��manca, N.Y., 1902-03; high school at Rochester, N.Y., 1904. Interested in social service work, as Friendly Visitor and mem. of Social Service Com. ; Interested in all city welfare work, child welfare, recreation, etc. Favors woman suf- frage; mem. and active worker in Political Equality Club (Legislative Com.). Presbyterian. Progressive. Recreations: Canoeing, camping, golf, tennis, swimming, autoing. Mem. Vassar Club, College Women's Club, Women's Educa- tional and Industrial Union, Consumers' League. Pres. Vassar Club of Rochester, 1913-14. VANDEBBFLT, Mabel Tilton, 36 University
Place, Princeton, N.J.
School principal; b. Princeton, N.J. ; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '01. Teacher Princeton, N.J., 1901-04; Trenton, N.J., 1904-06; since 1906 prin- cipal Princeton Borough School. Mem. Present Day Club. VA^iDEBBrLT, Sarah Watson Sanderson (Mrs.
William D. Vanderbilt), The Saville, 420 W
118th St., N.T. City.
Bom Greenfield, Mass., July 31, 1878; dau. C. H. K. and Elizabeth (Watson) Sanderson; ed. Greenfield High School, Smith Coll., B.L. 1900; m. Greenfield, Mass., Oct. 8, 1907, William D. Vanderbilt; children: Sanderson, William Dun- ham Jr. Assistant in dep't of languages, 1900- 03, State Coll. of R.I.; private sec. to Mrs. Levi P. Morton, 1903-06. Occasional contributor to periodicals. Mem. Smith Coll. Club, Housewives' League. Episcopalian. Against woman suffrage. VANDEE HOBCK, Emma Bobb (Mrs. Max P.
Vander Horck), 1600 Chicago Av., Minneapo- lis, Minn.
Musician, pianlste, teaching and tourist; b. Prairie du Chien, Wis., May 6, 1870; dau. John George and Harriet Anne (Gay) Robb; ed. Prairie du Chien public schools, Minneapolis public schools, Carleton Coll., Univ. of Minn.; musical instruction under Mme. Constance Heine Mozzara, Hermann Emil Zoch and Leopold Go- dowsky; m. Minneapolis, Jan. 1, 1890, Dr. Max P. Vander Horck (died Dec. 5, 1911); children: Viola, Karl, Max P. Since husband's deaf maintains studio, teaching half the year. Inter- ested in music; has played for churches, chari- ties, settlement houses, prisons, public work in solo, ensemble and accompanying. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Mem. Thursday Musical (served on board 13 years, twice offered presidency, cor. sec. three years). Recreations: Travel, with object of studying history, art and sociology; walking, dancing, skating, horseback riding. Mem. Minikahda Club. VAN DEB LIETH, Emma Gasche, 508 N. Ne- vada Av., Carson City, Nev.
Born Nevada Co., Cal. ; dau. Jacob and Meta E. (Sommer) Van der Lieth; ed. Bishop Whittaker's School for Girls, Reno, Nev. Mem. of Altar Guild in church work; chairman of Students' Loan Fund, Nevada Fed. Women's Clubs; organ- ized Sams' in Nevada to assist deserving poor students to a higher education. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Leisure Hour Club (Carson), Parents' and Teachers' Club (Carson). VANDEBIJP, Narcissa Cox (Mrs. Frank A.
Vanderlip), "Beechwood," Scarborough, N.Y. ;
winter, 'Bluewater Cottage," Bellalre HeightB,
Born Quincy, 111. ; dau. Charles Epperson and Narcissa (Woods) Cox; ed. Miss Rice's Collegiate School, Hyde Park High School, Univ. of Chi- cago, '03 (mem. Estoeric Club); m. Chicago, 111., May 19, 1903, Frank A. Vanderlip, now pres. Nat. City Bank, N.Y. City; children: Narcissa Cbar- lotte Delight, Frank A.- Jr., Virginia Jocelyn, Kelvin Cox. Treas. Kennedy House; pres. Woman's Civic Study Club, Osslning, N.Y.; mem. Board of Fresto Air Ass'n of St. Jobn the Divine, and mem. various other social and phil- anthropic organizations. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Am. Woman Suffrage Ass'n, Westchester Co. Equal Franchise League, Hudson River Equal Franchise Soc, Woman Suffrage Party of the City of New York. Swedenborglan. Recreations: Singin?, golf, riding, fishing. Mem. Women's Cosmopolitan Club, Sleepy Hollow Country Club.
��T.4JVOEBPOEI,, Emily C. Noyes (Mrs. John A.
Vanderpoel), 22 Gramercy Park, N.Y. City.
