��Girls' Life Eighty Years Ago; New Yorkers ot the Nineteenth Century; Good Vrouw of Mana- ha-ta; Devil's Picture Books; Nonsuch Euchre; History of Nerwport; Prophetical Educational and Playing Cards. Mem. N.Y. Hist. Soc, Pa. Hist Soc., Arts and Crafts Club (N.Y. City), Con- temporary, Causeries du Lundi Political and So- cial Science Club. Favors woman sufirage. VAJ< RENSSELAER, Mariana Griswold (Mrs.
Schuyler Vaji Rensselaer), & W. Tenth St.,
N.Y. City.
Author; b, N.Y. City; dau. George aad I^ydia (Alley) Griswold; privately educated (honorary L.itt.D., Columbia Univ., ISiO) ; m. Schuyler Van Rensselaer. Author: History of the City of New York in the Seventeenth Century: English Ca- thedrals; Art Out-of-Doors; Henry Hobson Rich- ardson and His Works; Six Portraits (essays); The Man Who Was Content; Poems. Opposed to woman suffrage and published essay: Should We Ask for Suffrage? Contributor of articles and poems to several periodicals. Former pres. Public Education Ass'n of N.Y.
VAN RENSSELAER, Martha, N. Y. State Col- lege of Agriculture, Cornell University, Ithaca,
Educator; b. June 21, 1864; dau. Henry Killian and Ari'illa A. (Owen) Van Rensselaer; ed. Chamberlain Inst., Randolph, N.Y., and various summer schools and Cornell Univ. Was teacher In public schools. Instructor in teachers' insti- tutes; school commissioner of Cattaraugus Co., N.Y., six years; supervisor of extension home economics in Cornell Univ. ; now prof, and head of dep't of home economics, Cornell Univ. Active in committee work in home economics in various State and Nat. organizations. Editor of Reading Course for the Farm Home, Cornell Univ. Author of several bulletins in the course apd of magazine and other articles. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Favors woman suffrage. VAN SEINGERLAND, Mrs. Nellie Bingham,
Betterment Club House, 132 W. 131st St.,
N.Y. City.
Reformer; b. Ortonville, Oakland Co., Mich., Nov. 6, 1850; dau. Storm and Charlotta (Bing- ham) Van Slingerland; descendant from Queen Catherine Parr of England and King Henry I. of France, on her mother's side, and ancestry equally as prominent on her father's; ed. Clark- Eton Acad., Clarkston, Mich.; Van Norman Inst, for Young Ladies in N.Y. City, and private tutors; married three times: (1st) John J. CJrcvw- ley, Clarkston, Mich.; (2nd) William B. Meade, Boston, Mass.; (3rd) William H. Lynn, of Min- nesota; one son, John J. Crowley, Jr. (died Boon after birth). An artist in oUs and water colors; taught school in youth. Was at one time phenomenally successful in real estate spec- ulation, building houses and apartments for her- self. Was the first woman publisher in the United States, under the name of the Guaran- tee Publishing Co., N.Y. City, which published novels and other books. Was editor and pub- lisher also of Joan of Arc Magazine, and the Betterment League Magazine. Has been active in church philanthropies; director Woman's Ex- change and Rescue League work. Founder and pres. Joan of Arc Woman Suffrage League, Daughters of Michigan; founder Betterment League, Rising Sun Woman Suffrage League, Our Star League, Invincible League, Empire State League. Co-founder of League for the Civic Service of Women, Lower Rent and Taxes Ass'n, Congress of States Ass'n; mem. D.A.R., Woman's National Theater Ass'n, N.Y. Theater Club; organizer for N.Y. County Woman Suf- frage Ass'n, and Rising Sun League; also lor Betterment League; mem. N.Y. City Federation of Woman's Clubs, N.Y. State Federation of Woman's Clubs. Captain Woman Suffrage Party; mem. Cameo Club, Salon. Author: Cupid; The Devil's Stoker, a Romance of Heredity; Pa- triotic Poesy; Love and Politics; A Social Ro- mance; Passion and Pique Poesy; A Fight for a Title; Toshimytsu Mayeda. Songs: Eyes, Eyes, Eloquent Eves; On-^ Heart for You. Dramatiza- tions: Cupid, The Devil's Stoker, and others. Religion: High Thought and Spiritism. Recre- ations: Horseback riding, lectures, theaters, etc.
��VAN SEYKE, Elizabeth Johnson (Mrs. Evert
Van Slyke), W. 253d St., Kingsbridge, N.Y.
