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��zine articles) : The American College Woman and Her Home (Outlook), 1910; The American College Woman and Divorce (Ladies' Home Journal), 1911; The Domestic Instinct and the Man of the Future (New England Maga/.inei, 19U; How About the Irresponsible Man? (American Maga- zine), 1912. Unitarian. Mem. Chicago College Club, Chicago Smith College Club, Women's Trade Union League. VALENTINE, Caro Syron (Mrs. Frank Hadley

Valentine), Ridgewood. X.J.

Writer; b. Clyde, N.Y., Jan. 24, 1855; dau. Abraham Bockhoven and Charity White (Tripp) Syron; ed. public schools and State Normal School, Albany, N.Y. ; became teacher for four years; m. Clyde, N.Y., Nov. 8, 1882, Frank Hadley Valentine. Became interested in gar- dening and poultry raising and a writer on these subjects; editor of the Woman's Dep't of The Rural New Yorker, 1891-94, and afterward of a department in the American Gardening and Poultry Journals. Lecturer at farmers' insti- tutes; delivered educational addresses at Cornell Univ., 1909, and by special invitation at Jubilee of Opening and Dedication in 1913, representing the women of America; lecturer for A.P.A. Bureau. Author: The Flag That Won (poems); also. Pocket Money Poultry, 1894; Easy Poultry Keeping for Invalids, 1898; How to Keep Hens for Profit, 1900; The Indian Runner Duck Book, 1911: The Beginner in Poultry— The Zest and Profit in Poultry Growing, 1912; Husbands for Our Girls. Makes all photographic illustrations for her books, etc. Contributor to newspapers and magazines in prose and verse, including serial: Mr. and Mrs. Cliver; A Club Woman's Ventures in Poultry; Hard Luck Stories; In- telligent Use of Food Products; Fashion and Popularity; Cooperative Work; Cold Storage as It Relates to the Producer; Science, Common Sense and Circumstances; Some Women and Some Plans; Bein' Different, and many hundreds of other articles in first-class publications. In- terested in civics, eugenics and all sane feminist movements. Mem. N.J. Federation Civics Com., 1911-12 — . Favors woman suffrage; mem. and press agent Woman's Political Union of N.J. Deeply interested in Indian Runner ducks as a Bource of unexampled income for farmers and an unequaled source of food supply, especially for invalids. State sec. Nat. White Runner Club; pres. Indian Runner Duck Club of America; mem. Esperanto Ass'n of North America, Woman's Press Club of N.Y. City; Am. Bee. English Indian Runner Duck Club; mem. Woman's Club of Ridgewood, N.J. Presbyterian. VALENTINE, Jane Burnette (Mrs. Harold

Meserole Valentine), 610 Mansfleid PI., Brook- lyn, N.Y.

Born Clyde, N.Y., 1879; dau. Anson and Alice (Van De Mark) Burnette; grad. Vassar (3oll., A.B. '99; m. 1900, Harold Meserole Valentine; children: Burnette, b. 1901; Rosemary, b. 1902. Mem. College Equal Suffrage League. VALENTINE, Lila Meade (Mrs. Benjamin B.

Valentine), 2338 Monument Av., Richmond,


Bom Richmond, Va,, Feb. 4, 1865; dau. Richard H. and Kate (Fontaine) Meade; ed. private schools in Richmond; m. Richmond, Va., Oct. 28, 1886, Benjamin B. Valentine. Officer in Daugh- ters of the King and Woman's Auxiliary to Board of Missions; director in boards of the Nurses' Settlement and of Richmond Training School for Kindergartners, also of Sheltering Arms Free Hospital and Social Service Fed., Richmond. Mem. Va. Historical Soc, Ass'n for Preservation of Va, Antiquities, Richmond Art Club, Y.W.C.A. Favors woman suffrage; pres. Equal Suffrage League and of Richmond JBranch of Equal Suffrage League of Va. Episcopalian. Mem. Nat. Municipal League, Am. Ass'n for Labor Legislation, Nat. Child Labor Com., Arohasologir-al Inst, of America, Richmond Edu- cation Ass'n, Audubon Soc, Huguenot Soc. Recreation: Gardening. Mem. Country Club of Va., Hermitage Club, Richmond, Va. ; ex-pres. of Richmond Education Ass'n; organized Visit- ing Nurse Ass'n, Equal Suffrage League of Va. ; chiTter mem. of Nurses' Settlement.

��VALE.SH, Mrs. Eva MacDonald, 42 W. Thirty.

ninth St., N.Y. City.

