��A Circle in the Sand; Time, the Comedian; The Creeping Tides; also plays that have been pro- duced, Mrs. Dakon (four acts), and one-act plays: A Luncheon at Nick's; The Right Road; The House of Pierre; The Pompadour's Protfege; also in preoaration three-act farce: The Public Eye. Mem. Pen and Brush Club, Writers' Club, Am. Dramatists' Club. VERNAM, Alnieda (Mrs. Frank B. Vernam),
1334 Second St., Lorain, O.
Born Garland, Pa.; dau. Peter and Sarah A. (White) McKinney; ed. public school; m. July 23, 1872, Frank V. Vernam; children: Lou, Peter, Leo F. Social settlement worker. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Mem. W.C.T.U., Order Eastern Star, Palestine Shrine, Lorain Sorosls Club. VERNON, S. Geraldine, Madison, Wis,
Physician; b. East Middleton, Wis.; dau. Daniel and Mary (.Martin) Vernon; ed. Univ. of Wis.; Northwestern Univ., med. dep't., M.D. '97. In hospital service at Wesley Hospital and at By- ford Hospital, Chicago. Methodist. Mem. For- eign Missionary Soc, Woman's Club. Against woman suffrage. VEKPLANCK, Katharine Rankin Wolcott (Mrs.
Samuel Verplanck), Roseneath, FishkiU-on-
Hudson, N.Y.
Born Roseneath, Pishkill-on-Hudson, N.Y., April 29, ]855; dau. Charles M. and Catharine A. (Rankin) Wolcott; ed. by tutors and governesses at home; Miss Green's School, N.Y. City; m. Roseneath, Fishkill-on-Hudson, N.Y., April 8, 1896, Samuel Verplanck. First pres. Dutchess Co. Com. for the Care of Dependent Children of the State Charities Aid Ass'n; sec. Board of Trustees of Highland Hospital for many years; interested in local churcii work; trustee Highland Library. Mem. Reformed Dutch Church. Indei>endent in politics. Mem. Soc. Colonial Dames State of N.Y. (pres. three years), Nat. Soc. D.A.R., two years (N.Y. State regent two years, chapter re- gent numerous times), Mayflower Soc, Soc. Col- onial Governors, Mary Washington Memorial Ass'n. Fortnightly Club. Descendant on her father's side from Henry Wolcott of Coon. In the line of Roger Wolcott, (Governor, and Oliver Wol- cott, signer of the Declaration of Independence. VESTAL, Jlrs. P. E., 1429 Bank St., South
Pasadena, Cal.
Born Gardner, Kan. ; dau. Fred and Rachel (Sutton) Ridlon. Sec. Nat. Women's Auxiliary to Railway Mail Ass'n. Mental Scientist. Favors woman suffrage.
VICKREV, Tanny Randolph (Mrs. Horace Na- tion Vlckrey), Riverside, Emporia, Kan.
County superintendent of schools; b. Emporia, Kan., Mar. 4, 1865; dau. Joseph V. and Anna M. (Watson) Randolph; grad. Emporia High School, '83; Kansas State Normal, 1900; m. Emporia, Kan., June 25, 1S85, Horace Nation Vickrey; one daughter: Helen, b. May 3D, 1887. Teacher in Emporia public schools for 12 years; sup't of schools of Lyon Co., Kan., 1813-1:^.; reelected In 1912; was nominated by Union Labor Party and by Prohibition Party in 1884 for sup't of public Instruction of Kansas; vice-pres. Kansas Farm- ers' Alliance, 1S8S-91. Active mem. of Kansas Good Roads Ass'n; mem. Exec. Board of Lyon Co. Farmers' Inst.; active mem. of Auxiliary to Farmers' Inst.; active in Populist movement in Kansas. Lectures on economic and social ques- tions. Mem. Royal Neighbors of America, (Drder Eastern Star (past matron), Emporia Federated Clubs. Recroation: Painting. (;k)ngregationaliBt. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Exec. Com. of Lyon Co. Suffrage Ass'n, acting as chairman of Educational Dep't. VIELE, Kathlyne Knickerbacker, 357 Park Av.,
Yonkers, N.Y.
