��TOBIN, Flora Lewis (Mrs. John W. Tobln),
1078 Madison Av., N.Y. City.
Born Hamilton, Ont., Can., Jan. 4, 1882; dau. Thomas and Anue (Arthur) Lewis; ed. public schools of Hamlltou and private schools of Chi- cago, 111.; m. N.Y. City, Nov. 25, 1905, John W. Tobln; one daughter: Flora Fairchild. As a child was mem. of A. M. Palmer Stock Co.; later, under stage name of "Flora Fairchild," played Lady Anne In Richard III, Marguerite in Faust; in 1908 created Sophie Duchesne In Charles Coghlan's play. Lady Flora. In 1899 created Madam Gressilon In In Paradise at Bijou Thea- ter, N.Y. City, later succeeding Miss Minnie Seligman in leading part; took leading parts in William A. Brady's productions of Sorrows of Satan and Way Down East, and played title role In Paul Armstrong's play St. Anne, 1902. Against woman suffrage. Composer of several songs, among them Mother's Precious, Elita. Episco- palian. Mem. Daughters of the Empire. Rec- reations: Golf, fl&hing, shooting.
TODD, Ethel Hastings (Mrs. James L. Todd),
265 Chicopee St., Chlcopee, Mass.
Born Chicopee, Mass., Oct. 27, 1876; dau. Abijah and Mary (Deane) Hastings; grad. Chico- pee High School, '94; Smith Coll., A.B. "99; m. Chicopee, June 25, 1902, James L. Todd; one son: Norman Hastings Todd, b. Mar. 7, 1910. Inter- ested In church work. Congregatlonalist. Rec- reations: Books, music. Mem. Music Club, College Club.
TODD, Helen McGregor, 30 Florence PI., San
Francisco, Cal.
Former State Factory Inspector of Illinois; b. Albert Lea, Minn. ; dau. Robert McGregor and Salene (Elmore) Todd; ed. in Pestalozzi-Froebel House, Berlin; Univ. of Wis.; Chicago Univ.; Milwaukee Coll.; grad. Kirkland School, Chi- cago; Duluth Normal and three years' special work in Europe. Six years State Factory In- spector of Illinois; five years in settlement work In Chicago Hull House and Ethical Culture Set- tlement (Elm St.); tTvo years head of kindergar- ten dep't Tome Inst., Fort Deposit, Md. Speaker in Cal. suffrage campaign, organizer and chair- man afterward of civic work in (3al. On board of Political Equality League, Chicago; sent for by Political Equality League of Cal. to come for suffrage campaign; remained in Cal. to or- ganize the San Francisco Center as lecturer and organizer. Writer of magazine articles in Mc- Clure's and the American magazines. Progressive voter. Recreations: Travel, books, out-door life.
TODD. Mabel Loomls (Mrs. David Todd), Ob- servatory House, Amherst, Mass. Born Cambridge, Mass.; dau. Eben Jenks and Mary Alden (Wilder) Loomis; brought up In Washington, D.C. ; ed. .Miss Lipscomb's private school and In Boston; specialty of singing, piano- forte pl.iying, harmony, English and painting; m. Washington, Mar. 5. 1879, Prof. David Todd; one daughter: Miilicent, b. Washingrton, Feb. 5, 1880 (Vas&ar, '02). Much Interested in historical matters and preserving relics of local history, in forestry and saving roadsides and fine tices. In village improvement and landscape gardening, and has accomplished more or less on these lines by articles in magazines, talks for clubs and by practical work In parks, etc. Favors woman suf- frage. Author: Total Eclipses of the Sun, 1S94; Corona and Cornet, 1S98; A Cycle of Sunsets, 1910; Tripoli the Mysterious, 1912. Editor three vols, of Emily Dickinson's Poems, and two vols, of her Letters; Steele's Fourteen Weeks In As- tronomy; A Cycle of Sonnets; and many articles In Century, Harper's, Nation. Founder and pres. Amherst Historical Soc. ; mem. Conn. Valley His- torical Soc; vice-pres. Loomis Ass'n; founder and honorary regent Mary Mattoon Chapter D.A.R., Mass. Forestry Ass'c, Boston Authors' Club, Amherst Women's Club, Boston Ex-Club, Boston Founders' Club, Boston Ex-Regents' Club; hon. mem. Springfield Cosmopolitan Club. Has a large repertoire of lectures on science, art, history and travel topics, which she gives witli or without lantern slides, as desired.
