��reations: Walking, driving, traveling. Favors
woman suffrage.
WAGNER, Janette Burwell Yates (Mrs. Charles
V. Wagner), 1649 Amsterdam Av., N.T. City.
Born Jefferson County, W.Va. ; dau. Francis and Anne Elizabeth (Burwell) Yates; ed. in Staunton, Va., and Patapsco Inst., near Balti- more, Md. ; m. Charles V. Wagner; only child died. Mem, United Daughters of Confederacy, Gotham Club, Fed. of Women's Clubs. Episco- palian. Against woman suffrage. WAGNER, Laura Virgruiia (Mrs. John F. Wag- ner), 3853 E. Olive St., Seattle, Wash.
Bom Coopersburg, Pa. ; dau. Augustus A. F^eyman, M.D., and Christiana (Doerle) Frey- man; ed. schools in TiiBn, Seneca Co., Ohio; m. Tiffin, O., June 25, 1889, .John F. Wagner, den- tist; one daughter: Katharine Berkey Wagner. Former pres. of St. Mark's Church Guild, Seat- tle; mem. of the Children's Orthopedic Hospital Ass'n; sec. Renton Hill Guild in connection with that work. Favors woman suffrage. Episco- palian. Republican. State vice-regent D.A.R. (mem. State Com. on Immigration) ; mem. Nat. Com. on Preservation of Historic Spots, D.A.R. ; representative for the Titanic Memorial Ass'n; ex-pres. of 1890 Club of Tiffin, 0. ; former mem. Century Club of Seattle, Wash. ; mem. several social clubs. WAGNER, Myrtle Hndson (Mrs. Edward R.
Wagner), San Jose, Cal.
Teacher; b. Strongsville, C; dau. Joshua A. and Mary E. (Metcalf) Hudson; ed. Univ. of Mict., B.L. '85; m. San Jose, 1889, Edward R. Wagner, M.D. ; children: Hubert H., Elizabeth D., Clarence, Vincent. Taught In Cal. public schools six years; State Normal School, San Jose, four years; Lintsingcho, Shantung Prov- ince, CJhina, ten years. Foreign sec. Woman's Board of the Pacific (Congregational), 1906—; editorial sec. Woman's Board of the Pacific, 1911—; sec. of literature, Mt. Hermon Federate School of Missions (interdenominational) ; Y.W.C.A. of Normal School, Advisory Board of Chautauqua Assembly, Pacific Grove (director). Flavors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Republican. Recreations: Walking, mountain climbing. Mem. Parents' and Teachers' Ass'n of Normal Training School, Mothers' Ass'n of San Jose High School. WAGSTAPF, Bertha Scram (Mrs. William J.
Wagstaff), 655 Algoma St., Oshkosh, Wis.
Bom Omro, Wis., Jan. 31, 1858; dau. William H. and Phcebe (Bishop) Scram; ed. Omro High School; completed four years' course of reading required by the Chautauqua Literary and Scien- tific Circle; m. Omro, Wis., Sept. 14, IS&l, Will- iam J. Wagstaff; children: George W., Clarence S. Pres. Woman's Reading Club, West End Reading Club, Favors woman suffrage. Meth- odist. Mem. D.A.R. Recreations: Country life, travel. Mem. Twentieth Century Club. WAID, Eva Clark (Mrs. Dan Everett Wald), 1
Lexington Av., N.Y. City; country home,
Sound Beach, Conn.
Born Ottawa, Kan. ; dau. William H. and Jen- nie (Grahann) Clark; grad. Monmouth Coll., B.A. '87; m. Ottawa, Kan., Daniel Everett Waid. Much Interested in philanthropy; mem. Exec. Com. Woman's Board of Home Missions of the Presbyterian Church; mem. Council of Women for Home Missions. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Chicago Women's Club In New York. WAINWRIGHT, Marie Page (Mrs. Winston
Henry Slaughter), 602 W. 139th St., N.Y. City.
Actress; b. In Philadelphia, 1860; dau. Capt. J. Mayhew Wainwright, U.S.N., and Maria (Page) Wainwright (granddaughter of Bishop Wain- wright; descendant on mother's side of Col. Byrd of Winchester, Va.); ed. in France; m. Paris, France, 1875, Winston Henry Slaughter; children: Mary Gertrude, Elizabeth Mayhew. Began career as leading woman with Lawrence Barrett; followed in leading parts with Edwin Booth and Tomaso Salvini; joint star with Louis James in plays of Shakespeare. Was the original of title r61e in Lawrence Barrett's great produc- tion of F^rancesca da Rimini; made an elaborate
��production of Twelfth Night and Amy Robsart, also played roles of Lady Teazle, Rosamond, Ophelia, Juliet, Camllle, Frou Frou, etc.; two years with William Gillette; now playing Truth in Everywoman. Roman Catholic (convert).
WAIT, Carrie Stow (Mrs. Horace C. Wait), 360
W. Twenty-first St., N.Y. City.
Teacher and lecturer; b. New Haven, Conn., July 9, 1852; dau. Henry and Susan (Folliot) Stow; ed. public school of New Haven, and later by tutors in languages (French and German) ; studied Celtic and Saxon literature in Cambridge, England; m. New Haven, Conn., Dec. 26, 1888, Horace C. Wait; one daughter: Constance, b. Dec. 13, 1895. Interested in both art and litera- ture and has exhibited water colors in best exhi- bitions in N.Y. and other cities, 1882-1905. Has given time and interest to work among children and especially day nurseries in Jersey City and N.Y. City. Has written for literary and art magazines and edited collections. Congrega- tionalist. Recreations: Travel, sketching. Mem. Sorosis Club, D.A.R., Colonial Dames.
WAIT, Lizzie Frances, 22 Webster St., East
SomerviUe, Mass.
Artist; b. Boston, Mass.; dau. Asa W. and Hannah (Rice) Wait; ed. in Boston schools; grad. from school of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1892. Teacher of drawing in the Groton School, Groton, Mass., 1893-1902. Painter of pic- tures in oil and water colors and of miniatures. Exhibitor in R.I. School of Design, N.Y. Water Color Club, Pa. Acnd. of Design, Boston Art Club, Art Inst of Chicago, etc. Mem. Copley Soc. of Boston.
WAITE, Elizabeth Richardson, 204 Van Houten
Av., Passaic, N.J.
Teacher; b. New London, N.H. ; dau. Edwin and Jane E. (Wate) Waite; grad. Girls' Latin School, Boston, Mass., '91; Wellesley Coll., B.A. '95; Columbia Univ., A.M. '12; Marburg Univ., summer of 1912. Sec. and treas. Women's Aux- iliary; pres. Junior Auxiliary; now choir mother and serves in the Altar Guild; pres. Teachers' Ass'n. Episcopalian. Recreations: Reading, playing cards, walking, mountain climbing, traveling. High school teacher in Barrington, R.I., 1896-1906; Passaic, N.J., since 1906, as head of German dep't. WAITE, Ella Raymond, Hull House, Chicago,
Social worker; b. Chicago, 111.; dau. Horace F. and Jane (Garfield) Waite. Presbyterian. Clubs: Friday, Woman's City. Favors woman suffrage.
WAITE, Kate Robinson (Mrs. Edwin H. Waite), 223 S. Walnut St., Ravenna, O. Born New Philadelphia, O., Mar. 8, 1861; dau. Alfred Kelly and Jane (Elson) Robinson; ed. Ravenna pulDlic school and private school; m. Sept. 2, 1880, Edwin H. Waite; children: Henry Adelbert, Edna Emily, Marie Louise. Sec. and treas. (jongregational Benevolent Soc. ; mem. Civic Improvement Soc; pres. Tuesday Literary Club, 1911-12. Has done suffrage work; also active in good roads movement. Congregational- ist. Mem. Civic Soc, Church Aid Soc. Recrea- tions: Music and social affairs; mem. Whist Club.
WAKEFIELD, Mary Wiley Cameron (Mrs. Wal- ter James Wakefield), Tucson, Ariz. Ed. the Misses Shipley's School, Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '04; m. 1908, Walter James Wakefield. Vice-pres. of Arts and Crafts Soc. of Tuscon, Ariz. Pres. Woman's Collegiate Club of Tuscon, Ariz.
WAKEMAN, Mrs. Antoinette Van Hosan, Ossining, N.Y.
Writer; b. Cortland Co., N.Y. ; dau. John and Rodia (Bonnat) Van Hosan; ed. Northwestern Women's Coll., Evanston, 111.; Jennings Inst., Aurora, 111., M.A. ; m. Minneapolis, Edgar L. Wakeman ; one son: John Van Hosan. Was special Chicago correspondent Minneapolis Jour- nal and St. Paul Pioneer Press; editor Am. Housekeeping; on staff Chicago Evening Post for four years (had full charge of everything per- taining to women, was also art critic of paper); special correspondent on the Pacific Coast and