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��kles, of Shreveport, La.; little 10-year-old niece lives with her. Conducted prtTate kindergarten, 1906-12; teacher in Sabbath-school 25 years; sup't primary dep't Presbyterian Sunday- school, Shreveport, 10 years; pres. Hypatia Club, 1899-1900; organized Woman's Nat. Rivers and Harbors Congress (now numbering 30,000 members) and pres. of same June 29, 1908, till resigned, December, 1910; State vice-regent D.R., 1908-10; pres. Woman's Soc. Presbyterian Church, Shreveport; studied kindergarten for Sabbath- school work and has had private kindergarten for six years. Favors woman suffrage. Author of newspaper and magazine articles upon suf- frage, chijrch, conservation of waterways, etc. Presbyterian. Mem. D.R., D.A.R., Daughters of the Revolution, Am. Forestry Ass'n, Woman's Nat. Rivers and Harbors Congress, State Forestry Ass'n, Am. Civic Ass'n, general local civic, social and benevolent societies. Recreations: Reading, travel, society, work for children, club work. Mem. Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs, Hypatia. TOMLINSON , Ella Merrick (Mrs. Alvan H.

Tomlinson), Wrightetown, Bucks Co., Pa. -

Born Buckmansville, Feb. 13, 1863; dau. George T. and Mary Ann (Short) Merrick; grad. Swarth- more Coll. (first in class), '86; m. Wrightstown, Pa., Oct. 17, 1893, Alvan H. Tomlinson; .children: Carroll M., Homer A., Robert K. Actively in- terested In W.C.T.U. ; pres. of Wrightstown Equal Suffrage Ass'n. Mem. Friends Church; takes active part in Friends First Day School, and in Loyal Legion Literary Soc. (Swarthtnore), Wrightstown Farmers' Club. TOXJES, Mrs. Helena Secor, 256 E. 174th St.,

N.Y. City.

Bom Albion, N.Y., Jan. 8, 1867; dau. Jonathan and Sarah (Secor) Gaskell; ed. Cleveland (Ohio) schools, Boston School of Oratory; post-graduate courses in Chicago Univ. ; m. Nov. 10, 1886, Henry "Tonjes; widow. Lecturer and political speaker; has lectured from N.Y. City west to Pacific Coast. Formerly organizer and for four years pres. Mount Vernon (N.Y.) Woman's Republi- can Club; vice-pres. of Legislative League; vice- pres. and chairman Franchise Dep't of N.Y. State W.C.T.U. and lecturer for same. Inter- ested in municipal reform and settlement work. Favors woman suffrage. Editor "Woman's Cause." Magazine writer. Episcopalian. Pres. Woman's Soc. for Prevention of Crime of New York. Prominent among women of Progressive Party; chairman of Bronx County. Mem. Daugh- ters of Empire State, Equal Suffrage League of N.Y., N.Y. State Women, Post Parliament. Mem. West End Woman's Republican Club (ex-pres.).

TOOMEY, Mary IsabeUe Vogt (Mrs. Patrick Joseph Toomey), 4035 Morgan St. and Aber- deen Place, Hill Crest, St. Louis, Mo. Born Iowa City, la., Dec. 21, 1859; dau. Dr. William Vogt of Diisseldorf, Prussia, and Mary (O'Connor) Vogt, of Cashel, Ireland; ed. St. Agatha's Sem., Iowa City, la.; Mt. St. Joseph's Coll., Dubuque, la.; State Univ. of Iowa; taught In Iowa City High School three years; m. Iowa City, Oct. 5, 1886, Patrick Joseph Toomey of St. Louis, scenic artist; children: John Thomas Noxon, Mary Wilhelmena. Gen. corr. sec. of Nat. Organization Soc. of Daughters of the Queen of Heaven for 20 years; mem. B'd of Directors of St. Louis School of Social Economy, eight years; B'd of Directors Home for Self-Supporting Women, nine years; Exec. Com. St. Louis Central Council of Social Agencies and St. Louis Conference of Federation; Executive Commit- tee Third National Conference of Catholic Charities, Washington, D.C. ; vice-president Women's Nat. Federation of Catholic Charities; com. on industrial and social conditions. Eighth Ertstrict of Missouri Fed. of Women's Clubs; mem. Peace Conference; delegate from St. Louis and State of Missouri to many National and State conferences of charities and correction. Favors woman suffrage. Writer of newspaper and maga- zine articles. Catholic. Mem. The Queen's Daughters, Children of Mary of Visitation Con- vent, Cabanne; iiiphpheta Soc. of St. Joseph's Inst, for the Deaf. Recreations: Music, paint- ing, languages, traveling. Mem. Twentieth Century Art Club. Union Musical. French and

��Chart Clubs. Was instrumental In securing from His Holiness, Leo XIII, July 17, 1894, the Brief establishing the Soc. of Daughters of the Queen of Heaven, a religious, charitable society of the Catholic Church, with permission for its universal extension.

