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��SWEENEY, Ella Louise, 272 Benefit St., Provi- dence, R.I.

Ass't sup't of schools; b. Providence, R.I., Nov. 10, 1872; dau. William and Sophia Western (Evans) Sweeney; ed. Providence high schools, student Chicago Univ., Brown Univ., Univ. of Wis. and Clark Univ. Critic teacher in Provi- dence Training School, primary supei^isor, ass't sup't of schools since 1900; instructor Univ. of Tenn. Summer School and summer school of Univ. of Va, Interested in various social and philanthropic agencies. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian,

SWEENEY, Loretta Crissman (Mrs. WiUard N. Sweeney), 316 N. Butler St., Lansing, Mich. Born Romeo, Mich., Feb. 1, 1868; dau. Michael Hetgel and Margaret (Kern) Crissman; grad. Romeo (Mich.) High School, '8«; Univ. of Mich., Ph.B. '9>0; special teacher's diploma; m. Romeo, Mich., Nov. 14, 1894, Willard N. Sweeney; chil- dren: Ralph C, Dorothy Alice, Loretta, Willard G. Taught in the Bay City High School for four years. Vice-pres. of Missionary Soc. Presiby- terian. ,Favors woman suffrage.

SWEENEY, Mary Agmes, 18 3 Main St., Nashua,

N.H. I

Physician; b. Nashua, N.H., Nov. 30, 1883; dau. William and Ellen (Kelly) Sweeney; ed. Nashua High School, Sacred Heart Acad., Tufts Coll. Med. School, M.D. (cum laude) '06. Vice-pres. Nashua Med. Soc; mem. Hillsboro (3o. Med. Soc, N.H. Med. Soc, Am. Med. Ass'n. Catholic. Mem. Catholic Charity Club, Ladies' Auxiliary Ancient Order of Hibernians, Alpha Delta at college. On hospital staff of Nashua Emergency Hospital, St. Joseph Hospital (mem. Training School Com.), Nashua Hospital Ass'n.

SWEENEY, Mildred McNeal (Mrs. Peter M.

Sweeney), 151 Garden St., Lawrence, Mass.

Writer; b. Burnett, Wis., Aug. 30, 1871; dau. William and Jane (Hall) McNeal; ed. Wayland Acad., Beaver Dam, Wis.; Lawrence Univ., Ap- pleton, Wis., A.B. '99; m. N.Y. City, 1903, Peter M. Sweeney. Author (poems): When Yesterday Was Young, 1906, 1909; Men of No Land; also articles on travel, poems, etc., in various publi- cations.

SWEENEY, Sarah Clokey, 729 Aiken Av., E.E.,

Pittsburgh, Pa.

Born Washington, Pa., 1835; dau. Sample Sweeney (merchant) and Phebe (Lawrence) Sweeney; Scotch-Irish descent; ed. Washington Female Sem. Teacher of art; miscellaneous writer. Interested in welfare of working girls; mem. and past officer in Home for Epileptics and Sunshine Home tor Children. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Anthony Memorial Club (suf- frage), of which her sister, Miss Katherine Sweeney, is pres. Author: Scraps in Millinery (book); also contributor to papers and maga- zines. Reared Presbyterian, now non-sectarian. Republican. Mem. Washington Female Sem. Club, New Era Woman's Club, Current Events Class, Outlook Alliance (Matocka Chapter).

SWEENY, Madeline G., 5733 Holden St., Pitts- burgh, Pa.

Born Pittsburgh, Nov. 25, 1890; dau. Dr. Gilli- ford B. and Emma (Whiting) Sweeny; grad. Thurston Preparatory School, Pittsburgh, 'OS, with highest honors; Vassar Coll., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa), '12. Interested in Methodism and all forms of philosophic thought expressed in literary and scientific form; while in college was pres. French Club; mem. com. on presentation cf Shakespeare Play, 1911. Against woman suffrage. Lyric poems have appeared at various times In Pittsburgh Bulletin; Christmas poems for private circulation; also private circulation of poem: The World Soul. Episcopalian. Recreations: Tennis, mountain tramping, music, sewing, bas- ket ball.

SWEENY', Sarah Catherine, 21 MacDougal

Alley. N.Y. City.

