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��TBANSEAIT, Gertrude Hastings (Mrs. Edgar N.

Transeau), S46 Fourth St.. Charleston, 111.

Physician; b. Glendale, Ohio, 1878; dau. Henry- Clay and Annah (Hicks) Hastings; grad. Cornell Univ., A.B. '02; Tufts Coll. Med. School, M.D. '04 (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma); m. Meadvllle, Pa., 1906, Edgar N. Transeau; one daughter: Elizabeth Hastings. Since graduation engaged In general practice. Favors woman suffrage. Unitarian. TRAPPER, Rmma Louise, 663 Palisade Av.,

Jersey City Heights, N.J.

Editor and music critic; b. Baltimore, Md. ; dau. George William and Elizabeth (Naas) Trapper: ed. public and private schools of Jersey City and N.Y. City. For twenty years reporter, special writer and editor on New York Press, Brooklyn Standard Union, New York Musical Courier and newspaper syndicates. News and e.xchange editor, N.Y. Musical (Courier. Episco- palian. (Charter mem. New York Woman's Pitss Club. '1R.\SK, Kate Nichols (Mrs. Spencer Traak),

Saratoga Springs, N.Y.

Author, playwright, humanitarian; b. Brook- lyn, N.Y. ; dau. George L. and Christina (Cole) Nichols; ed. private schools and tutors at home; ni. Brooklyn, N.Y., Nov. 12, 1874, Spencer Trask, banker and philanthropist (died Dec. 31, 1909). Has contributed to various magazines; active in various philanthropies and in reform questions. Author ("Katrina Trask"): Under King Con- stantine; Sonnets and Lyrics; John Leighton Jr.; Lessons in Love; Free, Not Bound; Night ana Morning; Mors et Victoria; King Alfred's Jewel; also miscellaneous publications in periodicals in prose and verse, and a play, "The Vanguard," produced Nov., 1913. Democrat. TRAVEL,L,, Janet Davidson (Mrs. John Willard

Travell), 27 E. Eleventh St., N.Y. City.

Born Albany, N.Y., Dec. 29, 1870; dau. George G. and Julia E. (Griswold) Davidson; ed. Al- bany High School and Wellesley Coll., A.B. (mem. Zeta Alpha); m. Albany, June 29, 1899, Dr. John Willard Travell; children: Virginia, Janet Graham. Interested in social settlement work, club work in Episcopal Church, Friendly Visiting Com. work. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Collegiate Suffrage League, Equal Fran- chise Soc., Woman Suffrage Party. Editor Wel- lesley Magazine, 1890-92. Episcopalian. Mem. Associate Amateur Comedy Club, Southern In- dustrial Educational Ass'n, N.Y. Wellesley Club. Recreations: Music, basketry, tennis, gardening. TRAVEB, Hope, 26 Oakland Terrace, Hartford,


College instructor; b. Bennington, Vt. ; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '96; graduate student Bryn Mawr Coll., 1901-02; graduate scholar, 1902-03; felloTV In English, 1903-04; European fellow, 1904- 05, and fellow by courtesy, 1905-06; Bryn Ma-wr, Ph.D. '07; student Univ. of Munich, 1904-05, and first semester, 1905-06. Teacher Memphis, Tenn., 1890-92, 1894-95 and 1896; Passaic, N.J., 1897; Red Bank, N.J., 1897-1901; Whltford, Pa., 1901-02; Miss Wright's School, Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1902-03; teacher of English, Huntington Hall, Los Angeles, Cal., 1906-09; Mills Coll., Cal., since 1909. Author: The Four Daughters of God, A Study of the Version of this Allegory with special reference to those in Latin, French and English (disserta- tion for Ph.D.); also various articles in Modern Language Notes. TRAVIS, Emma Helen Begrg (Mrs. Frederick H.

Travis), Chappaqua, N.Y.

Lawyer; b. Orilla, Ont., Can., 1881; dau. Alex- ander and Emma Maria (Luke) Begg; matricula- tion in Canada, N.Y. Univ., LL.B. 1903; admitted to bar 1903; m. Frederick H. Travis of N.Y. City; one son: Roderick Begg. First woman delegate to State Bar Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage; mem. William Lloyd Garrison Ass'n, N.Y. Pres- byterian. Recreation: Management of estate in Chappaqua. TRE.\DWAY, Esther (Mrs. Francis Wlllcox

Treadway), 17839 Lake Road, Lakewood. O.

