��Biological Bulletin; teacher of science at Middle- town (Conn.) High School, 1900-01; instructor in biology, Rocicford Coll., III., 1901-03; teaciier of science, Baldwin School, Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1907- 12. Interested in music. Presbyterian. Mem. Sigma Xi (Chicago chapter), Ass'n Collegiate Aiumnse. Recreations: Tramping, climbing. TOWI>E, Mary Kutter, office, 1 Broadway; home, 107 Waverly Place. N.T. City. Lawyer; b. Wakefield, Mass., Nov. 8, 1876; dau. George Henry and Sarah Dorset (Hamblin) Towle; ed. Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. and A.IVI.; one year graduate work at Radcliffe; N.Y. Univ. Law School, law course (mem. Alpha Omlcron Pi at N.Y. Ijaw School). Favors woman suf- Crage. Legal adviser of Nat. Woman Suffrage Ass'n; rec. sec. N.Y. branch of Collegiate Equal Suffrage League. Recreations: Playing of piano and church organ, golf. Clubs: Bryn Mawr of N.Y. City, Women Lawyers'.
rOWNE, Elizabeth (Mrs. William E. Towne), 242 Oak St., Holyoke, Mass. Author; b. Portland, Ore., May 11, 1866; dau. John Halsey and Jane C. (Osborn) Jones; ed. public schools In Portland; m. (1st) Portland, Apr. 7, 1880, J. H. Struble; (3d) Holyoke, Mass., May 26, 1900, William E. Towne; children: Catherine Elizabeth Struble (Mrs. Edward L. Twing), Chester Holt Struble. Founded Nau- tilus Magazine, Nov., 1898, in Portland, removing with it to Holyoke, May, 1900; in 1911 built the new home for Nautilus Magazine; incorporated the Elizabeth Towne Co., publishers. The Nau- tilus Magazine is the organ to the New Thought Movement. Author: Joy Philosophy, 1903; Meals Without Meat, 1903; Practical Methods for Self Etevelopment, 1904; How to Grow Success, 1904; Happiness and Marriage, 1904; How to Concen- trate, 1904; How to Wake the Solar Plexus, 1904; How to Train Children and Parents, 1904; You and Your Forces, 1905; Experiences in Self- Healing, 1905; The Life Power, 1906; Lessons in Living, 1910. Formerly Methodist, now New Thought. Mem. Internal. Lyceum Club, N.Y. Favors woman suffrage.
TOWNER, Harriet C. (Mrs. Horace Mann Tow- ner), Corning, la., and The Farragut, Wash- ington, D.C.
Born Providence, R.I., April 13, 1869; dau. Charles T. and Caroline (Greene) Cole; pri- vately educated, specializing in English and lit- erature; m. Corning, Iowa, Horace Mann Towner (mem. Congress since 1911); children: Leta Elaine, Horace Cole, Constance Miriam. Spe- cially interested in library extension and other educational movements; mem. Iowa Library Commission since its organization; active In Iowa Fed. of Women's Clmbs and chairman Leg- islative Com. of Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs; pres. Board of Trustees of Corning (Iowa) Pub- lic Library and has served as pres. of State Li- brary Ass'n. Author of study programs for clubs, principally in English literature, and occasional contributor to magazines. Mem. loiwa Press and Authors' Club of Des Moines, Study Club (Cor- ning), Congressional Club (Washington, D.C); vice-regent for Iowa of the Mt. Vernon Ladies' Ass'n of the Union.
TOWNLEY, Alice Ashworth (Mrs. Charles Rob- ert Townley), 944 Hastings St., W., Vancouver, B.C., Can.
Born Quebec, Nov. 26, 1870; dau. William Henry and Jane (Moray) Ashworth; ed. in Canada; m. Charles Robert 'Townley. Before marriage wrote many short stories, verse and descriptive articles for Canadian and American newspapers and magazines under the name of "Alice Ashworth," but now writes under the name of Alice Ash- worth Townley. Mem. Nat. Council of Women. Author: Just a Little Boy, 1897; Just a Little Girl, 1907; Opinions of Mary, 1909. Mem. Wom- an's Canadian Club, Press Club of Vancouver. TOWNLEY, Ruth Francis (Mrs. Elmer J. Town- ley), Crawford, Neb.
Teacher; b. McCook, Neb., Not. 25, 1886; dau. Page T. and Elizabeth (JohiLson) Francis; ed. Crawford High School; Peru (Neb.) State Normal School; m. Crawford, Sept. 2, 1912, Elmer J. Townley. Taught Intermediate grades In city schools alx vears. Mem. BacUst Church. Fa-
��vors woman suffrage. Recreations: Swimming, tennis, riding, hunting, etc. Mem. Twentieth Century Federated Club. TOWNSENB, AlJee GreenoDKh (Mrs. Edward
Mitchell Townsend), Townsend Place, Oyster
Bay, L.I.
