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��elsei-where for Chicago Tribune, three years; spe- cial article writer for N.Y. Sun, Harper's Bazar, Pearson's Magazine, Cosmopolitan Maga- zine anj others. Favors woman suffrage; first woman nominated by a political convention in State of 111. (office of Trustee of 111. State 'Joit., nominated by J. R. B. Van Cleave, in State Re- publican Convention). Author: Questions of Science; Scientific Sewing and Garment Cutting; How to Be Attractive and Successful; Songs: Just You and I; My Work a Play; The Testing. Episcopalian. Independent In politics. Recrea- tion: Horseback riding. Mem. N.Y. Pen and Brush CIuId, organizer and hon. lite mem. of Service Club, Chicago.

WAKEMAN, Helen Edith Ains worth fMrs. Wil- bur Fisk Wakeman), 111 E. Twenty-fourth St., N.Y. City.

Bom Sand Lake, N.Y.; dau. A. and Eliza Wainwright (Dillon) Alnsworth; ed. N.Y. City elementary schools and Normal Coll., classical jep't (mem. Philomathean Soc. ; m. N.Y. City, June 4, 1898, Wilbur Fisk Wakeman (then ap- praiser of port). Interested in extension of Christianity and engaged in such work for 15 years in East Side of New York; also interested in perpetuating ideals and patriotism of early settlers of America; formerly pres. of Nat. Indian Ass'n. Against woman suffrage. News- paper writer under nom de plume "Elizabeth Williams" upon taiiff topics from protection Btandpoint. Presbyterian. Mem. r>aughters of the Revolution. Recreations: Reading, out-door pleasure, nature studies.

WAKEMAN, Keith, 64 W. Fifty-fourth St.,

N.Y. City.

Actress; b. California; dau. Capt. Edgar and Mary (Lincoln) Wakeman ; descended from the "college side" of Abraham Lincoln's family on the mother's side, and from the Dukes of Argyle on father's side; ed. Ca!. State Normal School. Began stage career In America and was taken to London by E. S. Wiliard and remained there to star and play leading parts for ten years, during which time she also became a magazine writer under a male nom de plume. Returned to America to play leading parts under Charles Frohman. The following season, while under management of William A. Brady, wrote a pro- gressive play called, The Sixth Sense. Played co-star parts with Robert Mantell, the Shake- spearian star. Now prepa"ing to appear in her own play.

WAKE>IAN, Xellie Antoinette, Mills College,

Cal. ; home, Madison, Wis.

Chemist; b. Sun Prairie, Wis.; dau.' John and Martha (Hatch) Wakeman; grad. Whitewater (Wis.) Normal School, '04; Univ. of Wis., B.S. '08, M.S. '10 (Sigma Xi), Ph.D. '13. Assistant in pharmaceutical chemistry, Univ. of Wis., 1910-11; Instructor in chemistry. Mills Coll., Cal., since 1911. In chemical work along the line of pharma- ceutical and plant chemistry. Interested in the work of the Protestant Episcopal Church, also In out-door life, gardening, walking, rowing, photography. Has written several scientific arti-

les, among which are: The Quantitative Estima-

tion of Oxidases in Plants; Thymoquinone and Hydrothymoquinone; The Higher Oxidation Products of Thymoquinone; The Monardas, a Phytochemlcal Study; A Guide to the Study of Plant Chemistry. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage (voter in Cal.). Republican.

W.'VKKM.'VN, Sophie Susan Reynolds (Mrs. Bertis Rupert Wakeman), 7 HakeB Av., Hor-

nell, N.Y.

Born Owatonna, Minn., Apr;'! 13, 1875; dau. Cal- vin Dwight and Esther Imogene (Fisk) Reynolds; ed. Alfred Univ., B.L. '92, M.L. 93; Bryn Mawr Coll., 1S02-03; post-grad, student in School of Ex- pression, Boston, 1S94-99 (teacher's d'ploraa); m. Alfred, N.Y., June 24, 1903, Dr. Bertis Rupert Wakeman; children: Calvin Edson, b. 1901; Philip li'isk, b. 1906; Gertrude Imogene, b. 1907; Frederick Bennett, b. 1909. Teacher in School of Expression, Boston, 1892-99; prof, of English and c ralory in Baptist Female Univ., Raleigh, N.C., 1900-01; instructor in English and oratory, Alfred Univ., 1901-04; succc-ssively sec, vice-pres. and pres.

