��VOLLINTINE, Minnie E. G. (Mrs. A. Hale Vol-
lintine), 1337 Granville Av., Chicago, 111.
Born Chatham, N.Y., Jan. 22, 1865; dau. Will- iam B. and Julia F. (Bristol) Goodenough; ed. Chicago public schools; m. Chicago, Ont. 24, 1893, A. Hale Vollintine; one daughter: Martha Elizabeth. Taught in Chicago public schools, 1887-93. Pres. Chicago Northern Dist. for Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc. of M.E. Church. Mem. Board of Managers for the Chi- cago Home for the Friendless. Active in local church work and on several boards for denomi- national institutions; now engaged in worlt for The World in Chicago. Favors woman suffrage. Methodist. Recreations: Driving, tennis, music. Mem. and has held office in I^ake View Woman's Club; mem. Lake View Musical Soc, Ravens- wood Musical Club. VOIIJrtJKE, Susan Homans (Mrs. Henry Voll-
mer). Box 8, Huntington, L.T.
Farmer; b. Tenafly, N.J., 1869; dau. Isaac Smith and Martha (Simmons) Homans; grad. Smith Coll.. '90 (Alpha Soc.); m. 1896, Henry Vollmer (died 1898). Teacher from 1893; ten years of teach- ing in Dr. Sachs' School for Girls, N.Y. City; in 1907 purchased a small farm at Huntington, Ij.I., where she Is now engaged In raising vegetables, fruit and chickens for market. Training for this business came through home correspondence courses and from advlaory visits from r«Uable coiLsulting agricultural experts. TresiB. the Huntington Political Equality I^ea/^ue; mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Women's Univer- sity, Women's Cosmopolitan and Smith College clubs, N.Y. City. VON KLENZE, Henrietta (Mrs. Camlllo von
Klenze), 125 Lloyd Av., Providence, R.I.
Teacher; b. Germany, May 30, 1871; dau. Gus- tav and F4'ances L. (Miilch) Becker; grad. Univ. of Chicago, A.B. 1900, Ph.D. 1903; m. Chicago, June 18, 1906, Prof. Camlllo von Klenze. Assist- ant, then associate in German dep't, Univ. of Chicago. AutJior: The Novels of Kleist and Hebbel (doctor's thesis), 1903; (Jerman Grammar — Elements of German, 1903. Favors woman suffrage; pres. Coll. Equal Suffrage League, Providence, R.I., 19U-12; in summer of 1912 sent as speaker by Am. Woman Suffrage Ass'n to speak in Ohio campaign. VONNOH, Bessie Potter (Mrs. Robert W. Von-
noh), 33 W. Sixty-seventh St., N.Y. City.
Sculptor; b. St. Louis, 1872; dau. Alexander C. and Mary (McKenney) Potter; ed. Art Inst., Chicago, under Lorado Taft; m. September, 1899, Robert W. Vonnoh (artist). Notable works: Chrysanthemum Girl; (jirl Reading; The Dancing Girl; Portrait of a Lady; An American Girl; Girl Standing (Art Inst, of Chicago); The Young Mother (Metropolitan Museum of Art, N.Y. City). Mem. Nat. Sculpture Soc, Nat. Acad, of Design (associate) ; represented in Metropolitan Museum of Art, N.Y. ; Corcoran Art Gallery, Washington, D.(^.; Art Inst., Chicago; bronze medal, Paris EJxposition, 1900; gold medal St. Louis World's Fair, 1904. VON SCIITLLEB, Norma, 790 Riverside Drive,
N.Y. City.
Born Baltimore, Md., 1889; dau. Hart von Schiller and wife (n6e Moore); ed. Western High School, Baltimore, Md. Mem. Harmony Fellow- ship Club, Woman's Democratic Club, Gridiron Club, Gotham Club and the Pro Artl. ■ Is a de- scendant of the great German poet, Frederick Schiller. Favors woman suffrage. VON SCHBADEK, Irene Bond (Mrs. Alleyne
von Schrader), Fort LIscum, Alaska.
Boru St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 5, 1886; dau. Henry Whitelaw and Mary (Miller) Bond; ed. Mary Inst., St. Louis, Mo.; Miss Dana's School, Mor- ristown, N.J.; m. St. Louis, Mo., Fob. 8, 1910, Dr. Alleyne von Schrader. Mem. Tillicum Club (Valdez, Alaska), Wednesday Royal Auction Clu'b. Recreations: Tennis, golf, hunting. Epis- copalian. Favors woman suffrage. VON UNSCnULI), Mme. Marie (Mrs. Henry
Lazard), :i471 Eighteenth St., N.W., Washing- ton, D.C. ; ofBce, 1320 F St., N.W.
Concert pianist; prea. Von Unschuld Univ. of Music; b. Olmutz, Austria, May 17, 1881; dau.
