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��I'AIT, Julia Coman (Mrs. S. Oliver Talt), 1240 Mississippi Boulevard, Memphis, Tenn. Writer, book reviewer; b. Ricti Square, N.C., Aug. 3, 1882; dau. William Howard and Ida (Con- nell) Coman; m. Rich Square, N.C., S. Oliver rait. Interested in Anti-vivisection Humane Soc, etc. Favors woman suffrage. Magazine writer on Sunny South, Uncle Remus' Magazine, Southern Literature, Memphis Commercial-Appeal, etc. ; book reviewer. Christian Scientist. Mem. Mem- phis Press and Authors' Club, Southern Amateur Journalistic Ass'n.

TAI.BOT, Ada Brown (Mrs. Elisha Hollings- worth Talbot), 601 W. 136th St., N.Y. City. Lecturer and magazine writer; b. Louisville, Ky., Aug. 10, 1873; dau. Joseph Granville and Laura Louise (Lamborn) Brown; ed. East Den- ver (Colo.) High School; m. Louisville, Ky., Nov. 3, 1897, Elisha HoUingsworth Talbot. Lec- turer in N.Y. Board of Education course and before clU'bs and societies; was at one time edi- tor of the Club Woman's Magazine of N.Y. City. Author: The Mine of the Silver Moon (a prize story); Mexican Cooking; Club Women in Mexico; Market Places of Old Mexico; Silhouette, the Story of a Cat; The House of a Hundred Doors; The Posada in Mexico. Recreation: Music; has composed music for piano. Favors woman suffrage.

TALBOT, Ellen Bliss, Mt. Holyoke College,

South Hadley, Mass.

College professor; b. Iowa City, la., Nov. 22, 1867; dau. Be-njamin and Harriet (Bliss) Talbot; ed. Columbus (0.) public schools; Ohio State Univ., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa); Cornell Univ., Ph.D. (graduate scholar in philosophy and fellow in philosophy); Univ. of Chicago; Univ. of Berlin and Univ. of Heidelberg; (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma). Teacher in Ohio high schools, 1890-S4; in Emma Willard School, Troy, N.Y., 1898-1900; prof, of philosophy and head of dep't of phil- osophy and psychology, Mt. Holyoke Coll., 1900—. Author: The Fundamental Principle of Fiehto's Philosophy, 1906; and various articles in philosophical and psychological journals. Con- gregationalist. Mem. Am. Philosophical Ass'n, Am. I>sychologioal Ass'n, Phi Beta Kappa, Kappa Kappa Gamma. TALBOT, Emma L. (Mrs. Claude L. Talbot),

722 N. Twenty-second St., South Omaha, Neb.

Born St. Paris, Ohio; dau. E. R. and Sarah E. (Buckles) Northcutt; ed. St. Paris and Columibus, Ohio, and Univ. of Neb.; m. Columbus, Ohio, Mar. 14, 1886, Claude L. Tal'bot; one son: Clifton Dale Talbot. Past pres. Rebekah Assem'bly (I.O.O.F.), 1901; State sec. eight years. Favors woman suffrage. Baptist. Republican. Mem. Order Eastern Star, Rebekahs, Maccabees. Mem. South Omaha Woman's Club, Omaha Woman's Club and King's Daug'hters' Soc. TAIBOT, Fannie Spra«rue (Mrs. Robert C.

Talbot), 139 Cherry St., Battle Creek, Mich.

Journalist; b. Bast Leroy, Mich., May 4, 1873: dau. Elliott and Marie H. (Baker) Sprague; ed. district school until 12, then entered Battle Creek public schools; grad. from high school with honors; attended Albion Coll., one year; m. Bat- tle Creek, Mich., June 26, 1898, Robert C. Talbot. Became reporter on Battle Creek Daily Journal, 1895; first person of ber sex to take up newspaper work as a profession in that section of the coun- try. Later was called to be city editor of the Battle Creek News; in Chicago, 1898-1902; con- tributed to Fine Arts Journal; began writing short stories for children, 1903, and has been con- stant contributor to juvenile departments of the Detroit Free Press; recently on contributing staff of Good Plealth; also furnishes special articles for Eastern syndicate. Author: Poems. Favors wo- man suffrage. Mem. Mich. Authors' Ass'n, Mich. Woman's Press Ass'n, Wolverine (Mich.) Press Ass'n; first to hold office of press chairman of Mich. State Fed. of Women's Clubs (still serving). TALBOT, Katharine Streeper (Mrs. Arnold Gln-

drat Talbot), Hearthside, SaylesvlUe, R.F.D.,


Manufacturer of hand-woven fabrics; b. West Chester, Pa., July 3, 1868; dau. Robert Emmet and Rebecca D. (Smith) Monaghan; ed. private

��schools; m. Princeton, N.J., Feb. 6, 1901, Arnold Gindrat Talbot; children: William Rich- mond II, b. Mar. 2, 1902; Frances, b. Feb. 18, 1906. Interested in hand weaving, heraldic illumination. Against woman suffrage. Presby- terian.