Editor and lecturer; b. Orono, Me., Sept. 9, 1871; dau. John Louis and Elinor (Lane) Mac- Donald; grad. high school, Minneapolis, Minn.; Teachers' Training School, Minneapolis; special courses in law and economics, Univ. of Minn.; m. Minneapolis, Minn., June 2, 1891, Frank F. Valesh; one son: Frank Morgan Valesh, journal- ist, interviewed Pres. McKinley twice for publi- cation (only interviews he ever gave) ; accom- panied (Congressional Investigating Com. to Cuba just before the Spanish War. Mem. Press Gal- lery at Capitol, Washington, D/C. Nat. vice- pres. Woman's Welfare Dep't, Nat. Civic Fed.; pres. Women's Nat. Fire Prevention Ass'n; pres. Women's Com. on Nat. Industrial Problems; charter mem. Nat. Com. on Prison Labor. Favors woman suffrage. Democrat. Recreation: Travel. Mem. Fed., Typographical Union, Forum (N.Y. City), N.Y. City Fed. of Clubs, Women's Nat. Democratic Club. For 10 years was man- aging editor of the Am. Federatiouist, official publication of Am. Fed. of Labor; now owner, publisher and editor of the American Club Woman Magazine, a national publication devoted to civic and economic interests of women. VAN ALSTYNE, Mrs. Frances Jane Crosby- see Crosby, Fanny. VAN BENSCHOTEN, Anna LaTinia, Wells Col- lege, Aurora, N.Y.

College professor; b. Elmira, N.Y., Aug. 12, 1866; dau. Moses M. and Mary J. (Pugsley> Van Benschoten; ed. high school, Binghamton, N.Y. ; Cornell Univ., B.S. '94; Ph D. '08; Univ. of Chi- cago, M.S. 1900; Gottlngen Univ., 1900-01 (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma). Taught mathematics in high school, Binghamton. N.Y., 1894-98; prof, mathematics in Wells Coll., 1901—. V.4.N BUREN, Maud, 1125 S. Cedar St., Owa- tonna, Minn.

Civic organizer; b. Montfort, Wis., Dec. 9, 1869; dau. Martin and Rosina (Buhlman) Van Buren; ed. Mazomanie (Wis.) High School, Pratt Inst., Brooklyn, N.Y., Library School; private instructors. Teacher, Chicago public schools, 7 years; librarian, Mankato, Minn., 5 years; library school instructor, Wisconsin Library School and visitor for the Wisconsin Library Com'n, 1911-13. Contributor to various library publications and a civic publication. Congre- gationalist. Mem. American Civic Ass'n, Soc. for the Protection of Native Plants, American Library Ass'n; pres. Minn. Library Ass'n, 1905; chairman Dep't of Junior Civic Leagues of the American Civic Ass'n. Instructor in the summer library schools of Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin and Missouri. Recreations: Walking, bird and nature study.

VAN CAMPEN, Helen Green (Mrs. Frank Rum- sey Van Campen), La Touche, Alaska. Writer; b. In Louisiana, Feb. 19, 1883; ed. pri- vately and in various schools; lived in South America and England until 14; then began to race horses in U.S.; m. Frank Rumsey Van Campen, manager of the Beatson Copper Mines at La Touche, Alaska. In 1905 began to write Action for N.Y. Morning Telegraph; later for N.Y. Herald; still continues to write for the magazines. Favors woman suffrage. Author: At the Actor's Boarding House; The Maison de Shine; Mr. Jackson; all under her maiden name of Helen Green.

VAN CLEAVE, Alice M. (Mrs. Lee W. Van Cleaved 4732 Westminster PI., St. Louis, Mo. Born Carrswold, Mo., Oct. 2, 1882: dau. Otto W. and Delia (Carr) Meysenburg; ed. Mary Inst., Smith Coll.; m. St. Louis, May 21, 1902, Lee W. Van Cleave; one son: Eugene W. (Christian. Recreations: Walking, automoblling. "VANDEGKIFT, Margaret" (pen name) — see

Janvier. Margaret Thomson. V.\N DESIAKK, Florence Curtiss (Mrs. Willis Ranney Van Demark), 467 Park Av., Roches- ter, N.Y.

Born Waterport, N.Y., Mar. 28, 1878; dau. Charles Finney and Mary (Prudden) Curtiss; ed. Rochester High School, Vassar Coll., A,B. '02; m. Rochester, N.Y., Oct. 13, 1904, Willis Ranney Van Demark. Instructor in high school at Sala-


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