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��woman suffrage. First pres. Madison branch Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnas. Recreations: Mo- toring, sailing. Mem. Madison Woman's Club. SWERINGEN, Grace Fleining: van, the Uni- versity of Colorado, Boulder, Colo. Professor Germanic languages in Univ. of Colo.; b. Fetterman, W.Va. ; dau. Lee and Eliza- beth (Fleming) van Sweringen; ed. Cornell Univ., B.L. '93; Univ. of Berlin, A.M., Ph.D. '04 (Kappa Kappa Gamma). Author: Die Englische Schrift- sprache bei Coverdale, Berlin, 1904; Women in the Germanic Hero-Sagas (Journal of Germanic Philology), 1909; The Boy in the Germanic Hero- Sagas (University of Colo, studies). Mem. Mod- ern Ijanguage Ass'n of America, the Concordance Soc. (U.S.A.), Samfund til Udgivelse af Gammel Nordisk Litteratur, Copenhagen, Denmark. Fa- vors woman suffrage.

SWETT, Caroline Patton, 345 W. Seventieth St.,

N.T. City.

Teacher; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '95; student of cryptogamic botany, Lowell Teachers' Course, Massachusetts Inst, of Technology, Boston, 1900-01; student of French, Radclifie Coll. Teacher of biology, Medford (Mass.) High School, 1898-1903; Bryant High School, N.Y. City, since 1903.

SWETT, Mary Nye (Mrs. Harry Preble Swett),

23 Beech St., Franklin, N.H.

Teacher; b. Ellington, N.Y., Apr. 16, 1870; dau. Harvey and Ophelia (Leet) Nye; grad. James- town High School, '91; School of Expression, Boston, '83; m. Buffalo, N.Y., July 23, 1901, Harry Preble Swett; children: Catharine, Bar- bara, Elizabeth. Taught in Chamberlain Inst., Randolph, N.Y. ; Buffalo State Normal School, 1894-1901. Pres. Franklin Woman's Club, 1911-13. Congregationalist.

SWITT, Claire Coburn (Mrs. Edgar James Swift), 5560 Gates Av., St. Louis, Mo. (tem- porary) ; Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. (permanent).

Bom Worcester, Mass., Apr. 2, 1876; dau. Jesse Johnson and Anna C. (Perry) Coburn; ed. Worcester Classical High School, Wellesley (i!oll., B.A. '99; m. Worces-ter, Mass., Dec. 22, 1906, Edgar James Swift. Mem. Board of Governors of Consumers' League of Mo. ; a section pres. of the Needlework Guild of America. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Mo. Equal Suffrage League. Author: Our Little Swedish Cousin (The Little Cousin Series). Mem. Wednesday Club, St. Louis College Club. Was a newspaper and magazine writer during years 1899-1906.

SWIFT, Louise Russell Smith (Mrs. H. R.

Swift), Corcoran Manor, Mt. Vernon, N.Y.

Physician; b. Mt. Vernon, N.Y., Apr. 12, 1866; dau. Rev. Isaac Edward and Mary Emma (Fru- man) Smith; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '87, A.M. '89; Women's Med. Coll. of N.Y. Infirmary, M.D. '92; m. Mt. Vernon, N.Y., Dec. 25, 1905, H. R. Swift; children: Louise F. and Fruman Swift. Against woman suffrage. Mem. Phi Beta Kappa Soc.

SWIFT, Marie Fitzgerald (Mrs. Gustavus F.

Swift), 2904 Prairie Av., Chicago, 111.

Born Chicago; dau. Richard and Gertrude (Newcomer) Fitzgerald; ed. Kenwood Inst., Chi- cago; m. June, 1907, Gustavus F. Swift Jr.; one daughter: Geraldine.

SWILER, Martha A. (Mrs. W. A. Swiler), 515

Husband St., Stillwater, Okla.

Born York, Pa. ; dau. Stephen and Margaret (Hornberger) Thorton; ed. public schools, Val- paraiso, Ind.; m. Chicago, 111., Aug., 1883, W. A. Swiler. Pres. for four years of an organized charitable society. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Charter mem. of Browning Club (sec. three years; pres. since 1911).

SWINEY, Florence Van Patten (Mrs. Thomas Olphert Swiney), 1300 Ripley St., Davenport, Iowa.

Born Davenport, Iowa, Oct. 13, 1860; dau. John P. and Dorothy (Hartzell) Van Patten; ed. by private teachers and in Mme. Bates' School, Chi- cago; m. June 6, 1883, Thomas Olphert Swiney; children: Elizabeth. Thomas Hazlitt. John Van

��Patten. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. and historian D.A.R'. Recreations: Ama- teur singer, parliamentary law. Pres. Tuesday Club; pres Parliamentary Law Club; sec. Har- monie Chorus; director Trinity Cathedral Choir.