��Wentzel Unschuld Ritter von Melasfeld and Marie Szabo (de Maxa) von Unschuld; ed. Vienna Conservatx)ry (lat priie and grand ^oid medal; ; diploma from the Austrian O^vomaatnr. of pro- fessor of Music in the high and normaJ scho<M?.; m. Newport, R.I., Aug. 31, 1907, Prof, iienry Lazard; one daug-hter, Madeline voo UnacJiuld Lazard. Court pianist to H.M. the Queen of Roumanla; has played at the Austrian, Earflsh, German, Saxony and Turkish courts. Favors woman suffrage. Author: The Pianist Hand; The Supplement of the Pianist Hand; Scales Studies; The Von Unschuld Method of Piano Playing, illustrated with animated photographs; The Normal Course. Roman Catholic. Mem. League of Am. Pen Women. VON WTNDEGGEB, Marie Therese Feugnet
(Mrs. Frederick R. von Windegger), Briar-
mont, R.F.D. No. 1, Clayton, Mo.
Born St Louis; dau. Ernest and Ella Louise (Thompson) Peugnet; ed. Sacred Heart Convent; m. Frederick R. von Windegger. Worker at St. Stephen's House; recording sec Free Kin- dergarten Ass'n; State treas. Junior Auxiliary Ass'n; mem. Church Woman's Club, Consumers' League, (Contemporary Club, Social Service Con- ference, Momine Choral Club. Episcopalian. VOOBHEES, Cornelia Estelle, 91 Quitman St.,
Newark, N.J.
Born New Brunswick, N.J., Aug. 28, 1877; dau. Henry S. and Hannah A. (Steele) Voorhees; ed. New Brunswick High School, the Misses Anable's School, New Brunswick; Wellesley Coll., B.A. 1900. Interested in Sunday-school work. Writer of song-poems and other verse. Reformed Church. Mem. N.Y. Wellesley College Club. Teacher of German and grade work, 1900-04. Against Tfoman suffrage. VOOBHIES, Annie Bailey (Mrs. Alfred Hunter
Voorhies), Voorhies Building, Van Ness Av.,
San Francisco, Cal.
Born Milledgeville, Ga.., Mar. 16, 1845; dau. David Jackson Bailey (captain in Seminole Indian War; mem. Ga. Senate; U.S. Congre*; signed ordinance of secession. Col. 30th Ga. Regiment, C.S.A.; philanthropist) and Susan Mary (Grant- land) Bailey (granddaughter of Seaton Grant- land, editor. Congressman and distinguished in many ways); ed. by tutors, Griffin Coll., Pa- tapsco Inst.; m. Dec. 5, 1865, Dr. Alfred .Hunter Voorhies (officer on Gen. Leonidas Polk's staff, C.S.A.); children: Marie Robina (Mrs. H. P. Young), Alfred Hunter (deceased), Kate (Mrs. Henry), Bailey (deceased), Anna (Mrs. Thomas P. Bishop), Leila (Mrs. Guy T. Scott), Grantland B. During the war between the States her par- ents' home was a retreat for sick and wounded from adjacent battlefields. Bx-pres. Southern Industrial Educational Ass'n; former first vice- pres.-general United Daughters of Confederacy; charter mem. Francisco Club. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage. Democrat. VOESE, Mary licaton (Mrs. Albert White
Vorse), Provlncetown, Mass.
Author; b. NY. City; dau. Hiram and Ellen (Blackman) Heaton; ed. by private teachers; studied painting in schools of D^16cluse and Colorossi, Paris; Art Students' League, N.Y. City; m. Amherst, Mass., Oct. 26, 1898, Albert White Vorse (editor and author; died June 14 1910); children: Heaton WhKe, Mary Ellen. Au- thor: The Breaking In of a Yachtman's Wife; The Heart of the House;' The Very Little Per- son; contributed .stories and articles to the At- lantic Monthly, Scribner's, Harper's, McClure's, Appleton's, Everybody's, AInslee's, Harper's Ba- zar, The Delineator, The Bookman, The Critic, etc. Mem. D.A.R. (Mary Matton Chapter) Pen and Brush Club (N.Y. City), Lyceum Club (London, England). VOSBUBGH, Emma, Palatine Bridge, N.Y.
Born Fore Plain, N.Y., Mar. 21, 1866; dau. Jeremiah and Mary (Chrlstman) Vosburgh; grad. Palatine Bridge High School, 1882. Mem. Young Ladies' Soc. of St. Mark's Lutheran Church of Canajoharie, Missionary Soc, Luther League, Benevolent Soc; lady sup't of St. Mark's Sunday-school. Lutheran. Mem. Mon- day Evening Club of Canajoharie, Port Rens- selaer Chapter D.A.R.