��Eliza Jane (Trimble) Thompson (mother dis- tinguished as leader In the temperance crusade which led to founding of W.C.T.U.); ed. Hllls- boro (O.J Coll., A.a. '67; studied art in Cincin- nati and later in Europe, where she also studied the French and German languages and litora- ture; m. Julv 5, 1875, Prof. Herbert Turtle, who was for eight years Berlin correxipondent of Lon- don Dai-y News, and became prof, interaational law and later prof. Kuropean history iu Cornell Univ. (died IS^i). Kas done much art work, landscape and portrait, and among th? iatter are Included two portraits of her mother, one of which is in the Crusade Memorial Room in the First Presbvterlan Church of Htllsboro, O., and the otiier was exhibited at the World's W.C.T.U. Convention In Berlin; also painted two In Me- moriam portraits of her late husband, one for the UnlT. of Vt., and hi?, alma mater, and the other for Cornell Univ. Author: The Mother of an Elmperor; Types of Men and V^omen; edited the Autobiography of Governor Allen Trimble (her grandfather! , who was governor of Ohio, 182fi-30. Lecturer; has a course of lectures on color as pictorial art, industrial art, and to dress or cos- tume. Mem. D.A.R., Am. Historical Ass'n, Ohio Archaeological and Historical Soc, Am. Fed. of Arts, Ato. Peace Soc, W.C.T.U. TUTTLE, Penelope T. Stnrgris Cook (Mrs. H. Croswell Tuttle;, 10 Hamilton Terrace, N.Y. City.
Born N.Y. City; m. H. Croswell Tuttle (now deceased), prominent lawyer of N.Y. City; com- piler and publisher of Tuttle's Abstracts of Farm Titles of New York City; one son: Charles Henry Tuttle (lawyer, N.Y. City). Mem. D.A.R. (historian Waishington Heights Chapter. N.Y. City); vice-pres. Washington Headquarters Ass'n of N.Y. City; mem. Nat. Soc. of Patriotic Wo- men and Women's Municipal League, N.Y. City; 20 years mem. Board of Managers of St. Luke's Home for Aged Women, of which her father-in- law. Rev. Isaac H. Tuttle, D.D., was the founder; mem. Consumers' League of N.Y. City; mem. and delegate of the Diocesan Auxiliary to the Cathedral of St. John the Divine. TUXBURY, Helen, The Normandie, West Phila- delphia, Pa.
Teacher; b. Hadley, Mass.; dau. Rev. Franklin and Helen A. (Bickford) Tuxbury; grad. Smith Coll.. A.B. '80, A.M. '83; Mass. Inst. Technology, 1880-81; Harvard Summer School, botanical sec- tion. Principal Raymond Acad., Camden, N.J., 1894-98; teacher Shaw School, Boston; Mrs. Comegy's and Miss Bell's, Chestnut Hill, Phila- delphia; Miss Hill's School for Girls, Philadel- phia. Interested in civic work, establishing pub- lic kindergartens, public libraries, manual train- ing in public schools. Against woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Mem. Philadelphia Geograph- ical Soc, Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae, College Club, Smith College Club.
TWIGGS, Mrs. Sarah Lowe, Summervllle Deliv- ery, Augusta, Ga.
Born Barnwell. S.C; dau. Major George Lowe and Harriet Eliza (Duncan) Twiggs; great- granddaughter of Gen. John Twiggs of the Con- tinental Army, one of the earliest settlers of Augusta, Ga. ; grand-niece of Gen. David Emanuel Twiggs of Mexican War fame, and of Gen. Levi Twiggs, distinguished in naval circles, who married a niece of Commodore Decatur; sister of Judge H. D. D. Twiggs, distinguished jurist of Savannah, Ga. ; ed. Greensboro (Ga.) Female Coll.; m. to Joseph Erwin of Erwlnton, S.C; now a widow; children: Eliza Erwin, Henry Robert Erwin. Always active locally In literary pursuits. Author: In the True Wonder Land, an epic poem, now In course of publication; Her Christmas Eve (a booklet), a play, and numerous short poems. Much opposed to woman suffrage. Mem. New Church (Swedenborglan). TWOMBLY, Minnie S. (Mrs. Wlllard Irving Twombly), The Cornwall, 255 W. Ninetieth St., N.Y. City.
Born Portland, Me., Aug. 9, 1880; dau. Henry P. Spruhan and Mary Clemens (Furlong) Spruhan; ed. St. Joseph's Acad., Deerlng, Me.; m. Portland, Me., June, 1896, Wlllard Irving Twombly: children: Glendon Irving, Hallle A.