Born Qulncy, Mass., Mar. 24, 1872; dau. Will- lam and Alice Mary (Patterson) Greenough; ed. Brearley School, N.Y. City, and Les Rflches, Fon- talnebleu, France; m. N.Y., Apr. 20, 1892, Ed- ward Mitchell Townsend; children: Edward Mitchell Jr., Greenough. Rec. sec. Colonial Dames of the State of N.Y. Against woman suf- frage. Mem. Huguenot Soc, Zoological Soc, Oyster Bay Village Improvement Ass'n. Clubs: Colony of N.Y., Chilton of Boston, Colonial Dames of Washington. TOWNSEND, EUi Moore (Mrs. Ernest Gala
Townsend), Belton, Tex.
Teacher; b. Fayette Co., Tex., 1861; dau. W. B. and Indiana (Keys) Moore; entered Baylor Coll., Belton, Tex., A.B. '79; attended Nat. School of Elocution and Oratory, Philadelphia, one year; m. Belton, Tex., 1899, Ernest Gale Townsend (Baptist minister). Presiding teacher seven years; teacher of history twelve years; teacher of Bibla four years in Baylor Coll.; traveled in Europe in 1888. For two years State officer of W.C.T.U. : mem. Exec. Board of Baptist Women's Mission Workers of Texas, which she organized by dis- tricts, greatly Increasing its efficiency; founded in 1893 the Cottage Home in connection with Baylor Coll., where poor girls are helped to ob- tain a college education; manager of Home for 20 years and has given assistance to 1,800 or 2,000 girls. Author: History of Our Baylor. Baptist. Mem. W.C.T.U., United Daughters of Confed- eracy, Texas Historical Ass'n. Recreations: Driving, camping In summer. Mem. Wednesday Club of Belton, Tex. TOWNSEND, Emiiy Allison, 62 Trumbull St.,
New Haven, Conn.
Magazine writer; b. New Haven, Conn.; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '84. Teacher Montreal, Can., 1886; The Oaks, Lakewood, N.J., 1887; St. Cath- arine's Hall, Augusta, Me., 1888; St. Mary's Hall, Memphis, Tenn., 1904. Contributor of short stories to various magazines. TOWNSEND, Grace Beach, 207 Green St., Syra- cuse, N.Y.
Teacher; b. Wellesley Hills, Mass., 1872; dau. Charles E. and Martha J. (Piper) Townsend; ed. Wellesley public schools until 1892; Wellesley Coll., A.B. '96; graduate student and tutor, 1896- 1900 (mem. Alpha Kappa Xi). Tutor of mathe- matics and occasionally Latin at Wellesley Coll., 1896-1900; teacher of mathematics and Latin In private schools, 1901-03; Worcester, Mass., 1903- 06; in Misses Hobbs' School, Wilmington, Del., 1906-12; the Goodyear Burlingame School, Syra- cuse, 1912. Active mem. Socialist Party, Inter- collegiate Socialist Soc. Favors woman suffrage; mem. College Equal Suffrage League of Boston for many years. Equal Suffrage Ass'n of Wil- mington, Political Equality Club of Syracuse. Christian Scientist. Mem. Soc. of Nat. History of Delaware, Classical Ass'n of the Middle At- lantic States. Recreations: Tramping, mountain climbing, skating.
TOWNSEND, Katherlne Crawford Poage (Mrs.
Ernest Hartley Townsend), New Richmond,
Born Ashland, Ky. ; dau. Hugh Calvin and Sarah E. (Davenport) Poage; great-granddaugh- ter of Colonel George Poage and of Captain Jamea Allen, and great-great-granddaughter of Colonel John Poage, all of Revolutionary fame, and great-grandniece of Colonel James Poage, founder of Ripley, Ohio; m. Ernest Hartley Townsend. Prominent In D.A.R., having organ- ized the Poage Chapter at Ashland, Ky., of which she Is Regent. Interested In educa- tional matters. TOWNSEND, Mary Louise, Cedar Falla, la.
Professor of home economics; b. Cedar Palls, la., April IS, 1870; dau. E>dward and Sarah A. (Seward) Townsend; grad Wellesley Coll., B.A. '96; Iowa State Teachers' Coll., master of didac- tics. 1899: Drexel Inst., domestic science, 1902.