��IHIBAUDEATJ, Madame Margruerite (Mrs. J. R.
Thibaudeau), 556 Rockland Av., Outremont,
near Montreal, Can.
Born Montreal, May 6, 1854; dau. M. G. L,a Mottre and Marguerite (de Savoy) Lia Mottre; ed. Sacred Heart Convent, Back River, near Mon- treal; m. Montreal, 1873, Hon. Senator J. R. Thibaudeau; children: Mrs. Anna GeofErion, Mrs. Douglas Gurd. Was pres. of the Lady Patronesses of Notre Dame Hospital 25 years; vice-pres. of the Catholic Orphanage; mem. Royal Edward Inst, for Tuberculosis and many other charitable institutions. Against woman suffrage. Roman Catholic. Mem. Nat. Council of Women, Handi- craft Guild, the Incurables, Deaf and Dumb Sewing Guild.
THIOT, Mary Virginia Jackson (Mrs. Richard
Wylly Thiot), 112 Park Av., Savannah, Ga.
Born Savannah, Ga. ; dau. Capt. William Bul- lock Jackson, C.S.A., and Mary Willis (Adams) Jackson ; ed. Savannah High School ; m. Sa- vannah, Ga., Apr. 18, 1878, Richard Wylly Thiot; children: Mrs. Horace King, T. Milner, Rev. R. W. Thiot, Edith Nontam, T. Simmons, Mary Bryan, T. Newell. Against woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Colonial Dames of America, D.A.R. THOBUBN, Helen, 135 E. Fifty-second St.,
N.T. City.
National s«^cretary Y.W.C.A. ; b. June 17, 18S5: dau. Wilbur W. aad Harriet (Woods) Thoburn; ed. Stanford Univ., Cal., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) '07 (mem. Gamma Phi Beta). Business sec. Nat. Training School of Y.W.C.A., 1908-10; editorial sec., Nat. Board Y.W.C.A., 1912-13. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage.
THOM, Helen Bolfe Hopkins (Mrs. Hunt Rey- nolds Mayo Thom), "Hillside," Roland Park, Baltimore, Md.
Born Baltimore, Nov. 23, 1869; dau. Joseph S. and Annette (Hicks) Hopkins; ed. by private teachers and one year at Woman's Coll. of Baltimore, Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '94; m. Oct. 3, 1900, Hunt Reynolds Mayo Thom; children: Catherine Reynolds, Helen Rolfe Congdon, An- nette Hopkins. Taught natural science branches in private schools for two years; principal of Green Spring Valley School until marriage. Founder and pres. since 1901 Saturday Night Class of Baltimore. Favors woman suffrage; mem. College Women's Equal Suffrage League. Quaker. Mem. Baltimore Country Club, College Club.
THOMAS, Carrie M. (Mrs. Frank Warner Thomas), 2 Collins Av., Troy, N.Y. Born Chicago, 111.; grad. from High School there; one year In finishing school; m. Frank Warner Thomas (lawyer); cihildren: John Francis (grad. Williams), Howard Standlsh (student Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst.), William Minot, b. 1910. Founded, 1895, the first Current Events Club in Troy, which in 1897 became the first federated club in that section of the State (pres from organization). Formerly chairman of Library Com. N.Y. State Fed. of Women's Clubs and founded the Eemis Point Circulating Library on Lower Chautauqua Lake; originator. In association with Miss Elizabeth Bemis, of the playground movement in Troy, leading to the founding of the first one in Prospect Park (1905), and in 1910 founded one in South Troy, having completely equipped it with apparatus; was pres. two years of Woman's Improvement League; now honorary pres. Woman's Civic League. Represented Troy as speaker upon play- grounds at annual convention of N.Y. State Federation, N.Y. City, 1912, and representative from Troy at the banquet given in honor of Mrs. Humphrey Ward of England at the Waldorf- Astoria. Has also helped found many play- grounds in other cities.
THOMAS, Edith Matilda, 2048 Seventh Av., N.T.
Poet and writer; b. Chatham, Ohio, Aug. 12, 1854; dau. Frederick J. and Jane Louisa (Sturges) Thomas; ed. Normal School, Geneva, Ohio. Be- gan writing early for the local newspapers and ^aa eucouraeed by Mrs. Helen Hunt Jackson in
��1881 to send verse to the more prominent Eastern magazines, to some of which she continues a frequent contributor. Books (poetry): A New Year's Masque and Other Poems, 1885; Lyrics and Sonnets, 1887; The Inverted Torch, 1890; Fail Shadow Land, 1893; In Sunshine Land, 1894; In the Young World, 1895; A Winter Swallow, and Other Verse, 1896; The Dancers, 1903; Cassia and Other Verse, 1905; The Children of Christmas, 1908; The Guest at the Gate, 1909. Prose: Tha Round Year, 1886; Babes of the Year, 1888; Tha Babes of the Nation, 1889; Heaven and Earth, 1889.
