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��Islatton (published by Am. Acad, of Political and Social Science); contributor to economic and educational publications. Mem. Am. Economic Ass'n, Am. Acad, of Political and Social Science, Ass'n of Collegiate Alum n as, Am. Ass'n for Labor Legislation, Nat. CMld Labor Ass'n. WALDEB, Pauline J^ 3« Bromfleld St., Boaton,


Born Lynn, Mass., May 7, 1842; dau. Isaiah and Anna (Symonds) W&lder; ed. in Lynn (Mass.) public and high schools. Actively identified with the work of the Woman's Foreign Mission- ary Soe. of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and for twenty years publisher of the society's periodicals: Woman's Missionary Friend, Chil- dren's Missionary Friend, Frauen Missions Freund, The Study, and other publications. Mem. Corporation Board of Managers, and of the Con- ference Board of the New England Deaconess Ass'n, Boston; mem. Board of Managers of the New England Moral Reform Ass'n. WAUK), Frances Hall (Mrs. Ralph Waldo),

54 W. Seventy-first St., N.Y. City, and West

Hampton, L.I.

Born N.Y. City, July 10, 1869; dau. Alfred Ben- jamin and Susie (Dutcher) Hall; ed. St. Catha- rine's Hall, Brooklyn; took Bishop's prize at graduation; m. Apr. 22, 1890, Ralph Waldo, M.D. ; children: Ralph H., Fanny, Alfred Williams, Paul Van Wart. Mem. Ladies' Auxiliary Soc, Lebanon Hospital; Woman's Auxiliary of Union Settlement. Tjnltarian. Regent of Colonial Chap- ter D.A.R. ; Alumnse Soc. of St. Catharine's Hall. Recreations: Bridge and out-door sports. Mem. Westhampton Country Club. WAIxDBON, MMtha M., Hampton In»titut«,

Hampton, Va.

Physician; b. Otsellc, N.T., 1850; dau. M. N. and Califita (Bowcn) Waldron; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. '72; A.M. '81; Women's Med. Coll. of Pa., M.D. '81. Resident physician of Hampton Inst., Va., 1881-lfllO; life mem. Am. Acad, of Medicine. Mem. Nat. Geog. Soc. Has -written leaflets on: Prevention of Tuberculosis; Responsibility of Teachers; Care of Children. Congregationalist. Recreation: Travel. Has been Identified with miich irfiilanthropic and social service work. Fa- vors woman suffrage. WAI.DBOP, Mrs. Robert Ross, Crowell, Tex.

Born Leon Co., Tex.; dau. E. and Mary (Run- nels) Winzer; ed. public school, Waco, Tex.; m. Waco, Tex., Oct. 1, 1905, R. R. Waldrop; chil- firen: Liston Elmo, Chester Ross. Teacher In Bnnday-school ; leader of Young Ladies' Auxil- iary of Crowell Baptist Church; mem. the Colum- bian Clnt), Crowell, Tex. (literary and civic im- provement). Baptist. Favors woman suffrage.

WAUBaOR, Alice Mather (Mrs. Wllliston Walk- er), 281 Edwards St., New Haven, Conn. Bom Amhurst, Mass., Nov. 24, 18S2; dau. Prof. Richard H. and Elizabeth (Carmlchael) Mather; mem. for two years of class of IS^A In Smith Coll. ; m. June 1, 1885, Prof. Williston Walker; children: Amelia, b. 1894; Elizabeth, b. 1902. Pres. Woman's Congregational Home .Missionary Union of Conn.; pres. Oonn. Soc. Colonial Dames of America; mem. New Haven Colony Hist. Soc, Soc. for New England Antiquities, Order of Colonial Governors, Consumers' League, United Workers of New Haven (ex-pres.) Anti-Suffrage League of Conn. Clubs: Our Society, Fort- nightly, Saturday Morning (assoc. mem.), Lawn (New Haven). Congregationalist. Against wo- man suffrage.

WALKER, Auielia Himes (Mrs. Robert Hunt Walker), 25 W. Chase St., Baltimore, Md. Born New Oxford, Pa. ; dau. William A. and Katharine Wirt (Gitt) Himes; grad. York Col- legiate Inst., '98; Swarthmore Coll., A.B. (Kappa Kappa Gamma); m. New Oxford, Pa., June 4, 1910, Robert Hunt Walker; one son: Talbott Hunt. Interested in charities pertaining to chil- dren; mem. Board of Managers of Friends School, Board of Managers of Hollywood Summer Home for Children. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Just Government League, Equal Suffrage League of Md. Mem. Society of Friends. Recrea- tions: Slnein£ for charitable entertainments.