TALBOT, Marion, The University of Chicago,

Chicago, 111.

Teacher; b. Thun, S-ivitzerland, July 31, 1858; dau. I. Tisdale and Emily (Fairbanks) Talbot; ed. Boston Univ., A.B., A.M.; Mass. Inst, of Tech- nology, B.S.; Cornell Coll., LL..D. (honorary). Former instructor at Wellesley Coll., now prof, and dean of women at Univ. of Chicago. Alumni trustee of Boston Univ.; sec. and pres. of Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae (now director). Mem. Advisory Com. of Nat. Fed. of Women's Clubs, and of Chicago Woman's City Club. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Am. Historical Ass'n, Am. Chemical Soc, A.A.A.S., Religious Education Ass'n, Am. Sociological Soc, Am. Public Health Ass'n, Labor Legislation Ass'n. Author: House Sanitation; The Education of Women; The Mod- ern Household. Unitarian. Favors woman suf- frage. Mem. Chicago Woman's Club, The Fort- nightly of Chicago, Boston College Club (hon. mem.). Recreations: Walking, boating.

TALBOT, Mary White (Mrs. Arthur Dorrance

Talbot), Wortendyke, N.J.

Author; b. Cambridge, Mass., June 4, 1869; dau. John Eaton and Lucy (Nichols) White; ed. Miss Steers' School, N.Y. City; Rye (N.Y.) Sem. ; Cooper Union Art School; Art Students' League (N.Y. City); m. Bay Ridge, N.Y., June 11, 1904, Arthur Dorrance Talbot. Author: Book of Games; How to Make Baskets; The Child's Rainy Day Book; How to Do Bead Work; How to Make Pottery; More Baskets and How to Make Them. Episcopalian. Mem. N.Y. Guild of Arts and Crafts. TALBOT, MigBon, Mt. Holyoke College, South

Hadley, Mass.

Professor geology; b. Iowa City, la., Aug. 16, 1869; dau. Benjamin and Harriet (Bliss) Talbot; ed. Ohio State Univ., A.B. '92; Yale Univ., Ph.D. '04; studied also at Cornell and Harvard Univs. (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma). Author: Review of Helderbergian Crinoids, 1905; Podokesaurus holyokensis, a new dinosaur from the Triassic of the Connecticut Valley, 1911. Congregationalist. Mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Nat. Geog. Soc, Am. Forestry Ass'n, Paleontological Soc, fellow A.A.A.S. Recreations: Camping, tramp- ing, working on genealogy. TALBOTT, Kent Langhorne (Mrs. DeMovilla

Clay Talbott), care L. A. Langhorne, Lynch- burg, Va.

Bom Lynchburg, Va. ; dau. William H. and Mary (Buckner) Langhorne; ed. by governess at home; m. Petersburg, Va., DeMoville Clay Talbott of Kentucky; one son: W. Langhorne Talbott (student Hampden-Sidney Coll., Va.). Writer of short stories and poems in papers and magazines under various names 15 years: The Death of a Treasury Clerk (under own name in Taylor Trotwood Magazine), and some poems in Savannah News, Birmingham Age-Herald, Au- gusta Chronicle, Washington Herald and Kansas City Star (in own name) on negro question; has also written at intervals against capital punish- ment and for temperance. Episcopalian. Demo- crat. Mem. United Daughters of the Confed- eracy. Recreation: Horseback riding. Visiting mem. Woman's Club (Richmond). TALCOTT, Fanny C. Jones (Mrs. William A.

Talcott), 839 N. Main St.. Rockford, III.

Born Fort Atkinson, Wis., Nov. 2, 1840; dau. Milo and Sally (Crane) Jones; grad. Rockford Coll., June, 1860, later took M.A. ; m. R^kford, 111., Sept. 25, 1862, WUliam A. Talcott; one son: Wait Talcott, b. May 6, 1866. Mem. 111. branch Woman's Board of Missions of the Interior; trus- tee of Rockford Coll. for many years. Congrega- tionalist. Pres. Rockford branch of Needlework Guild of America; mem. Chicago Soc. Colonial Dames of America, Mayflower Descendauts, Rockford Ckapter D.A.R. (State regent 111. Soc D.A.R., 1899-1900); mem. Chicago College Gluh; Woman's Club and Mendelssohn Club (Rockford,


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