��m. (1st) Jonesboro, Ind., 1858, Walter D. Jay fdied 1871); children: Cora Jay, Arthur Jay; m. (2nd) 1875, Francis W. Helm (died 1897); (3rd) A. C. Thomas. Sup't from Inception of Emily Flinn Home, Marion, Ind., for old women; se- cured the funds and had the oversight of the building during Its construction. Favors woman suffrage. Methodist. Mem. Twentieth Century Club (of which was organizer and several years pres.)
THOMAS, Rose Fay (Mrs. Theodore Thomas), Mt. Theodore Thomas, Bethlehem, N.H. Author; b. St Albans, Vt.. Sept. 4, 1852; dau. Charles and Charlotte (Hopkins) Fay; ed. Cambridge, Mass. ; m. Chicago, May 7, 1890, Theo- dore Thomas. Interested in the promotion of art, the abolishing of cruelty to animals and the conservation of birds and forests. Author: Memoirs of Theodore Thomas; Our Mountain Garden. Mem. Colonial Dames of America (Boston), the Fortnightly (Chicago); hon. pres. Nat Fed. of Women's Musical Clubs; hon. pres. and founder Chicago Anti-Cruelty Soc. ; mem. York Club (N.Y. City), Woman's Athletic Club (Chicago). Recreations: Gardening, motoring. Protestant Episcopal.
THOMAS. Sarah Grace Seely (Mrs. John Mar- tin Thomas), 10 College St., Middlebury, Vt. Born Middlebury, Vt., 1870; dau. Prof. Henry Martvn Seely, A.M., M.D., and Sarah (Mat- thews) Seely; grad. Middlebury Coll., A.B. '91; graduate work, Vassar Coll., 1891-92 (mem. Alpha Chi); m. Middlebury, May 18, 1893, Pres. John Martin Thomas, D.D., LL.D. ; children: Marion Sarah, Huldah May, Henry Seely, John Martin Jr., Sarah Grace. Congregationalist. Mem. Phi Beta Kappa Soc, Mosaic Club of East Orange, N.J.; Hawthorne and Essay Clubs of Middlebury, Ethan Allen Chapter of D.A.R.
THOMAS, Sophia N. (Mrs. Calvin Henry Thomas), Ault, Colo.
Pioneer and club woman; b. Berlin Center, Ohio; dau. John and Ann Eliza (Brooke) Nickum; ed. Salem (Ohio) High School; m. 1874, Calvin Henry Thomas, mem. Union Colony, Greeley, Colo.; children: Helen Mary. John Jacob (deceased), Myra Laura, Thurza Theda, Dan Boone Lee, all grad. of colleges. Treas. of Colo. Fed of Women's Clubs (second term); mem. W.T.K. (literary) Club (Greeley), Graphic Club (Greeley); sec. of Union Colony of Pioneers since 1S97. Voter since 1893, when citizenship was given the women of Colo.: special work outside home life is for betterment of women and chil- dren. Birthright Friend (no organized society in her section). Recreations: Riding and driving. THOMAS, Zee Carey (Mrs. Henry M. Thomas), 1228 Madison Av., Baltimore, Md. Born Baltimore, Md.; dau. George G. and Josephine C. (Poe) Carey; ed. Bryn Mawr Coll.; m Baltimore, Md., Oct. 10, 1889, Dr. Henry M. Thomas; children: Henry M. Jr., b. Dec. 30, 1891; Edward Trudeau, b. Oct. 9, 1901. Mem. Board of Fed. Charities, Baltimore; chairman of Social Service Dep't, Johns Hopkins Hospital. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Arundell Club, College Club, Baltimore Country Club. THOMP8&N, Adsj© F- Middlefisld, O.
Born Midcilefleld, 0., 18*9; dau. James Madison and Fhete S. (Trac]') Thompson. Author: Beck's Fortune; Betty Seldon, Patriot; Brave Kea.rt HUzabeth; Lassie of the Isles; Polly of the Pines; American Patty; Nobodr's Rose. etc. Consregationallst. Mero. Cleveland Y/oman's Press Club, Art and History Club (Cleveland), Friday Club (Mlddlefleld).
THOMPSON, I>ady (AnnJe E.), 18% St. Joseph St., Toronto, Can.
Born Halifax, Nova Scotia; dau. John and Catherine (Saunders) AfBeck; ed. in schools of Halifax, N.S.; m. 1870, Rt. Hon. Sir John T. 1'hompson, Prime Minister of Canada (died at Windsor Castle, England, Dec. 12, 1894). Was presented. In England, to late Queen Victoria, to late King Edward and to Queen Alexandra. After her husband's death a fund, to whiL-h the Canadian Parliament contributed $25,000, was raised for her benefit. Assisted in founding of the National Council of Women of Canada, and ■was its president at large. Roman Catholic.
