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��Mem. and historian of United Daughters of Con- federacy Chapter (was pres. for years) ; also mem. D.A.R., rec. sec. in Holly Springs Chap- ter; auditor in Miss. Fed. of Clubs. Interested especially in the question of child labor and treatment in prisons. Traces paternal ancestry through the Barton, Vamce and Shirley families many generations; maternal ancestor, Daniel Barry, graduate of Dublin Univ. and a friend of Robert Bmmet. who left Ireland for America in 1797. TVXER, Therese Pauline (Mrs. George T.

Tyler), 2114 Pine St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Author; b. Philadelphia, June 26, 1884; dau. John W. and Therese L. (Bullitt) Coles; ed. Miss Farnum's and Miss Irwin's private schools, Philadelphia. Held second scholarship for South- ern and Middle States at Bryn Mawr Coll., 1899- 1900; m. Philadelphia, Oct. 27, 1904, Dr. George T. Tyler; one daughter: Elizabeth Therese, b. Jan. 1, 1907. Interested in private class for boys meeting at her house. Favors woman suffrage. Author: In the Shadow of the Langreal, 1911. Protestant Episcopal. Mem. Agnes Irwin Alum- nae, Philadelphia; Bryn Mawr College Alumnae, Acorn and Sedgeley Clubs (Philadelphia), Merlon Cricket Club, Haverford, Pa. TYNEB, Mary L,. (Mrs. Oliver H. Tyner), New

London, Iowa.

Born Danville, Iowa, Oct 25, 1871; dau. Reuben and Frances (Chase) Tomes; ed. public school, Danville, Iowa; Elliotts Business (5oll., Burling- ton, Iowa; m. Mediapolis, Iowa, Aug. 9, 1899, Oliver H. Tyner; one son: Ralph Tomes, b. Oct. 19, 1902. Filled various positions for twelve years in newspaper offices before marriage. Has assisted husband in bank since marriage, at various times filling position of bookkeeper. Works in church aid and missionary societies. Presbyterian. Democrat. Mem. Order Eastern Star, in which is district instructor of the Six- teenth District in lov/a. Recreations: Out-door sports. Mem. Lucky Thirteen (social club). TYSON, Bettie Humes (M;rs. Laurence D.

Tyson), 839 Temple Av., Knoxville, Tenn.

Born Knoxville, Tenn., Jan. 28, 1865; dau. Col. Charles McClung and Cornelia Humes (White) McGhee; ed. private schools of Knoxville, Tenn., and at Mrs. Sylvanus F.eed's School in N.Y. City; grad. 1882; m. Knoxville, Tenn., Feb. 10, 1886, Laurence Davis Tyson. Interested in his- torical matters; wan regent of Bonny Kate Chapter D.A.R. at Knoxville and is both a D.A.R. and Colonial Dame. Has done much work for civic betterment in community and gained much fame as first pres. of the City Beautiful League of Knoxville, of which is still president. Largely through her efforts Knoxville, Tenn., is now on? of the nxodel cities of U.S. in civic betterment. Was elected pres, at mass meeting of an organization to erect first Wo- man's Club building in the South, and con- tinued in this position during the entire life of this organization (10 years), during which time the Woman's Board was an important factor in club and social life of Knoxville. Was editor in chief of first woman's edition of a daily news- paper ever brought out in Tenn. Episcopalian.


��DEI. AND, Clara Hampson (Mrs. Andreas Ue- land), Caliioun Boulevard, Minneapolis, Minn. Born Akron, 0., Oct. 10, 1860; dau. Henry O. and Eliza (Osborn) Hampson; ed. Minneapolis High School; m. Ada, Minn., June 19, 1885, An- dreas Ueland; children: Anne (Mrs. Taylor), Elia, Brenda, Sigurd, Arnulf, Rolf, Torvald. Chiefly identified with movement to promote in- dustrial art in Minnesota, and the movement introducing medical Inspection of the public schools in Mlaneapolis. Chairman Handicraft Com. Minn. Fod. Women's Clubs; chairman arts and letters dep't Woman's Club of Minneapolis; chairman Finance Com. Woman's Welfare League; mem. Board State Art Soc; hon. mem. Ctvlc and Commerce Asa'n of Minneapolis; mem.

��Board of Associated Charities. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Political Equality Club. Uni- tarian. tJFFOED, Bertha Hazard Tierney (Mrs. Frank

Parker Ufford), 501 W. 113th St., N.Y. City.

