��and AJplia Epsllon Iota (medical); m. N.Y. City, 1906, John Wallace Thompson; one son: John Wallace. Ass't physician Babies' Hospital, N.Y. City, before marriage. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian.
THOMPSON, Estelle Clark (Mrs. William Oxiey Thompson), Ohio State University, Columbus. O.
Born Massillon, 0., Feb. 12, 1862; dau. Charles Henry and FYances Isabelle (Pettibone) Clark; ed. Cleveland (O.) public schools, high school. Brooks' Private School, Wells Coll., A.B. 'Hi; Boston School of Oratory, B.C. '88; m. Cleveland, June 28, 18i»4, Rev. M'illlam Oxley Thompson; step-children: Bessie A., Lortn A., Roger B. Appointed by Gov. Andrew Harris delegate from Ohio to Nat. Congress of Mothers, Washington, B.C. 1908; vlce-pres. Board of Columbus Art School, 191^13; pres. Nat. Fed. of College Wo- men, 1912-13; filled social duties as wife of the pres. of Miami Univ., Oxford, 1894-99; Ohio State Univ., Columbus, 0., 1899—. Mem. D.A.R.; regent Columbus (Chapter D.A.R., 1902; Women's Club of Ohio State Univ. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage.
THOMPSON, Eva M. Long (Mrs. J. G.
Thompson), Alma, Neb.
Born Iowa, Mar. 16, 1862; dau. Anderson H. and Anna C. (Briggs) Long; ed. Slgourney (la.) High School and Normal; music at Oskaloosa, la.; m. Slgourney, la., July 22, 1884, J. G. Thompson; children: Ethel K., Mayma M. Sec. Board of Trustees of M.E. Church; pres. Ladies' Aid Soc. ; teacher In Sunday-school. Favors wo- man suffrage. Mem. Order Eastern Star. Rec- rtations: Reading, music, autoing. Mem. Wo- man's Culture Club (pres. 1910-12).
THOMPSON, Gertrude Falligant (Mrs. Charles
Harrison Thompson), Box 421, Miami, Fla.
Born Savannah, Ga., Oct. 30, 1885; dau. Dr. Louis Alexander and Rosa Oliver (Brown) Fal- llgant; ed. Savannah grammar and high schools to 1903, Agnes Scott Inst, Decatur, Ga., 1903-04; mem. Menosynean Soc; grad. Kate Baldwin Kin- dergarten School, 1906; m. Savannah, Ga., Oct. 9, 1907, Charles Harrison Thompson; one daugh- ter: Gertrude Falligant, b. Nov. 6, 1908. Intro- duced kindergarten at Miami, Fla., Oct. 1906, and was principal. Episcopalian. Mem. United Daughters of the Confederacy (pres. 1912); mem. D.A.R., historian for Everglades Cliapter since its organization and resigned Apr., 1913. Mem. Woman's Club of Miami. THOMPSON, Harriet Pomeroy (Mrs. William
Oilman Thompson), 34 E. Thirty-flrst St., N.Y.
Born Madison, N.J., Aug. 24, 1860; dau. John Norton and Ann R. (Carter) Pomeroy; ed. private schools, Rochester, N.Y. ; m. San Fran- cisco, Aug. 11, 1887, Dr. William Oilman Thomp- son. Interested in Woman's Exchange, hospitals, etc. Episcopalian. Mem. Colonial Dames, Cos- mopolitan Club. Opposed to woman suffrage. THOMPSON, Helen Dunbar, 99 Madison Av.,
N.Y. City.
City inspector; b. Piper City, 111.; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '99; graduate student, 1S99-1901. In- vestigator and district agent. Charity Organiza- tion Soc, N.Y. City, 1900-02; inspector Civic Sanitation Ass'n, Orange, N.J., 1902; Tenement House Dep't, N.Y. City, since 1902. THOMPSON, Helen Elizabeth, 45 Elm St.,
Northampton, Mass.
Teacher; b. Brattleboro, Vt., Apr. 2, 1857; dau. Charles Frederick and Elizabeth (McCune) Thompson; ed. Brattleboro High Sc-hool; Vassar Coll.", A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) '78. Mem. Circolo Ilaiiano, Boston, and of Dante Soc. of Cambridge, Mas3. Teacher of languages, 1879; head mistress since 1909, Mary A. Burnham School, Northamp- ton, Mais.
THOMPSON, Hettle Liasley (Mrs. George Wal- lace Thompson), 96 North Chambers St.,
Galesburg, 111.
Born Galva, III., Dec, 1857; dau. James Harvey and Susan Hill (Albro) Linsley; ed. Knox Coll., Galesburg, 111.; m. Galesburg, Sept. 11, 1885, Georee Wallace Thompson; children: Alma C.
