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Taught in Lasell Sem., Dobbs Ferry Girls' School; Gloucester (Mass.) and Minneapolis high schools; Denver Univ. and Moody's School for Young Men, Mt. Hermon, Mass. Made three years* tour of the world, principally to visit missions and in connection taught in mission schools in Honolulu, Yokohama, Darjeeling •(India). Author: Topical Notes on American Authors. Congregationallst. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnse, Vassar Alumnse Ass'n, Cape Ann Scientific and Literary Ass'n, Vassar Students' Aid Soc, Ladies' Auxiliary to Addison Gilbert Hospital Ass'n. Non-believer in unlimited suffrage for either sex.

TAPPER, Bortha Feiring (Mrs. Thomas Tapper), 362 Riverside Drive, N.T. City.

Teacher, pianist; b. Christiania, Norway; dau. L. O. and Berthe (Iverson) I<'eiring; grad. Leipzig Conservatory, with first prize; with Lesnhetiszky, Vienna, three years; m. (Ist) Louis Mass, of Leipzig: (2d) Thomas Tapper, of Boston, Mass. Soloist at Gewandhaus Concerts, Leipzig; afterward with Thomas Orchestra at Chicago, and the Kneisel Quartet of N.Y. City. Editor for Ditson Publishing House of several Scandinavian volumes, etc.

TARBELL, Ida Minerra, 40 West Ninth St., N.Y. City.

Magazine editor; b. Erie County, Pennsylvania, Nov. 5, 1S57; dau. Franklin S. and Esther Ann;McCu!lough) Tarbell; grad. Allegheny Coll., A.B. '80, A.M. '83, L.H.D.; also L.H.D. from Knox Coll., Galesburg, 111.; studied at Sorboiine:ind College de France, 1891-94. Associate editor The Chautauquan, 1883-91; McClure's Magazine, 1894-1906; American Magazine, 190G— . Writer of short stories and of numerous articles on matters of current Interest and on historical subjects. Author: Short Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, with a Sketch of Josephine, 1895; Madame Roland, a Biographical Study, 1895; Early Life of Abraham Lincoln (in collaboration with J. McCan Davis), 1896; Life of Abraham Lincoln (two vols.), 1900; History of the Standard Oil Company (two vols), 1904; He Know Lincoln, 1907; Father Abraham, 1909; The Tariff in Our Times, 1911; The Business of Being a Woman, 1912. Edited (with introduction and notes): Selections from the Letters, Speeches and State Papers of Abraham Lincoln, 1911. Mem. Am. Economic Ass'n, Am. Historical Ass'n, Municipal Art Soc. of N.Y. City, English Soc. of Woman Journalists (London), Colony Club, Barnard Club, National ArL3 OluD, Pen and Brush Club.

TABBELiI., Martha, East Orange, N.J.

Author; dau. Horace Summer Tarbell (LL.D.) and Martha A. (Treat) Tarbell; ed. DePauw Univ., A.B., A.M.; Brown Univ., A.M., Ph.D. (Kappa Kappa Gamma). Author: Tarbell's Teachers' Guide to the International Sundayschool Lessons, 1906-13; In the Master's Country; also (with Dr. H. S. Tarbell) a series of language books and of geographies. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Woman's Club of Orange, Arts and Crafts Soc. of N.J., I'Alliance Frangaise d'Orange, N.Y. Alumnse Ass'n of Kappa Kappa Gamma.

TARKINGTON, Laurel Louise Fletcher (Mrs. Newton Booth Tarkington), 1100 N. Pennsylvania St., Indianapolis, Ind.

Born Indianapolis, Ind.; grad. Smith Coll., B.I. 1900; m. Indianapolis, June 18, 1902, Newton Booth Tarkington, the well-known novelist; one daughter: Laurel Louise, b. Feb. 11, 1906. Contributor of short stories to the magazine.

TATE, Sarah E. McDonald (Mrs. Augustus Tate), 141 Westbrook St., Portland, Me.

Born Gorham, Me., 1839; dau. James and Abagall (Sturgis) McDonaW; ed. Gorham public schools, private high school, Chautauqua course in which she received diploma from the hand of Bishop Vincent; m. White Rock, Gorham, 1SG3, Augustus Tate of Stroudwater (now Portland), Me.; one son: Robert Augustus Tate, b. July 8, 1880. Was teacher in the common schools of Gorham and Westbrook. Mem. of St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, Portland; teacher in Sunday-school; mem. of the Parish Com. of the atimidwater Parish Religious Soc. Favors woman suffrage. (Contributor to various magazines. Republican. Mem. Elizabeth Wadsworth Chapter D.A.R., Historical Research Soc, Stroudwatei W.C.T.U., Improvement Soc. of Stroudwater, Woman's Literary Union of Portland. Recreations: Music, literature. Mem. Deering Literary and Social Club, organized in 1892. Formed the first reading club in that vicinity, some members of which afterward graduated from Chautauqua and later joined the present D.L.S. Club. Revolutionary descent; had four great-gran dfathera in the Revolutionary War.

TATHAM, Charlotte Barrard (Mrs. George Edward Tatham), 30 Astor St., Newark, N.J.

Born Newark, N.J.; dau. Arthur Clay and Alice (Reeves) Barnard; ed. in private schools of Newark, N.J.; m. Newark, Dec. 16, 1S99, George Edward Tatham of N.Y. City. Has written for educational magazines. Universalist. Mem. Half-Hour Reading Club of Newark, Contemporary Club of Newark.

TATLOCK, Jean WUlard, 30 W. Fifty-fifth St., N.T. City.

Teacher; b. Stamford, Conn., Dec. 19, 1873; dau. William and Florence (Perry) Tatlock; ed. Misa Low's School, Stamford, Conn.; Barnard Coll., N.Y., A.B. '95; student in Univ. of Munich, 190102; associate mem. of Am. School of Classical Studies, Rome, 1912-13; mem. Beta Epsilon Chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma. Since graduation from college has been a teacher in Miss Spruce's School, N.Y., head of classical dep't since 1904. An active worker among the shop and factory girls in connection with the branch of the Girls' Friendly Soc. of America of St. George's Protestant Episcopal Church. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Consumers' League of N.Y., Barnard Alumnae Ass'n; associate of Girls' Friendly Soc. of America. Recreations: Music, travel.

TAWNEY, Marietta Busey (Mrs. Guy Allan Tawney), 354 Thrall Av., Clifton, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Born Urbana, 111., Nov. 23, 1878; dau. Samuel Thompson and Mary Elizabeth (Bowen) Busey; grad. Vassar Coll., B.A. '99; Univ. of 111., Univ. of Cincinnati, M.A. '12; Phi Beta Phi (111. Zeta); m. Urbana, 111., Apr. 6, 1909, Guy Allan Tawney; one son: George Busey, b. July 7, 1912. Interested in Sunday-school and various other religious and social activities. Favors woman suffrage. - Presbyterian. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumna, Vasar Alumnae Ass'n. Mem. College Club of Cincinnati, Cincinnati Woman's Club, Cincinnati Alumnae Club of Pi Beta Phi.

TAYLOB, Aehsah Vandyke Miller (Mrs. Thomas Pickett Taylor), 1470 S. Third St., Louisville, Ky.

Born in Missouri, Apr. 13, 1861; dau. Horace W. and Amelia (Ficklin) Miller; m. Owensboro, Ky., Jan. 18, 1883, Thomas Pickett Taylor; children: Horace A., b. May 1, 1885; Thomas Pickett Taylor Jr., b. Sept. 24, 1890. Interested in religious, social, philanthropic and other interests. Mem. First Christian Church.

TAYLOR, Ada V. H. (Mrs. George A. Taylor), 311 N. Washington St., Enid, Okla.

Born Deerfield, Iowa, April 15, 1864; dau. Charles A. and Julia A. (Harris) Harris; ed. public schools of New Hampton, Iowa; m. Sept. 25, 1884; George A. Taylor; one daughter: Ina L. Taylor, b. Aug. 17, 1885. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Order Eastern Star, Home Culture Club of Enid, Okla.; Enid Shakespeare Cluh.

TAYLOR, Adfele Chambers (Mrs. James Knox Taylor). 89 Mt. Vernon St., Beacon Hill, Boston, Mass.

Born Philadelphia, Pa.; dau. John Howell and Josephine E. (Sayen) Chambers; ed. private schools in Philadelphia; m. Philadelphia, Feb. 3, 1887, James Knox Taylor; one son: John Knox Taylor (died 1887). Identified with various religious, social and philanthropic activities in Washington, D.C., while Mr. Taylor was supervising architect of the Treasury Dep't, 1897-1912. Author of articles on art and books in magazines. Served with Mrs. John Hammond in the Woman's Welfare Dep't of Nat. Civic Federation; also as chairman of the Ways and Means Com. D.A.R.-

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