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��editorial sec. of the Jewish Publication Sec. of America. Editor of American Jewish Year Book 1904-07. Compiled Index Volume of Eng- lish edition of Griitz's History of the Jews. Translator into English of works relating to Jewish history, legends and ethics. Jeivess; Interested In Zionist movement, especially in relation to women's work In Palestine. Favors woman suffrage.

��TAAITE, Martha Coffin (Mrs. Richard Taaffe),

1133 S. Main St., Carthage, Mo.

Born St. Louis, Mo., Mar. 19, 1868; dau. Tris- tram Clarence and Mary Emma (Degge) Coffin; grad. Carthage High School -honor girl of class), '87; m. 1887, Richard Taaffe; children: William Franklin, b. 1889 (died 1897); George Richard, b. 1891. Favors woman suffrage. In coopera- !ion with one other woman organized the Car- thage Equal Suffrage Ass'n, 1912 (corr. sec.); active worker in the district; advocate of women's rights from childhood. Mem. Christian (Disciples) Church. Mem. Missouri Peace Soc. (greatly interested and has made addresses on subject). Recreations: Camping, fishing, out- door life, sports. Pres. since 1908 Cosmos Club, Carthage, Mo.; State chairman Dep't of Con- servation, Mo. Fed. of Women's Clubs; sec. Seventh Dist. of Mo. Fed.

TABEB, Mrs. Ethel Arnold Bell, Park Rapids,


Teacher; b. Dansville, N.Y.; dau. John Demp- ster and Anna E. (Arnold) Bell; ed. St. Peter's High School; St. Paul Training School for Teachers; grad. Mankato Normal School; widow. Favors woman suffrage. Author of brochure on Dickens. Presbyterian. Mem. D.A.R., Nat. Geographic Soc. Recreation: China painting. Mem. Park Rapids Improvement Club, Park Rapids Euchre Club.

TABEB, Marion Bussell, 348 Lexington Av.,

N.T. City.

Born N.Y. City; dau. John Russell and Anna (Collins) Taber; ed. Brearley School, N.Y. City; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '97. Director prepara- tory trade school; mem. local board, Dist. ,12, 1910-15; manager Letchworth Village, 1909; chair- man Com. to Letchworth Village of State Chari- ties Aid Ass'n; ass't sec. N.Y. City Visiting Com. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Soc. of -Friends; mem. Bryn Mawr Club.

TABEB, Mary Jane Howland (Mrs. Abraham Taber), 21 Lincoln St.. New Bedford, Mass. Born Aurora, N.Y., Aug. 1, 1834; dau. Augus^ tus and Phebe Jane Howiand; ed. Friends School, Providence, R.I., and boarding school in Philadelphia; m. Aurora, N.Y., May 25, 1854, Abraham Taber. Author: The Cathedrals of England; Bells, an Anthology; Just a Few Friends. Does not wish to vote, but believes women should have that right who wish it.

TABOB, Mabel Bogers (Mrs. John Theodore Tabor), 4 3 Summer St., Watertown, Mass. Born Waltham, Mass., July 21, 1866; dau. Charles Wright and Harriet (Britton) Rogers; ed. West Newton, English and classical school; m. Jan. 14, 1892, John Theodore Tabor. Chairman Civil Service Reform Dep't of Mass. State Fed. of Women's Clubs; mem. Civil Service Reform Com. of Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs. Favors woman suffrage. Unitarian. Mem. Lend-a-Hand Alliance of Unitarian Church, Women's Auxiliary of Mass. Civil Servjce Reform Ass'n. Pres. Watertown Woman's Club; mem. Waltham Wo- man's Club, Women's Educational and Industrial Union, Fathers' and Mothers' Club (director); mem. Exec. Com. of Consumers' League.

TAFT, Frances E. Schlosser (Mrs. ,Oren B. Taft),

1449 Dearborn Av., Chicago, 111.

Born Illinois; grad. Rockford (III.) Seminary (now college), 1864; m. Paxton, 111., June 20, 1867, Oren B. Taft; children: Oren Edwin, Ina M., Harry Lee. Resident in Chicago since 1869, and has been active in church and philanthropic In-

��terests. For many yfears treasurer of a club supporting a creche,- and also treas. of the Ladies' Aid Society of the Plymouth Congrega- tional Church of Chicago, of which she is a member. Mem. and has been pres., sec, treas. ,ind director of the Chicago Rockford Ass'n.