��athletics of all kinds, tennis, horses for driving and riding. Mem. College Club.

WALKER, Anna Williams (Mrs. John C, Walker), J84 Pleasant St., New Bedford, Mass, Business woman, cashier; b. Grosvenordale, Conn., July 17, 1865; dau. Joseph Cady and Marj (Hutohins) Williaaus; ed. Wellesley Coll., B.A. '87 (five-year musical course, class of '86) ; m. Concord, N.H., Dr. John C. Walker (deceased); one datrghter: Ruth Williams Walker (deceased). Has been interested in the humanitarian move- ment for the last 20 years; started a league in the Bertshlres with another Wellesley girl and has the Animal Rescue League started in New Bedford. Has written for the papers on humani- tarian subjects. Unitarian. Mem. Wellesley Alumnse Ass'n, College Settlement Ass'n, Inter- national Sunshine Soc, Mass. Anti-Vivisection Soc. and many other societies. Was teacher prior to marriage; sent West by Wellesley to an academy; taught in Chicago, Wisconsin and New England; preferably Greek and literature. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Recreation: The woods.

WALKER, Bene Maude, 46 Gramercy Park,

N.Y. City.

Editor; b. Newtonville, Mass.; dau. Joseph and Sarah L. (Monlton) Walker; ed. public schools in Western Mass. and private school, Cambridge, Mass. Associate editor of the Bookseller, News- dealer and Stationer (semi-monthly) since 1901; compiler and editor of Persian poets; cc-ealtor (with Nathan HaskiU Dale) Encyclopedia Ameri- cana, 1903; compiler Handy Book of Cards and Games, 1S07; contributing editor to the Authors' Press under Rossiter Johnson and The World's Best Fiction; contributor to newspapers; short stories to magazines, etc.

WALKER, Bertha Elizabeth (Mrs. Samuel J.

Walker), 670 Lincoln Parkway, Chicago, 111.

Bom Germantown, Pa., 1867: dau. Joseph Frai- ley and Harriet Louisa (Hinckle) Smith; ed. Mrs. Howell's School, Philadelphia; Smith Coll.; m. Philadelphia, Pa., May 9, 1894, Samuel J. Walker 2d; children: Samuel Johnson 3d, b. 1895; Helen Louise, b. 1896. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Acorn Club (Philadelphia), Woman's Athletic (Hub, Onwentsia Country Club, Scribblers' Club, Saddle and Cycle Club (Chicago).

WALKER, Cinderella Dalrymple (Mrs. Silas Elsworth Walker), 14 Water St., Warren, Pa. Born Warren, Pa.; dau. Richard William and Sarah J. (Kitchen) Dalrymple; ed. Warren pub- lic schools, Chamberlin Inst., Randolph, N.Y. ; m. Aug. 29, 1878, Silas Elsworth Walker; children: Richard O., Ross A., William A., S. Eleanor. Regent of Gen. Josepli Warren Chapter Nat. Soc. D.A.R. Mem. Presbyterian Church and asso- ciated societies. Associate society and city im- provement editor of Warren Evening Times, of which husband is editor and proprietor. Pres- byterian. Mem. of all societies associated with church, W.C.T.U., Civic Improvement League; ex-offlclo chairman of all committees, Park Im- provement Fund, which has been undertaken by Gen. Joseph Warren Chapter D.A.R. ; mem. Blue Stocking Club (federated), Warren Outing Club and Outing Club Corporation, Woman's Club (in- corporated) ; ex-pres. Y.W.C.A.

WALKER, Emily Talbot (Mrs. Cyrus Walker), 1901 Jackson St., San Francisco, Cal. Born East Machias, Me.; dau. William Chal- oner and Sophia Gleason (Foster) Talbot; m. San Francisco, Apr. 30, 1885, Cyrus Walker of Wash- ington; children: Talbot Cyrus, Emily Pope. Episcopalian. Mem. Colonial Dames, Soc May- flower Descendants, D.A.R., Daughters of Colonial Governors. Mem. Francesca Club, Town and Country Club, San Francisco Golf and Country Club, Menlo Country Club of Red- wood, Cal.

WALKEB, Emma Elizabeth, Osborn Hall, 426

E. Twenty-sixth St., N.Y. City.

Physician; b. Springfield, Mass.; dau. Worth- Ington Henry and Elizabeth (Crossette) Walker; ed. Smith Coll., A.B. '87; Johns Hopkins Med. School, M.D. '98. Assistant surgeon to the Hospital for Ruptured and Crippled. N.Y. City;


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