THUM, Patty Prather, 1312 S. Sixth St., Louis- ville, Ky.
Artist, painter; b. Louisville, Ky. ; dau. Mande- ville and Louisa (Miller) Thum; ed. Louisville private and public schools; grad. Vassar Coll.; studied at Art Students' League, N.Y. City. Painted landscape, figure and flowers and exhib- ited them at all important exhibitions in U.S. Illustrated for many magazines. Mem. St. Paul a C'aurch (Episcopal). Favors woman suffrage. Has written on subjects connected with art for several leading art magazines, also articles on flowers. Democrat. Mem. Woman's Club ol Louisville.
THCRBEB, Caroline (Mrs. Dexter Thurber) ; summer, Ferry Hill, Bristol, R.I.
Artist; b. Oberlin, Ohio; dau. Gen. Aloved B. and Melissa (Tenney) Netteton; ed. Philadelphia and in Paris under Jean Paul Laurens, Italy and Germany; m. Minneapolis, 1885, Dexter Thurber. Has exhibited pictures in the Paris Salon, Lon- don Roval Acad., New Gallery and Walker's Gallery." Liverpool; Gallery of the Prince of Monaco, etc.
THURBER, Sarah Wood (Mrs. Edward G. Thurber). Eton Hall. 29 Claremont Av., N.Y. City.
Born W. Lebanon, N.H., Jao. 15, 1340; dau. Samuel and Lydia (Gerrish) Wood; ed. Kimball Union Acad., Meriden, N.H., under Prof. Cyrus Richards D.D.; Tilden Ladies' Sem., W. Leb- anon, N.H., under Prof. Allen H. Weld; m. W. Lebanon, N.H., Sept. 5, 1865, Rev. Edward G. Thurber D.D.; children: Samuel Wood, M.D., N.Y. City; Prof. Edward Allen, prof, rhetoric in Univ. of Oregon. Presbyterian.
THURLOW, Helen, 43 S. Eighteenth St., Phila- delphia, Pa.
Artist; b. Lancaster, Pa., July 15, 1883; dau. Thomas and Anne (Butler) Thurlow; ed. Lan- caster High School, School of Industrial Art, Pa. Acad, of Fine Arts. Favors woman suffrage. Recreations: Riding, swimming.
THURSTON, Elizabeth Peabody, 16 Fountain St., W., Newton, Mass.
Libi-arian; b. Billerica, Mass., Jan. 10, 1850; dau. James and Elizabeth (Austin) Thurston. In Newton (Mass.) Free Library since 1880, an as- fistant librarian until December, 1S87; librarian Blncp January, ISSS. Life mem. Am. Library Ass'n; mem. Mass. Library Club (former sec). Unitarian. Mem. Library Art Club (treas.).
THWING, Lucy Blakeslee (Mrs. Charles Burton Thwing), 338 W. Logan St., Germantown, Pa. Born Saquoit, N.Y., Feb. 8, 1869; dau. Aaron and Isadore Maria (Haight) White; ed. Cazenovia Sem., Wellesley Coll., B.A. '91 (mem. Crew and Glee Club) ; Conn. Normal School, New Britain, taught English there, studied, lectured, etc., 1891-92; m. Cazenovia, N.Y., Aug. 3, 1893, Charles Burton Thwing; children: Myra, b. July 13. 1895; John Burton, b. Jan. 10, 1897; Philip Lenard, b. July 27, 1898; Alice Gushing, b. Apr. 18, 1901. Taught night school of Evanston, 111., 1893-94; social settlement of High Bridge, N.Y., 1902-05. Hon. pres. and informal organizer of Ladies' Auxiliary of Carmen's Union in Philadelphia. Favors woman suffrage. Theosophist, but at- tends Friends Meeting. Mem. College Equal Suffrage League. Progressive In politics. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, College Settlement Ass'n, Soc. for Organizing Charity, Current Events Club, New Century Guild, College Club.
THWING, Mary Gardiner Dunning (Mrs. Charles Franklin Thwing), Bellfiower Road, Cleve- land, O.
Born Auburn, N.Y. ; dau. David Montgomery and Alice (Hutchinson) Dunning; ed. Auburn, N.Y.; Vassar Coll., A.B. '97; m. Auburn, N.Y., Dec. 22, 1906, Charles Franklin Thwing (presi- dent of the Western Reserve University). Inter- ested in Visiting Nurse Ass'n of Cleveland, Con- turners' League of Ohio, University affairs. Mem. Coll. Y'.W.C.A., Coll. Settlements Ass'n, Muni- cipal School League, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnse, Peace Soc, College Club of Cleveland, Twen- tieth Century Club. Congregationalist. Woman Buffraee Party of Cuyahoga Co.. 0.
��TIDBALS, Kate Watkins, Clinton, Conn.