TAFT, Grace Ellis, 50 W. Ninety-third St., N.Y.


Writer, anthropologist; b. Auburn, N.Y. ; dau. Charles LIlis and Mary (Hall) Taft; ed. public school and Mrs. Hazen's School at Pelham Manor, N.Y. Mem. Eighteenth Internat. Con- gress of Americanists, Am. Flag Ass'n, Guild of St. Elizabeth, St. Agues' Church. Favors wo- man suffrage; mem. N.Y. State Suffrage Ass'n, Women's Political Union. Writer for Am. An- tiquarian and Magazine of History. Episco- palian. Mem. Am. Anthropological Ass'n, Knick- erbocker Chapter D.A.R. (cor. sec). Daughters of the King, Audubon Soc, Am. Ornithologists' Union. Recreations: Golf, chess, bridge, tennis. Mem. West Side Natural History Club.

TAFT, Helen Herron (Mrs. William Howard

Taft), New Haven, Conn.

Born Cincinnati, Ohio, June 2, 1861; dau. John Williamson and Harriet (Collins) Herron; ed. in private schools in Cincinnati, Ohio; m. Cincin- nati, Ohio, June 19, 1886, William Howard Taft (then assistant county solicitor of Hamilton Co.. afterward becoming the twenty-seventh Presi- dent of the United States); three children. Mis- tress of the White House during presidential term of Mr. Taft, 1909-13; was also honorary chairman of Woman's Welfare Committee of tha National Civic Federation.

TAFT, Mary Hall (Mrs. Charles E. Taft), 50

W. Ninety-third St., N.Y. City.

Born Auburn, N.Y. ; dau. Benjamin Franklin Hall (first chief justice of Colo.) and Abigail Farnham (Hagaman) Hall; ed. public school in Auburn and then in private school, the Young Ladies' Inst., kept by Mortimer Lord Brown; m. Auburn, N.Y., Sept. 29, 1875, Charles Ellis Taft (now deceased); one daughter: Grace Ellis Taft, For several years was one of the board of man- agers of the West End Exchange and Industrial Union; also mem. Auxiliary of the Stony Wold Sanitarium; interested in Pascal Inst., as assoc, mem. and contributor to St. John's (juild. Fa- vors woman suffrage. One of founders and sev- eral years a director the Washington Headquar- ters Ass'n; active in D.A.R., especially in all the patriotic work of Knickerbocker Chapter from the time of Cuban war and Galveston flood to pres- ent; has been rec. sec, second and first vice- regent of chapter; also sec. State Utility Com. D.A.R., and afterward State treas. for five and a half years. Protestant Episcopalian. Republi- can. Mem. West Side Natural History Soc, Holliston (Mass.) Historical Soc.

TAGGABT, Marion Ames, Paradise Valley,

Cres.co Station, Monroe Co., Pa.

Author; b. Haverhill, Mass.; dau. Alfred Gil- christ and Sarah Porter (Ames) Taggart (ol Colonial English descent oxf maternal side; great- grandfather, Ames, a captain in the Bunker Hill fight, and of Scotch pre-Revolutionary descent on paternal side; patronymic originally "MacTag- gart"); ed. at home, privately, by tutors. Passed childhood in Boston, moved to Plainfleld, N.J., and later to N.Y. (iity in early girlhood; built house in Paradise Valley, Pocono Mountains, Pa., 1904; house named The Little Grey House," for story with which its building was contem- poraneous. Author: The Wyndham Girls; Misa Lochinvar; Miss Lochinvar's Return; At Aunt Anna's; Daddy's Daughters; Nut-Brown Joan; The Doctor's Little Girl; Sweet Nancy; Pussy Cat Town; The Little Grey House; Daughters of the Little House; Six Girls and Bob; Six Girls and the Tea Room; Six Girls Growing Older; Six Girls and the Seventh One; Betty Gaston, the Seventh Girl; Six Girls and Betty; Nancy, the Doctor's Little Partner; Nancy Porter's Op- portunity; Six Girls Grown Up; writer of short stories for magazines, specialty being stories for young girls. Recreations; Driving and gar- dening.


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