��Wash., 1900-12. Mem. Exec. Com. on B'd of Everett (Wash.) Hospital, 1899-1904; Snohomish County Orp-hanage Ass'n, Associated Charities, Anti-Tuberculosis League, Everett Civic League; presided as hostess at Washington Building, Lev?is and Clark Exposition, Snohomish County Week. Favors woman suffrage. Author of text- books for students in expression; copyrighted charts "Emerson System of Physiral Culture" and "Evolution of Expression." Mem. Society of Friends. Democrat. Mem. D.A.R. Recrea- tions: Golf, rose culture. Experience as literary interpreter and lecturer In various parts of United States; director dep't of expression, Sno- homish High School; lectures on subjects of physical culture and literature; director of Con- temporaneous Literature Study Clubs of Seattle and Everett, Wash.
THOBP, Vivian Stanley (Mrs. Walter H.
Thorp), <709 Emerson Av., South, Minneapolis,
Born Toronto, Nov. 11, 1876; dau. William and Victoria (White) Byron; ed. Toronto and Friends Coll., Pickering, Ont. ; m. Minneapolis, 1905, Walter H. Thorp, former dramatic editor on Minneapolis Times. Interested in social work, particularly for children and young girls. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Political Equality Club; former sec. Minnesota CU>11. Alumnse Suffrage Ass'n. Mem. Drama League of America (dele- gate from Minneapolis Women's Club), Women's Welfare League, Woman's Club of Minneapolis.
THORPE, Laura Eleanor (Mrs. Edmund Spen- cer Thorpe), 1635 Harrison St., Topeka, Kan. Police and Juvenile Court work; b. Silver Lake, fnd., Oct. 6, 1856; dau. E. and M. E. (Hayward) Thomas; ed. dist. schools, by private teachers and In Eastern Iowa Normal; m. Apr. 5, 1877, Edmund Spencer Thorpe (died July, 1888); chil- flren: Leon, Nellie, Myra. Police matron, Topeka, Kan., 18 years; recently reappointed police matron of Topeka under civil service rules; and has also been given two young "policewomen" helpers with full police authority In welfare of women and children, and a third woman officer whom she Is training for the nerwly created office of "county jail matron and deputy sheriff." Public speaker before women's and children's societies. Dist. superintendent Junior League; 26 years sup't of large primary Sunday-school; sup't 10 years of mission Sunday- school; organizer of Poor Mothers' Club and Poor Girls' Sewing and Dressmaking Cluh, and household work, kindergarten and settlement work, now a fully organized Provident Ass'n, with property worth $35,000; 20 years sup't rescue work W.C.T.U. ; matron Kan. Public Welfare League. Favors woman suffrage. Author (chil- dren's books): How Eleanor and Frances Tried to Find Heaven; A Little Girl's Garden; Just for Friends; also magazine and newspaper articles and stories, and Street Dissipation, a W.C.T.U. l>ooklet. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Republican (Temperance). Mem. Golden Rule (Philanthropic) Soc., Kan. Public Welfare League, State White Slave Ass'n, Foreign and Home and City Missionary societies. Van Buren Parents and Teachers' Ass'n, etc. Recreations: Chureh, lectures, literature, annual vacation trips. During 18 years of police work cared for In some way over 4,000 women and girls, some very poor and ' friendless, sick, stranded or abused, others prisoners. Insane and criminal.
THORPE, Rose Hartwlck (Mrs. Edward Car- son Thorpe), San Diego, Cal. Author; b. Mlshawaka, Ind., July 18, 1850; dau. William and Mary (Wight) Hartwlck; ed. Litch- field (Mich.) High School, also a private course of study; honorary M.A. '83, from Hillsdale Coll., Mich.; m. Litchfield, Mich., Sept. 11, 1871, Ed- ward Carson Thorpe; one daughter: Lulu Thorpe Barnes, b. Feb. 17, 1873. Interested in the Chil- dren's Home (San Diego), and Y.W.C.A. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Author: Curfew Must Not Ring To-night; Nina Bruce, or a Girl's Influ- ence; The Chester Girls; The Year's Best Days; The Fenton Family; Fred's Dark Days; Ringing Ballads; Sweet Song Stories; The White Lady of La Jolla, and has lust published book of ballads
��and shorter poems (Including all best poems). Republican voter. Recreations: Outings, automo- bile, voyages. Hon. mem. Ladies' Literary Cluh (Grand Rapids, Mich.), Woman's West Coast Press Ass'n, Woman's Southern Cal. Press Ass'n (Los Angeles), Indiana Authors' Club (Chicago), San Diego Club, and others.
