren). Thirty-seven years ac- tively engaged In reformatory work for women. In Sisterhood of Bethany of Minneapolis, Minn., ind pres. of Bethany Home. Thirty years pres. North-western Hospital for Women and Children; vlce-pres. Y.W.C.A. ; mem. Needlework Guild. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church.

WAJ.KER, Margaret Burt Gardner (Mrs. Frank Bliss Walker), 162 York St., New Haven, Conn.

Born Brooklyn, N.Y., Aug. 16. 1860; dau. David Pierson and Susan (King) Gardner; ed. Brooklyn, N.Y., public and high schools; m. Brooklyn, Apr. 27, 1892, Frank Bliss Walker. Pres. EHm City Branch of the Universal Sunshine Soc. (New Haven); mem. Board of Managers of Visiting Nurses' Ass'n, Board of the Organized Charities. Favors woman suffrage; vice-pres. Woman's Political Union of New Haven. Universalist.

WALKER, Margaret Coulson, 8th St. and Clin- ton Av., Das Moines, Iowa. Author; b. Tyler County, W.Va.; dau. Thomas Mifflin and Louise (Davenport) Walker; ed. Des Moines (Iowa) public schools and Callanan Col- lege. Author: Our Birds and Their Nestlings, 1904; Lady Hollyhock and Her Friends, a Book of Nature Dolls and Others, 1906; Bird Legend and Life, 1908; Tales Come True, and Tales Made New, 1910. Mem. National Geographic Soc, Iowa Press and Authors' Club, Woman's Professional Club of Des Moines, Iowa.

WALKER, Mary Adelaide (Mrs. Barbour Walker), National Cathedral School, Mount St. Alban, Washington, D.C. Educator; b. Savannah. Ga., Aug. 2, 1866; dau. Colonel St. George and Josephine (Baynard) Rogers; grad. Teachers' College (Columbia Univ.). B.S. '04; Columbia Univ., M.A. '06; widow; one daughter: Barbour. Principal of the Nat. Cathedral School for Girls since 1906. Prot- estant Episcopal. Mem. Arch^ological Inst, of America, History Teachers' Ass'n of Middle States and Maryland.

��WALKER, Marj Cynthia, 9 Llvermore Road,

Wellesley Hill, Mass.

Born Union Square, Oswego Co., N.Y., Dec. 22, 1861; dau. Avery Skinner and Rosanna (Baldwin) Walker; ed. high school, Spencer, Mass.; Wel- lesley Coll., A.B. '83; attended lectures at Univ. of London in connection with graduate work. Teacher Spencer (Mass.) High School; teacher Wheaton Sem., Norton, Mass.; Royal Normal Coll. for Blind, Upper Norwood, England. Held various local and district offices of Louisiana W.C.T.U. (two years president). Member of Mass. Suffrage Ass'n and Eva Club, New Or- leans, La. Congregationalist. Mem. D.A.R., Soc. (Colonial Families, New Elngland Historic- Genealogical Soc, Soc. for Preservation of New England Antiquities, La. Historical Soc, Miss. Valley Historical Ass'n, Ass'n 0>llegiate Alum- n£e, Nat. Geographic Soc. Recreation: Garden- ing. Mem. College Club of Boston, Mass. Has traveled extensively in the United States and abroad five times.

WALKER, Minnie Lola Royse (ICrs. Guy Mor- rison Walker), 301 W. 106th St., N.Y. City. Born Paola, Kan., June IS, 1869; dau. Isaac Henry Clay and Sarah (Jackson) Royse; grad. Ann Arbor (Mich.) High S<Aool, '87; De Pauw Univ., A.B. '90, A.M. '93 (Kappa Kappa Gamma); m. Terre Haute, Ind., Dec. 15, 1891, Guy Morri- son Walker; children: Merle Royse, b. Sept. 28, 1892; Ray Mattox, b. Apr. 9, 1895. Author: Kappa's Record, a handbook of the Kappa Kappa Gamma fraternity, 1903; pres. N.Y. Alumnae Ass'n of Kappa Kappa Gamma; also Nat. Alum- nae officer. Mem. Daughters of Indiana. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Recreations: Auto- moblling, collecting. Favors woman suffrage. WALKER, Nellie V., 6016 Ellis Av., Chicago. Sculptor; b. Red Oak, la.; dau. E. A. and Jane (Lindsay) Waiker; ed. with Lorado' Taft and at the Art Inst, Chicago. Mem. Chicago Soc. of Artlata, Western Soc. of Artists, Nat. Sculpture Soc, D.A.R., The Little Room. WALKER, Susan Baldwin (Mrs. Jason Walk-/ er), P.O. Box 333, Memnhls, Tenn. Teacher; b. Council Bluffs, la., Dec. 25, 1860; dau. Caleb and Jane (Barr) Baldwin; musical education at Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, 1878-84; m. Council Bluffs, 1885, Jason Walker; children: Caleb Baldwin, Marguerite, Jason, Charles. While In Ky. was active in establish- ing the Pattie A. Clay Infirmary, being pres. of the ass'n and board for seven years; organized several music clubs; originated and executed plan which resulted in tbe Memphis Symphony Orchestra. Favors woman suffrage. Presby- terian. Mem. D.A.R. ; mem. Board of Manage- ment of the South for Promotion of Opera in English, Nat. Fed. of Musical Clubs, Sherwood Memorial Ass'n. Mem. Woman's Club of Cen- tral Ky., . Beethoven and Nineteenth Century clubs (Memphis), Berwyn Music Club. Occu- pies time In the competitions for. Am. composers by the Nat. Fed. of Music Clubs; has been chairman of this committee for six years.

WALL, Louise Herrick (Mrs. Francis R. Wall),

2728 Haste St., Berkeley, Cal.

Magazine writer; b. in the Bronx, Westchester Co., N.Y., Jan. 4, 1866; dau. James Burton and Sophia Mcllvalne (Bledsoe) Herrick: ed. chiefly by mother, who was 30 years on editorial staff of Century Magazine, N.Y. City, and by private les- sons and tutors, and travel In America and Europe; m. 1889, Francis R. Wall, formerly offcer U.S.N. , now lawyer in San Fianclsco. Began writing for publication in St. Nicholas, Harper's Young People, etc., at age of 18; went West In 1889; literary editor of Portland Oregonlan for i years, and at same time and later occasionally contributed to the Critic (N.Y. CItv), Atlantic, the Century, McClure's, Harper's Weekly, etc. Won two $500 prizes in competitions (one In col- laboration with husband). Wrote article Heroic San Francisco, during the great Are (Century Magazine, Aug., 1906). Writer of articles on the State of Washington in Atlantic Magazine and short stories In other magazines. Edited: Win- ning Equal Suffrage In California, 1913. Helped organize California Civic League and was vice-


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