Portrait painter; b. Nashville, Tenn., 1876; dau. John William and Sarah Catherine (Johnston)

��Sweeny; ed. Nashville public schools; Howard Coll., Gallatin, Tenn. (grad. with honors); Cooper Union, Art Students' League. New York School of Art and a pupil of W. M. Chase and other well-known artists. Exhibits in public and pro- fessional exhibitions. Identified with various religious, social and philanthropic club activities. Episcopalian.

SWEET, Ada Celeste, 1016 Dearborn Av., Chi- cago, III.

Writer, business woman; b. Stockbridge, Wis., Feb. 23, 1853; dau. Gen. Benjamin Jeffery and Lovisa (Denslow) Sweet; ed. in schools of Wis- consin and Chicago. Her father became U.S. Pension Agent at Chicago and she entered his office and learned the business. Upon his .death in 1874 she was appointed to succeed him, being the first woman ever to be appointed as a dis- bursing officer of the U.S. Government; served until Sept. 1, 1S85; conducted a U.S. Claims Office in Chicago, 1888-1905; manager of Woman's Dep't of Equitable Life Assurance Society of the U.S. in Chicago since 1911. Was literary editor Chi- cago Tribune, 1886-88; editorial writer Chicago Journal, 1905; contributor to newspapers and magazines. Interested in philanthropic and re- form work; gave first city ambulance and organ- ized First Aid for the Injured in the Chicago Police Department, 1891-92, and has been active in many movements tor the city's welfare. Ex- pres. and honorary life mem. Woman's Club ol Chicago.

SWEET, Anna Giffin (Mrs. Waldo Sweet), Fond du Lac, Wis.

Born Philadelphia, N.Y., May 4, 1863; dau. Nathan 0. and Jane C. (Eddye) Giffin; ed. high school and one year at Lawrence Univ. ; m. Fond du Lac, Wis., Dec U, 1884, Waldo Sweet; chil- dren: Barbara, Nathan C, Ben F., Olive, Eliza- beth Albro. Mem. of Political Equality League of Fond du Lac. Mem. M.E. Church. Pro- gressive. Mem. D.A.R., Fond du Lac Woman's Club.

SWEET, Margruerite, 250 W. 72d St., N.Y. City,

School principal; b. Stephentown, N.Y.; ed.

Vassar Coll., A.B. '87; Bryn Mawr Coll., graduate

student in Teutonic philology and English, 1889-

90, graduate scholar in Teutonic philology, 1890-

91, fellow in English, 1891-92, Ph.D. '92. Instruc- tor in English, Vassar Coll., 1892-97; prof. Eng- lish literature, Mt. Holyoke Coll., 1897-99; teacher of English in the Misses Ely's School, N.Y. City, 1899-1903; principal of the Hawthorne School, N.Y. City, since 1906. Author: The Third Class ol Weak Verbs in Primitive Teutonic, with Special Reference to its Development in Anglo-Saxon, 1893 (thesis for Ph.D.).

SWEETSER, Kate Dickenson, East Orange, N.J, Author; b. N.Y. City; dau. Charles H. and Mary N. Sweetser; ed. private schools. Writer of nine books for use in schools, magazine stories, and writer of book reviews. Worker and vice-pres. Girls' Club of the Oranges. Favor:i woman suffrage. Author: Ten Boys from Dickens; Ten Girls from Dickens; Boys and Girls from Thackeray, Boys and Girls from George Eliot; Ten Boys from History; Ten Girls from History; Micky of the Alley; Teddy Baird'a Luck; Book of Indian Braves, 1913. Contributor to several magazines. Mem. Monday Music Club and Scribblers' Club (Orange, N.J.); associata mem. Authors Club, N.Y. City; mem. Authors' League of America. Her father was editor of the Mail and Express, newspaper in N.Y. City, and of the Round Table, and her great-grand- father was one of the founders of Amherst College, Amherst, Mass.

SWENSON, Annie Dlnsdale (Mrs. Magnus Swen- son). 530 Pickney St., Madison, Wis. Born Linden, Wis.; dau. Matthew and Mary (Mann) Dlnsdale; grad. Univ. of Wis., B.L. '80; M.L. '95; m. Madison, Wis., Feb. 7, 1882, Magnus Swenson; children: Mary Woddington, Edith Dinsdale, Alice Mann, Helene Katrlna. Mem. of Board of Directors of Associated Charities, Board of Directprs of Woman's Building Ass'n. Favors


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