��at Knoxville the first woman's club building in the South; founded and was for 15 years Regent Bonny Kate Chapter, D.A.R. Mem. of Rural Credit Commission sent by President Wilson and the Governor of the State to Europe, April, 1913; chairman of Special Days Nat. Conserva- tion Exposition, Knoxville, Tenn. TEN EYCK, Maria Lovina, Nodaway, la.
Bx-educator; b. near Hamilton, Ont., 1846; dau. Peter and Elizabeth (Springstead) Ten Eyck; ed. Ripon Coll., Wis. Principal for 23 years of one of the largest public schools of Minneapolis, vriTiTi. Interested in the betterment of condi- tions of farm life and rural schools. Has writ- ten articles on farm life and improvement of rural schools. Mem. Methodist Elpiscopal Church. Progressive. Mem. Home and Foreign Mission- ary Societies. Recreations: Country life, culti- vation of flowers. Favors woman suffrage. TENTTEY, Alice Parker (Mrs. Benjamin Ten-
ney), 308 Marlborough St., Boston, Mass.
Born Concord, N.H. ; dau. Henry E. and Mary B. (Brackett) Parker; ed. Bradford Acad.; m. Hanover, N.H., 1893, Dr. Benjamin Tenney; children: Dorothy, Benjamin Jr. Congregational- 1st. Pres. Boston Y.W.C.A.
TENNEY, Gena Branscombe (Mrs. John Fergu- son Tenney), 528 Riverside Drive, N.Y. City.
Musical composer, pianist; b. Picton, Ont., Can.; dau. Dr. Henry W. and Sara (Allison) Branscombe (of United EJmpire Loyalist stock; in Revolutionary days her ancestors were loyal to King George; had their farms in New York State confiscated; went to Canada and were granted land by the King); ed. Picton High School; studied music at Chicago Musical Coll., with Dr. Ziegfeld, Arthur Friedheim, Hans von ScMller and Rudolph Ganz, and upon return of latter to Berlin, continued studies with him there; Btudled composition in Chicago for seven years wtth Felix Borowski, and in Berlin was pupil of Prof. Englebert Humperdinck; m. N.Y. City, Oct., 1910, John Ferguson Tenney. Composer of many songs and piano compositions which have been published by leading music publishers in America and Europe. Of her songs some of the best known have been: With Rue My Heart Is Laden, Boot and Saddle, and Hail Bounteous May (sung by such artists as Herbert Wither- Bpoon, Madame Nordica and George Hamlin); Sleep, Then, Oh, Sleep (words by Le Gallienne), which David Bispham has often sung, and songs for which her mother has supplied the lyrics, in- cluding. In Granada, I Love You and In Blossom T;i.me. Some more recent songs are: There's a Woman Like a Derwdrop; Krishna; Dear Little Hut; Serenade; Hail Ye Time of Holie Dayes (old English Christmas song); Happiness (words which she translated from the German of Eichen- dorff) ; also three violin pieces. An Old Love, At the Fair and A Memory, and a sonatina for piano. Has written a piano concerto and many orchestral and piano compositions. Favors wo- man suffrage. tENNEY, Grace Marten Kelley (Mrs. Henry
Allen Tenney), River Av., Patchogne, L.I., N.Y.
Born Indianapwlis, Ind., Oct. 17, 1874; dau. Joel 0. and Jennie M. (Pratt) Marten; ed private schools In Worcester, Mass., and Smith Coll., B.L. '97; Alpha See, Smith Coll.; m. Sept. 29, 1906 Henry Allen Tennev; children: Martena, b. May 2, 1908; Eileen, b. Oct. 8, 1909. Teacher of English literature and elocution, St. Gabriel's School, Peekskill, 1898; Plainfield Sem., 1899; Cooper-Hartman School, Riverside Drive, N.Y.; teacher in charge at Brearley Annex, N.Y., 1902-06. Favors woman suffrage. Unitarian. Mem. Woman's Study Club (Patchogue), Women's University Club, Smith College Club (N.Y. City). lENNEY, Helen Mason (Mrs. Frederick A.
Tenney), 3 Grove St., Hallowell, Me.
Born Portland, Me., June 18, 1860; dau. Elphriam H. and Olive (Pert) Rolfe; ed. Hallo- well public schtxils and Hallowell Classical Sem.; m. Hallowell, Aug. 24, 1882, Frederick A. Tenney; one son: Roland B. Was a teacher, later artist. Congregationalist; mem. Women's League of the Conereeational Church: active In literary work;
��mem. Benevolent Soc. of Hallowell; mem. W.C.T.U. Largely Instrumental in the opening of rest rooms along Christian Endeavor lines in Augusta, Me. ; prominent in social activities ol the city. Republican. Pres. Augusta Current Events Club, Parnasisus Club of Hallowell.
