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��study of forestry and conservation in schools of Maine; diairman transportation, Fresh Air Soc. (a thousand or more poor women and children have free boat and car rides and tree outings in the country every summer.) Favors woman suf- frage. President of Woman's Nat. Rivers and Harbors Congress; chaiter mem. Josse'yn Bo- tanical Soc. of Maine; one of the incorporators of Opportunity Farm Asc'n, for the training of boys. Mem. Universal Brotherhood and Theo- sophlcal Soc, Internat. Am. Woman's League, Internat. School Garden League. B.cnreation: Horseback riding. Mem. Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs, Maine State Fed. "of Women's Clubs, Conklin Class (parliamentary). Civic Club, Wo- man's Literary Union, also Shattuck Nature Study and Art Clubs.

STRITSE, Anna Clegg, Cornell Heights, Ithaca,


Artist and instructor in Cornell Univ.; b. Phil- adelphia Pa., Feb. 14, 1884; dau. William R. and Susan (Hunter) Stryke; ed. Philadelphia High School, Normal School, Cornell Univ., A.B. '08 (Kappa Kappa Gamma, Sigma Xi). Ass't in en- tomology, Cornell Univ., 1908-12; instructor since 1912. Illustrated, with several hundred illustra- tions. The Spider Book, by J. H. Comstock; also many illustrations and decorations for Hand- book of Nature Study; illustrator for many scientific journals, bulletins and other publica- tions. Mem. Campus Club, Ithaca Fed. Presby- terian.

STUABT. Mrs. Alexander Hamilton — See Bon- stelle, Jessie.

STUART, Josie Wanou8 (Mrs. H. A. Stuart), 3321 Third Av., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Druggist and manufacturer; b. Glencoe, Minn., June 21, 1870; dau. Frank and Fannie (Chestek) Wanous; ed. Stevens Sem. in Glencoe, Coll. of Pharmacy in Minneapolis, Ph.G. ; m. Minneapo- lis, June 29, 1909, H. A. Stuart; one son: Gordon Wanous, b. May 15, 1911. Elected 2nd vice-pres. Am. Pharmaceutical Ass'n at Baltimore, 1898; ex-vice-pres. State Pharmaceutical Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Woman's Welfare League.

STUABT, Mary Allan, 237 Fifth Av., N.Y. City. Author; b. New Hav&n, Conn.; dau. Capt. Rob- ert and Henrietta (MacCloy) Stuart; lineal de- scendant of Koyal House of Stuart and also of Lord Simon da Montfort; ed. Hillhouse High School, New Haven; special co»rses of English literature. Biblical literature, Latin and Greek In Yale Univ. Reporter on various New Haven and N.Y. papers; literary editor of The Crusader. At one time active in Christian Endeavor work; mem. Y.P.S.C.E.; mem. United Church, New Haven; engaged in special series of investiga- tions concerning conditions of working women in large cities, 1905-07; nat. treas. Christian Socialist League of America and mem. Nat. E.xec. Board; treas. N.Y. Fellowship; director of Lec- ture Bureau of Intercollegiate Socialist Soc. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Author: Originality in Humor; Reformation of Peggy Paydie; The Long Pack; The Derelict; The Land of Promise; The Gentle Art; Lee Wah's Repentance; After the Game; Three Days of Simpson; An Alluring Dream of Universal Brotherhood. Stories have been translated into Dutch and published in The Netherlands. Congregationalist. Socialist. Mem. Intercollegiate Socialist Soc, Collectivist Soc, Christian Socialist League of America, Am. Peace Soc. Recreations: Sailing, swimming, housekeep- ing, golf. Clubs: Tuesday Night, Liberal.

STUABT, Ruth McEnery (Mrs. Alfred Oden Stuart), care Century Co., Union Square, N.Y. City.'

Writer of fiction and verse; b. in Louisiana; daii. James and Mary Routh (Stirling) McEnery; ed. New Orleans; m. Aug. 5, 1879, Alfred Oden Stuart; one son: Stirling McEnery Stuart (de- ceased). Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Equal Franchise League. Author: A Golden Wedding and Other Stories; Carlotta's Intended and Other Btorics; In SimpkinsviUe; The Story of Babette; Moriah's Mourning and Other Stories; The Sec- ond Wooing of Sallna-Sue; Solomon Crow's Christmas Pockets; Sonny; Napoleon Jackson,

��the Gentlemen of the Plush Rocker; The River's Children; Aunt Amity's Silver Wedding; Sonny's Father; The Haunted Photosraph; George Wash- ington Jonas, the Story of a Christmas Oift that Went A-Begglng; Holly and Pi^en, etc. Presby- terian by inheritance. Recreaticna: S'.i'.jying mycology, collecting aboriginal baskets. Clubs: Barnard, Women's Cosmopolitan, V/ednesday Afternoon (N.Y. City), Onteora (summer colony). Reads her works l)efore clubs, etc.; distinguished for her perfect interpretation of the life, humor and dialect of the South, both whites and negroes.