Born Southlngton, Conn.; dau. William J. and Anna (Sutliffe) Frishie; ed. Hathaway Brown School. Cleveland, 0.; m. Jan. 5, 1897, Francis

��Willcox Treadway; children: Frances, b. Mar. 1, 1898; Augustine Russell, b. July 29, 1901. Mem. Board of Managers Jones Home for Friendless Children, Cleveland, O. Mem. D.A.R., Clifton Clu'b. Congregationalist. Against woman suf- frage. Rtpublican.

TlLi^BI^E, Mrs. Lillian Massey, Suclld Hall,

Toronto, Can.

Philanthropist; b. Newcastl"*, Out.; dau of the late Hart A. Massey, the oldest and most promi- nent of Canadian manufacturers of agricultural Implements, who was also greatly interested In education and philanthropy and gave much of his means to those causes; ed. in schools of Newcastle, Ont, and Cleveland, Ohio, and by extensive foreign travel; m. January, 1897, John Mill Treble, of Toronto (died May, 1909). Has long been deeply interested in philanthropic and social uplift work, being interested in various charitable organizations of Toronto, and later in the FYed Victor Mission, of which she is a tru.stee. Becoming convinced that the greatest need of humanity was better home conditions, she organized household science classes in con- nection with the missions, and after that founded the Lillian Massey School of Household Science and Art for the practical work of training women for the home. Following this was the establisu- liig of a Normal Department, affiliated with the Normal Schools of the Province. This work led to the adoption of a complete household science curriculum by the University of Toronto, for which she has erected and perfectly equipped a Household Science Building, of which President Falconer, at its opening, Jan. 28, 1913, declared that "no university, anyTvhere, has a building so splendid, so generous in size and so well equipped for its purpose." Besides thi's work she has founded similar work In Manitoba Univ. and sev- eral ladies' colleges. Mem. of various boards, among which are: Mem. and honorary pres. Canadian Household Economics Ass'n; mem. of Executive of Dominion Council of Y.vV.C.A. ; mem. Royal Soc. for Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, of London, Eng- land.

TBEDICK, Helen Folsom, 36 Alpine St., Mai- den, Mass.

Teacher; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '97; student of biology, Univ. of Chicago, 1901-02; education and botany. Teachers' Coll., Columbia Univ., 1909-10 (bechelor's diploma, '10). Teacher of science, Franklin, N.H., 1899-1900; University School for Girls, Chicago, 1900-02; Robinson Sem., Exeter N.H., 1902-09; ass't in biology, Brooklyn Girls' High School since 1910. Mem. Am. Nature Study Soc, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Smith College Alumnae Ass'n.

TB ED WELL,, Winifred Van Schaiok (Mrs. Roger Culver Tredwell), 3644 Blddle St., Clif- ton, Cincinnati, O.

Born Hamilton, 0., Jan. 13, 1884; dau. Charles A. L. and Irene (Dougherty) Reed; ed. by gov- erness and in preparatory schools, Cincinnati, and Geneva, Switzerland; Univ. of Cincinnati; Univ. of Florence, Univ. of Geneva; Wellesley Coll., B.A. '07; mem. Phi Sigma; m. Cincinnati, Sept. 21, 1909, Roger Culver Tredwell (Yale '07) of American Consular Service). Contributor to various magazines. Mem. Consumers' League, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnse, College Club of (Cincinnati, Yokohama Golf Club and Nippon Race Club (Yokohama, Japan), Rudyard Lake Golf Club, Trentham Golf Club (Staffordshire, England).

TREFETHEN, Jessie Bryan, Trefethen, Me.

Teacher of art, designer; b. Portland, Me., 1882; dau. William Henry and Elizabeth (Mank) Trefethen; ed. Portland (Me.) High School (Brown medal student); Mt. Holyoke Coll., B.A. '07. Assisted in Fine Arts Dep't Boston Public Library and in Art Museum Wellesley Coll.; taught in Lake Erie Coll. and in Drew Sem., Carmel, N.Y. (subjects, art and English). Sec. of Portland (.Me.) School of Fine Arts, 1911-12. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Arts and Crafts Soc. of Portland, Me. Did major work in history of art at Mt. Holyoke Coll., and has studied same in the galleries and museums of Eurooe.


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