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��Director of home economics, Y.W.C.A. of Mil- ■waukee, Trenton, Minneapolis, 1902-06; prof, of home economies, Iowa State Teachers' Coll., since 1907. Interested in missionary work of church and Women's IVlissionary Soc, Sunday- school Missionary Com. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Recipes and Rules for Waitress Work. Congregationali-st. Mem. P.E.O. Sisterhood. TOWNSEND, Virginia Frances, 118 Eastern Av., Arlington Heights, Mass.

Author; h. New Haven, Conn., 1836. For many vears a contrihutor to the leading American magazines and at one time editor for several years of Arthur's Home Magazine. Author: While It Was Morning; Buds from Christmas Boughs; By and By; Amy Deane; The Battle Fields of Our Fathers; A Woman's Word; One Woman's Two Lovers; L-enox Dare; The Hol- lands; Max Meredith's Millennium; Elizabeth Tudor- Protestant Queen of Navarre; Janet Strong; Only Girls; Dorothy Draycott's To- Days; Dorothy Draycott's To-Morrows; A Bos- ton Girl's Amtition; Six In All; But a Philis- tine; That Queer Girl.

TOWIs'SON, Marie Antoinette Castle (Mrs. An- drew Johnston Townson, 1050 East Av., Rochester, N.T.

Born Philadelphia; dau. John Harvard and Marie A. (Arnold) CasUe; ed. Ogontz, Va.; m. Toronto, Can., 1887, Andrew Johnston Townson; children: Kenneth Castle, Douglas Castle, Har- old CasUe, Andrew Johnston Jr. Repuhlican. Mem. Colonial Dames, Mayflower Soc., D.A.R. Against woman suffrage.

TOZIEB, Kathleen B. (Mrs. Charles Burt To- zier), Cleveland, O,

Born Sanduskv Co., Ohio; dau. Benjamin Daniel and Estelle Jeanette (Cobb) Seaman; ed. public school; m. Cleveland, Ohio, Charles Burt Tozier, born Methuen, Mass.; resident of Cleve- land, Ohio. Prominent in patriotic organizations and club movement. Mem. Soc. Colonial Daugh- ters of the Seventeenth Century, Nat. Soc. Col- onial Dames of America, Nat. Soc. Sons and Daughters of the Pilgrims, Nat. Soc. Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America, Nat. Soc. D.A.R. (regent Western Reserve Chapter, Cleve- land); past State pres. Nat. Soc. of the U.S. Daughters of lSt2 (founder and regent Commo- dore Perry Chapter, Cleveland) ; State pres. and founder Ohio Chapter, Nat. Soc. Founders and Patriots of America; mem. Cleveland Commis- sion of the Perry's Victory Centennial; past pres. Cleveland Fed. of Women's Clubs; charter mem. and past pres. Cleveland Emerson Class; charter mem. and past pres. Cleveland Inquiry Club (having for its object the study of par- liamentary law): charter mem. and director of Cleveland Woman's Club House Ass'n Co.; mem. Cleveland Oila Podrida Club, Municipal School League, Consumers' League, U and I Literary Club. Long active on numerous boards and identified with various civic activities. TRACY, EUzabeth Blalteslee (Mrs. John Clay- ton Tracy), 345 Winthrop Av., New Haven, Conn.

Teacher; b. Newton Centre, Mass., Oct. 23, 1869; dau. Erastus and Mary Goodrich (North) Blakeslee; grad. Wellesley Coll., B.A. '91 (mem. Zeta Alpha); m. Brookline, Mass., Oct. 23, 1S94, John Clayton Tracy; children: John Blakeslee, Philip Louis (died 1903), Thomas North, Delia Elizabeth Tracy. Mem. Woman's Ass'n, Church Aid and local Charities Dep't of the United Church (New Haven), Y.W.C.A. Congregation- alist. Recreation: Camping. Mem. Ass'n Col- legiate Alumnae, New Haven Wellesley Club. Against woman suffrage.

