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��olilldren: Clarence, Florence, Helen. Has always been interested in church work; worker for five years in the Girls' Friendly Soc. ; helped organize and carry on clubs in Groton, Mass. ; Elgin, 111., and L,aurel, Md.; mem. Just Government League ot Md. ; pres. Woman's Club of Laurel. Favors woman suffrage; vlce-pres. Laurel branch of Woman's Just Government League of Md. Has written stories for children in various periodi'ials; articles on current topics for some newspapers, and one book: On the Plains and Among the Peaks. Episcopalian. Recreations: Travel, gar- dening. THOBIPSON, Mary Thaw (Mrs. William Reed

Thompson), Sparklll, Rockland Co., N.Y.

Born Pittsburgh, Sept. 9, 1856; dau. William and Eliza Burd (Blair) Thaw; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. '77; m. William Reed Thompson; five daugh- ters. Alumnae trustee of Vassar Coll. ; interested In Y.W.C.A., Women's Exchange, educational committees. Against suffrage for women. Has written magazine articles. Presbyterian. Mem. Am. Historical Soc, Nat. Geographic Sec, etc. Clubs: London Lyceum, Women's University (N.Y. City), Pittsburgh Twentieth Century, etc. THOMPSON, Myra, Spring Hill, Tenn.

Sculptor; b. Maury Co., Tenn., Nov. 23, 18S0; flau. Rev. Frederick Augustus and Sarah Myra (Holland) Thompson; ed. National Acad, of De- sign, N.Y. City; Pa. Acad, of Fine Arts, Phila- delphia; Art Students' League, N.Y. City; Acade- mie de la Grande Chaumiere, Paris, France. Some of her works are: statue. Woman and Sphinx; portrait busts and In oil paintings, land- scapes and flowers; also portraits in oil. Eligible to D.A.R. and Colonial Dames. Recreation: Horseback riding. Presbyterian. THOMS, Effie Walker (Mrs. Craig' S. Thorns),

Vermillion, S.Dak.

Born Brookline, N.H., 1866; ed. Evanston, 111.; m. 1892, Rev. Craig S. Thoms. Taught in pri- mary grade of public school at Wilmette, 111., for five years. First State regent of D.A.R. for S.Dak. Occasional contributor to women's and children's magazines. THOMSON, Frances Howell Marston (Mrs. John

Edwin Thomson), The Buckingham, St. Louis,


Born Boston, Mass. ; dau. Sylvester Witt and Susan H. (CJarpenter) Marston; ed. high school, St. Louis, Mo.; m. St. Louis, Oct. 2, 1876, John Edwin 'Thomson. Active in social life and in- terested in Baptist Orphans' Home. Baptist. Mem. Wednesday Club (literary) ; mem. of Board St. Louis Women's Club (social). Morning Choral Club (largest chorus of female voices In U.S.); mem. of 1' Alliance Frangaise. THOMSON, Jane E., 1910 S. Sawyer Av.,

Cnicago, 111.

Social service; b. Glasgow, Mo., Nov. 17, 1885; dau. James S. and Elizabeth (Tcwler) Thomson; ed. Pritchetl Coll., Glasgow, Mo., 1897-1902 (prep- aratory dep't); Lewis Inst., Chicago, 1902-04; Smith Coll., 1904-08, A.B. Teacher, 1908-09, high school. Green Bay, Wis.; ass't sup't, 1909-10, Children's Memorial Hospital, Chicago; director, Self Culture Hall, St. Louis, Mo., 1910-11. Suf- frage work In office of III. Equal Suffrage Ass'n, 1911; director Gads Hill Center, Chicago, 1912. Favors woman suffrage; trcas. and charter mem. Mo. Equal Suffrage Ass'n; vice-pres., 1911-12, 34th Ward Cook Co. Suffrage Alliance. Has pub- lished occasional articles on suffrage. Mem. lec- ture bureau of Publicity Com. of 111. Equal Suf- frage Ass'n. Mem. Southwest Neighborhood League; pres. Gads Hill Exec. Council; Alpha Pi Phi (Lewis Institute Chapter). Mem. Smith College and Chicago College Clubs. TWOMSOX, Louisa A. (Mrs. Robert Thomson),

2 MeclUenberg St., St. John, N.B., and "Rothle-

may," Rothesay, N.B., Can.