THOMAS, Edith Prince (Mrs. N. S. Thomas),
Cheyenne, Wyoming.
Born Quincy, 111.; dau. Col. Eldward and Vir- ginia (Arthur) Prince; ed. Jacksonville Aoad. ; m. Quincy, 111., June 4, 1896, Rt. Rev. Nathaniel S. Thomas, D.D. (now Bishop of Wyoming). Pres. Woman's Auxiliary of Wyoming (P.E. Church); pres. Woman's Club. Recreations: Riding, auto- mobilLng. Protestant Episcopal. Republican.
THOMAS, EUzabeth M. (Mrs. T. H. Thomas),
Cripple Creek, Colo.
Bom Monticello, Ark., Dec. 15, 1857; dau. John S. and Eliza (Johnson) Winter; ed. Lewiston (111.) High School (first graduate) and Methodist Coll., Chautauqua, 1890; m. Cripple Creek, Colo., June 5, 1896, Judge T. H. Thomas; one son; Thornton Henry. Teacher in Lewiston (111.) High School, five years; Astoria, 111., ass't prin- cipal, one year; Creed, Colo., principal, thre« years, until marriage. Deputy sup't of schools oj Mineral Co., Colo. Always teacher in Sunday- school and sup't at three different times. Favora woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Republican. First pres. Fortnightly Club of Cripple Creek, then pres. 12 years of Twentieth Century Club; chairman Home Dep't Women's Club of Cripple Creek, four years; chairman of Conservation Com. Colo. Fed. of Women's Clubs.
THOMAS, Elizabeth M. TJtley (Mrs. Isaac Biddia Thomas), 854 W. Third St., Wllliamsport, Pa. Bookbinder; b. Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 18, 1880; dau. Edward Huntington and Ida G. (Bradley) Utley; ©d. Alinda School, Pittsburgh; Miss Bald- win's School, and Bryn Mawr Coll. ; studied bookbinding three years under Buphemia Bake- well, Pittsburgh; m. Pittsburgh, Dec. 17, 1907, Isaac Biddle Thomas; children: Elizabeth Utley, b. 1910; Edward Utley, b. 1912. Favors woman suffrage. Methodist. Mem. D.A.R., Colonial Dames, Huguenot Soc, Guild of Book Workers, Nat. Soc. of Craftsmen, Bryn Mawr Alumnae Ass'n, also mem. Twentieth Century Club, Pitts- burgh, and Clio Club, Wllliamsport.
THOMAS, Ellen 1.., 4 College Lane, Haverford,
Teacher; b. Chester Valley, Pa., Jan. 5, 1853; dau. Elwood and Annie (Lightfoot) Thomas; ed. public schools. Friends Central School and one year at Eaton Inst, Kennett Square, Pa. Engaged in teach- ing for 15 years. Pres. Montgomery Co. (Pa.) Woman Suffrage Ass'n. Mem. W.C.T.U. (was sup't of scientific temperance instruction in Norrls- tcrwn Union several years), Norrlstown Friends Ass'n, State Fed. of Pa. Women, Pa. Woman Suffrage Ass'n.
THOMAS, Emma MattooB (Mrs. Welling E.
Thomas), Lewisburg, Pa,
Teacher before marriage; b. Coila, Washington Co., N.Y., Sept. 18, 1857; dau. Stephen and Mary (Lourie) Mattoon; ed. preparatory school. Peace Inst., Raleigh, N.C., college course, 1874-78; Elmrra (N.Y.) Coll., A.B., prize for highest scholarship in class (Phi Mu) ; m. Charlotte, N.C., 1881, Rev. Welling E. Thomas; children: Mary, Norman M., Ralph L., Evan W., Arthur R., Agnes E., Emma E. Pres. of Northumber- land Presbyterial Home Missionary Soc; pres. local church Woman's Missionary Soc.; supt' of Sunday-school junior work and home dep't; pres. of the School Board of Lewisburg; active mem. of Town Playground Com. Mem. church, mis- sionary, literary and public recreation societies. Civic Club of Lewisburg, Pa. Presbyterian. Against woman suffrage.