��Student in landscape painting under Herbert Teague, Florence, Italy; student under Alfred Schroff, painter and designer, Boston.
TRESCOTT, Mary Laella, 805 Coal Excliange Bldg. (business address), and 53 Cumberland Apartments, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Lawyer; b. Huntington, Luzerne Co.; dau. Miller Barton and Pemnilia (Rhone) Trescott; ed. common schools, Columbus Acad., Eastman Busi- ness College, Poughkeepsle, N.Y. Taught in the public schools. Was admitted to practise law in Luzerne County at Wilkes-Barre, Oct. 14, 1895; Supreme Court of • Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Apr. 12, 1899; Supreme Court of United States, Washington, D.C., Apr. 16, 1906. Elected a mem. of Wilkes-Barre City School B'd, Nov. 7, 1911. Pres. Florence Crittenton Circle, Shelter and Day Nursery ; sec. and treas. Boys' Industrial Ass'n, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. , Mem. Y.W.C.A., Women's Civic Club.
TIUMBLE, Jeanette HnntUiKtoii Hooker (Mrs.
Edward M. Trimble), 1255 St. Paul St.,
Rochester, N.Y.
Social worker; b. Rochester, N.Y. ; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '03; m. Rochester, N.Y., 1910, Edward M. Trimble. Settlement worker, Welcome Hall Settlement, Buffalo, N.Y., 1904; Brown Square Playground, Rochester, N.Y., 1905; Fresh Air Mission, Buffalo, 1909.
TBITI.,£, Eleanor Hoblltzelle (Mrs. John Stew- art Tritle). 34 W. Fifty-third St. Terrace, Kan- sas City, Mo.
Born St. Louis, Mo.; dau. Clarence L. and Ida (Knapp) Hoblitzelle; ed. Maiy Inst., St. Louis: Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo.; m. St. Louis, Mo., Mar., 1905, John Stewart Tritle; children: John S. Jr., Clarence Hoblitzelle. Interested in settlement work. Episcopalian. Mem. D.A.R., Woman's Guild.
TBOUBETZKOY, Princess Pierre (Amfelie Rives), Castle Hill, Cobham, Albemarle Co., Va., and 63 W. Thirty-ninth St., N.Y. City. Writer; b. Richmond, Va. ; dau. Alfred Laudon and Sarah (Macmurdo) Rives; ed. at home by tutors and governesses; m. Castle Hill, <;k>bham, Va., 1896, Prince Pierre Troubetzkoy. Interested in the welfare of her fellow-beings. Author: The Quick or the Dead; A Brother to Dragons; Virginia of Virginia; Herod and Mariamne; Wit- ness of the Sun; According to St. John; Barbara Bering, Athelwold; Damsel Errant; Meriel; Tanis; Selene; Augustine the Man; The (Jolden. Rose; Trix and Over-the-Moon; Pan's Mountain; Hidden House. Contributor to magazines. Rec- reations: Riding, walking, sailing, rowing, etc. Mem. the Colonial Dames, Nat. Inst, of Social Sciences, Soc. of Authors, England; Music School Settlement for Colored People, N.Y. Favors woman suffrage, but not a suffragette or militant.
TBOUT, Grace Wilbur (Mrs. George W. Trout),
434 Forest Av., Oak Park, 111.
Lecturer, author; b. Maquoketa, Iowa; ed. in schools of Maquoketa, specialized in elocution and expression; m. George W. Trout; three sons. A few years after marriage removed to Chi- cago and has ever since lived in that city and its suburb. Oak Park. Became interested in and made an exhaustive study of Mormonism. Author: A Mormon Wife. Formerly pres. of Ladies' Auxiliary of the Ashland Club of Chicago, and was mem. of West End Woman's Club until removal to Oak Park. Mem. and ex-pres. Woman's Auxiliary of the Oak Park Club! mem. Nineteenth Century Club of Oak Park; mem. Chicago Woman's Club, Chicago Chapter D.A.R. Mem. Chicago Political Equality League (pres. 1910-12). Lecturer on topics: Suffrage from the American Woman's Standpoint; The Elnglish Novel as a Social Protest. Notable aa suffrage orator, and elected State President of the Illinois Equal Suffrage Association in October, 1912, and led the campaign in Springfield, by whlcn woman suffrage for many offices was enacted by the Legislature of Illinois in the spring of 1913.
��TKOUT, Jenny Kidd (Mrs. Edward Trout), c-aro of "Monetary Times," Toronto, Can.: wlnier. Palina Sola. Fla.
