��VAN DCZEB, Edna Slocum (Mr». Charles Van
Duzer), 18 Jackson St., Weedsport, N.Y.
Born Ira, N.Y., Nov. 24, 1859; dau. James W. and Maria (Wilson) Slocum; ed. Palley Sem., Fulton, N.Y. ; coll. prep, with honore; m. Apr. 14, 1880, Charles Van Duzer; children: J. Verner, Leta Maria, Grace Slocum, Paul Slocum. Has the care, owns and controls large interest In real 3state. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church; past matron in Order of Eastern Star; pres. Ladies' Fortnightly • Club of Weedsport; past pres. W.C.T.U.; school trustee. Favors ■woman suf- frage. Episcopalian. Republican. Mem. Card Club. VAN EVEKKN, Alice B. (Mrs. H. Van Everen),
13 Klrkland Place, Cambridge, Mass.
Bom Brooklyn, 1869; dau. Adolph and Rosalie 0. (Hille) Berkefeld; grad. Packer Inst, '88; special student at Cornell Univ., 1890-91 (mem. Alpha Phi); m. Sept. 18, 1893, Horan Van E^veren; one son: Horan B. Mem. Woman's Aid Ass'n of Cambridge, Cambridge Hospital League, Cornell Women's Club of Boston. Episcopalian. VAN KLEECK, Marie Tallmadge, 69 Market
St., Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
Teacher; b. Poughkeepsie, N.Y. ; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '99. Teacher Ashland Sera., Ver- sailles, Ky., 1900-01; tutor Poughkeepsie, N.Y., 1904-06; teacher Metzger School, Carlisle, Pa.. 1906-07; Penn Hall, Wilson Coll., Chambersburg, Pa., since 1909. VAN NESS, Sarah Bowman, Lexington. Mass.
Born Macon, Ga., Nov. 4, 1859; dau. John and Eliza Powel (Qettings) Bowman; descendant in ninth generation from Captain William Powel of JamestowB, Va. ; mem. first House of Burgesses, 1619, the first Legislative Assembly In America, and Tvas chairman of com. appointed to select Buch laws (sent over by Parliament) as they considered desirable for government of America; also descended from the earliest Pilgrims and Puritans of Mass.; ed. by governess in Georgia, Winthrop School, Boston; Lassell Sem., Auburn- dale, Mass.; m. Boston, Oct. 4, 1892, Joseph Van Ness, publisher. For five years after his death directed and managed his publishing business of Shoe and Leather Trade Journal. Connected with many philanthropic, social, religious and histori- cal interests in Boston, Lexington and the South. Mem. Jamestown (Va.) Soc; one of first Daugh- ters of Founders and Patriots of America, Pounders' Club, D.A.R. (of Boston), Winthrop School Alumni Ass'n; first patroness of Southern Club of Boston and Lexington Outlook Club. Founder, and active regent for eight years, now hon. regent of Lexington (Mass.) D.A,R. Be- lieves women who pay taxes should have vote. VAN NORDEN, Cora Langdon, 8 E. Sixty- second St., N.Y. City.
Born N.Y. City; dau. Warner and Martha (Philips) Van Norden; ed. Brearley School, N.Y. City. Active in social work for women and chil- dren. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Women's Political Union, Woman Suffrage Party, E}qual Franchise Soc. Mem. Women's Board of Direc- tors of Manhattan Working Girls' Club: menu Grenfell Ass'n, Consumers' League, Red Cross, Fencers' Club. VAN NOBDEN, Grace Talcott (Mrs. Warner M.
Van Norden), 7 W. Fifty-seventh St., N.Y.
Born N.Y. City; dau. James and Henrietta E. .Francis) Talcott; ed. Ogontz, Pa.; m. New York, Apr. 16, 1898, Warner M. Van Norden; one son: John. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. VAN NORMAN, Ani^Iie Velller (Mrs. Daniel Cummlngs Van Norman), 325 Highland Av.,
Mount Vernon, N.Y.