TOPH, Ollah Perkins (Mrs. Joseph H. Toph), 1106 Olney St., Indianapolis, Ind. Born Rushville, Ind., Sept. 30, 1862; dau. Els- bury H. and Lucy Emily (Brown) Perkins; ed. Indianapolis public and high school; Sterne's German-English private school; m. Indianapolis, Ind., Feb. 27, 1883, Joseph H. Toph; children: Juanita Lucy, Donald Edgar. Newspaper and magazine writer; speaker before literary clubs and on suffrage and labor. Mem. International Typographical Union, Monday Club, Woman's Department Club, Nature Study Club of Indian- apolis. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Franchise League of Indiana.

TOPPING, Leila Lyons, Hotel Martha Washing- ton, 29 E. Twenty-ninth St., N.Y. City. Piano teacher, author; b. Chester, N.J. ; dau. Theodore F. and Ellen E. (Cook) Topping; ed. Conway, Mass. ; Mt. Holyoke Coll. ; musical edu- cation recdved in N.Y. City; pupil of Arthur Friedheim (famous Liszt pupil). Max Opicker, Alice L. Forwler and others in piano; voice pupil of John C. Dempsey, S. C. Bennett and others. Has taught music in Southern institu- tions; private teacher now in N.Y. and Brooklyn. Interested in Nerw Thought, modern psychology, eugenics, suffrage. Author: Ble'Ssed Mission of Sympathy and Burden of Ill-Health (booklets); general magazine writer; has done much Juvenile writing, also for women's public-ations. Mem. N.Y. Browning Soc, Mt. Holyoke Alumnas Ass'n, Woman's Press Club of N.J. Recreations: Travel, motoring, water sports, nature lover. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage. TOBELLE, Ellen — see Nagler, Ellen Torelle. TOBBANCE, Jessie Archer Grovee (Mrs. Will- lam J. Torrance), 1306 Walnut St., Evans- Yllle, Ind.

Born Mound City, 111. ; dau. William and Mary (Archer) McDonell; ed. public schools of Cannel- ton, Ind.; Evansville, Ind., and Washington, D.C, and in Univ. of Chicago; m. (1st) Evans- ville, 1894, A. N. Groves; (2d) Evansville, lbu9, William J. Torrance; one daughter: Bertna Alina Groves (deceased). Taught in primary schools in Evansville for 20 years; has done newspaper work on daily and Sunday Evansville papers la years. Mem. Y.W.C.A. ; assoc. mem. Y.M.C.A. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Pres. Athenajum Club, Domestic Science Class (pres, since organization) ; mem. of Press Com. of Ind. State Fed. of Women's Clubs. TOBEANCE, Theodora McGUl (Mrs. Edward Alexander Torrance), 38 Jefferson Av., Evans- ville, Ind.

Born Evansville, Ind., Dec. 14, 1880; dau. James Alexander and Sarah Maria (Hazen) McGlIl; ed. Evansville public schools and post- graduate work; m. June 23, 1912, EMward Alex- ander Torrance. Formerly taught in Evansville public schools. Sec. of Evansville Fed. of Clubs; sec. Athenaeum Book Club; mem. local Y.W.C.A., Domestic Science Club. Cumberland Presby- terian. Mem. Nat. Purity League. Recreations: Music, elocution, reading. Favors woman suf- frage.

TOBBINGTON, Bosaline Bebecca (Mrs. F. H Torrlngton), 12 Pembroke St., Toronto, Can. Born Ireland; ed. Ireland and went to Canada in 1869; m. Dr. F. H. Torrington of Toronto. Has written numerous articles on social ques- tions. Pres. Nat. Council of Women of Canada. Mem. Women's C nadian Club, Women's His- torical Soc, Women's Art Ass'n of Canada. TOWLE, Elizabeth Williams, The Baldwin School, Bryn Mawr, Pa.

Teacher; b. Painesville, O., Mar. 11, 1876; dau. James Augustus and Mary Elizabeth (Ladd) Towle; ed. private schools; Iowa Coll. Acad., Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '98, A.M. '99; fellow in biology, 1899-1900; graduate student Univ. or Chi- cago, 1903-04, fellow in physiology; graduate stu- dent, Columbia Univ., 1904-06. Writer ot artifles furnished to Am. Journal of Physiolcgy and


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