��(Mrs. W. L. Matteson), Ruth Linsley, Wallace Linsley. Pres. Galesburg Woman's Club, 1911- 12; mum. local school board since 1903; trustee of Galesburg Hospital. Favors woman suffrage. Baptist. Mem. Hawthorne Woman's Club.
THOMPSON, Jean M. (Mrs. Henry W. Thomp- son), 16 Windsor Terrace, Yonkers, N.Y. Author: h. Guilford, Conn., 1865; dau. Alden La Fletcher and Emma Caroline (Field) Fowler; ed. public school, New Haven, Conn.; m. New Haven, Henry W. Thompson. Has written for publication since the age of fourteen; adopted writing as a profession, taking up miscellaneous freelance work on the magazines. Author: Water Wonders, a monograph on snow, frost, ice and water, 1907. Writer of nature stories, songs and plays for children.
THOMPSON, Julia Prat, 27 N. Third St.,
Zanesvllle, O.
Teacher; b. Zaneeville, O., Jan. 5, 1862; dau. Francis A. and Ehnlly Hannah (Prat) Thompson; grad. ZanesTille High School. Presbyterian. Recreation: Travel. Mem. Advance Club, com- posed entirely of teachers.
THOMPSON, Laura Shafer (Mrs. J. W.
Thompson), 314 Oak St., S.E., Minneapolis,
Born Augusta, Wis., July 3, 1876; dau. Nelson H. and Mary (Watson) Shafer; grad. Univ. ol Minn., B.L. (honors in French, German, En- glish); m. Minneai)olis, Oct. 2, 1902, J. W. Thompson; one son: Ralph Wheeler. Pres. board of deaconesses in the church; mem. Home and Foreign Missionary Societies. Presbyterian. Recreations: Reading, music, travel, nature. Pres. Nature Study Club.
THOMPSON, Lily Wilkinson (Mrs. Charles H.
Thompson), Fortification St., Jackson, Miss.
Born Crystal Springs, Miss., Mar. 9, 1867; dau. William Clemments and Gabrielle nowers (Barnes) Wilkinson; grad. Whitworth Coll., Brookhaven, Miss., 1884; m. Grenada, Miss., Feb. 18, 1891, Charles H. Thompson; children: James Wilkinson, Primrose, Cynthia, Sarah Summers. Interested in church work. Has written several newspapers articles on social and economic ques- tions and on woman suffrage; short stories and verses In magazines. Mem. and active worker United Daughters of Confederacy. Mem. and former pres. Chamlnade Club, Jackson. Recrea- tions: ()ut-door life, tramping, singing, playing piano and violin. Methodist. Favors woman suffrage; pioneer suffrage worker in Mississippi; pres. Miss. Woman Suffrage Ass'n. THOMPSON, Lncie Malone (Mrs. Joseph N.
Thompson), Tuscumbla. Ala.
Born Tuscumbla. Ala.; dau. Goodloe Warner and Mary D. (Bate) Malone; ed. at home under private governesses; Moravian Sem., Salem, N.C. ; m. Joseph N. Thompson; children: Humphrey B., Lawrence K., Luciero M. Active In work of the Daughters of the Confederacy; was pres. Ala- bama division for two years, during which time the Alabama Memorial was erected in Shiloh Battle Military Park; mem. local chapter D.A.R. and Helen Keller Library Ass'n (Tuscumbla). For six years has been active in securing the distribution of best literature to the children and young members of the community. Favors wo- man suffrage. Catholic. Mem. Alabama Fed. of Women's Cluba. THOMPSON, Margaret Rice (Mrs. Richard E.
Thompson), 606 Portland Av., St. Paul, Minn.
Born Washington, D.C. ; dau. Hon. Henry M. Rice, U.S. Senator, and Matilda (WhitaJl) Rice; ed. St. Paul, Minn., by governess and In a private school; m. St. Paul, Sept. 12, 1877, Col. Richard E. Thompson, U.S. Army; chil- dren: Rachel Newbold, Henry Rite, Richard E. Jr., Margaret Matilda Rice. Favors woman suffrage. EJpiscopallan. THOMPSON, Mary Dartt (Mrs. Nathan
Thompson), Laurel, Md.
Born Wellsboro, Pa., Dec. 10, 1842; dau. Josiah and Amy E. (Sanford) Dartt; ed. Baraboo (Wis.) common school, 1848-56; grad. Female Sem., '58; at Baraboo (Jollegiate Inst, till 1863, A.B. ; m. DeuTer, Colo., 1870, Rev. Nathan Thomuson;