Teacher; b. Baltimore, Md., Apr. 27, 1877; dau, Charles Austin and Mary L. (Watkins) Tibbalsj grad. Wellesley C611., A.B. '99; Bryn Mawr Coll., 1900-02; scholar and fellow in English, Univ. ol Pa., Univ. fellow, 1902-04, Ph.D. '04 (Phi Sigmq fraternity, Wellesley). Instructor in Englisll literature, W^ellesley, 1904-05; instructor in Eng^ lish, Vassar Coll., 1905-09; associate prof, of Eng- lish, Wells Coll., 1909-12. Interested in colleg< settlements and movements for social betterment, child labor, etc. Socialist, Favors woman suf- frage. Mem. Modern Language Ass'n. Recrea- tions: Out-door work and play, gardening, tramping, climbing, handicrafts. Mem. Literary and Thimble Club of Clinton.
TIBBALS, Miriam Reed (Mrs. Charles Austin Tibbals, Jr.), 15 33 E. Sixty-fifth St., Chicago, 111.
Born Babylon, L.I., Oct. 6, 1878; dau. Horace C. and Adeline (Sammis) Reed; ed. Madison (Wis.) High School, Univ. of Wis., B.A. 1900; Corcoran Art School, Washington, D.C. (mem. Pi Beta Phi); m. Madison, Wis., Dec. 10, 1908, Charles Austin Tibbals Jr.; one daughter: Ade- line Mary, b. Nov. 4, 1909. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage.
TICHBORNE, Josephine Caroline Sawyer (Mrs. Walter Francis Carson Tichborne), Chatham, N.Y.
Author: b. Watertown, N.Y. ; dau. Hon. A. H. and Frances C. (Fox) Sawyer; ed. Irving School, Watertown, N.Y. ; Mrs. Hazen's School, Pelham Hall, Pelham Manor, N.Y. (testimonial for two years' grad. work and Corlies Literary prize); m. Winchester, Mass., Apr. 18, 1906, Walter Francis Carson Tichborne. Author: Every Inch a King, 1901; All's Fair in Love, 1904; also local newspaper articles. Mem. Woman's Republican Club, D.A.R.
TICKNOR, Caroline, 15 Harris Av., Jamaica Plain. Mass.
Author; b. Boston; dau. Benjamin Holt and Caroline Coolidge (Cushman) Ticknor; ed. public and private schools of Boston. Author: A Hypo- critical Romance and Other Stories; Miss Bella- donna, a Social Satire; A Poet in Exile. Edited The Library of Oratory (15 vols); also Library of Famous Literature (20 vols.); Masterpieces of Literature (20 vols.), and Vocations (10 vols.). Episcopalian. Mem. Boston Authors' Club, Sat- urday Morning Club. Has done much lecturing to women's clubs on literary topics; also does some newspaper work regularly; was for five years Boston correspondent for the Providence Journal; since 1909, Boston correspondrnt for Hartford Courant. Against woman suffrage.
TIEMANAN, Susie Cresswell (Mrs. Paul E. Tie- mann), 44 Broadway, W., Port Chester, N.Y.
Born Port Chester, N.Y.; dau. Wanford Meagl and Sara Kennady (Godine) Henderson; ed. Ry* (N.Y.) Sem.; m. Port Chester, N.Y., Sept. ^ 1892, Paul E. Tiemann, M.D. Episcopalian. Prea'. Woman's Club of Port Chester, N.Y. Against woman suffrage.
TIERNAN, Frances Christine Fisher (Mrs. James Marquis Tiernan), pen name (Chris- tian Reid), Salisbury, N.C.
Author; b. Salisbury, N.C, July 5, 1846; dau. Col. Charles Frederic Fisher of Salisbury (killed at first battle of Manassas) and Elizabeth (Cald- well) Fisher; ed. at home; m. Dec. 29, 1887, James Marquis Tiernan of Md. (died Jan., 1898). Awarded Laetare medal from Notre Dame Univ., 1909. Writer of Southern stories, also for Ave Maria (Catholic magazine); received Laetare medal con- ferred by Univ. of Notre Dame. Still living In house of grandfather, Charles Frederick Fjsher, mem. of Congress before the war. Books: Valeria Aylmer, 1870; Morton House, 1872; A Daught*;! of Bohemia, 1874; Miss Churchill; Bonny Kate; Ebb Tide; Nina's Atonement and Other Stories; After Many Days; The Land of the Sky; A Ques- tion of Honor, 1S77; Heart of Steel, 1882; Hearts and Hands; A Summer's Idyl; A Gentle Bell; Roslyn's Fortune; A Comedy of Elopement; The Picture of Las Cruces; Armme, 1884; The Land of tie Sun, 1894; A Woman of Fortune; Weighed in the Balance; The Chase of an Heiress. 1838: