��IlL), College Club, Woman's Club and' Woman's
Musical Club (Tucson, Ariz.).
TALCOTT, Sarah Whiting, Elmwood, Conn.
Artist; b. West Hartford, Conn., April 21, 1852; dau. Henry and Elizabeth (Whiting) Talcott; ed. Vassar Coll.. B.A. '75; Art Students' League, N.Y. ; Acadfemle Julian, Paris. Congregationalist. Mem. Conn. Acad, of the Fine Arts, D.A.R. (hfe mem.), Hartford Art Club, Hartford Arts and Crafts Club, College Club of Hartford. TAXLi, Llda Lee, 300 N. Charles St., Baltimore, Md.
EJducator; b. Dorchester Co., Md., Nov. 17, 1873; dau. Washington and Sarah Elizabeth (Humphries) Tall; ed. in Baltimore. Teacher in the grades; critic teacher; instructor in history, literature and principles of education in Teachers Training School of Baltimore; supervisor of grammar grades in Baltimore Co. schools. Au- thor (Andrews, Gambrill and Tall); A Bibliog- raphy of History for Schools. Mem. Equal Suf- frage League, Woman's Civic League (both of Baltimore), Educational Soc. of Baltimore (sec. 1907-10), Nat. Education Ass'n, Maryland State Teachers Ass'n (exec, com., 1910-12), Maryland Soc for Social Hygiene, History Ass'n of the Eastern States and Maryland, Am. Historical Spc, Maryland History Teachers Ass'n. TALLANT, Alice Weld, 1S07 Spruce St., Phila- delphia, Pa.
Physician; b. Boston, 1875; dau. Henry P. and Mary G. (Coleman) Tallant; ed. private scUools In Boston; Smith Coll., A.B. '97; Mass. Inst, ut Technology, 1897-98; Johns Hopkins Med. School, M.D. '02. Interne New En^lan-rl Hospital, Boston, 1902-03; ass't physician, dispensary of New Eng- land Hospital, 1904-05; med. examiner for gym- nasium. Bates Coll., 1903-06; prof, obstetrics and obstetrician-in-chief of Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa., 1905—. Physician girls dep't of Glen Mills School, 1906—. Pres. of Young People's Union of church (Unitarian). Assoc, mem. Nat. Child Labor Com. ; interested in settlement work, Con- sumers' League, charity organization work and many others. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. College Equal Suffrage League. Author of arti- cles In medical journals. Unitarian. Recrea- tions: Walking, concerts, lectures. TANEY, Mary Florence, The Woodford, Coving- ton, Ky. (country home: Taney's Ease, Mt.
Morn, near Morning View, Ky. ).
Author, teacher; b. Newport, Ky. ; dau. Peter and Catharine Alphonse (Rogers) Taney (great- grandniece of Roger B. Taney, chief justice of U.S., and related to Scott Key, author of the "Star Spangled Banner"); ed. Immaculata Acad., Newport, Ky. ; grad. with first honors and gold medal. Was appointed to write poems for World's Fair, commemorating the Pioneer Wo- men of Kentucky; chosen to write poem on Golden Jubilee of Archbishop Elder of Cincin- nati, O., which poem has place of honor In sou- venir volume; wrote State song of Kentucky, which was sung on Kentucky Day at Atlanta Exposition. President general of Soc. of Colonial Daughters of America; pres. Audubon Auxiliary Soc; sec. Alumnas of Immaculata Acad.; sec. branch of 111. Catholic Ladies of Columbia; mem. Willing Workers, Cincinnati Tabernacle Soc; charter mem. Alliance Francaise and of Indo- Amerlcan League. Favors woman suffrage. Au- thor: Kentucky Pioneer Women; (operetta) Truth, The Guardian Spirit of History, Poetry, Music and Song; Hymn to St. Francis of Assisl; Kentucky (State song). Catholic. Recreations: Walking, driving. TANNAHILL, Mary Harrey, Van Dyck Studios,
939 Eighth Av., N.Y. City.
Portrait painter; b. Warrentown, N.C.; dau. Robert and Sallle (Sims) Tannahill; ed. private N.Y. City school. Has painted miniatures and portraits of many well-known people and exhib- ited them In public exhibitions in New York and elsewhere. Favors woman sufTrage. Christian Scientist TANNEHILL, Helen Train (Mrs. P. H. Tanne-
hlll), R.F.D. No. 4, Zanesvllle, O.
Born Zanesvllle, O., Dec. 20, 1871; dau. A. W. Train (lawyer) and Mary A. (Bostwick) Train;
��ed. Putnam Sem., Zanesvllle; Swarthmore Coll., Pa., B.S. '94; m. Swarthmore, Pa., Nov. 15, lb94, P. H. Tannehill (lawyer); children: Marian WTieeler, b. Mar. 5, 1900; Esther Merrill, b. Aug. 25, 1902; Eleanor Finley, b. May 28, 1906. Operates a 400-acre stock and dairy farm, which she has greatly improved and put on a paying basis, and plans the erection of a sanitary barn, for the pro- duction of certified milk. Breeds Holstein cattle, Chester White hogs and Shetland ponies. Deeply interested in purity, especially marital purity— that is, absolute virginity in marriage, except for the deliberate production of offspring. For- merly maintained a circulating library on Marital Purity, teaching the young. Favors woman suf- frage. Hickslte Friend. Taft Republican, voting for school board in Ohio. Mem. Muskingum Co. Pioneer and Historical Soc; chairman Polling Committee of Muskingum Co. Equal Suffrage Ass'n in recent campaign in Ohio. TANNER, Amy Eliza, Clark University, Wor- cester, Mass.
Research in psychology; b. Owatonna, Minn., Mar. 21, 1870; dau Rev. George Clinton Tannei (D.D.) and Emma (Campbell) Tanner; ed. Univ. o-f Mich., A.B. '93, cum primo gradu (Phi Beta Kappa); Univ. of Chicago fellowship, 1895-98, Ph.D. '98, magna cum laude. Assoc in phil- osophy, Univ. of Chicago, 1893-1902; prof, of philosophy, Wilson Coll., 1903-07; president's re- search ass't, Clark Univ. Interested in various forms of social service work, trips among Ky. mountaineers and Pa. miners, management ol free children's camp, etc. Favors woman suf- frage. Author: The Child— His Thinking, Feel- ing and Doing; Studies In Spiritism, and various articles in psychjiogical and educational journals. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae, Nat. Child Wel- fare Ass'n, Worcester Public EJducatlon Ass'n, Mass. Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Children. TANNER, Jessie Eagleson Oglevee (Mrs. Her- bert Horatio Tanner), Saskatoon, Saskatche- wan, Can.
Former high school principal; ed. Ohio State Univ., 1894-^; Bryn Mawr Coll., 1895-98; Univ. ol Chicago, 1900-01, Ph.B. '01; m. 1907, Herbert Horatio Tanner; one son, John Oglevee. Teachei of history, 1903-06, and principal, 1906-07. LIUU Falls (Minn.) High School.
TANNER, LiUian Marsh (Mrs. Frank J. Tan- ner), Groton, Tompkins Co., N.Y. Bom Groton, N.Y., Oct. 19, 1863; dau. Dexter Hubbard and Mary Coralthea (Backus) Marsh; ed. Groton Preparatory School, Cornell Univ. ; Kappa Alpha Theta; m. Groton, Oct. 14, 1891, Frank J. Tanner; one daughter: Mary Crenor, b. Jan. 17, 1893. Congregationalist. Mem. D.A.R. , Cayuga Chapter, Ithaca, N.Y. Mem. Columbian Club, Groton, N.Y.
TAPPAN, Eva March, 15 Monadnock Road, Worcester, Mass.
Author; b. Blackstone, Mass., 1854; dau. Rev. Edmund and Lucretia (Log^e) Tappan; ed. Vas- sar Coll., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) '75; Univ. of Pa., A.M. '95, Ph.D. '96. fellow 1895-96. Author: Charles Lamb, the Man and the Author; Selec- tions from Emerson (edited); In the Days of Al- fred the Great; In the Days of William the Con- queror; In the Days of Queen Elizabeth; In the Days of Queen Victoria; Robin Hood, His Book; Old Ballads in Prose; England's Story; Our Country's Story; The Christ Story; England's Literature; America's Literature; The Golden Goose and Other Fairy Tales (translated from the Swedish); American Hero Stories; Eu- ropean Hero Stories; Old World Hero Stories; Letters from Colonial Children: The Story of the Greek People; The Story of the Roman People; The Chaucer Story Book; Dixie Kitten; A Friend In the Library (12 vols.); The Children's Hour (10 vols., edited); When Knights Were Bold; An Old, Old Story Book. Mem. Boston Authors' Club.
TAPPAN, Lucy, 22 Mason St., Gloucester, Mass Teacher; b. Gloucester, Mass., Nov. 1, 1857; dau. John Somes and Hannah Maynard (Shaw) Tappan; cd. State Normal School, Salem, Mass.; Vassar Coll., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) '80; lan- guage study in Germany, France and Spain.