TENNEY, Minna Eliot — see Peck, Minna Eliot Tenney.
TEPLEY, Marie L. (Mrs. Frank W. Tepley),
Le Sueur Center, Minn.
School teacher; b. Township of Rich Valley, McLeod Co., Minn., Nov. 17, 1874; dau. Joseph and Josephine (Panec) Wanous; ed. schools of Glencoe, Excelsior and Minneapolis, Minn.; grad. Univ. of Commerce and Finance of Minneapolis (private academic and commercial coll.), '92; m. Silver Lake, Minn., Oct. 30, 1900, Frank Tepley; one son: Cletus J. W., b. Oct. 28, 1901. Taught in McLeod Co. (Minn.) schools for five years prior to marriage; in winter 1893-94 acted aa stenographer for Bank of Buffalo, Minn. Inter- ested in temperance work and prohibition. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Prohibitionist. Mem. Royal Neighbors of America and Daughters ol Rebekah lodges, and has been in the chair and sec. of both these lodges. Recreations: Travel, mild atheletics, oil painting. Mem. Mutual Benefit Club of Le Sueur Center, Minn. ; Travei Club of Glencoe, Minn.
TEBHUNE, Anice (Mrs. Albert Payson Ter- hune), 200 W. Saventy-eighth St., N.Y. City (summer: Sunnybauk, Pompton Lakes, N.J.). Musical composer; b. Hampden, Mass.; dau. John Potter and Elizabeth (Olmstead) Stockton; ed. the Missos Howard's School; studied piano, organ, harmony and composition with Prof. Louis Coenen of Rotterdam; Prof. Bassett (Cleveland Conservatory of Music), and Prof. E. M. Bow- man, N.Y.. City; m. Hampden, Mass., Sept. 2, 1301, Albert Payson Terhune. Composer of over 100 songs: Dutch Ditties; Chinese Child's Day; Barnyard Ballads; Colonial Carols; also many piano pieces, part songs, etc.; associate editor of "Progress," 1906-08; composed the music of the operetta. The Woodland Princess; Schirraer's Music Spelling Book; Music Study for Children; also the music of the comic opera, Nero; Ro- mance in G-major; Serenade; Gaelic Lullaby; Faith (sacred song); Song at Dusk (chorus for male voices) ; Syrian Woman's Lament, etc. Before marriage was church organist (Beckwith Memorial Church, Cleveland) and concert pianist. Mem. Dutch Reformed Church. Recreations: Rowing, swimming, shooting. Mem. Barnard Club, N.Y. City; Ramapo Field Club.
TEBHUNE, Mrs. Mary Virginia Hawes ("Marion Harland"), 250 West 94th St., N.Y. City; sum- mer home — Pompton Lakes, N.J. Author; b. Amelia County, Va., 1831; quu. Samuel Pierce and Judith Anua (Smith) Hawcs; ed. at home by tutors and in private schools; m. Richmond, Va., Sept. 2, 1866; Rev. Edward Pay- son Terhune (died May 25, 1907); children: Mrs. Christine Terhune Herrick, Mrs. Virginia Ter- hune Van de Water, and Albert Payson Terhune ^all well-known writers). Began writing in girl- hood; has contributed to many newspapers and magazines; was editor of Babyhood and The Home Maker; had department in St. Nicholas and Wide Awake; more recently of the staff of The Chicago Tribune; for several years has syndicated a Household Department in more than twenty prominent daily newspapers. Form- erly lecturer on household topics. Authcrr: Alone; At Last; Moss Side; Character Sketches of Romance; Charlotte Bronte at Home; Han- nah More, John Knox, and William Cowper (four volumes of "Literary Hearthstones" series); An Empty Heart; Eve's Daughters; From My Youth Up; A Gallant Fight; Handi- capped; Helen Gardner's Wedding Day; The Hidden Path; In Our Country; Jessamine Judith; Loiterings in Pleasant Paths; Miriam; Soma Colonial Homesteads; More Colonial Home- steads; My Little Love; Nemesis; The Old Field School Girl; Phemie's Temptation; Tin Royal Road; Ruby's Husband; The Story o\ Mary Washington; Sunnybank; True as SteeS; Mr. Wavt's Wife's Sister; When Grandmammj