��University Club. Recreations: Tennis, riding, gardening. Episcopalian. Favors woman suf- frage. THACHSB, Ethel Davies (Mrs. Archibald G.
Thacher), 49 E. Fifty-first St., N.Y. City.
Born N.Y. City, Mar. 19, 1876; dau. Julien Tap- pan and Alice (Martin) Davies; ed. Brearley School, N.Y. City; m. Newport, R.I., Aug. 9, 1902, Archibald G. Thacher; children: Alice Davies, b. Dec. 21, 1906 (died Jan. 20, 1907); Archibald G. Jr., b. Nov. 24, 1907; Isabel Davies, b. June 4, 1909. Fres. of Cooperative Home for Small Salaried Girls; treas. Wayside Day Nur- sery; manager Samaritan Home for the Aged; trustee Manhattan Trade School; mem. Trinity Seaside Home. Against woman suffrage. Prot- estant Episcopalian. Mem. League for Political Education, Brearley League. THACKER (Addle) May Dixon (Mrs. James
Ernest Thacker), Norfolk, Va.
Writer; b. Shelby. N.C., May 14, 1876; dau. Rev. Thomas and Amanda (McAfee) Dixon, sister of Thomas Dixon (novelist and lecturer) ; grad. the Western College, Oxford, Ohio, A.B. '93; m. Norfolk, Va., Mar. 14, 1894, Rev. James Ernest Thacker, Presbyterian clergyman and evangelist. Contributor of poems and short stories to news- papers and magazines. Author: The Strength of the Weak, 1910. Presbyterian. Democrat. Mem. Woman's Club of Norfolk, Va. tHALLON, Ida Carleton, Vassar College, Pough-
Born Brooklyn, N.Y.; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. '97, A.M. '01; student Am. School of Classical Studies, Athens, 1899-1901; Columbia Univ., Curtis gradu- ate scholar, 1903-04; Babbott fellow, 1904-05. Ph.D. '05. Teacher in Brooklyn. N.Y., 1898-99; Vassar Coll., 1901-03, and again since 1906. Writer on archaeological subjects In Am. Journal of Archaeology, the Scrip and American Historical Review. THAMES, Mrs. E. D., Greenville, Ala.
Born Woodstock, 111., 1875; dau. O. 11. Gill- mdre, of Woodville, Ore., and Cora (Coon) GUI- more, of Marengo, 111.; ed. Marengo High School; m. Montgome'-y, Ala., 1895, E. D. Thames, of Greenville, Ala.; children: Dunklin, Hazel, Carol, Letah, Anna. Has been interested in the educa- tional advancement of Ala. ; was one of the first four workers to introduce the school improve- ment movement in Ala. and has been pres. of the State School Club Ass'n for four years. Has been chairman Education Com. Ala. Fed. of Women's Clubs, four years. First woman to advocate industrial education for Ala. Has given aid to the movement for local taxation, compulsory edu- cation, qualified superintendents and is now planning agitation for women upon school boards. Has published romantic fiction in several popular magazines and articles upon educational subjects in newspapers. Recreations: Reading, writing and club activities. Mem. Woman's Club of Greenville; has been treas. Ala. Fed. of Women's Clubs; second vice-pres. and first vice-pres. Mem. Com School Patrons for Ala. THATCHER, Anna Susannah, The Marlborough.
East Orange, N.J.
Teacher; b. Aurora, 111.; dau. Simon W. and Julia A. (Hill) Thatcher; ed. East Aurora (111.) High School, Smith Coll., B.L. '96; European study (prolonged) ; mem. Philosophical Soc. of Smith (^oll. Conducted private school, Aurora, 111.; instructor in French, Mount Holyoke Coll.; head of German dep't East Orange (N.J.) High School; director of Bible classes; vocational di- rector; organizer and teacher of Young Women's Bible Class; active in church and civic life, as well as In educational matters. Mem. The Mo- saic, N.Y., High School Teachers' Ass'n. Writes for magazines. Methodist. THATCHER, Catharine Hall (Mrs. Ralph H.
Thatcher), 33 E. Cassllly St., Springfield, O.
Violinist; b. Herndon, Fairfax Co., Va. ; dau. John and Catharine (Watts) Hall; ed. Chicago Musical Coll. (winner of diamond medal in violin contest), 1897; m. Chicago, June 28, 1898, Ralph H. Thatcher; one daughter: Elma Thatcher. Has played in many professional engagements in Chicaeo. Detroit and Philadelphia.
��THATCHER, Edith Whiting (Mrs. W. F.
Thatcher), 263 Elm St., Oberlin, O.
