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��loosa, la.; m. New Sharon, la., October, 18S4, G. M. Troy; children: Ethel Aurora, Hattle June. Has taught rural schools in Iowa and also in Nebraska. Missionary worker. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Progres«ive in politics. Pres. and charter mem. of Country Ladies' Social Circle (tho first country club to belong to the State Federation of Iowa).

XnUK, Lillian Sarah Crawford (Mrs. John Pres- ton True). Waban, Mass.

lUusij-alor; b. Boston, Mass.; dau. Dr. Sarah >!iircy Crawford; od. Cowles Art School, Boston; tn. Bob'on, Mass., July 22, 1885, John Preston True. I'ormeriy illustrator for Youth's Compan- ion uud other magazines; now devoted to bool<. |l!i;stniilnns for leading Boston publishers. TRUE, Margaret T. (Mrs. Henry A. True), 30 E. Tenth Av., Denver, Colo. Born Iowa, Mar. 15, 1858; dau. Allen and Ellen S. (Smith) Tupper; ed. public schools and studied at Agricultural Coll. of Iowa; m. Dakota, 1880, Henry A. True; children: Allen, Harry, Mar- garet, James, Katherine. Interested in work for childhood; was instrumental in establishing first public kindergarten in El Paso, Tex.; served five years on the B'd of Education in Denver, Col.; two years as pres. of board; now supervisor of school attendance in Denver public schools. Was pres. Kindergarten Ass'n, El Paso, Tex.; pres. F.ducational Alliance, Denver; vlce-pres. Charity (Jrganization Soc. of Denver six years, leader for seven years of the Munger Club; chairman edu- cational com. of Mothers' Congress. Mem. Woman's Club of Denver, Denver Woman's Press Club, Clio Club, Mothers' Congress. Con- gregational. Favors woman suffrage. Independ- ent in politics. Has served as chairman of the educational com. and mem. the legislative com. of the Federated Clubs. I'KUEBLOOD, Mary Esther, Plainfleld, N.H.

Educator; b. Richmond, Ind., May 6, 1872; dau. Alpheus and Almeda (Baldwin) Trueblood; ed. Friends' private schools and Earlham Coll., Richmond, Ind., A.B. '93; grad. work in Univ. of Mich., 1894-96, A.M. '96, and Univ. of Gottingen, 1900-01. Instructor in mathematics, Earlham Coll., 1897-99; instructor in mathematics since 1902 and lecturer on history of mathematics since 1908, Mt. Hoiyoke College. Contributor to scien- tific publications and the magazines. Mem. Soc. of Friends. Mem. Mass. Ass'n of Boards of Health, Am. Mathematical Soc.

TKUESDALL, Elizabeth West (Mrs. Clayton R. Truesdall), Fremont. O. Born Fowlerville, N.Y., Dec. 6, 1867; dau. Henry Hall and Mary E. (Wilder) West; grad. High School, Sandusky, O., '85; Oberlin Coll., class '89 (mem. Oelioim Soc); m. May 25, 1892, Clayton R. Truesdall, M.D.; children: iliram Read, Mary Elizabeth. Interested in Nat. Soc. of D.A.R., having served as regent of the Col. Seorge Croghan Chapter at Fremont, O. ; as Slate regent of Ohio and vlce-pres. general of the Nat. Soc. Presbyterian. Republican. Mem. local Cosmopolitan Club, Matinee Musical Soc, numerous church and missionary societies. Mem. Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs.

TBUESDELL, Janettc C. Cook (Mrs. John W. Truesdell), 500 McBride St., Syra-use, N.Y. Born Marcellus.N.Y., Dec. 16, 1811; dau. Sld- nev Hall and Lois (Mansfield) (iook; ed. Camil- lus, N.Y. ; m Nov. 12, 1862, John W. Truesdell; one son: Charles Carroll. Ex-pres. and now hon. [ires. Humane Educational Soc; treas. Social Art Club; director Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Children; mem. N.Y. State Anti-Cruelty Soc. TRUFANT, Mabel Hodnett (Mrs. L. Hall Trufant), Norwa.v, Me.

Born Danforth, Me., July 17, 1882; dau. Albert und Annie (Butterfield) Hoilnett; grad. Danforth High School, '01; Bates Coll., B.A. '05 (mem. Piaeria); m. Danforth, Aug. 28, 1907, Dr. L. Hall Trufant. Interested in county and Maine State Sunday-school Ass'n work; mem. Arts Com. of Me. State Fed. of Women's Clubs; chair- man of Com. from W.C.T.U. on Savings Banks in Schools. Against woman suffrage. Methodist. Mem. New Idea Soc. Recreation: Out-door life. Mem. Oxford Countv Fed. of Clubs.

