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��Carmela; Cast for Fortune; Child of Mary; Fairy Gold; A Little Maid of Arcady; Lost Lode; The Man of the Family, 1898; Philip's Restitu- lion; Princess Nadine, 1908, etc. Granddaughter Df Judge Caldwell on mother's side, distinguished ancestry of makers and rulers of the common- wealth of the State of North Carolina. TUT ANY, Belle Louise, 17 E. Park St., New- ark, N.J.

Music supervisor; b. Fredonia, N.Y.; dau. George and Harriet (Clark) Tiffany; ed. Fredonia Normal School, Vassar, A.B. Teacher in Fre- donia (N.Y.) Normal School two years; since then supervisor of music, successively, in the Schools of White Plains, N.Y.; Westfleld, N.J., and since 1909 at Newark, N.J. Interested in various musi- cal activities. Church soloist, chorus conductress. Vice-pres. Women's Political Union, N.J. ; mem. Joint Legislation Com. of N.J. Suffrage Organi- zation. Mem. Women's Political Union, Nat. Child Labor Com., Women's University Club, College Woman's Club of Essex Co. TITTANY, ELatrina ICly (Mrs. Charles L. Tif- fany), (winter) 128 E. Thirty-sixth St., N.Y. City, (summer) Oyster Bay, L.I. Bom Altoona, Pa., Mar. 25, 1875; dau. Theo- dore N. and Henrietta (Brandes) Ely; ed. Eryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '97; m. Bryn Mawr, Pa., June 24, 1901, Charlea L. Tiffany. Pres. Bryn Mawr Club of N.Y. City; mem. Local School Board of District 12; chairman Finance Com. of Intercol- legiate Bureau of Occupation; ass't trea.s. and sec. of Exec. Com. N.Y. Infirmary for Women and Children; treas. Sunnyslde Day Nursery. Favors woman suffrage. Pres. Collegiate Equal Suffrage League; rec. sec. Woman Suffrage Party of N.Y.; capUin Election District No. 27. Prot- estant Episcopal. Recreations: Golf, tennis, rid- ing, bridge, gardening. Clubs: Womaa's Univer- sity, Woman's Cosmopolitan, Bryn Mawr Nassau Country.

riFFANY, Nina Moore (Mrs. Francis Buchanan Tiffany). 890 Goodrich Av., St. Paul, Minn. Author; b. Cincinnati, Ohio; dau. Augustus Olcott and Harriet Cornelia Moore; ed. in private schools; m. Oct. 16, 1889, Francis Buchanan Tif- tany, lawyer and author of legal text-books; one daughter: Esther A. Student of Colonial and later American history, writer of various historical pamphlets and articles, as well as books. Author: Pilgrims and Puritans, 1887; Colony to Commonwealth, 1889. Collaborated with the late Susan Inches Lesley in editing The Letters of James Murray, Loyalist. TILESTON, Mary Wilder (Mrs. John B. Tiles- ton), Mattapan, Mass.

Born Salem, Mass., 1843; dau. Caleb Foote and Mary (White) Foote; m. Salem, Mass., Sept. 25, 1865, John B. Tilestcm. Author: Quiet Hours; Daily Strength for Daily Needs; Joy and Strength for the Pilgrim's Day; The Stronghold of Hope; Tender and True; Wisdom Series; se- lections from Fenelon, etc.; Sunshine in the Soul; Prayers, Ancient and Modern; Sugar and Spice; Heroic Ballads; Children's Treasure; Trove of Pearls; Child's Harvest of Verse. TILLEY, Laura Etta Sawln (Mrs. Charles Ed- ward Tllley), 8 Elton St., Providence, R.I. Born Northampton, Mass. ; dau. Andrew T. and Persia N. (Parent) Sawln; ed. Smith Coll., B.A. •91; M.A. '92; m. July 10, 1895, Charles Edward Tilley; children: Laurence Edward, Winthrop Sawin. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Record of the Development of Two Baby Boys (published by Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae). Oonereeation- alist. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnaa. Or- ganist and pianist.

TILLINGHAST, Anna C. M. (Mrs. James D. TllUnghast), Beverly, Mass.