TRACY, Elizabeth Strong (Mrs. James Glover Tracy), 2220 Brazos St.. Houston, Tex. Teacher of parliamentary law, author; b. Cold- water Mich., Sept. 8, 1838; dau. Seth Gregory and Harriet A. (Curtis) Strong; ed. private schools in Kenosha, Wis.; m. Ripon, Wis., 18oo, James Glover Tracy; children: Linnle, James Curtis Edward Gushing, Adelia Perkins. Mar- garet Elizabeth, Seth Elliot; 16 grandchildren, 9 great-grandchildren. Author: The Club Woman's Friend, a Manual of Parliamentary Law, the anly book upon this subject ever published in

��Texas (a set of six parliamentary drills). Char- ter mem. W.C.T.U. ; charter mem. of Texas Woman's Press Ass'n, has been parliamentarian for eight years, also of Fourth Dist. Fed. of Women's Clu'bs; sup't of parliamentary law of the W.C.T.U. of State; parliamentarian of City Fed. of Women's Clubs and missionary societies; mem. the Auxiliary of the Women's Missionary Society of Christ Episcopal Church, and of the Church Federation of Missionary Societies. First mem. of Sunshine Soc. in the State of Texas; mem. Ladies' Reading Club, City Fed. of Women's Clubs. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage; has written on the subject. TRACY, Iklarguerite, 29 W. Twelfth St., N.Y. City.

Author, editor; b. Paris, France, Mar. 29, 1875; dau. John M. and Melanie (Guillemin) "Tracy; grad. St Mary's, N.Y. City, '93. Writer of short stories. Mem. Fencers' Club, N.Y. City. TRACY, Martha, 5138 Wayne Av., Philadel- phia, Pa.

Physician; b. Plainfield, N.J., Apr. 10, 1876; dau. Jeremiah Evarts and Marth& Sherman (Greene) Tracy; ed. Plainfield Sem. ; Bryn Mawr CoU., A.B. '98; Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa., Philadelphia, M.D. '04. Assoc, prof, chemistry and director chemical laboratory. Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa., 1907-12; ass't to Huntington Fund for Cancer Research, N.Y., 1905-12; fellow Alumnae Ass'n of Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa., 1912. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Pa. Suf- frage Ass'n. Author: Toxins of Bacillus Prodi- giosus; Some Fairmount Park Waters. Presby- terian. Mem. Am. Chemical Soc, Am. Med. Ass'n, Am. Soc. Pathologists and Bacteriologists, Am. Soc. for Cancer Research, Philadelphia Co. Med. Soc., Pa. Soc. for Prevention of Social Dis- eases. Recreations: Automobiling, farming. Mem. Philadelphia College Club.

TKACY, Mary Clemmer, Passaic High School, Passaic, N.J.

Teacher; b. Killingly, Conn., Jan. 29, 1871; dau. Gilbert A. and Mary (Leavens) Tracy; ed. public schools and vVellesley Coll., B.A. '94. Instructor in mathematics, Passaic (N.J.) High School, 1895-1912. RecreaUon: Walking. Favors woman suffrage. Progressive.

TRADER, Florenco Bishop, 538 Hale Av., Avondale, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Worker for blind; b. Xenia, Ohio; daa. James Franklin and Elizabeth Jane (Duckworth) Trader; ed. Miss Armstrong's School for Girls, Cincinnati, Ohio. After leaving school became interested in work for the blind, her sister, Georgia Duckworth Trader, being sightless. To- gether they established, in 1901. the Cincinnati Library Soc. for the Blind, and in 1903 the Clovernook Home for the Blind, which they have since conducted. They became interested in the general question of special educational facilities for blind people, their efforts resulting in the opening, in 1905, of a department for the blind in the public schools. Presbyterian. Against woman suffrage.

TRADER, Georgia Ducltworth, 538 Hale Av., Avondale, Cincinnati, Ohio. Organizer of Work for the Blind; h. Xenia, Ohio; dau. James Franklin and Elizabeth Jane (Duckworth) Trader; ed. Miss Armstrong's School for Girls, Cincinnati, Ohio. Became blind, and from that fact was led into work for the benefit of blind people. With her sister, Flor- ence Bishop Trader, established the Cincinnati Library Soc. for the Blind, and in 1903 the Clovernook Home for the Blind. In 1905, through their efforts, a department for the blind was added to the public school system of Cincinnati. Presbyterian. Against woman suffrage. TR.4IN, Elizabeth Phipps, Duxbuiy. Mass.

Author; b. Dorchester, Mass., Sept. 1, 1856; dau. William G. and Mary E. (Phipps) Train; ed. in public schools of Boston and Wells Coll., Aurora, N.Y. Translator: The Apostate; Recol- lections of the Court of the Tuileries; The Shadows of Roger La Roque. Author: Dr. Lamar; Madam of the Ivies; Autobiography of a Professional Beauty; A Social Highwayman; A Marital Liability; A Queen of Hearts, and va- rious short stories.


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