��TRUITT, Mrs. Warren, Moscow, Idaho.

Born Watertown, N.Y.; dau. Val. and Laura (Foster) Myers; ed. in Episcopal schools in N.Y. State; m. 1888, Judge Warren Truitt. Pres. City Beautiful of Moscow; pres. Third Dlst. Fed.; vicfc-pres. State Fed. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Progressive. Recreation: Read- ing. Has worked for med. supervision in public schools.

TRULL, Jane Cromble, Hubbard Block, Elgin, 111.

Physician and surgeon; b. Decatur, 111., Dec. 9, 1871; dau. Albert D. and Julia L. (Harrell) Trull; ed. common school, Elgin Acad.; grad. Chicago Coll. of Law, LL.B. '99; Bennett Med. Coll., M.D. '05. Favors woman suffrage. Unitarian. Mem. Woman's Relief Corps, Royal Neighbors of America, Order Eastern Star, White Shrine, Woman's Club of Elgin, 111. State Suffrage Ass'n. TRUMBO, Eunice Belle, 3978 Drexel Boulevard, Chicago, 111.

Born Columbus Grove, O., May 31, 1876; dau. Enoch and Martha L. (Cook) Trumbo; ed. com- mon schools of Ohio under Patterson law, first class, 1894; Wooster preparatory school, Wooster Coll., Ohio; Presbyterian Training School, Chi- cago. Taught in common schools, Columbus Grove, 1900-01; Glenville (now Cleveland), O.. 1901-03. Deaconess at FuUerton Av. Presbyterian Church two years; ass't to pastor of South Con- gregationalist Church, Chicago, since 1910. Has helped organize and maintain clubs for girls for social and religious help in the country and churches which have been connected. Was sec. tor Farmers' Inst, two years. Favors woman suffrage. Has done some mission newspaper work. Has had three talks this year before the young women of the Presbyterian Training School on: What Is Expected of a Pastor's As- sistant; Calls and How to Make Them. Congre- gationalist. Mem. Women's Trade Union League, W.C.T.U., Congregational Church Assistants' League, Missionary Guild, Eunice Class, Chris- tian Endeavor. Recreations: Reciting, story tell- ing, tennis, driving. Mem. Nat. Story Teller's League, College Club, Mothers' Club, Literary Club, Fidelia Club, Emelopea Club. TRUMBULL, Annie Eliot, 734 Asylum Av., Hartford, Conn.

Born Hartford, Conn.; dau. J. Hammond and Sarah A. (Robinson) Trumbull; ed. School of Mme. de B. Draper and Hartford public high school. Literary editor of the Hartford Courant. Inter- ested in the Civic Club, Saturday Morning Club; mem. Juvenile Commission, 1912, Drama League; Indian Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage. Author: White Birches; One Hour's Promise; Life's Common Way; A Christmas Accident; Mistress Content Cradick; A Masque of Culture (a play). Congregationalist. Mem. Hartford Golf Club. TRUMBULL, Millie Reid (Mrs. Bernard H. Trumbull), 250Vi Third St., Portland, Ore. Secretary of Oregon Board of Inspectors of Child Labor; b. Iowa, Dec. 5, 1S66; dau. John and Elizabeth (Reid) Wunderlich; ed. public school and business coll., Dubuque, la.; Armour Inst, of Technology, Chicago; m. Dubuque, la., Oct. 19, 1887, Bernard H. Trumbull. Sec. Board of Inspectors of Child Labor, Oregon, since 1903; probation officer Juvenile (3ourt, Portland, Ore.. 1905; registrar Associated Charities, 1906-11. Sec Oregon Prisoners' Aid Soc, 1903-13; pres. Portland Visiting Nurse Ass'n, 1904-13; chairman Legislative Com. Oregon Fed. of Women's Clubs; first vlce-pres. Oregon Consumers' League; third vlce-pres. Nat. Consumers' League; sec. Ad- visory Com. on Censorship of Motion Pictures, Portland, Ore.; mem. and sec. School Survey Com. of Portland Public School System; mem. Portland Vice Commission. Favors woman suf- frage. Made several speeches during recent cam- paign in Oregon. Writer in newspapers and magazines, principally on child labor and social service topics. Unitarian. Democrat. Mem. Nat. Child Labor Com., Visiting Nurse Ass'n, Fruit and Flower Mission, Oregon Prisoners' Aid Soc, Nat. Conference of Charities and Correc- tion, Am. Ass'n of Labor Legislation, Nat. Women's Trade Union League, Portland Wom- an's Club, Professional Women's League.


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