Educator; b. Paris, France; dau. Jacques and Caroline (Bloc) Velller; ed. Paris, France, N.Y. City and Philadelphia, privately by Mesdames Mary-Savary de Passy; m. N.Y. City, 1875, Rev. Daniel Cummings Van Norman, LL.D. (foundfr of Van Norman Inst. In 1857); one son: Louis ld9ceased). Many years associate principal and proprietor of Van Norman Inst., and after her husband's death principal and proprietor until 1905, now engaged In teaching and drawing-room talks. Sec. Le Lyceum Soci6t6 des Femmes de Prance i New York: vice-pres. Betterment
��League. Favors woman suffrage; vice-pres (past pres.) Joan of Arc Suffrage League; vice- pres. N.Y. County Suffrage League; mem. Suf- frage Party, N.Y. City. Authv of occasionaJ newspaper articles. Protestant Episcopal. Hon. pres. of Van Norman Alumnse Ass'n. Waf awarded gold and bronze medals at the Paris ESxposition of 1889, also diploma for her educa- tional work and success in N.Y. VAN ORSDALL, Carrie (MrB. J. T. Van OrBdall),
394 Taylor St., Portland, Ore.
Born In Iowa, July 8, 1864; dau. Charles J. and Minerva (English) Crowner; ed. High School, Co- lumbus, Kan., 1879; m. in Orepon, 1886, J. T. Van Orsdall; one daughter, Carol. Author: The Story of Woodcraft; also editorial work, short stories and sketches. Democrat Mem. Order Eastern Star. Organized and holds executive office in the Women of Woodcraft, a fraternal benefit order operating in the Pacific Coast States. VAN PELT, Betsey South worth (Mrs. John V.
Van Pelt). 126 E. Eightieth St., N.Y. City.
Born Dryden, Tompkins Co., N.Y., July 22, 1873; dau. William H. H. and Ella (Ward) South- worth; grad. Ithaqa High Sciiool, Annie Brown'a School for Girls, N.Y. City; N.Y. Training School for Deaconesses; m. N.Y. City, Mar. 20, 1902, John V. Van Pelt; children: Betsey S., Margaret Vredenburgh, John Vredenburgh, Diana Amelia. Mem. Benevolent Ass'n, Madison Av. Presby- terian Church; before marriage conducted classes in connection with the settlement work of Grace Church. Episcopalian. Recreation: Walking. Mem. Reading Club. VAN PEL,T, Gertrude Wyckoflf, Point Loma,
Physician; b. Elizabeth, N.J., Apr. 16, 1856; dau. Reuben and Katherine (Vredenburgh) Van Pelt; grad. Cornell Univ., B.S. '81; Woman's Med. Coll., Philadelphia, '86; studied for three winters in Paris hospitals after being interne one year in America. Practised medicine five years in Boston, Mass.; joined Mass. Med. Soc, '91. Actively connected with Universal Brotherhood Organization since 1900; directress of the Raja Yoga Acad, at Point Loma, Cal. Against woman suffrage. Theosophlst. VAN RENSSELAER, Caroline Elizabeth (Mrs.
Charlea Augustus Van Rensselaer), 130 E.
Fifty-sixth St., N.Y. City.
Born Brookline, Mass. ; dau. Desmond and Elizabeth P. (Salisbury) Fitz Gerald; ed. private school organized by Mrs. Irving A. Shaw of Brookline, Mass. ; m. Charles Augustus Van Rensselaer; children: Charles A. Jr., Stephen. Mem. Ladies' Auxiliary Board of Vanderbilt CHnic; Woman's Dep't Nat. Civic Fed., Board of Hudson Guild, N.Y. City. Favors woman suf- frage; mem. Woman's Political Union and Equal Franchise Soc, N.Y. City. Presbyterian. VAN RENSSELAER, Louisa (Mrs. William
Bayard Van Rensselaer), 385 State St., Al- bany, N.Y.
Born Cambridge, Mass. ; dau. George Martin Lane (of Harvard Univ.) and Frances Eliza (Gardiner) Lane; ed. private schools In Boston, Mass.; m. Cambridge, Mass., Nov. 3, 1880, Wil- liam Bayard Van Rensselaer of Albany, N.Y. I*res. Albany Diocesan Branch Woman's Auxili- ary to Board of Missions, Albany Branch of Plant, Fruit and Flower Guild; vice-pres. Soc. for Cooperation of Charities and of I'Allianca FranQa'ie; mem. Exec. Com. Colonial Damea of State of N.Y. ; mem. Albany Diocesan Com. of Central Com. of Woman's Church Work (In- ternal.). Mem. of Schuyler Commission ap- pointed by Governor Dlx, Board of Directors of Albany Child's Hospital, Albany Boys' Club, and other organizations. Has written many articles on various subjects which have been published In various magazines, but has never signed her name to them. Protestant Episcopalian. VAN BKN8SELAEB, M. King: (Mrs. John
Alsop King Van Rensselaer), 45 W. Thirty- fifth St., N.Y. City.
Author; b. N.Y. City, May 26, 1848; dau. Archi- bald Gracie and Elizabeth D. (Duer) King; ed. by governesses; m. N.Y. City, 1871, John Aleop Kins Van Re a ss e la e r. Author: Crochat Im£a: