��THOMAS, Esther Bradley (Mrs. Benjamin Mor- ris Thomas), Santa F6, N.Mex. Born La Porte, Ind. ; dau. James and Anna Maria (Reid) Bradley; ed. Moravian Sem., Beth- lehem, Pa.; m. L.a Porte, Ind., Sept. 26, 1S71, Benjamin Morria Thomas (deceased); one son: Bradley Morris Thomas (law student). Chairman Public Library Com., ?pc. Woman's Com. of the N.Mex. Archeologlcal Museum; registrar of Stephen Watts Kearney Chapter D.A.R. ; sec. Fairview Cemetery Ass'n. Favors woman suf- frage. Presbyterian. .Mem. Woman's Board of Trade and Library Ass'n. Recreations: Horse- back riding, driving, gardening, walking. Char- ter mem. Fifteen Club, first woman's literary club organized in N.Mex.
THOMAS, Esther WiUits (Mrs. Arthur Henry
Thomajs), Haverford, Pa.
Born Haddonfield, N.J., Jan. 13, 1874; dau. Samuel A. and Abigail B. (Evans) Willits; ed. Haddonfield Friends School, Westtown (Pa.) Friends Boarding School, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1894-96; m. Haddonfield, N.J., Nov. 10, 1898, Arthur Henry Thomas; children: Marian W., b. Sept. 1, ISOO (died 1908); Arthur Henry Jr., b. Sept. 26, 1904 (died 1911); Etetflier E., b. Dec. 27, 1909; Sidn«y W., b. June 27, 1912. Interested in educational matters, especially the efficiency of secondary schools; on local Friends School Board; also member of commission having charge of secondary schools of the Friends of Philadel- phia and vicinity. Recreation: Gardening. Mem. Boc. of Friends.
THOMAS, Eva Jane Swain (Mrs. Joseph & Thomas), 1218 N. I St., Tacoma, Wash. Bom Mobile, Ala., Oct. 10, 1853; dau. Harvey Gillingham and Mary Elizabeth (Jones) Swain; grad, Pierce's private school, Bristol, Bucks Co., Pa.; Zeckner's Musical Acad., Philadelphia; m. Bristol, Pa., Apr. 26, 1887, Joseph S. Thomas. Mem. and organizer of Dixie Chapter Washing- ton Division United Daughters of the Confeder- acy, Tacoma, Wash; Presidents' Council of Women's Organizations, Tacoma, Wash; Ladies' Musical Club (chairman Music (jom.), Washing- ton State Fed. Women's Clubs. Episcopalian. FaTors woman suffrage. Republican.
THOMAS, Isabella Ross (Mrs. Horace G.
Thomas), 433 Waller St., Portsmouth, O.
Bom Ironton, O., Apr. 2, 1856; dau. Thomas R. and Eliza (Brotheridge) Ross; grad. Ironton High Scihool; m. Aug. 26, 1890, Horace G. Thomas; one son: Frederick Rosa Thomas. Taught 15 years, holding position as principal a great part of the time. Interested in all re- ligious and philanthropic work; teacher adult Bible class in Sunday-school; training teacher In Sunday-school study work. Has written many (published) papers on educational work. Presby- terian. Pres. Woman's Literary Club; sec. Home League Club (Portsmouth, O.) ; mem. Civic Com. of Ohio State Fed. Much interested in tihat edu- cational evolution. In schools which tends to the practical.
THOMAS, Lillian Beynon (Mrs. A. Vernon Thomas), 45 Arlington St., Winnipeg, Man., Can.
Journalist; b. York Co., Ont, Sept 4, 1874; dau. James Barnes and Rebecca (Manning) Beynon; ed. Winnipeg Collegiate Inst., Wesley Coll. and Manitoba Univ., B.A. (first class pro- fessional certificate); m. Winnipeg, Man., Sept. 27, 1911, A. Vernon Thomas. Taught in public and higii schools for six years. Editor of woman's dep't Manitoba Free Press five years; now a writer of short stories. Favors woman Buffrage. First pres. Political Equality League of Manitoba and lecturer on that subject. Writer of short stories published In Collier's Weekly, Independent, New Story Magazine, Red Book Magazine, Canada Monthly, Canadian Mngazine, Canadian Courier, etc. Mem. Nat. Council of Women, Internal. Farm Women's Press Ass'n. Recreations: Gardening, theater. Rec. sec. Canadian Woman's Press Club; mem. University Woman's Club, Women's Canadian Club: organ- izer for Homemakers' clubs of the Univ. of Saskatchew.TD,
��THOSIAS, Lucy Stackhouse (Mrs. Benjamin A.
Thomas), 116 S. Nineteenth St., Philadelphia,
Born Wallingford, Pa., June 12, 1880; dau. Powell and Lucinda M. (Buchanan) Stackhouse; grad. Friends' School, Philadelphia, 1898, and Wellesley Coll., B.A. '02; m. Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 5, 1909, Dr. Benjamin A. Thomas; children: Benjamin A. Jr., Lucinda Buchanan. Recrea- tions: Reading, automobiling, auction bridge, theatre. Mem. Wellesley Club of Philadelphia, Faculty Tea Club (Univ. of Pa.). Against woman suffrage.
THOMAS, Marian Putnam MacQubm (Mrs.
Ralph Danford Thomas), 414 Seventh Av.,
S.E., Minneapolis, Minn.
Born Chelsea, Mass., July 14, 1877; dau. Wil- liam N. and Josephine (Putnam) MacQuinn; grad. Wakefield High School, '97; Tufts Coll., B.A. '01, honors in Greek (Alpha Xi Delta) ; m. Minneapolis, May 1, 1902, Ralph Danford Thomas; children: Miriam Putnam, Ralph Dan- ford, Leigh Safford. Favors woman suffrage. Universalist. Recreations: Tennis, walking, snow-siioeing. Mem. College Women's Club, Woman's Club, D.A.R.
THOMAS Bl(artha), Carey, President's office, Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Pres. Bryn Mawr Coll.; b. Baltimore, Md., Jan. 2, 1857; dau. James Carey Thomas, M.D., and Mary (Whitall) Thomas; grad. Cornell Univ., A.B. '77; Joins Hopkins Univ., 1877-78; Univ. of Leipzig, Germany, 1879-82, Ph.D. (summa cum laude); Univ. of Ziirich, 1882; Sorbonne and College d6 France, 1883; LL.D., Univ. of Pitts- burgh, 1896. Prof, of English and dean of the faculty of Bryn Mawr Coll., 1885-94, when it opened. Trustee of Bryn Mawr Coll. since 1902; alumni trustee of Cornell Univ., 1897-1901 (first woman to serve). Mem. College Club, Acorn Club, Civic Club, New Century Club, Contem- ix)rary Club (all of Philadelphia), Women's University Club (N.Y. City), College Club (Bos- ton), Lyceum Club (London). Author: Sir Ga- wayne and The Green Knight; Education of Women (in monographs on Education in the U.S.); also articles: Should the Higher Educa- tion of Women Differ from That of Men?; The College, and others, In the Educational Review, as well as published addresses on educational subjects. Favors woman suffrage.
THOMAS, Mary Pettus, West Tennessee Normal,
Memphis, Tenn.
Teacher; writer; b. in country near Browns- ville, Tenn., Feb. 2, 1857; dau. William Beatty and Sally Anne (Williams) Thomas; grad. Brownsville Female Coll., A.B., later A.M. Taught in Brownsville Female Coll ten years; prof, modern languages at Baylor Coll., Belton, Tex., 16 years; since May, 1912, head of modern language dep't In West Tennessee Normal, Mem- phis, Tenn. While In Texas took active part in raising funds for a bust of Robert E. Lee that Is to be placed in the chapel of Baylor Coll. At her suggestion, and with her help, a memorial to Mrs. John Lane Henry, former State regent of D.A.R. of Texas, has been placed In Continental Hall, Washington, D.C. Author: Some Fancies in Verse, 1908; also much miscellaneous verse and prose In newspapers and magazines; and of sev- eral songs: Four Leaf Clover; Love Will Last; Like a Flower, and others; for some time was a frequent contributor to Cosmos, a polyglot magazine published in Amsterdam. Hol- land. Baptist. Democrat (of Bryan-Wilson school). Mem. D.A.R., founder and first regent of first chapter organized In Bell Co.. Tex., at Belton; State historian for Texas two years; many times delegate to State and Nat. D.A.R. and U.D.C. meetings; mem. Daughters of thc Confederacy; for years hon. mem. Wednesday Club (literary), Belton, Tex. Recreations: ReaO- ing, writing, drama, concerts and European travel. Against woman suffrage.
THOM.\S, Nancy J. Helm (Mrs. A. C. Thomas\
Marion, Ind.
Sup't of Old Ladies' Home; b. Vienna, Ohio. Aug. 14, 1840; dau. Robert and Anna (Hockett) Ellis: ed. in common schools of Ohio and Tn/i •