��V08BHPIIGH, Msade BateheW«r (Mrs. Charles Peter Voebur^h), 620 W. IMd St., N.T. City. Daughter of Ehigene and Caroline (I>eshon) BatcheMer; ed. Boston schools; Mt. Vernon Seminary, Washington, D.C. ; RadclifEe Coll.; m. Caittbridffe, Mass., Apr. 14, 1909, Charles Ptler Vosbnrgh; one son: Peter Vosburgii. One of the founders of Cambridge Anti-Tuberculosis Ass'n. Congregation allst. Mem. D.A.R., Woman's Mu- nicipal League, MacDoTfell Club, Patria Club, RadcllSe Club.
VOSE, Alic« Owsl^ (Mrs. Wjiltar S. V«s«), 6M Jodison Av., Kvan«ton, III. Bom Ckicago, A*r. 21, ISSS; dau. Jo&n Gny and Alice Evelyn (Pullnum) Owwley; ed. Nartli- western Univ. and Cornell, A. B, (Delta Gamma); m. Skaneateles, N.T., Sept.. 1906, Walter S. Vose; children: Owsley, ETlizabcth Heaton. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Political Equality Ass'n of Eranston, III. VOSS, Tarqiiinia Tioetk, IJOl Broadway, Indian- apolis, Ind.
Born Noblesvllle, Ind., 1868; dau. GuBt&vua H. and Sarah A. (Evans) Vose; ed. by private gov- erness and in Baptist Imjt., Indianapolis; De- Pauw; College de Prance (Sorbonne), Paris. Mem. and worker in several religious, social and philanthropic organizations; mem. Civic League Ase'n of Women; worker in church and Sunday-school interests. Writer of short stories in magazines. State regent Indiana Daughters of the Revolution; mem. Nat Soc. Daughters of 1812, Martha Washington Memcrial Ass'n; hon. mem. Huguenot Soc. of America, Ladies' Nat. Musical Soc. Represented State of Indiana and GeneraJ Soc. of Daughters of Revolution at Paris Exposition, 1900; has served on many committees since then where women could serve in State or civil affairs. Presbyterian. Mem. Board of Management Franchise League of Indiana; mem. Equal Suffrage Ass'n of Indiana. Collector of works of art and rare books. Recreation: Tour- ing car (enthusiastic motorist).
VOTAW, Lillian Ford (Mrs. Robert Aloozo
Votaw), 668 Mason St., San Antonio, Tex.
Born Austin, Texas, June 21, 1878; dau. Col. John SalmcHi (Rip) Ford (noted Confederate sol- dier and Indian fighter) and Addie Norton (Smith) Ford; grad. San An.tonio High School (salutatorian of class), 1897; m. Austin, Tex., Aug. 28, laOl, Robert Alonio Votaw; one child: Robert Alonzo Votaw Jr., b. Aug. 16, 1902. In- terested in the betterment of conditions of work- ing girls and children, also for several years has been interested in changing the Texas law« per- taining to the legal status of married women; an article she published in The Delineator, Septem- t>er, 1911, was the cause of that magazine starting a campaign to change these married women laws, not only in Texas but in other States in the Union, under the leadership of William Hard, associate editor of Everybody's. Favors woman suffrage; charter mem. San Antonio Equal Fran- chise Soc.; chairman of the Business Wcwnen's Com. and a sub-ohalrman of the Elxtension Com. Has had letters and short articles appear In The Delineator and Texas newspapers and magazines. Episcc^allaa. M.egn. and former treas. of the United Daughters of the Confed- eracy, Barnard E. Bee Chapter; charter mem. of the San Antcmio Y.W.C.A. Recreations: Rid- ing, shooting, tennis. Charter mem. San An- tonio Congress of Mothers; first pres. San An- tonia Business Women's Club; former sec. Milam School Mothers' Club; mem. San Antonio Pen Women's Club. VOUGHT, Sabra Wilbor, 810 W. iPoorth St.,
Jamestown, N.T.
Librarian; b. Towanda, Pa., May 23, 1877; dau. Frank and Adella M. (Wilbur) Vought; ed. Alle- gheny Coll., A.B. '99; N.Y. State Library School, B.L.S. '01 (Kappa Alpha Theta, Phi Beta Kappa). Librarian Univ. of Tenn., Knoxville, 1901-10; assistant library organizer of Ohio, 1910-12; in- structor Summer School for Librarians, Winona Lake, Ind., 1904-05: head instructor Summer Li- brary School, Chautauqua, N.Y., since 1906. Mem. Am. Library Ass'n. Recreation: Reading. Eniscopalian.