��of Woman's Board of Managers of St. James Mercy HcRjpital; vice-pres. of City Council of Woman's Clubs; trustee of Public Libraj-y; chairman of V.liage Improvements Com. West- ern N.Y. Fed. of Women's Clubs; has served on the local Tuberculosis Com. of State Charities Aid Ass'n for four years. Was sec. two years, vlco-pres. one year of local Equal Suffrage League. Contributor to House Beautiful, Col- lier's VTeelily and locsl papers; wrote The his- tory of the Library Ass'n. Seventh Day Baptist. Republican (Progressive). Mem. Alumni Ass'n of Alfred Univ., D.A.R. Recreations. Automobiiing, house builolng. Clubs: Browning Readers, Co- lumbian Mothers, City Council of Women's (ilubs.

WALCOTT, Anabel Ha vena (Mrs. H. M. Wal- cott), Rutherford, N.J. ; summer, Newark, O. Artist; b. Ohio; dau. George W. and Melvina (Roberts) Havens; ed. Art Students' League, N.Y. ; Coiorossi Acad., Paris, and private masters in Brittany and Holland; m. Nefwark, 0., June 1, 1905, H. M. Walcott, A.N. A., of Rutherford, N.J. Favors woman suffrage. Entered Art Stu- dents' League at age of 18; later studied and traveled In Europe; for three years exhibited in Paris Salon and became a regular contributor to American annual exhibitions and expositions on return to the U.S. Awarded the third Hall- garten prize. Nat. Acad., N.Y.

WAXr), Lillian D., 265 Henry St., N.Y. City.

Tralaed nurse; b. Cincinnati; dau. Max and Minnie Wald; ed. private schools; N.Y. Hospital Training School for N^jTses; Woman's Hospital (pcf^t-grari. work); received degree of LL.D., Mt. Holyoke Coll., 1912. Founded Henry St. SetUe- ment, 1893; originated Federal Child.-en'E Bureau (created by act of Congress, 1S12). Mem. N.Y. State Ijnmigration Commission, N.Y. -City first Push Cart Commission; head resident Henry St. Settlement; Exeo. Com,. Nat. Child Labor cJom. , pre,-?. Social Halls Ass'n; vice-pres. Ass'n of Neighborhood Workers, also N.Y. Abs'd for Parks and Playgrounds; Exec. Com. and Centra! Council N.Y. Charity Organization Soc. ; treas. Joint Board of Sanitary Control of Cloak and Suit Industry. Favors woman suffrage. Author of monographs: Medical Inspection in PiabMc Schools; Or^'anlzation Amongst Working Wo- men; Plea for the Creation of a Federal Ch'd- dren Bureau (published in Annals of A.m. Acad, of PoliticaJ and Social Science); The District Nurses' Contribution to the Reduction of Infant Mortality (BuHetln Ara. Acad, of Medicine); also variouE articles in Am. Journal of Nursing, and The Survey. Jewish religion. Lecturer on mat- ters connected with nursing, social science, etc.. Teachers Coll., also in Boston School for Soc-al Worlcers 'occasional).

W.ILDEMAR, Grrtrnde Bncklin, 570 W. 156th St., N.Y. City.

Lecturer; b. Eastport, Me., Sept 22, 1870; dau. Napoleon B. and Maria (Bucklin) Bucklln; ed. Cleveland and Chicago public and high schools, private tutors and seminary. Lecturer on arc, science, religion and politics. Addressed la-i-ge meetings with prominent candidates in N.Y. City and State for the Progressive Party during campaign of 1912. Suffragist; mem. Woman's Political Union and Woman Suffrage Party. Liberal in religion. Progressive in politics. WALDEN, Anne Brevoort Eddy (Mrs. R. P. Walden), Mamaroneck, N.Y. Born N.Y. City; dau. Ulysses D. and Jane (Brevoort) Eddy; m. Mamaroneck, N.Y., Dec. 20, 1900, Reginald Prescatt Walden; children: Jane Brevoort, Anne Townsend, Caroline, Rosamond Prescott. Author (pen name "Ann Devoore) : Oliver Iverson; also short stories and poems In Scribner's, McClure's and other magazines. Epis- copalian. Favors woman suffrage. WALDEN, Sarah S. W. (Mrs. Percy Talbot Wal- den), 210 St. Ronan St., New Haven, Conn. Economist; b. Paris, France, 1872; dau. Jo- seph Thompson and Sarah Alethia (Scovili) Whit- telsey; grad. Radcliffe Coll., A.B. '94; YaJe, Ph.D. '98; m. New Haven, Conn., 190,^, Percy Tal- bot Walden, Ph.D., ass't prof, chemistry, Yala Univ. Was instructor in economics in Wellesley Coll., 1902-03. Author: Massachusetts Labor Leg-


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