Physician; b. Montreal, Canada; dau. William and Margaret (Tait) Johnson; ed. in schools of Montreal; grad. N.Y. Hospital Training School for Nurses, '83; Buffalo Univ., M.D. '87, with honors for thesis on The Comparative Test of Pepsin Preparations; m. April, 1902, Rev. Evert Van Slyke, D.D., late moderator of Central Synod of the Reformed Church in the U.S. (died March, 1909). Sup't of Training School for Nurses of High St. General Hospital, Buffalo, 1884-87; from 1887 engaged in practice of medicine among women and children in N.Y. City. Was for ten years in charge of a gynecological clinic in the dispensary of the N.Y. Infirmary for Women and Children, doing minor surgery work herself. Has served as medical editor of the Scientific American. Has been mem. of Advisory Board of N.Y. School of Applied Design for Women. VAN TASSEL, Anna Belle Aldridge (Mrs. R. D.
Van Tassel), Sioux City, Iowa.
Minister; b. Elwood, Ind., July 19, 1873; dau. John M. and Catharine (Copher; Aldridge; grad. St. Lawrence Univ., '97; B.D. '99; completed teachers' course in the Am. Univ. at Harriman, Tenn.; m. North Montpeller, Vt., Oct. 16, 1902, Rev. R. D. Van Tassel; children: Raymond De Etetein, Wenona Belle. Took divinity course at Canton Theological School; ordained 1897; re- ceived call to pastorate of Universalist Church at Natural Bridge, N.Y. ; remained there two years; accepted the pastorate at East and North Montpelier, Vt., for three years. Since mar- riage has done supply work at Mukwonago and Augusta, Wis., and lectured occasionally; sub- jects: Industrial Training; Home Economics; The Public Schools of To-^3ay; The ElScient Education of Women. Chairman School Com., Civic League of Rochester, Minn.; with com., established free med. inspection in the public schools of Rochester, Minn. ; also an ungraded dep't, where the backward and sub-normal chil- dren ^e<^eive special instruction. Had charge of anti-tul>erculosis campaign, 1911. Favors woman suffrage. Universalist. Progressive. Mem. W.C.T.U., Independent Order of Good Shepherd, Civic League, Child Rescue League. Recrea- tions: Camping, boating, fishing. VAX TASSELL, Mary Ann Deach (Mrs Robert
W. Van Tassell), 217 Glen Oak Av., Peoria,
Bom Groveland, 111. ; grad. Vassar, A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) '98; m. Peoria, 111., June 16, 1904, Robert W. Van Tassell. Teacher in schools of Peoria, 111., 1898-99; Howard Payne Coll., Fav- ette. Mo., 1899-1900; Bradley Polytechnic Inst, Peoria, 1900-04. VAN VAXZAH, Eudora Blair (Mrs. Johnson
Walls Van Valzah), Lewisburgh, Pa.
Born Lewisburgh, Pa., Dec. 29, 1862; dau. Samuel Blair, M.D., and Catharine (Hancock) Blair; grad. Bucknell Inst, Lewisburgh, Pa., class of '80; m. Lewisburgh, Pa., Oct. 11, 1888, Johnson Walls Van Valzah; one daughter: Miriam, b. May 12, 1903. Methodist. Prohibi- tionist. Mem. of church societies. Recreations: Reading, fancy work, games. Mem. Bucknell Alumnse Club, Lewisburgh Civic Club. VAN VOAST, Phoebe M. (Mrs. Rufus A. Van
VoastK 352 E. 200th St., N.Y. City.
Physician; b. N.Y. City, 1879; dau. William H. and Mary E. (Ellis) Bogart; ed. Wellesley Coll., B.A. ; Johns Hopkins Med. School, M.D. (mpm. Agora-Wollesley and Zeta Phi, medical fra- ternity); m. N.Y. City, Jan. 27, 1908, Rufus A. Van Voast; one daughter: Helen Taylor. Physi- cian to N.Y. Diet Kitchen Ass'n Milk Station; now ass't In Presbyterian Hospitil Dispensary. Mem. Am. Med. Ass'n, Woman's Med. Soc. of N.Y. City. Soc. ot Sanitary and Social Prophy- laxis; N.Y. City sec. of Com. for Public Health Education Among Women of Am. Med. Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage. Methodist. VAN VOKST, Bessie (Mrs. John Van Vorst)>
23 bis. Rue de Constantine, Paris, France.
Writer; b. N.Y. City, 1872; dau. John McGin- nls Jr., and Lydia (Matteson) McGlnnis; ed. Mi.<«