Physician; b. Kelso, Roxburgshire, Scotland; dau. Andrew and Elizabeth Gowanlock; came to Caijada with parents in childhood; od. Toronto Normal School, Toronto School qf Medicine, Wwuen's Medical Coll., Philadelphia, M.D. "75; College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, M.D.; ra. August, 1865, Edward Trout, pres. Monetary Times Printing Co., Toronto. First woman who qualified to practise medicine in Canada; continued in successful practice until 188,'5, then retiring because of ill-health. Much interested in temperance cause; has served as vice-prea. and pres. of W.C.T.U. ol Ontario; former vice-pres. Ass'n for Advancement of Women.
TBOW, Cora Welles (Mrs. John Fowler Trow), Dearborn, 350 W. Fifty-fifth St., N.Y. City. Teacher, lecturer; b. N.Y. City; dau. William H. and Mary Warner (Welles) Munn; ed. Miss Lane's private school; grad. Woman's Law Class, N.Y. Univ.; m. April 14, 1880, John Fowler Trow; children: John Fowler Jr., George Swift Trow. Lectures and gives lessons in parliamentary law, public speaking, art of debate, civics, drama, opera, law and literature. Sec. City Fed. Hotel for Working Girls. Favors woman suffrage. Author of The Parliamentarian, a manual of par- liamentary law. Episcopalian. Mem. D.A.R., New York State Women, League of Am. Pen Women. Post Parliament (pres.). Am. Criterion Society.
TROWBRIDGE. Cornelia Rogers, care James R.
Trowbridse, 389 Fifth Av., N.Y. City.
Normal College instructor; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '91; student of classics and archaeology, Chicago, 1893-1902; ass't principal Detroit (Mich.) Sem., 1903-05; Briarcliff Manor, N.Y., 1905-07; N.Y. Normal Coll. since 1909. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n (vice-pres. 1904-06). TROWBBrOGE, Mary Elizabeth Day (Mrs.
Luther H. Trowbridge), 304 W. Ninet?^-nlnth
St., N.Y. City.
Author; b. Sturgis, Mich,; dau. Rev. Gershom Buckley and Elizabeth (Benjamin) Day; ed. Kalamazoo Coll. and took special studies in mu- sic, N.Y. City; m. Kalamazoo, Rev. Luther H. Trowbridge. Taught science and music in Kala- mazoo Coll. for four years; held editorial posi- tion on Christian Herald, Detroit, 1870-1902. Active mem. A.A.A.S., 1872-1912; served as examiner of schools of higher education under appointment of Mich. State Board of Education; prepared papers on sanitation under appointment of State Board of Health. Favors woman suf- frage. Author: History of Baptists in Michigan Pioneer Days; Vacation Notes; Series of Eu- ropean Letters; The Way of Life; Do This in Remembrance of Me. Baptist. Life mem. Am. Baptist Home Mission Soc, Woman's Am. Bap- tist Home Mission Soc, Am. Baptist Publication Soc, Am. Baptist Foreign Mission Soc, pres. Woman's Auxiliary of N.Y. City Baptist Mission Soc, Consumers' League, New England Soc, Mich. Soc. in N.Y. Clubs: N.Y. Sorosis, Wo- man's Press, Patria, Twentieth Century of De- troit. Mem. Board of Trustees of Kalamazoo (ioll.. Board of Trustees Hartshorn Memorial Coll., Richmond, Va. ; mem. Board of Managers N.Y. Home Soc, Board of Managers North- western Dispensary, N.Y. City. TROY, Mrs. Edward Henry Gray, McAlester,
Born Johnstown, Mich., Nov. 28, 1SG6; dau. Joseph Chandler, M.D., and Cordelia (Crowel) Chandler; ed. grammar school, Johnstown, and high school, Hastings, Mich.; m. Hastings, Jan. 17, 1885, Edward Henry Troy, M.D. ; children: Kathrine, Mary, Margaret, Josephine, John, EJd- ward. Rose, Leo, Ida. Catholic. Recreations: Theatre, outings, drives and picnics. Mem. Travel Club, organized for literary and civic work. Against woman suffrage. TBOY, Ida L. (Mrs. G. M. Troy), Clarlnda, la. School teacher; b. Oskaloosa, la.. April 15, 1861; dau. David and Angelina (Ellis) Hoover; ed. rural school and Normal of Penu Coll.. Oska-