��chairman of the Library Com. of the Wash- ington Club; mem. D.A.R., also of Historic- Genealogical Soc. of New England and Soc. for Preservation of New England Antiquities. Many- years mem. of the Washington Club, Washing- ton, D.C.; resigned when husband became di- rector Dep't of Architecture in Mass. Inst, of Technology and moved to Boston, October, 1912. Against woman suffrage.
TAYTOB, Alice Maud, 1369 E. Taylor St., Port- land, Ore.
Ubrarian; b. Pittsburgh, Pa., Aug. 20, 1879; flau. Peyton and Alice C. (Long) Taylor; ed. Benton's Latin School, Sewlckley, Pa.; the Western Coll., Oxford, Ohio; Pa. Coll. for Women, Pittsburgh, B.A. '01. In library work, Carnegie Library, Pittsburgh, 1901-11; Portland (Oregon) Library Ass'n, 1911-12. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Progressive In politics. Mem. College Club of Pittsburgh.
TAYLOR, Anna May, 4 Summer St., Easthamp-
ton, Mass.
School principal; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '92. Preceptress Scoharle (N.Y.) Acad., 1893-94; ass't In high school, Clyde, N.Y., 1S96-1900; Springville, N.Y., 1901-03; Butler, Ind., 1903-04; Ansonia, Conn., 1904-05. Marmaroneck, N.Y., 1905-06; prin- cipal since 1906. Mem. Smith College Alumnse Asa'n.
TAYLOR, Anne M. Puffer (Mrs. Daniel West Taylor), 124 Lexington Parkway, St. Paul, Minn.
Born Pierce, Neb., June 29, 1888; dau. Herbert Montague and Harriet Steele (Hubbard) Puffer; ed. Univ. of Minn., 1909 (mem. Delta Gamma); m. Minneapolis, Aug. 25, 1909, Donald West Tay- lor; children: Barbara Livingston, Jean Harriet. Interested in mission work, anti-tuberculosis work. Presbyterian. Mem. D.A.R., Woman's League. Clubs: College, Schubert. Favors woman suffrage.
TAYLOR, Annie Childs (Mrs. John Burnham Taylor), 169 S. Union St., Burlington, Vt. Born St. Albana, Vt., Aug. 12, 1875; dau.
George Theodore and Lucy Ella (Byrnes) Childs;
^i. St. Albans High School; Vassar Coll., A.B.
•w; m. St. Albans, April 9, 1902, John Burnham
Taylor, interested in church work and has also
flone club work. Favors woman suffrage; mem.
Equal Franchise League. Mem. Klifa Club.
TAYLOR, C. Bryson, 42 E. Twenty-eighth St.,
N.T. City.
Author, journalist; b. Washington, D.C., 18S0; dau. Dr. John Y. Taylor (medical director, with rank of rear admiral U.S.N.) and Sabella (Barr) Taylor; ed. private schools in District of Colum- bia and Connecticut. Engaged in newspaper and tnagazine work since 1900 in Washington, D.C., and N.Y. City; mem. staff of Everybody's Maga- Elne three years. Author: In the Dwellings of the Wilderness; Nicanor, Teller of Tales; also a Berial story. The Wooing of Ah-Te (published serially in Everybody's Magazine), and numerous Bhort stories. Mem. Nat. Soc. of Colonial Dames In the Distinct of Columbia, Archaeological Inst. ot America. Mem. Washington Club (Washing- ton, D.C.).
TAYLOR, Clara Sears (Mrs. E. W. Taylor),
1055 Clayton St., Denver, Colo.
Writer; b. Denver, Oct. 2, 1878; dau. Jasper P and Ann i^George) Sears; grad. East Denver High School; m. Apr. 8, 1901, Eugene Whitman Taylor; children: J. Sears, Eugenie Christine. Haa been a newspaper woman for 15 years as reporter and writer of special Sunday stories for magazine section of Eastern papers. Mem. Colorado Suf- frage Ass'n. Episcopalian. Independent in poll- tics. Recreations: Hunting, fishing, horseback riding. Mem. Why Club; pres. Denver Woman's Press Club.
TAYLOR, Edyth Kllzabeth, 11 Crafton Av..
Crafton, Pa.