��TODD, Margmente Raignel (Mrs. Frank Winters Todd), 240 Main St., Lakewood, N.J. Born Philadelphia, Pa., April 20, 1879; dau. Edward Howard and Abbie Wlllard (Freeman) Raiguel; ed. Freehold Sem., Freehold, N.J.; Vassar Coll., Poughkeepsie, N.Y., A.B. '01; m. Lyndonville, N.Y., June 8, 1907, Frank Winters Todd. High school teacher at Trenton, N.J., 1901; Grand Haven, Mich., 1902; Lakewood, N.J., 1903-04; Buffalo, N.Y., 1905-06. Presbyterian.
TODD, Marlon (Mrs. Benjamin Todd), Spring- port, Mich.
Lawyer, author; b. Plymouth, N.Y., March, 1841, dau. Abner Kncaland and Dolly Adelia Marsh; ed. in public schools of Eaton Rapids, Mich., and State Normal School at Ypslianti, Mich.; m. 1868, Benjamin Todd. Taught school for a time, late.- studied law and was admitted to bar by the Supreme Court of California, 1881, thereafter practising law for several years In San Francisco. Student of and writes upon economics; took an active part in the Greenback movements of the '80's, being nominated on the Greenback ticket for attorney-general of Cali- fornia, 1892. Favors woman suffrage. Author: PYofesaor Goldwin Smith and His Satellites in Congress, 1880; Protective Tariff Delusions, 1886; Pizarro and John Sherman, 1891; Railways of Europe and America, 1893; Claudia, 1902.
TODD, MUlicent, Amherst, Mass.
Teacher, writer; b. Washington, D.C; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '02; student, Sorbonne, Paris, 1905-06; studied in Berlin, 1909-10. Teacher In Vassar Coll., 1902-04; Wellesley Coll., 1906-07; Boston, 1907-08. Author: Life of Mary E. Stearns, by One of Her Pupils, 1909; Eben Jenka Loomis, a Memorial Volume, 1913.
TOLEDANO, Rachel (Mrs. Phineas H. Tole- dano), 166 W. 129th St., N.Y. City. Bom N.Y. City; dau. Mordecai and Ernestine Epstein; ed. in N.Y. City schools; m. Phineas H. Toledano. Pres. Jewish Girls' Welfare Soc. (for- merly Monteflore Relief Soc); chairman of Em- ployment and Relief of Oriental Jews. Mem. Shearlth Israel Sisterhood (board of managers). Auxiliary to Washington Heights Hospital, Wid- owed Mothers' Fund Ass'n Board; delegate to Fed. of Sisterhoods; mem. Post Parliament and Political Study Club of N.Y. City.
TOI.FREE, Aline Gorren (Mrs. Edward Rogers Tolfree), Hotel Gotham, N.Y. City. Writer; b. N.Y. City; dau. Daniel and Mary E. Gorren; privately educated, principally abroad, by German, French and Italian masters; m. N.Y. City, 1902, Edward Rogers Tolfree. Writer of articles and book criticisms on literary and sociologicaj themes in several of the leading magazines. Author: Anglo-Saxons and Other.s, 1900.
TOL,MAN, Anna C. (Mrs. William Howe Tol- man), 23S Park Place, Brooklyn, N.Y. Social worker; b. Springfield, N.J., June 26, 1859; dau. John Martin Gerhold and Wllhelmina Tolman; one son: George Lelghton' Tolman, b. Oct. 4. 1894. Mem. Internal Jury of Liege Expo- sition, 1905; Milan Exposition, 1906; assoc. com- missioner, Gen. Am. Section Internal. Book and Paper Exposition (Paris, 1907); delegate, Internat. Housing Congress (London, 1908); collaborator with Dr. W. 'Tolman in lectures, magazine arti- cles and books. Protestant Episcopal. Recrea- tion: Traveling. Interested in music. TOI.MAN, Julia, 695 Massachusetts Av., Arling- ton, Mass.
Physician; b. Tewksbury, Mass.: grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. "76; Univ. of Mich., M.D. '84; post- graduate courses in London, Paris and Johns Hopkins Univ. Ass't high school. Pittsfleld, Mass., 1876-81. Interne In New England Hospital, 18S4-85; practising physician, Arlington, Mass., since 1885.
TOMKIES, Amanda Allison (Mrs. Hoyle Tom- kies), 512 Stoner Av.. Shreveport, La. Born Stony Point, N.Y., Feb. 23, 1872; dau. Brewster J. and Anna Given (Andrus) .\lJlson; grad. Houghton Sem., Clinton, N.Y.. 1889, in classical and scientific courses (Theta Sigma); m. Stony Point, N.Y., Oct. 25, 1S93, Hoyle Tom-