THRASH, JacUsie Daniel (Mrs. Thad. W.
Thrash), Cromwell Hall, Tarboro, N.C.
Born Tarboro, N.C; dau. Andrew Jackson and Elizabeth (Cromwell) Daniel; finished ed. at Mrs. Le Febvre's Finishing School at Baltimore, 1891, having grad. in Tarboro, with diploma in En- glish, Latin and French, 1890; m. Tarboro, 1895, Thad. W. Thrash. Mem. Daughters of Confed- eracy (pres. William Dorsey Pender Chapter, three years; State rec. sec. N.C. division, three years); also mem. D.A.R. and Historical Soc. of North Carolina. Recreations: Driving, automo- billng, travel. Pres. Tarboro Civic League, hav- ing organized it with 54 members in 1909. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian.
THROCKMORTON, Charlotte Edgerton Alvord
(Mrs. C. Wickliffe Throckmorton), Morristown,
Writer; b. N.Y. City, Nov. 8, 1873; dau. Alwyn A. and Frances D. (Edgerton) Alvord; ed. private schools In N.Y. City; m. N.Y. City, Oct. 28, 1896, C. Wickliffe Throckmorton. Contributor to the magazines. Author (pen nara.e "Charles Egerton": The Coming Dawn.
THROOP, Elizabeth Nichols (Mrs. Montgomery Hunt Throop), St. John's University, Shang- hai, China.
Missionary; b, Richmond, Ky.; dau. Prof. Ed- ward Leamington and Ida (Preston) Nichols; ed. Wells Coll., Cornell Univ., B.A. ; Church Train- ing and Deaconess House in Philadelphia; mem. Kappa Alpha Theta; m. Shanghai, China, May 15, 1912, Prof. Montgomery Hunt Throop; one daughter: Charlotte, b. Mar. 1, 1913. Went to China, Feb. 22, 1911. Protestant Episcopalian. Mem. Royal Asiatic Soc. Recreations: Swimming, boating, golf, walking. Against woman suffrage.
THROOP, Josephine Livingston (Mrs. George
W. Throop), Linton, Ind.
Artist and author; b. Bloomfield, Ind., 1845; dau. Hugh L. and Margaret Key (Routt) Liv- ingston; m. 1860, George W. Throop; one son: Eugene L. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Youths' History of U.S. in Verse; also poems in newspapers. Mem. Woman's Relief Corps; hon. mem. Bay View Club of Linton. Ind.; asso- ciate founder of Order of Pythian Sisters.
THROOP, Snsan Everett, 202 St. John's Place,
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Teacher; ed. in Miss Throop's School, Worces- ter, Mass., Bryn Mawr Coll., 1890-91; Harvard Annex, 1891-92; Radcliffe Coll., 1901-03. A.B. '03. Teacher of Latin and mathematics in Miss Throop's School, Worcester, Mass., 1892-94; ass't to sec. of Bryn Mawr School, Baltimore, 1894-95; teacher of English, Greek and history of art in Boes6 School, N.Y. City, 1899-1900, and of Latin, Greek and mathematics. Miss Bynner's School, Boston, 1900-01; teacher of English, Courtlandt School, Bridgeport, Conn., 1903-06; Ogontz School, Philadelphia, 1906-07; vice-principal and teacher of English literature, Berkeley School, Brooklyn, N.Y., since 1907. THRUSTON, Lucy Meacham (Mrs. Julius
Thruston), 2306 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, Md.
Born In Virginia, 1862; dau. John Meacham and Rebecca (Adama) Kidd; ed. by governess at home and private instruction; grad. State Normal School of Md.; m. Baltimore, Feb. 14, lSis7, Julius Thruston of Virginia; children: Elizabeth Elli- cott, Frances Augusta. Associated with play- ground workers in supervision of Friends Play- ground; selects books for several libraries; con- nected with various boards and committees for philanthropic work. Author: Mistress Brent; Jack and His Island; A Girl of Virginia; Where the Tide Comes In; Called to the Field; Junifer, tha Heaven of the Unexpected. Mem. Friendf Church. Recreations: Walking, traveling. Mem, Woman's Literary Club, Lend-a-Hand, Sorosli Club.