��THOMPSON, Celeste de i:,aur6al (Mrs. Macklot
Thompson), 4512 McPherson Av., St. Louis,
Born Island of Guadeloupe, French West Indies, July 10, 1839; dau. Charles de Coudroy de Laurfial, planter, and Elise (de Pombirdy) de Laur^al; came to U.S. 1848, N.Y. City, St. Louis, Mo., and later to New Orleans; in 1854 went with parents to Havana, Matanzas, until 1865; ed. abroad with foreign professors; m. St. Louis, Mo., Feb., 1866, Macklot Thompson (died Mar. 19, 1881); children: Zelina de Macklot, Elise Comegys, Augustine Stanhope, John B., Celeste. Elngaged in artistic and literary work and for- eign languages. Favors woman suffrage. Catho- lic. Recreations: Music, poetry, traveling abroad. Mem. Alliance Frangaise. THOMPSON, Effie Freeman, 127 Pearl St.,
Kingston, N.Y.
College professor; b. Rhinebeck, N.Y.; dau. Robert and S. W. (Clark) Thompson; ed. Welles- ley Coll., Boston tfniv., Ph.B.; Newton (Mass.) Theological Institution; graduate student Bryn MaTvr Coll. and Univ. of Chicago, Ph.D., 1907. Prof. (Jreek, Earlham Coll., Richmond, Ind.; prof. Biblical history and literature, Mereditn Coll., Raleigh, N. C. Lecturer on Biblical sub- jects, Philadelphia, Pa.; Richmond, Ind., and N.Y. City. Makes missionary addresses; lecturer on Sunday-school Pedagogy, and sup't of Sun- day-school. Author: Metanoeo and Metamelel in Greek literature until 100 A.D., including Discussion of their Cognates and of their Hebrew Equivalents; The Bible an Essential Elernent in the College Curriculum. Baptist. Favora woman suffrage.
THOMPSON, Elizabeth DeBow (Mrs. Samuel Moore Thompson), 611 N. 17th St., N.Y. City. Bom Philadelphia, Pa., Mar. 10, 1881; dau. Rev. Robert R. S. and Annie (Greenwood) DeBow; ed. Goucher Coll., the Inst, of Musical Art, N.Y. City; the Jean de Reszke School of Singing, Paris, France; mem. Tau Kappa Pi; m. Phila- delphia, Pa., 1909, Rev. Samuel Moore Thomp- son; children: Anna, Elizabeth. Teacher of singing. Interested in church work. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church.
THOMPSON, Elizabeth Jane (Mrs. John Henry Thompson), 184 University Av., Toronto, Can. Born Kingston, Ont., Feb. 4, 1858; dau. John Sweetland, M.D., and Isabella (Dickson) Sweet- land; ed. private schools, Ottawa Ladies' Coll., William Mercer'3 School, Montreal; m. May, 1878, John Henry Thompson. Honorary vlce- pres. of Niagara Historical Soc. and actively in- terested in erection and care of the Memorial Hall at Niagara-on-the-Lake. Anglican. Mem. Dominion Landmarks Ass'n, Daughters of the Empire, Folk-Lore Society of Canada. Mem. Woman's Canadian Club.
THOMPSON, Elizabeth W. Ballard (Mrs. H. E. Thompson), 259 South Second St., San Jos6, Cal.
Writer; b. Grand Rapids, Mich.; grad. Rock- ford (111.) Seminary (now college), 1S60; m. Grand Rapids, Mich., 1864. Col. H. E. Thomp- son, lav.ver; three children, two living. Lived in Grand i.apids until 1900, since them in Cali- fornia, first In San Francisco and now in San Jose. While resident of Grand Rapids was active in club and literary interests; for years lender of the short story class of the Ladies' Literary Club of Grand Rapids and its repre- sentative in the Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs; president of the Daughters of the King of St. Mark's Church; vice-pres. Grand Rapids City Fed. of Women's Clubs, and vice-regent D.A.R. Writer for newspapers and other periodicals for 50 years; was on staff of San Francisco Chronicle after removal to Pacific Coast; author of book: Things That Were. Episcopalian. THOMPSON, Elizabeth Worts (Mrs. John Wal- lace Thompson). U. S. Engineer Office, SIB Witherspoon Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Physician; b. Oswego, N.Y., 1883; dau. A. and Sara E. (Beck) Worts; ed. Ossining (N.Y.) School, Dana Hall, Wellesley, Mass.; Cornell Univ., M.D., 1905; mem. Kappa Kapiia Gamma