Born New Brighton, Staten Island, N. Y., Jan. 12, ViUZ; dau. Gen. Egbert Ludovicus and "Teresa (Griffin) Vlele; ed. Mrs. Ogden Hoffman's School, N.Y. City, completed in Dresden, Saxony, 1868- 70; post-graduate course, 1878, at St. Agnes' School, Albany, N.Y.; grad. Woman's Law Class of New York Univ. Established at Ashtord Hill, Westchester Co., N.Y., in 1881, one of the first fresh air homes for the Door. Has worked
��20 years in philanthroplcal undertakings In con- nection with the Corning Foundation in Albany and the Church of the Holy Communion in N.Y. City. "Ashford Hill," a domain of 75 acres (which was Gen. Viele's country place), waa given to the Church of the Holy Communion by Miss Viele's grandmother, Mrs. Mary Griffin. Author: Two Hundred and Fifty Years with a Dutch Family of New York, 1909; Vlele Records, 1913. Meiu. Colonial Dames of America, Hugue- not Soc, Daughters of Holland Dames, Daugh- ters of Founders and Patriots, Mary Washington Colonial Chapter D.A.R., N.Y. Genealogical and Biographical Soc.
VIETOR, Agnes C, Trinity Court, Boston, Mass. Physician; specialty, surgery; b. Philadelphia, Pa.; ed. in public schools and privately; M.D., Woman's Med. Coll. of N.Y. Infirmary, 1£92; married, one son. Instructor in physical diag- nosis, 1S92-95, and instructor in surgery and attending dispensary surgeon, 1894-95, in Woman's Med. Coll. of N.Y. Infirmary; clinical ass't Dep't of Gynecology, N.Y. Post-Graduata School and Hospital, 18&3-95; studied in Europe, 1895; clinical ass't Dep't of Surgery, N.Y. Poly- clinic Med. School and Hosp., 1895-96; removed to Boston, 1896; acting house surgeon. New Eng- land Hospital, 1895; attending physician, Pope Dispensary, Boston, 1897-1904; ass't surgeon. New England Hospital, 1S99-1904; mem. Com. of Ways and Means for Control of Tuberculosis in Boston, 1900-01; engaged in research in Europe, 1901-02; holder of research scholarship. Society of the Lying-in Hospital, New York, 1903-04; Invited to assist in organizing Nat. Ass'n for Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis, March, 1904; resigned hospital appointments to devote time to research, 1904. Mem. and con- tributor 15th Internat. Med. Congress, Lisbon, 1908; fellow N.Y. Acad, of Medicine, Mass. Med. Soc, Boston Med. Library ; mem. Mass. Ass'n of B'ds of Health, New England Hospital Med. Soc, Am. Med. Ass'n, A.A.A.S., Am. Acad. Political and Social Science, Am. Economia Ass'n, Am. Soc. for Judicial Settlement of Inter- national Disputes; Mass. Civic League, Mass. State Child Labor Com., Mass. Political Equality Union, Mass. Woman Suffrage Party, Boston Drama League, Boston Municipal Athletic Ass'n, Boston Women's Municipal League, Boston Equal Suffrage Ass'n for Good Government, Boston School Voters' League, Ward 10 Pro- gressive Ward Com., Ward 10 Progressive Cluh (mem. B'd of Governors); Ward 10 Womau Suffrage Party (sec); Ward 10 Good Govern- ment Ass'n. Frequent contributor to medical journals on surgical, gynecological and general medical subjects; frequent lecturer on medical topics before Training School for Nurses, women's clubs, women's trade unions and similar bodies. Recreations: Walking, swim- ming, sailing, golf, dancing. Mem. Appalachian Mountain Club, Edgartown Yacht Club (ass't sec). Professional Women's Club, Pentagon Club.
VIGN08, Blanche, 1023 W. Tuscarawas St.,
Canton, O.
Musician; It. Canton, Nov. 8, 1870; dau. Augus- tus and Phoebe (Devlnny) Vlgnos; ed. Canton High School and Leipzig, Germany. Pres. SLata Board of Women Visitors for Benevolent and Correctional Institutions; vice-pres. Canton Playground Ass'n; mem. Board of Directors (Canton branch) Consumers' League; mem. Needlework Guild. Favors woman suffrage; pres. Stark Co. Suffrage Ass'n. Roman Catholic. Mem. Nat. Child 'Labor Ass'n; Canton Soroeia Club; treas. Pioneer Club of Ohio Fed. of Women's Clubs, Catholic Woman's Club. ■VTNCKNT, M. Ella (Mrs. Bethuel Thomas
Vincent), 9»3 E. Fourteenth At., Denver,
Bom near Jacksonville, 111., Dec 20. 1835; dau. S. D. and Lucinda (Young) Masters; ed. HI. Woman's Coll., B.A. '65 (mem. Belles Lettres); m. Petersburg, 111., 1867, Rev. Bethuel Thomas Vincent; one son: Henry Bethuel Vincent, b. Dec. 28, 1872. Teacher In public schools and later in Qulncy (III.) Coll. and 111. Women's Coll., Jacksonville. 111., previous to marriaee: alncA