��Christian Scientist. Treas. N.Y. Legislative League, Soc. for Political Study, Mrs. Mackay's Equal Suffrage Club. Wrote lectures on the Pre- natal Culture. Mem. Waldorf CotUlons, Ru- binstein Club. XYBOrx, Ella Mlddleton, Warren, Pa.
Author; b. New Castle, Del.; dau. George Max- well and Anna E. (Henry) Tybout; ed. at home Author: Poketown People; Wife of the Secretary of State; The Smuggler; also numerous short stories and verses for magazines. Episcopalian. TYLER, Edna lone Smith (Mrs. Erastus D Tyler), 340 Main St., Worcester, Mass. Business college principal; b. South Hadley Falls, Mass., Oct. 20, 1861; dau. Rev Henry Weston and Lydla Annie (Joslyn) Smith; ed in Louisville (Ky.) High School and later student In Benn: Pitman's Phonographic Inst. Cincin- nati; m. Putnam, Conn., April 27, 1884, Erastua D. Tyler. Stenographer and teacher of stenog- raphy at Worcester, Mass., since 1S85; principal of Tyler's Business College, Worcester, sinct 1890. For four years was official court stenog- rapher of Jury Waived Sessions of the Superior Court of Mass. for Worcester County, and slaca then reporter for courts, corporations, etc. Au- thor: The Master Mind; also serial stories and various articles in newspapers. Mem. Eastern Commercial Teachers' Ass'n, Worcester Countj Stenographers' Ass'n (ex-pres.). TYLER, Emma Farrand (Mrs. Joel C. Tyler), 1115 W. Clinch Av., KnoxvUIe, Tenn. Born Port Huron, Mich., 1850; dau. B. C. and Laura W. (Whitman) Farrand; studied at hom« and then entered high school; later at Unlv ol Mich., Ph.B. '77, Ph.M. '78; m. Port Huron Mich., 1883, Joel C. Tyler; children: Hugh C Laura W., Paula F. Prof, of English, State Normal School, Whitewater, Wis., 1879-80- principal Somerville School, St. Clair, Mich., 1880-83. Interested In the Consumers' League] child labor laws, laws of Tennessee in reference to women and children, civics, Florence Critten- ton Mission. Mem. Equal Suffrage Club ol Knoxvllle, Tenn. Unitarian. Recreation: Music. Mem. Southern Ass'n of College Women, Ossoll Circle.
TYLEIR, Frances Maria, 440 E. Fifty-seventh St., N.Y. City. '
Social worker; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '84. Teacher Lake Erie Sem., PalnsvUle, Ohio, and at Elizabeth and Newark, N.J., and as ass't In English at Smith Coll. until 1894. Worker In the Philadelphia College Settlement, 1894-95, and since 1901 in Manhattan Working Girls' Soc. TYLER, Odette (Mrs. Rezin Davis Shepherd), Shepherdstown, W.Va.
Actress; b. Savannah, Ga., Sept. 26, 1872 (Eliza- beth Lee Kirkland); dau. Gen. William W. Kirk- land (Confederate Army) and Susan (Hardee) Kirkland; ed. in convent, Georgetown, D C • m April 1, 1897, Rezin Davis Shepherd, actor (stage name R. D. MacLean). Made first appearance on stage at 14 under stage name of "Odette Tyler" at Madison Square Theatre; later with Minnie Maddern; played leading part in "Shen- andoah," 1892, then several years in Charles Frohman's stock company, and later starred In "Phroso"; after that with her husband at head of her orwn company. Author: Boss, A Story of Virginia Life; also of Red Carnation, a play. TYLER, Rosa Barton (Mrs. Fisher Ames Tyler) Holly Springs, Miss.
Teacher; b. Holly Springs, Miss., July 1841- dau. Roger Barton, eminent lawrer, and Eudora Roland (Barry) Barton; ed. Holly Springs Inst finishing In Model School In Somerville, Tenn ' A.M., and took post-grad, course in English and literature; m. (1st) Franklin Co., Ala. 1860 Dr G. Goodloe (died in the Military Prison Alton' 111.. 1864); one son: Arthur Charles b. 1861 (died 1862); m. (2d) Col. Fisher Ames Tyler (C.S A ) grad. of Brown Univ., lawyer and journalist; one son: Roger Barton. Was vice-prin. 1887-88 prln. 1889-91, of Franklin Female Coll., in Holly Springs. In 1893 opened a private school, Fene- lon Hall, which continued until 1907, when sh« retired from the work; since then interested in literary and religious interests. Pres. of Thurs- day Club and of church societies. MethodUL