Bom Peking, China, Apr. 27, 1877; dau. JosepS Lyman and Lucy Eliza (Jackson) Whiting; ed. Oberlin public schools; Oberlin Coll.. A.B. (Ph! Beta Kappa) '98; m. Oberlin, O., Aug. 7, 1901, Dr. W. F. Thatcher; children: Everett Whiting, Ellnore Marion, Virginia Helen. Congregation- alist. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Lorain Co, Suffrage League. Has written several short stories and articles for magazines. Mem. Wo- men's Soc. of Second Church, Village Improve- ment Soc, Oberlin Hospital Ass'n, Sorosis Club (Oberlin), Oberlin Chapter D.A.R., ^olian (lit- erary) Soc.
THAW, Mary Copley (Mrs. William Thaw),
P.O. Box 1086, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Born Appleby Manor, Pa. ; dau. Josiah and Margaret Copley; privately educated; m. William Thaw, capitalist, director in Pennsylvania Rail- road and other large interests (died 1889). Iden- tified with various philanthropies; founded and endowed research fellowships in the scientific schools of Princeton and Harvard.
THAYER, Bertha Cook (Mrs. Howard Stephen
Thayer. 2904 W. Tuscarawas St., Canton, O.
Born Poughkeepsie. N.Y., May 12, 1877; dau. George Walter Cook, Ph.D., and Jane Elizabeth (Holden) Cook; ed. private schools and tutors, Vassar A.B. '97; m. Tarrytown-on-Hudson, N.Y., Oct. 8, 1898, Howard Stephen Thayer; one son: Stephen Cook Thayer, b. 1911. Associate of St. Faith's House (rescue home for girls). Tarry- town, N.Y. Favors woman suffrage; chairman Canton (Stark Co.) Woman Suffrage Ass'n. Mem. College Equal Suffrage League, State and Nat. Elqual Suffrage Ass'ns. Protestant Episco- pal. Mem. and sec. Canton Branch Consumers' League of Ohio. Recreation: Golf. Mem. Lake Side Country Club. THAYER, Elizabeth Brooks Chat&eld (Mrs.
John Van Buren Thayer), 26 Monroe Place,
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Born Bridgeport, Conn. ; dau. Henry W. and Elizabeth (Brooks) Chatfield; ed. Brooklyn Heights Sem. ; m. Brooklyn, N.Y., 1881, John Van Buren Thayer; children: Beatrice, Gordon C, Thornton C, Elizabeth. Ex-pres. Children of the American Revolution (Little Men and Women of '76); ex-pres. Brooklyn Heights Sem. Club; vice- pres. Women's Municipal League. Episcopalian. Mem. D.A.R. ; mem. Woman's Club, Brooklyn. THAYER, Helen Rand (Mrs. Lucius Harrison
Thayer), 664 State St., Portsmouth. N.H.
Born Morrisania, N.Y., Oct. 3, 1863; dau. Albert Tyler and Sophia Anna (Chadwick) Rand; ed. private schools in Brooklyn, N.Y. ; Northampton, Mass.; Smith Coll., A.B. '84; grad. student, Newnham Coll., Cambridge, England, '92; (mem. Alpha); m. Westfield, Mass., June 29, 1892, Lucius Harrison Thayer, D.D. ; children: Dorothy (Joldthwait, Lucius Ellsworth, Sherman Rand. Sec. Smith Coll. Alumnse Ass'n, 1888-92; alumnae trustee of Smith Coll., 1901-07; pioneer in settlement work; pres. College Settlements Ass'n; mem. Exec. Board of Fed. of Settlements; active in church and parish work. Mem. Ad- visory Board of N.H. Equal Suffrage Ass'n, Coll. E>qual Suffrage League; active in Portsmouth Equal Suffrage League. Congregationalist. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnte, Nat. Congress of Mothers, Child Labor Soc, Soc. of Charities and Correction, Ass'n for Labor Legislation, and various philanthropic and civic organizations. Recreations: Music, gardening. Active in local women's clubs.
THAYER, Katharine Reinhart (Mrs. John At- kinson Thayer), Edgewood Drive, Charleston,
W. Va.
Bom Sewlckley, Pa.; dau. Joseph W. and Lizzie (Allison) Reinhart; ed. Newton-Scrihner School. Plainfield N.J. ; Peebles-Thompson School, N.Y. City; m. Plainfield, N.J., Dec. 11, 1901, John At- kinson Thayer of Charleston, W. Va. ; children: Mary Elizabeth, Josephine Reinhart. Identified with various religious, social and philanthropic activities. Recreations: Golf, riding, driving, swimming, dancing, bridge. Has won several cups and trophies at golf, riding and driving;