SWOPE, Belle McKinney Hays (Mrs. Gilbert E,

Swope), Newville, Fa.

Genealogist; b. Newville, Pa., Oct. 12, 1867; dau. John Sharpe and Jane Eleanor (McFarland) Hays; ed. in Newville schools; m. Newville, Sept. 24, 1890, Gilbert E. Swope. Author: History of McKinney, Brady, Quigley Families; His- tory of Middle Spring Presbyterian Church. Presbyterian. Mem. D.A.R., Pa. Tuberculosis Board, Woman's Club of Newville, Cumberland Valley Civic League. SWORMSTEDT, Mabel Godfrey (Mrs. Lyman

Bucker Swormstedt), 2 Thomas Circle, Wash- ington, D.C.

Born Milford, Mass., Oct. 27, 1869; dau. Charles Boker and Cora Anna (Chapin) Godfrey; ed. Milford High School, Wellesley Coll., A.B. '90 (mem. Phi Sigma); m. Milford, Mass., Oct. 4, 1893, Dr. Lyman Bucker Swormstedt; one daughter: Helen Lee, b. Nov. 10, 1895. Mem. and ex-officer Ladies' Aid Ass'n of Nat. Homoeopathio Hospital. Favors woman suffrage. Universalist. Mem. and ex-officer Nat. Soc. D.A.R. ; mem, Ass'n of Collegiate AlumnES, Wellesley Alumnsa Ass'n, College E)qual Suffrage Ass'n. Recrea- tions: Golf, whist, auction bridge. Mem. Twen- tieth Century Club, College Women's Club, Washington Wellesley Club, Yarborough Whist Club. SYDENSTRICKER, Lucy Alma Willis (Mrs. H.

M. Sydenstrlcker), West Point, Miss.

Born in Montgomery Co., Mo.; dau. Virgil Al- exander Willis (M.D.) and Lucy J. (Phillips) Wil- lis; ed. Montgomery (Mo.) Coll., A.B.; Woostei Univ., A.M., Ph.D., '95; student of Hebrew Lan- guage in Am. Inst, of Sacred Literature (Will- iam Rainey Harper, principal), 1893; m. Mont- gomery, Mo., Rev. H. M. Sydenstrlcker, Ph.D.; children: Virgil Preston, Vivian Alexander Dab- ney. Interested in Mothers' Congress, United Daughters of the Confederacy, D.A.R., W.C.T.U. Has written numerous articles for church papers and magazines; a thesis on The Power of Ex- pression, 1895; a prize essay on The Ante-Bellum Woman of the South, which won first prize in State United Daughters of Confederacy, also in State Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1912; poems enti- tled, Arlington and Shiloh; a sketch of the Life of Alexander Stephens, and a prize story: For Others. Presbyterian. State pres. Woman's Synodical Missionary Soc, Union Synod of Mis- sissippi; mem. Woman's Council and Woman's Auxiliary of Presbyterian Church; local pres. W.C.T.U.; vice-pres. New Century Club, West Point; State chairman of Com. on Marking His- toric Spots; pres. Music Club of West Point; vice-chairman Art Com. in State Fed. of Women's Clubs. SYVRET, Clara JIaud, Wilson College, Cham-

bersburg. Pa.

Teacher; b. Roxton Pond, Canada; dau. Jean and Mary S. (Jenne) Syvret; ed. public schools of Worcester, Mt. Holyoke Coll., A.B. '98; Univ. of Paris, 1909-10; summer sessions, Cornell, 1904; Columbia, 1908-12 (mem. Xi Phi Delta). Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Recreation: Walking. Mem. Chambersburg Afternoon Club.

8ZECHENYI, Countess L. (Gladys Moore Van- derbilt), "Ormezo," Zemplin m., Hungary. Born in New York, 1886; dau. Cornelius and Alice (Gwynne) Vanderbilt; great-granddaugh- ter of Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt; pri- vately educated; m. N.Y. City, Jan. 27, 1908, Count Lazlo Szechenyi, of the Hungarian nobil- ity; children: Cornelia, b. Oct. 27, 1908; Alice, b. Aug., 1911. Since marriage resident of Hungary, and interested in various philanthropies in that country.

SZOLD, Henrietta, 528 W. 123d St., N.Y. City. Editor; b. Baltimore, Md., Dec. 21, 1860; dau. Benjamin and Sophia (.^chaar) Szold; grad. Bal- timore High School, class of '77. Taught in pri- vate schools in Baltimore until 1893; since then


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