Public speaker, lecturer; b. Cicero, N.Y., Feb. 6, 1874; dau. Emery and Mary J. (Churchill) Moulton; ed. public schools of Cicero, Tufts Coll., Brown Univ., Emerson Coll. of Oratory (Bos- ton); m. Cicero, N.Y., Sept. 20, 1893, James D. Tillinghast; children: Ruth Moulton, James Churchill. Took leading part in establishment of girls' club at Titusvilie, Pa., in establishment of permanent scholarship in domestic science at State Coll. of Pa. and In helping to save Maine's

��Prohibitory Liquor Law. Gave principal address at dedication of New Woman's Bld'g at the State College of Pa. During the campaign in Maine in 1911 made 70 addresses In eleven counties, and at close of the campaign was made State lecturer of the Maine W.C.T.U., and in winter lecturer upon woman suffrage and child labor. Removed in Sept., 1912, to Beverly, Mass., her husband having become pastor there. Pre- sided at first meeting of Progressive Women of Mass., in Ford's Hall, Boston. One of three women in Mass. chosen to serve on the State Com. of the Progressive Party. In Presidential campaign of 1912 lectured throughout Mass. ; gave Memorial Day oration in city of Beverly in 1913 (first time a woman ever gave the address in Essex County). Ordained to Christian min- istry March 9, 1913. Author of several published addresses. Universalist. Recreations: Rowing, swimming, fishing, basket weaving, playing ball and croquet with children. Mem. Woman's Lit- erary Club.

TILLINGHAST, Elizabeth Sheldon (Mrs. Ed- ward Montclalr Tillinghast), 364 Mansfield St., New Haven, Conn., and Hope Valley, R.I. Interior decorator, speaker; b. New Haven, Conn., Sept. 26, 1866; dau. Joseph and Abby (Barker) Sheldon; ed. New Haven public schools and Hillhouse High School, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; m. New Haven, June 17, 1896, Ed- ward Montclalr Tillinghast; children: Elizabeth Howard, b. 1899; Katherine Reynolds, b. 1904. Decorated Connecticut Room of Woman's Building at the World's F^ir, Chicago, and with partner, Grace L. Temple, the entire Woman's Building at the Atlanta Fair. Campaigned dur- ing 1896 for William J. Bryan in Connecticut and Massachusetts. Especially interested in the silver question, which has been the dominant topic of conversation in family for 20 years. Favors woman suffrage. Author of numerous lectures, most notable being: A Simple Statement of the Money Question, 1896. Unitarian. Mem. Sorosis, N.Y. City.

TILLINGHAST, Mary Isabel Nelson (Mrs.

Charles Tillinghast), Truxton, N.Y.

Born Truxton, N.Y. ; grad. Vassar, A.B. '78 (Phi Beta Kappa); Cornell Univ., Ph.M. '95; m. Nov. 22, 1882, Charles Tillinghast, M.D. (died). Teacher Hampton Inst., Virginia, 1888-89; prof, of English, New Paltz Normal School, 1889-93; teacher Vassar Coll., 1894-95; prof. English, French- American Coll., 18&7-1901; ass't to the lay principal, Vassar Coll., since 1901. TILSON, Julia Romare (Mrs. William J. Tilson),

"Oaklelgh," East Lake, Atlanta, Ga.

Bom Atlanta, Ga., July 10, 1879; dau. Paul Romare (pres. Atlanta Nat. Bank) and Lucy Ann (Fisher) Romare; ed. St. Mary's Coll., N.Y. City; Peebles and Thompson School, N.Y. City; Elliman Kindergarten Training School, N.Y. City; m. June 9, 1904, William J. Tilson, lawyer (Yale '94); one son: Paul Romare, b. Nov. IS, 1906. Favors woman suffrage. Writer of kinder- garten articles. Episcopalian. Progressive (Bull Moose). Recreations: Golf, driving. Mem. At- lanta Athletic Club. TILTON, Annie Eugenia, 46 Highland St..

Cambridge, Mass. Sunimer, Inner Field.

Jaffrey, N.H.)

Born Boston, Mass. ; dau. Henry Newell and Anna M. (Smith) Tilton; ed. Smith Coll., A.M. '83 (mem. Alpha Soc). Mem. Smith Coll. Alum- nae Ass'n, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnaa, Boston Natural History Soc, Mass. Audubon Soc, Con- sumers' League, College Club, Boston Mycological Club, Cambridge Social Dramatic Club. Against woman suffrage. TIMLOW, Elizabeth Weston, 1600 Scott Circle,

Washington, D.C.

Founder and principal of Cloverside School; b. Rhinebeck-on-Hudson, June 24, 1861; dau. Rev. Heman R. and Martha Fay (Bigelow) Timlow; ed. private schools in New Haven; special courses in Wellesley and in Cornell. Founded Cloverside School, with sister, Montclalr, N.J., 1894 (board- ing and day school for girls). Transferred school to Washington In 1910 for sake of extended ad- vantages. Interested In many philantbroplo


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