Artist, writer; b. N.Y. City; dau. William Cur- tis and Julia F. (Tallmadge) Noyes; ed. private schools in N.Y, City; studied art under R. Swain Gifford and William Sartain; m. N.Y. City, John A. Vanderpoel. Painter in oils and water colors. Writer on art subjocta. Author: Ci^or Problems, a Practical Manual for the Lay Stu- dent of Color, 1902; Chronicles of a Pioneer School from 1792 to 1S33, being the history of Miss Sarah Pierce and Her Litchfield School, 1903. Mem. Ass'n of Women Painters and Sculptors, N.Y. Water Color Club, Municipal Art Soc, Nat. Arts Club.
VAN DEB VEEB, Mary, 1 Arnold Av., Am- sterdam, N.Y.
Artist; b. Amsterdam, N.Y. ; dau. John J. and Jennie A. (Van Bvera) Van der Veer; ed. Nat. Acad, of Deislgn, N.Y. City; Pa. Acad, of Fma Arts, Philadelphia; Whistler Acad, and I>elaclusa Acad., Paris. Awarded bronze medal, St. Louia Exposition, 1904; Julia A. Shaw memorial prize, Nat. Acad, of Design, 1911. Mem. N.Y. Water- color Club, Woman's Art Club of N.Y., fellow- ship of Pa. Acad, of Fine Arts, etc. VAN DEBZEE, Anna Wood Blackmer (Mrs.
Newton Briggs Van Derzee), Selkirk, N.Y.
Bom Genoa, N.Y., Sept. 1, 1872; dau. Ephraim N. and Roxana (Edmonds) Blackmer; grad. State Normal School, Cortland, N.Y., 1893; Wel- lesley Coll., A.B. '01; m. Cortland, N.Y., May 5, 1909, Hon. Newton Briggs Van Derzee, surrogate judge of Albany Co.; one son: Newton Briggs Jr. Mem. Dutch Reformed Church. Mem. Ass'n Col- legiate Alumnas, Shakespeare Soc, Wellesley Coll., Women's Club of Albany, N.Y. VAN DE WATEE, Virginia Terhune (Mgs. F. F.
Van de Water), 403 W. 115th St., N.Y. City;
summer, Kanesuta, Pompton Lakes, N.J.
Author; b. Newark, N.J. ; dau. Rev. Edward Payson and Mary Virginia (Hawes) Terhune ("Marion Harland"); ed. by governesses and private sciiools in AJnerica, Italy and Switzer- land; m. Mar. 5, 1889, F. F. Van de Water, ol N.Y. City; children: Frederic Franklyn Jr., Ed- ward Terhune, Sterling Hawes. (Collaborated with her mother in Everyday Etiquette, 1906. Author: From Kltohen to Garret, 1910; Little Talks with Mothers of Little People, 1911; Why I Left My Husband, 1912; writer of short stories and essays to Cosmopolitan, Good Housekeeping and many other magazines; editorial writer on New York American. Recreation : Driving motor- car. M'Wn. Barnard and Meridian Clubs. Against woman suffrage.
VANDTVEE, Hafie Lonlse Ayer (Mrs. James R.
Vandlver), 307 S. McDuffie St., Anderson, S.C.
Bom Union, S.C; dau. Gen. Lewis M. and Lillle (Moore) Ayer; ed. Marrion Sem. for Girls; m. Anderson, S.C, Jan. 17, 1888, James R. Van- diver; children: Basil Ayer Vandlver, b. Dec. 17, 1891; Rhoda Ayer Vandlver b. Apr. 5, 1894. Interested in Sunday-school, choir, guild, mis- sionary and general church work of Protestant Episcopal Church. Organized, was first and sev- eral other terms pres. and always chief worker Robert B. Lee Chapter United Daughters of Con- federacy; also for years State vice-pres. Organ- ized and several terms regent Cateeehee Chapter D.A.R. ; permanent pres. of Runymede Literary Club; also in educational work, charitable mill village wort, hospital work, civic improvement, etc. Mem. Hospital Ass'n, Literary Ass'n, WcHnan's Auxiliary to Anderson Cill. Ass'n. Recreations: Reading, opera, theater, travel. Mem. Artistic and Musical Club, Benevolent and Charitable Ass'n. Has written chiefly for publi- cations that are organs for some organization, historical sketches, poems, essays and articles for children. VAN DOBEN, Mary A. (Mrs. F. Van Doren),
317 Groveland Av., Minneapolis, Minn.
Bom Minneapolis, Nov. 29, 1869; dau. Thomaa M. and Mary (Bean) Linton; ed. Burnham School, Northampton, Mass. ; m. July 5, 1S92, Frederick Van Doren; children: Linton, Elsa, Pierce. Episcopalian. Recreations: Riding, swimminfi. motorinjsL out-door snorts.