��VKOOM, Mary, Greenwich, Conn.
Hospital superintendent; b. Somerville, N.J., Oct., 1865; dau. Peter and Margaret (Cole) Vroom; ed. Somerville public and high school, Graduate of N.Y. Hospital, '96. Engaged in pri- vate nursing; later ass't sup't ot Brooklyn Hos- pital; now sup't of Greenwich Hospital Ass'n, Conn. Active in social service work. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Equal PYanchlse Soc. ol N.Y. City. Mem. Dutch Refonsed CSiurcb.
WAAOEX, Mnr KUxaheth Hickaoa (Mrs.
Car»ten B. N. Waagen), 41»4 Corchester St.,
West, Moatroal.
Author; b. Montreal, Oct 12, 1884; dau. lata Sir Joe^>h and Catherine (Dow) Hickson; ed. Montreal (private school) ; Eastbourne, England (prtrat* seixwl); m. Montreal, June 1, 1^12, Caxsten B, N. WaagMi. Interested in social work, e»tablishznent oi e»ttage industrial schools for girls, Juvenile court work. Favors woman suitrace. Author: Mfiulaiaa Janvier's Church; The Call of God; The Return of Frances. Pret^ytOTian. Mem.. Canadian Handicraft Guild, Antiquariaji aiid Nunrismsaic Soc, Board of Di- rectors of Girls' G»ttage Indu»triaJ School. Rec- reations; Riding, goU, fishing, mountaineering, skiing. Mem. University Book Clab.
WADDKUC., Jessie V. Mann (Mrs. James Vance Waddell), 230 S. Seventh St., Vandalia, 111.
Bom Nora brings, la. Feb. 14, 1887; dau. O. C and Etoima I. (Knapp) Mann; ed. Oak Park (lU.) IIWi Sobool, lSOl-06; Univ. of 111.. 1905-09, A.B. (class vice-pres. and sec.) '09 (Alpha Chi Omega); m. Oak I-ark, III., June 22, 190S, James Vance Waddell; children: Ruth Eonma, Jessie Frances. Favors woman sufirage. Baptist. Meioi. Ord^ of Eaat^-n Star, Home Study Circle (^ Vand&lia.
WADDELI., jrina T., La Jolla, Cal.
Librarian: b. Port Hope, Ont., Nov., 1855; dau. R. N. and Angeline E. (Jones) Waddell; ed. Cobourg, Ontario; Frankfort-on-Main, Germany; Paris, France; Lausanne, Switzerland, and Armour Inst, CSiicago; course In library science. Since 1905 mem. Board of Trustees of La Jolla Library Ass'n; sec. board and librarian of Ija Jolla Public Library. Favors woman suffrage. Newspaper c^HTespoodent Episcopalian. Mem. Am. Ivibrary A«e'n, Cal. Library Ass'n, Y.W.C.A., Guild of St. James-by-the-Sea, La Jolla. Pres. two years, sec. four years La Jolla Woman's Club.
WADDENOTON, Jennie Fonda, R.D. 3, Salem,
Salem Co.., N.J.
Biologist; b. near Salem, N.J., July 6, 1865; dau. Joshua and Ann (Vanneman) Waddington; ed. Salem Friends' School; Swarthmore Coll., B.S. (with honors) '89, M.S. '92; Univ. of Pa., School of Philosophy, 1897-99; Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass., summers of 1897 and 1900. Ass't in Biological Laboratory, &wart5imore Coll., 1890-91; teacher Friends' schools, 1899-1902; now engaged in agriculture. Mem. Y.W.C.T.U.; founder and first pres. of Salem Naturalists' Field Club. Favors woman suffrage; county chairman of Legislative Com. for Woman Suffrage. Mem. Friends' Meeting. Life mem. Somerville Literary Soc.; mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Swarthmore Alumnae Ass'n, Ass'n of Alumnae of Univ. of Pa. Rec- reations: Tennis, walking. Mem. Woman's Club, Salem, N.J.; Salem Naturalists' Field Club, Country Club of Salem.
WADE, Blanche Elizabeth, 349 Summer St., Paterson, N.J. (summer, West Fall's, N.T.). Author, organist; b. Buffalo, N.Y. ; dau. Frank- lin Abemethy and Elizabeth (Flint) Wade; ed. Buffalo Sem. Author: A Garden in Pink, 1905; The Stained Glass Lady, 1906. Episcopalian. Mem. The Consolation Club (literary), Buffalo. Writer of short stories, children's stories, ar- ticles, poems and nonsense rhymes for Tha Century, Munsey's Magazine. Smart Set Har-