Born Mason City, Iowa, Jan. 9, 1871; dau. Thomas and Anna (Hazard) Tierney; ed. (Jerman- town Friends School, Cornell, Ph.B., A.B., class poet '96; m. Germantown, Pa., Nov. 9, 1898, Frank Parker Ufford; children: Charles Wilbur, b. 1900; Elizabeth Hazard, b. 1908. Mem. Board Managers of the N.Y. Colored Mission; trustee of Oakwood Seminary, Union Springs, N.Y. Mem. Woman's Municipal League, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumns, Meridian Club, Cornell Woman's Club. Mem. Soc. of Friends. Favors woman suffrage.

UrrOBD, Mabelle Morris, B04 Winchester Av.,

New Haven, Conn.

Teacher; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '99; student of English in Yale Univ., 1899-1902; Columbia Univ., 1902-04. Teacher New Haven High School three years; head of English dep't, St. Agatha School. N.Y. City.

UlLMAN, Alice Woods (Mrs. Eugene Paul Ull- man), 29 Rue Madame, Paris, France. Writer; b. Goshen, Ind. ; dau. William Allen and Mata (Newton) Woods; m. Eugene Paul UUman; children: Allen, Paul. Author: Edges; A Gingham Rose; Fame-Seekers. Mem. Woman's Art Club, Nat. Arts Club, Woman Writers' Club (N.Y. City), Art Union, Lyceum Club (Paris).

UrRICH, Mabel Simls (Mrs. Harry D. Ulrlch),

1718 Oliver Av., S., Minneapolis, Minn.

Physician; b. Brooklyn, Apr. 2, 1897; dau. Adolph and Emma (Van Duzen) Simis; ed. Cornell Univ., B.S. '97; Johns Hopkins Med. School, M.D. '90 (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma); m. Aug. 26, 1901, Harry L. Ulrich, M.D. ; chil- dren: Katherine Simls, Josephine Simis. Lec- turer to working girls, settlements, etc. Favors woman suffrage. Pres. 1915 Suffrage Club; mem. Exec. Board Political Equality League. Has contributed magazine articles and stories. Mem. Woman's Welfare League, Hennepin Co. Med. Soc., Am. Med. Ass'n, Minneapolis Vice Com- mission, 1911; Permanent Morals Commission. Lecturer on social hygiene in universities and girls' schools; special lecturer Graham Hall. UJTLAUF, Susaaae Cooper, 23 E. Mt. Pleasant

Av., Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, Pa.

Teacher, organist, composer, author; b. Chi- cago, Mar. 19, 1873; dau. Lewis Maximilian and Susan (Cooper) Umlauf; ed. Howard (Mass.) Sem. (valedictorian) '94; Wellesley Coll., A.B. '98; Philadelphia Conservatory of Music, In theory of music, 1903-05. Principal of own pri- vate school for 10 years (Philadelphia). Teacher of Latin in WUson Coll., Pa., 1908-09; organist of Church of Ascension (Lutheran), Mt. Airy. Composer of sacred solos and anthems, primary Sunday-school songs, church hymns. Author of stories and verses for children, religious prose and poetry. Mem. Mass. Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals; organized and conducted a Band of Mercy for several years; mem. two mis- sionary societies; deeply interested in work along religious and missionary lines. Mem. Consumers' League; mem. Nat. Red Cross Soc. Composer: (Sacred) Come Unto Me; Peace I Leave With You ; (church anthem) In Thee I Put My Trust; Organ Voluntary; (secular song) Those Cats. Presbyterian. Recreations: Tennis, skating, rowing, walking. Regular contributor for years to publications of David C. Cook Pub- lishing Co., Elgin, III. UNDEBHILL, Adelaide, Vassar College, Pough-

keepsle, N.Y.

Reference librarian; b. Brooklyn, N.Y. ; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B., Phi Beta Kappa, '88. Cata- loguer, Columbia Coll Library, 1890-92; ass't librarian, 1892-94, reference librarian since 1894, Vassar Coll. UNDERWOOD, Fannie Bust (Mrs. Thomas C.

Underwood), S. Main St., Hopklnsvllle, Ky.

Born Pewee Valley, Ky., July 18, 1873; dau. Jacob Ward and Mattie (Grinstead) Rust; grad. Bethel Female Coll., Hopkinsville, Ky., 1891; m. Nov. 18. 1896. T. C. Underwood; one son: Thomaa


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