Physician; b. Erie, Pa., July 31, 1872; dau. James and Josephine (Ruess) Taylor; ed. New Wllmiaslan public school; Westminster Coll.,
��New Wilmington, A.B. '95, highest honor (vale- dictorian); scholar in chemistry, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1902-03, A.M. '03; Woman's Medical Coll., Philadelphia, M.D. '07. Resident physician In the Woman's Hospital of Boston, 1907-08; physi- cian to the H. J. Heinz plant, 1909-12. Has pub- lished articles in Journal of Am. Chemical Soc. Presbyterian. Home missionary under Am. Board to negroes, Austin, Tex., 1895-99; home mission- ary under Presbyterian Board to Indians, Henry Kendall Coll., Muscogee, Ind. Territory, 1899- 1903. Teacher of chemistry in Erie High School, 1898. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Woman's Med. Soc. of Allegheny Co., Pro- tected Home Circle, Order of Eastern Star. Rec- reations: Tennis, walking. Mem. Woman's Lit- erary Club of Crafton.
TAYLOR, Elfleda Whiting (Mrs. Charles Fran- cis Taylor), 24 Maple Av., Greenwich, Conn. Professional lecturer; b. in suburbs of Plain- fleld, N.J, ; dau. Frederick and Amanda (Alberti) Whiting; ed. Plainfleld, Kenyon Sem., "The Chestnuts"; prepared for college and taught one year; took course at Pratt Inst., Brooklyn, 1893- 95, and studied at Fifth Av. School of Expression, N.Y. City; m. Plainfleld, N.J., May 8,. 1897, Rev. Charles Francis Taylor (minister); children: Esmond A., Eustace L., Constance W., Russell, Albert Irving. Spoke in public at early age; addressed meetings and clubs, became lecturer N.Y. Board of Education and mem. Star Lyceum, N.Y. City. Leader in various enterprises in church and town; active mem. Daughters of Revolution, Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America, Public Welfare Com. of town; sings folk-songs to own accompaniment; plays church organ as substitute and is active in social serv- ice work. Has published several sketches and articles, talks on Child Training, Health and Happiness, travelogues, social service subjects, one short stiJry in magazine. Congregationalist. Mem. United Workers, Woman's Foreign Mis- sionary Soc, Travel Soc, Mothers' Meetings, Nat. Organists' Ass'n, Choral Soc, Putnam Chapter D.A.R., Housewives' I,eague. Mem. N.Y. City Federation of Women's Clubs, D.A.R. Teacher of Men's Forum; speaker for Public Welfare Com. of town women. Is called upon constantly for folk songs at evening affairs; good at debate in Woman's Debating Club. Reviews books for societies of literary turn; addresses Women's Federation of Clubs of Northern N.Y. State; leads religious meetings, evening church services. Favors woman suffrage.
TAYLOR, Elizabeth Roseinan, 79 Spring St..
Portland, Me.
Principal Maine School for the Deaf; b. Phila- delphia, Pa.; dau. James Hamilton and Martha (McMackin) Taylor; ed. In High and 'Normal Schools of Philadelphia. Instructor in Pa. Insti- tution for the Deaf, 1884-91. principal Maine School for the Deaf since 1894.
TAYLOR, Emily Drayton (Mrs. John Madison Taylor), 1B04 Pine St. (studio: 1710 Chestnut St.). Philadelphia, Pa.
Artist; b. Philadelphia, 1860; dau. Henry E. and Mary (Brady) Drayton; ed. in Philadelphia and Paris; m. Philadelphia, Oct. 15, 1879, Dr. John Madison Taylor; children: Edith (now Mrs. A. Mansfield Patterson), Mabel (now Mrs. GlHord A Cochran), Perclval Drayton. Artist; painted President and Mrs. McKlnley. Assisted Mis? Anne H. Wharton In writing Heirlooms in Minla tures. Mem. Colonial Dames of America, fellow- ship of Pa. Acad, of Fine Arts; pres. Pa. Soc. of Miniature Painters. Mem. Plastic Club (Philadelphia). York Club, N.Y. City.
TAYLOR, Emma Louisa Miller (Mrs. Paul Clif- ford Taylor), 510 Sixth Av., Belmar, N.J. Born Philadelphia, Pa., Mar. 31, 1877; dau. Andrew and Emma Louisa (Taylor) Miller; ed Philadelphia public schools; Bryn Mawr Coll A.B.; m. Nov. 15, 1905, Paul Clifford Taylor' children: Paul Clifford Jr. (died July 9 1907)' Philip Miller Taylor, John Andrew Taylor. In- terested in missions (church, home and foreign). Against woman suffrage. Mem. Methodist Epis- copal Church.