Born Huntly, Aberdeenshire, Scotland; dau. Rev. William Donald, D.D.; ed. in schools of St. John, N.B., where her father was pastor of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church: m. St. John, X.B., October, 1870, Robert Thomson. Actively interesicd in Canadian National Council of Women, of which was elected pres. in 190:i, serv- inz several terms, and before that president of

��the St. John Local Council ot Women; one ol delegates of Canadian Nat. Council to th« American National Council of Women, Ne\\ Orleans, 1903, and to InternationaJ Council ol Women at Berlin, Germany, 1904. Presbyterian. Councilor Local Branch Victorian Order of Nurses; director St. John Soc. of Associated Charities; mem. Ladies' Committee Protestant Orphan Asylum, Home for the Aged, and othei charities. Mem. St. John Natural History Soc. Mem. Canadian Women's Club (vice-pres.). THOMSON, Mabel Whitney (Mrs. William de

Forest Thomson), 231 Marlborough St., Bos- ton, Mass.

Born Boston, Sept. 1, 1877; dau. Walter and Frances Elinor (Whitney) Burgess; ed. Mrs. Quincy Shaw's School. Boston, and Mrs. H. P. Lefebvre's School, Baltimore; m. Boston, June 26, 1902, William de Forest Thomson. Recrea- tions: Dogs, yachting, out-door sports. Inter- ested in various branches of antique objects ol art from all countries, rare old books, etc. Authoress, under a nom de plume. THORNE, EUsabeth Gertrude, Skaneateles, N.T.

Librarian; b. Skaneateles, N.Y. ; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '95; N.Y. State Library School, B.L.S. '97. Cataloguer Public Library, Utica, N.Y., 1897-98; librarian Free Public Library, Port Jervis, N.Y., 1898-1908; City Library, Kingston, N.Y., since 1908. THOKNXEY, May Bowland (Mrs. Joseph H.

Thornley), London, Ont., Can.

Born Drummondyille, Ont., September, ISal; dau. Rev. G. N. Dickson, Methodist minister, fnd Fanny (Baker) Dickson; ed. Ladies' Coll., Hamilton, Ont.; Victoria Univ., Cobourg, Ont.; m. 1884, Joseph H. Thornley of Philadelpthia, Pa. (died September, 1889). Lived ia U.S. from mar- riage until December, 1889, when returned to Canada. Actively interested in work of W.C.T.U.; elected pres. Ont. W.C.T.U., 1894, and served several terms; favors total suppression of the liquor traffic. Against woman suffrage. Methodist. THORNTON, Mary Frances Deraismes (Mrs.

George Thornton), 272 Manhattan Av., N.Y.

Physician; b. N.Y. City; dau. Adolph B. and Sarah E. (Vail), Deraismes; ed. N.Y. City schools; Cornell Univ. Med. Coll., M.D. '02 (mem. Alpha of Zeta Phi) ; m. George Thornton (now deceased). Favors woman suff'rage. Unitarian. Mem. D.A.R.; mem. Women's Press Club ol N.Y. City.

THORNTON, Neda Sargent (Mrs. Harrison Rob- ertson Thornton), 10 Laurel Av., Auburn,


Missionary; b. Yarmouth, Me., May 25, 1860; dau. John Sargent and Rhoda Ann (Mitchell) Pratt; ed. public schools. Auburn, Me.; Berlitz School of Languages, N.Y. City; m. Auburn, Me., Apr. 6, 1892, Prof. Harrison Robertson Thornton of Hampden-Sidney Coll., Va. (deceased); one son: Harrison Robertson Jr., student at Univ. of Va. Grad. Me. Gen. Hospital Training School for Nurses, 1888; dist. nurse in N.Y. City under N.Y. City Missionary and Tract Soc, 1888-92. In 1892, with Mr. Thornton, appointed U.S. Govern- ment's teacher at Cape Prince of Wales, Alaska, in connection with mission to Eskimos under Am. Missionary Ass'n. Following death of Mr. Thornton at hands of Eskimo outlaw, Aug. 19, 1S93, returned to Auburn, Me. Church visitor High St. Congregational Church, 1896-1906; dist. nurse for Androscoggin Anti-Tuberculosis Ass'n, Auburn, 1910-11. Mem. Exec. Board Anti-Tuber- culosis Ass'n; identified with Camp Fire Girls work. Favors woman suffrage. Has contributed articles to the Outlook and Missionary Review of World. Congregationalist. THORNTON, Sarah Andrews (Mrs. Walter Mul-

ler Thornton), The Carrol, Seattle, Wash.

Literary interpreter; b. Leeds, Me.; dau. Edwin and Sarah (Richmond) Andrews; ed. Lewiston High School, Emerson Coll. of Oratory, Boston, 1893; m. June 24, 1896, Walter Muller Thornton. Director of Cornell (Iowa) School ot Oratory, 1893-96. Public reader, teacher of ex- pression, lecturer before teachers' institutes; director Thornton School of Expression, Everett,


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