STUCKJEBT, Mand Esther Bice (Mrs. William R. Stuckert), Newtown, Bucks Co., Pa. Born Newtown, Pa.; dau. Harriaon and Abbie K. (Blaker) Rice; ed. Newtown High School; George School, Pa., and Swarthmore Coll., A.B. (Pi BeU Phi); m. Newtown, Pa., Nov. 18, 1908, Williajn R. Stuckert. Taught two years, one as principal of small Friends school; one as ass't of a high school. Interested in many activities connected vath the Religious Soc. of Friends; with the Loyal Temperance Legion, W.C.T.U., and settlement work. Favors woman suff^•^ge; cor. sec Bucks Co. Equal Suffrage Ass'n. Elected mem. Phi Beta Kappa at Swarthmore Coll., '03. Recreations: Tennis, motoring.

STUMBEBG, Nannie Coleman (Mrs. Charles Henry Stumberg), 623 Lafayette St., Baton Rouge, La.

Born Columbia, Mo., Apr. 15, 1870; dau. R. L. and Nannie Smith (Powell) Coleman; ed. Mo. State Univ., A.B., L.B., Pe.B.; grad. work. A.M.; received Stephens medal, value $50, for oratory at graduation; mem. six years of Coll. Literary Soc, Philalethean; m. Columbia, Mo., Jan. 22, 1895, Charles Henry Stumberg; children: William Coleman (died 1897), Martha Helene, Marion, John Henry, Harriet, Josephine, Nannie Powell. Teacher four years before marriage; taught in Missouri, Montana and Kansas. Organizer of Baton Rouge Civic Ass'n (paves the way for social betterment and public improve- ment). Was pres. of Philistoria Club of Baton Rouge, 1907-08. Baptist.

STUMP, Mary Fernandez de Velasco (Mrs. Her- man Stump), Bel Air, Harford Co., Md. Bom Cold Spring, I*utnam Co., N.Y., Dec. 23, 18K; dau. Rafael and Sarah J. (Haldane) Fer- nandez de Velasco; ed. Poughkeepsie, N.Y.; CotUge Hill Sem. and Poughkeepsie Female Collegiate Inst.; m. N.Y. City, June 3, 1903, Hon. Herman Stump of Bel Air, Md. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Md. State and Putnam Co. (N.Y.) suffrage organizations, and Women's Political Union, N.Y. City. Mem. Reformed Dutch Church. Mem. N.Y. City Chapter D.A.R.. Nat. Geographic Soc, Md. Research Soc, Putnam Co. (N.Y.) Historical So<-., N.Y. State Historical Soc, Arundell Club (Baltimore), Bel Air Country Club; sec. Bel Air Civic Club; mem. Harford County Boat Club. On maternal side, thrisugh the Haldanes, traces lineage back to William the Conqueror, and on paternal side to Admiral de Velasco, who for bravery was made Duke of Frias by Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain. STUBDEVANT, Austa Densmore (Mrs. J. W. Sturdevant), Cragsmoor, N.Y. Painter; b. Blooming Valley, Pa.; dau. Amos and Frisoilla (Campton) Densmore; ed. Metro- politan Art School and Art League of N.Y. and in Paris; honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1895 (Kappa Alpha Theta); m. Philadelphia. Pa., Dec, 1878, J. W. Sturdevant; children: Eloise, Wini- fred. Favors woman suffrage. STUBGES, Mary Mathews, Frenchb'oro, Me.

Student; b. Chicago, 111., 1869; dau. Chas. M. and Ella (Delafield) Sturges; ed. Mich. Univ., B.S. (in biology-), '93; Univ. of Chicago, M.S. (zoology), '96; further research work at Chicago Univ., 1896-98 (zoology). Studied family his- tories in cancer for Columbia Univ.; delin- quency (State Home for Girls, Trenton, N.J.); consanguineous marriages for Eugenic Record Office; research reading for Columbia Univ. (biology). Congregationalist. Favors woman suffrage.


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